Hercules/Herakles (Divine protector of mankind)
“Unbelievable! Watch Hercules, the Superhuman Demigod, Conquer Monsters and Save the World!”

- Alias: The Lion of Zeus
- Gender: Male
- Race: Demigod (Son of Zeus and Alcmena)
- Occupation: Legendary Hero, Monster Slayer, and Demigod
- Religion: Devoted worshiper of the Hellenic Pantheon
- Allies: Zeus, Athena, Iolaus (his nephew and loyal companion), the Argonauts, and other mortal and divine heroes.
- Enemies: Hades, Hera (who often caused him troubles), Nemean Lion, Hydra, Cerberus, and various other mythical creatures.
- Abode/Base of Operations: Though he was a wandering hero, his lineage tied him to Thebes, and later he ascended to Mount Olympus as a god.
- Nationality: Greek (born in Thebes)
- Languages: Ancient Greek, able to understand the languages of various creatures he encountered.
- Alignment: Chaotic good, with a touch of unpredictability due to his divine heritage.
- Affiliation(s): The Olympian Pantheon, Heroic companions, and the city-states he aided during his Labors and adventures.
- Significant Others: Megara (his first wife, though tragic events occurred), and later he became the lover of Hebe, the goddess of youth, whom he married after achieving godhood. Consorts – Megara, Omphale, Deianira, Hebe, Children Alexiares and Anicetus, Telephus, Hyllus, Tlepolemus
The son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene, Herakles is strength personified a champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters. By conquering dangerous archaic forces he is said to “make the world safer for mankind” and to be its benefactor.While still an infant, he strangled two huge snakes with his bare hands. Zeus’ wife, Hera, was jealous of the affair that begot Heracles, and she is always conspiring to bring him harm. is a fearless adventurer whose many escapades are the stuff of legend. A robust, cheerful man, he has an appetite for food and women that almost equals that of his divine father.
Although he visits Olympus from time to time, and has been known to aid the gods in their struggles, Heracles spends most of his time in the world of men. He is a stout man with a long beard, usually wearing a lion’s skin for clothing.
Extraordinary strength, courage, ingenuity, and sexual prowess with both males and females were among his characteristic attributes. Although he was not as clever as the likes of Odysseus or Nestor, Heracles used his wits on several occasions when his strength did not suffice, such as when laboring for King Augeias, wrestling the giant Antaeus, or tricking Atlas into taking the sky back onto his shoulders. Together with Hermes he was the patron and protector of gymnasia and palaestrae. His iconographic attributes are the lion skin and the club.
Heracles was both hero and god; at the same festival sacrifice was made to him, first as a hero,with a chthonic libation, and then as a god, upon an altar: thus he embodies the closest Greek approach to a “demi-god”.
Cult of Heracles
The Greeks celebrate the festival of the Herakleia, which commemorated the death of Heracles, on the second day of the month of Metageitnion (which would fall in late July or early August). What is believed to be an Egyptian Temple of Heracles in the Bahariya Oasis dates to 21 BC.
Myths of Heracles
Birth and childhood

A major factor in the well-known tragedies surrounding Heracles is the hatred that the goddess Hera. A full account of Heracles must render it clear why Heracles was so tormented by Hera, when there are many illegitimate offspring sired by Zeus. Heracles was the fruit of the affair Zeus had with the mortal woman Alcmene.
Zeus made love to her after disguising himself as her husband, Amphitryon, home early from war (Amphitryon did return later the same night, and Alcmene became pregnant with his son at the same time, a case of superfecundation, where a woman carries twins sired by different fathers). Thus, Heracles’s very existence proved at least one of Zeus’s many illicit affairs, and Hera often conspired against Zeus’s mortal offspring, as revenge for her husband’s infidelities.
On the night the twins sharing the same mother were to be born, Hera, knowing of her husband Zeus’s adultery, persuaded Zeus to swear an oath that the child born that night to a member of the House of Perseus would be High King. Once the oath was sworn, Hera hurried to Alcmene’s dwelling and slowed the birth causing another boy Eurystheus to be born prematurely, making him High King in place of Heracles.
One of the boys, Iphicles, was Amphitryon’s son and a mortal, while the other was the demi-god Heracles. He was named Heracles in an unsuccessful attempt to mollify Hera. A few months after he was born, Hera sent two serpents to kill him as he lay in his cot. Heracles throttled a snake in each hand and was found by his nurse playing with their limp bodies as if they were child’s toys.
After killing his music tutor with a lyre, he was sent to tend cattle on a mountain by his foster father Amphitryon. Here, he was visited by two nymphs – Pleasure and Virtue – who offered him a choice between a pleasant and easy life or a severe but glorious life. He chose the latter. One of Heracles’s challenges was put to him by King Thespius of Thespia who wished him to kill the Lion of Cithaeron. As a reward, the king offered him the chance to impregnate each of his 50 daughters. Accordingly, Heracles did this in one night (sometimes referred to as his 13th Labour).
Later in Thebes, Heracles married King Creon’s daughter, Megara.
Twelve Labors

In a fit of madness induced by Hera, Heracles slew his own and his brother’s children. To expiate the crime, Heracles was required to carry out ten labors set by his arch-enemy, Eurystheus, who had become king in Heracles’ place. Heracles accomplished these tasks, but Hera ordered Eurystheus to give two more tasks to Heracles, which he then carried out
- The Nemeian Lion .
- The Hydra of Lernaean.
- The Ceryneian Hind.
- The Erymanthian Boar.
- The Augean Stables.
- The Stymphalian Birds.
- The Cretan Bull .
- The Mares of Diomedes.
- The Girdle of Hippolyte.
- The Cattle of Geryon.
- The Apples of the Hesperides.
- The Capture of Cerberus, the guardian dog of Hades.
Further adventures
After completing these tasks, Heracles joined the Argonauts in the Search of the Golden Fleece. They rescued heroines, conquered Troy, and helped the gods fight against
the Gigantes. He also fell in love with Princess Iole of Oechalia. Heracles’ advances were spurned by the king and his sons, except for one – Iole’s brother Iphitus. Iphitus became Heracles best friend. But once again, Hera drove Heracles mad and he threw Iphitus over the city wall to his death. Once again, Heracles purified himself through servitude – this time to Queen Omphale of Lydia.
Omphale was a queen or princess of Lydia. As penalty for a murder, Heracles was her slave. He was forced to do women’s work and wear women’s clothes, while she wore the skin of the Nemean Lion and carried his olive-wood club. After some time, Omphale freed Heracles and married him. Some sources mention a son born to them who is
variously named. It was at that time that the cercopes, mischievous wood spirits, stole Heracles’ weapons. He punished them by tying them to a stick with their faces pointing downward.
While walking through the wilderness, Heracles was set upon by the Dryopians. He killed their king, Theiodamas, and the others gave up and offered him Prince Hylas. He took the youth on as his weapons bearer and beloved. Years later, Heracles and Hylas joined the crew of the Argo. As Argonauts, they only participated in part of the journey. In Mysia, Hylas was kidnapped by a nymph. Heracles, heartbroken, searched for a long time but Hylas had fallen in love with the nymphs and never showed up again. The ship set sail without them.
King Eurytus of Oechalia promised his daughter, Iole, to whoever could beat his sons in an archery contest. Heracles won but Eurytus abandoned his promise. Heracles killed him and his sons excluding Iphitus and abducted Iole.
Laomedon of Troy
Before the Trojan War, Poseidon sent a sea monster to attack Troy. Laomedon planned on sacrificing his daughter Hesione to Poseidon in the hope of appeasing him. Heracles happened to arrive (along with Telamon and Oicles) and agreed to kill the monster if Laomedon would give him the horses received from Zeus as compensation for Zeus’ kidnapping Ganymede. Laomedon agreed. Heracles killed the monster, but Laomedon went back on his word. Heracles and his followers attacked Troy and sacked it. Then they slew all Laomedon’s sons present there save Podarces, who saved his own life by giving Heracles a golden veil Hesione had made. Telamon took Hesione as a war prize; they were married and had a son, Teucer.
Other adventures
- Heracles defeated the Bebryces (ruled by King Mygdon) and gave their land to Prince Lycus of Mysia, son of Dascylus.
- He killed the robber Termerus.
- Heracles visited Evander with Antor, who then stayed in Italy.
- Heracles killed King Amyntor of the Dolopes for not allowing him into his kingdom. He also killed King Emathion of Arabia.
- Heracles killed Lityerses after beating him in a contest of harvesting.
- Heracles killed Poriclymenus at Pylos.
- Heracles founded the city Tarentum in Italy.
- Heracles learned music from Linus (and Eumolpus), but killed him after Linus corrected his mistakes. He learned how to wrestle from Autolycus. He killed the famous boxer Eryx of Sicily in a match.
- Heracles was an Argonaut. He killed Alastor and his brothers.
- When Hippocoon overthrew his brother, Tyndareus, as King of Sparta, Heracles reinstated the rightful ruler and killed Hippocoon and his sons.
- Heracles slew the giants Cycnus, Porphyrion and Mimas. The expedition against Cycnus, in which Iolaus accompanied Heracles.
- Heracles went to war with Augeias after he denied him a promised reward for clearing his stables. Augeias remained undefeated due to the skill of his two generals, the Molionides, and after Heracles fell ill, his army was badly beaten. Later, however, he was able to ambush and kill the Molionides, and thus march into Elis, sack it, and kill Augeias and his sons.
- Heracles visited the house of Admetus on the day Admetus’ wife, Alcestis, had agreed to die in his place. By hiding beside the grave of Alcestis, Heracles was able to surprise Death when he came to collect her, and by squeezing him tight until he relented, was able to persuade Death to return Alcestis to her husband.
Marriage, liaisons and death
Heracles had numerous liaisons with women. Some of these were linked with later dynasties which claimed descent from his offspring, collectively referred to as the Heracleidae.
Heracles’ women

During the course of his life, Heracles married four times. His first marriage was to Megara, whose three children he murdered in a fit of madness and whom he later
gave in marriage to his beloved Iolaus, because the sight of her was too painful. His second wife was Omphale, the Lydian queen to whom he was delivered as a slave.
His third marriage was to Deianira, for whom he had to fight the river god Achelous. (Upon Achelous’ death, Heracles removed one of his horns and gave it to some nymphs who turned it into the cornucopia.) Soon after they wed, Heracles and Deianira had to cross a river, and a centaur named Nessus offered to help Deianira across but then attempted to rape her.
Enraged, Heracles shot the centaur from the opposite shore with a poisoned arrow (tipped with the Lernaean Hydra’s blood) and killed him. As he lay dying, Nessus plotted revenge and told Deianira to gather up his blood and spilled semen and, if she ever wanted to prevent Heracles from having affairs with other women, she should apply them to his vestments. Nessus knew that his blood had become tainted by the poisonous blood of the Hydra, and would burn through the skin of anyone it touched.
Later, when Deianira suspected that Heracles was fond of Iole, she soaked a shirt of his in the mixture. Heracles’ servant, Lichas, brought him the shirt and he put it on. Instantly he was in agony, the cloth burning into him. As he tried to remove it, the flesh ripped from his bones. Heracles chose a voluntary death, asking that a pyre be built for him to end his suffering. After death the gods transformed him into an immortal, or alternatively, the fire burned away the mortal part of the demi-god, so that only the god remained. Because his mortal parts had been incinerated, he could now become a full god and join his father and the other Olympians on Mount Olympus. He then married Hebe.
No one but Heracles’ friend Philoctetes would light his funeral pyre. For this action, Philoctetes received Heracles’ bow and arrows, which were later needed by the Greeks to defeat Troy in the Trojan War. Philoctetes confronted Paris and shot a poisoned arrow at him. The Hydra poison would subsequently lead to the death of Paris. The Trojan War, however, would continue until the Trojan Horse was used to defeat Troy.
Another episode of his female affairs that stands out was his stay at the palace of King Thespios, who encouraged Heracles to make love to his daughters, all fifty of them, in one night. They all got pregnant and all bore sons. Many of the kings of ancient Greece traced their lines to one or another of these, notably the kings of Sparta and Macedon.
Heracles’ eromenoi
As paragon of masculinity and warriorship, Heracles also had a number of pederastic male beloveds. Heracles’ male lovers were beyond counting. Of these, the one most closely linked to Heracles is the Theban Iolaus. Their story, an initiatory myth thought to be of ancient origin, contains many of the elements of the Greek pederastic apprenticeship in which the older warrior is the educator and the younger his helper in battle.
Thus, Iolaus is Heracles’s charioteer and squire. Also in keeping with the initiatory pattern of the relationship, Heracles in the end gave his pupil a wife, symbolizing his entry into adulthood. Iolaus’s ritual functions paralleled his relationship with Heracles. He was a patron of male love Plutarch reports that down to his own time, male couples would go to Iolaus’s tomb in Thebes to swear an oath of loyalty to the hero and to each other and he presided over initiations in the historical era, such as the one at Agyrion in central Sicily.
Heracles’ children
Telephus is the son of Heracles and Auge. Hyllus is the son of Heracles and Deianeira or Melite. The sons of Heracles and Hebe are Alexiares and Anicetus.
Role-playing Notes
Herakles is a dangerous fellow to have dealings with, for he will take offense at the slightest insult. Anyone tricking, deceiving, or failing to express the proper gratitude
is placing his life in Herakles hands, for the demigod has a violent temper. Heracles will never have anything to do with wizards or priests, as he has a profound distrust of magic.
Duties of the Priesthood
D&D 5E Mythological Figures: Hercules
D&D 5E – Mythological Figures: Hercules | EN World | Dungeons & Dragons | Tabletop Roleplaying Games
There are plenty of heroes in the myths of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire (like say Atalanta, Odysseus, Perseus, Achilles) but they are all in the shadow of the man of might: Heracles. Er, Hercules. Same guy! One of Zeus’ many (many, many) bastard offspring, as a baby Hercules fights off two snakes sent by Hera to kill him—but she doesn’t stop there. Later on after he’s been wed she drives him to a fit of madness that ends with him slaughtering his family. So it is he undertakes the 12 Labors, the feats for which he became best known.
These include slaying the Nemean Lion, nine-headed Lernaean Hydra, and Stymphalian Birds, capturing the Golden Hind of Artemis, the Erymanthian Boar, the Cretan Bull, and Cerberus obtaining the girdle of Hippolyta, the Mares of Diomedes, the cattle of the giant Geryon, and the apples of Hesperides, and cleaning the Augean stables in a single day. He accomplishes all of these with a bit of cleverness and his immense strength.
These are only the beginning of his adventures however and he gets into all sorts of trouble (the earth-loving giant Antaeus that he wrestles will appear in the column next week). Hera keeps mucking up his life in either mythos, causing the deaths of many with her lethal mischief that plagues him right up until his demise. Hercules’ end comes after his final paramour, Deianira, gets tricked into touching him with a cursed shirt covered in the blood of a centaur—blood tainted by the poison of the Lernaean Hydra via arrows that Hercules used to killed this same centaur. When it’s placed on him he succumbs to the poison, and after his death Zeus recognizes his greatness and he ascends to godhood.
I personally despise croney-ist calls for engagement but so many of you have so often asked for this build that at this point I have to admit, I am genuinely looking forward to your collective feedback. Please tell us all what you’re thinking!
Medium humanoid (human), neutral good barbarian (holy) 8/fighter (champion) 11
Armor Class 18 (Constitution, cloak of protection)
Hit Points 188 (8d12+11d10+76)
Speed 40 ft.
29 (+9) | 16 (+3) | 18 (+4) | 10 (+0) | 9 (–1) | 10 (+0) |
Saving Throws Str +16, Dex +4, Con +11, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +1
Skills Animal Handling +5, Athletics +15, Perception +5, Survival +5
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Greek
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)
Background: Yeoman. Hercules is always able to rely on the hospitality of commoners to help him hide or rest provided he poses no danger in doing so, going so far as to shield him from being discovered (though not at the cost of their lives).
Action Surge (1/Short Rest). Once on his turn, Hercules can take an additional action on top of his regular action and a possible bonus action.
Amazonian Girdle. The Girdle of Hippolyta functions as a belt of storm giant strength that increases his Strength to 29. Without it, his Strength score is 20 (Str +11, Athletics +11, CR 14, running long jump distance decreased to 5 feet, Unarmed +11 [1d4+5], Rock +13 [1d4+5]).
Danger Sense. Hercules has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that he can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, he can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.
Divine Soldier. Spellcasters do not require material components when casting raise dead or similar spells targeting Hercules to bring him back to life.
Feat: Brawling. Hercules is proficient with unarmed strikes and improvised weapons.
Feat: Grappler. Hercules has advantage on attack rolls against a creature he is grappling and he can use an action to try to pin a creature he’s grappled. To do so, Hercules makes another grapple check. If he succeeds, Hercules and the creature are both restrained until the grapple ends.
Feral Instinct. Hercules has advantage on initiative rolls. Additionally, if he is surprised at the beginning of combat and isn’t incapacitated, he can act normally on his first turn, but only if he enters his rage before doing anything else on that turn.
Indomitable (1/Long Rest). Hercules can reroll a saving throw that he fails but must use the new roll.
Improved Critical. Hercules’ weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
Nemean Hide. The impervious skin of the lion so famously slain by Hercules is treated as a cloak of protection. Without it, his AC becomes 17 and his saving throw bonuses are all reduced by 1.
Rage (4/Long Rest). On his turn, Hercules can enter a rage as a bonus action. His rage lasts for 1 minute, ending early if he is knocked unconscious or if his turn ends and he hasn’t either attacked a hostile creature since his last turn or taken damage since then. Hercules can also end his rage on his turn as a bonus action. While raging, he gains the following benefits.
- Hercules has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
- When Hercules makes a melee weapon attack using Strength, he deals 2 extra damage.
- Hercules has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
- Hercules first successful weapon attack on his turn deals an extra 1d6+4 radiant damage.
- Once per rage when he fails a saving throw, Hercules can reroll it.
Reckless Attack. When Hercules makes his first attack on his turn, he can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives him advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against him have advantage until his next turn.
Remarkable Athlete. Hercules adds +3 to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check he makes that doesn’t already use his proficiency bonus. In addition, when he makes a running long jump, the distance he can cover increases by 5 feet.
Second Wind (1/Short Rest). On his turn, Hercules can use a bonus action to regain 1d10+11 hit points.
Extra Attack. Hercules attacks three times, instead of once, whenever he takes the Attack action on his turn. When he uses a bonus action to engage in two-weapon fighting, he can add his Strength modifier to the damage of his fourth attack.
Unarmed. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d4+9) bludgeoning damage and Hercules can use a bonus action to grapple the target with a successful Strength (Athletics) check opposed by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d8+9) bludgeoning damage.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6+9) piercing damage, or 13 (1d8+9) piercing damage if wielded in with both hands.
Spear. Ranged Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6+9) piercing damage.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, range 20/40 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d4+9) bludgeoning damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage.
Although Herakles has plenty of admirers, he disdains those who lower themselves enough to worship him
Trojan War: Roleplaying in the Age of Homeric Adventure
A Mythic Vistas Sourcebook for the d20 System
Written by Aaron Rosenberg
Used with permissiom from Paolo
Hercules | |
fighter 38, ranger 12 | |
DvR0 (hero-deity) | |
Medium humanoid | |
Hit Dice | 38d10 +12d8 + 1000 (1319 hp) |
Initiative | +11 (+4,+7 Dexterity) |
Speed | 40 feet |
AC | 28 (+7 Dexterity, +6 ac, +5 natural), touch 21, flat-footed 21 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +35/82 |
Attack | + 69 Greatclub (1d10 + 34, x2) or + 69 unharmed strike (1d3 +1d6 +34), or +68 touch (grapple) attack melee, or + 48 shortbow (1d6 +6, 19-20×3) |
Full Attack | + 69/64/59/54 Greatclub (1d10 +34, x2) or +69/64/59/54 unharmed strike (1d3 +1d6 +34) melee, or +48/43/38/33 shortbow (1d6 +6,19-20×3) ranged |
Space/Reach | 5 ft. x 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Archery prowess, Epic DR bypassing, Favoured enemy (magical beast, Giant, monstrous humanoid) |
Special Qualities | Divine bloodline, Evasion, Extra toughness, Fast movement, Swift tracker, Woodland stride, damage reduction 20/bludgeoning. |
Saves | Fort +48, Ref +31, Will +21. |
Abilities | Strength 67, Dexterity 25, Constitution 50, Intelligence 12 , Wisdom 11, Charisma 26 |
Skills | Climb+43, Craft (bowmaking) +10, Escape artist 15, Handle Animal +23, Intimidate +25, Heal +8, Hide +10, Jump +40, Knowledge (Geography) +13, Knowledge (nature)+10, Listen +10, Move Silently +10, Search +11, Spot +15, Survival +20, Swim +30, Rope Use+37 |
Feats | Cleave, Clever wrestling, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Earth’s embrace, Endurance, Fists of iron, Improved Bull Rush, Improved critical (shortbow), Improved grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Improved Overrun, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Sunder, Improved unharmed strike, Manyshot , Mobility, Monkey grip, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Stunning Fists, Track, Weapon Focus (shortbow), Weapon Focus (unharmed strike), Weapon Focus (Greatclub), Weapon specialisation (Greatclub), Weapon specialisation (unharmed strike), Weapon specialisation (shortbow), |
Epic feats | Damage reduction, Epic Endurance, Epic Prowess x5, Epic Reputation, Epic weapon specialisation (Greatclub), Epic weapon specialisation (unharmed strike), Epic weapon specialisation (shortbow), Fast healing, Legendary Wrestler, Swarm Of Arrows |
Climate/Terrain | wandering in mythic mediterranean lands |
Organization | Usually solitary |
Challenge Rating | 55 |
Treasure | see possessions |
Alignment | Chaotic good |
Archery prowess: Hercules has the Distant Shot epic feat even if he doesn’t qualify for it.
Divine bloodline: +1 hp per HD (es, 6,5 instead of 5,5 on a d10), immune to polymorphing, petrification or any form-altering attack, energy drain, ability drain and ability
damage; +15 vs poison, Paralysis, death effects, disintegration; +10 vs binding, soul bind, Temporal Stasis, Trap the Soul; Spell Resistance 35
Epic DR bypassing: Any weapons held by Hercules, and his unharmed attacks, are considered epic for damage reduction bypassing
Evasion: If Hercules makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if Hercules is wearing light armor or no armor.
Extra toughness: Due to the extreme strenght of his muscles, Hercules has a natural +5 bonus to his AC
Fast movement: when wearing medium armor or lighter, Hercules’ speed is +10 feet
Favored enemy: Hercules has a +6 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival, and a +6 bonus on damage rolls, against magicalbeasts. Those bonuses are at +4 versus Giants and at +2 versus Monstruous humanoinds.
Swift tracker: Hercules can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Woodland stride: Hercules may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.
- Greatclub
- Heracles’ Cloak (Skin of the Nemean Lion)
Heracles’ cloak is the skin of the Nemean lion, a beast invulnerable to weapons, grappled to death by the hero in his first labor. The cloak grants its wearer a +6 deflection bonus AC, and has grants its wearer damage reduction 20/bludgeoning.
Strong abjuration; CL 20th; Weight 10 lb.
Poisoned arrows: Hercules’ arrows were dipped in the horribly virulent poison of the Hydra’s internal organs. The poison is mortal even in a minimum dose, and doesn’t lose anything of his power with time. Type: contact, 62 fortitude DC, main damage 3d8 Dexterity, secondary 3d8 Dexterity
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