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Demon Kostchtchie

In Russian mythology, Koschei, Koshchey, also Kashchei or Kashchey or Kosciej (Polish) is an evil person of ugly senile appearance, menacing principally young women. Koschei is also known as Koschei the Immortal or Koschei the Deathless , as well as Tzar Koschei.

Koschei cannot be killed by conventional means targeting his body. His soul is hidden separate from his body inside a needle, which is in an egg, which is in a duck, which is in a hare, which is in an iron chest, which is buried under a green oak tree, which is on the island of Buyan, in the ocean. As long as his soul is safe, he cannot die. If the chest is dug up and opened, the hare will bolt away. If it is killed, the duck will emerge and try to fly off. Anyone possessing the egg has Koschei in their power. He begins to weaken, becomes sick and immediately loses the use of his magic. If the egg is tossed about, he likewise is flung around against his will. If the needle is broken (in some tales this must be done by specifically breaking it against Koschei’s forehead), Koschei will die.

Viktor Vasnetsov: Kashchei the Immortal (1917-1928). Oil on canvas.
Viktor Vasnetsov Home-Museum, Moscow. 1927-1926

Posted by RAGNAROKISCOMING2007 of the Wizards Community forums.

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Kostchtchie (pronounced kosh-TIK-ti-kai) appears as an immense, deformed frost giant with twisted legs, tiny white eyes, and a thick matted beard into which are woven dozens of skulls—trophies of mortal kings and priests of rival faiths he has slain. Legends speak that each of these skulls is haunted by the ghost of its previous owner, and that he can commune with these spirits to seek their wisdom—although if the legends are true, it is more likely that Kostchtchie has little interest in anything but mockery and torment for these lost souls.

Kostchtchie is never seen without his massive warhammer, an adamantine maul of such prodigious size that even the strongest frost giant would have trouble wielding it properly. Known also as the Deathless Frost, Kostchtchie dwells in an immense Abyssal fortress carved from the heart of a towering mountain in a frozen realm of jagged mountains and immense glaciers infested with manifold frozen horrors. Kostchtchie stands 30 feet tall.

Kostchtchie was born of human parents, and became a murderer when his father forced him to kill his mother and sisters. Kostchtchie went one better and murdered his father as well. Later in life, after he had become a ferocious warlord well known for the slaying of dozens of giant chieftains, he confronted the Witch Queen Baba Yaga and tried to force her to grant him immortality—she agreed, but twisted his form, turned him into a hideous giant, and hid away the last fragment of his mortal soul in a magical torc. Kostchtchie fled to the Abyss to nurture his hatred and hide his shame, eventually finding a new purpose as a patron of frost giants despite his hatred of their kind. Kostchtchie longs for the recovery of the torc that contains the fragment of his soul, in the hope that its return might reverse his deformity without removing his immortality.

The Deathless Frost is often accompanied by several frost giants, at least two of which are clerics. These clerics attend his every need, healing him in battle as best they can lest they forfeit their lives—or fall to some fate even more dire at the merciless hands of the Deathless Frost.

Kostchtchie’s Cult

Kostchtchie is worshiped by giants—primarily frost giants, although many ettins, hill giants, and ogres worship him as well. Some white dragons worship the Deathless Frost, and even certain barbaric human tribes in the frozen reaches of the world have been known to venerate him. He does not tolerate women in his cults, and never grants female clerics spells. He is served by half-fiend yetis, ice linnorms, remorhazes, and other cold-dwelling monsters of great size.

Kostchtchie’s unholy symbol is an ice-caked, rune-carved warhammer, and the warhammer is his favored weapon. He grants access to the domains of Chaos, Evil, Strength, and War, and access to the subdomains of Demon, Ferocity, Ice, and Tactics (although the Ice subdomain is normally not available without the Water domain, an exception is made in this case because of the demon lord’s close association with cold).

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Ross Byers, Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, James Jacobs, Matt James, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Tork Shaw, and Russ Taylor.

Kostchtchie, Prince of Wrath
Huge outsider (chaotic, cold, evil, extraplanar, tanar’ri)
SymbolA blackish-blue shiny maul covered in bloody ice
11 (14 Iron Wastes)
HD60d8 + 1,320 + 120 (1,920)
Speed60 ft.
AC70 (+15 armor, +11 deflection, +6 Dexterity, +30 natural, -2 size) touch 25, flat-footed 64
BAB/ Grapple+60/+93
Attack+8 icy blast, sonic blast, vile, huge maul, Maul of the Iron Wastes +95 melee (3d8 + 53 + 3d6 cold + 3d6 sonic plus Fort save DC 70 or stunned for 1 round/19-20/x3), or rock +64 ranged (2d8 + 25)
+8 icy blast, sonic blast, vile, huge maul, Maul of the Iron Wastes +95/+90/+85/+80 melee (3d8 + 53 + 3d6 cold + 3d6 sonic plus Fort save DC 70 or stunned for 1 round/19-20/x3), or rock +64 ranged (2d8 + 25)
Space/reach15ft./ 15ft.
Breath Weapon, Rock Catching, Rock Throwing, Spikes of the Iron Wastes, Spell-like Abilities, Summon Dragon, Summon Giants, Summon Tanar’ri, Wrath
Special qualitiesDarkvision 60ft., DR 40/Epic Good and cold iron, DR 25/-, Energy Resistance to Acid 40, Fire 50, Immunity to Cold, Electricity and Poison, Immunity to Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Critical Hits, Energy Drain, Mind- Affecting Effects, Petrification, and Polymorphing, Ravaged Form (Massive Bulk), Regeneration 15, SR 65, Telepathy 1000 ft., true seeing, Vulnerable to Fire
SavesFort +60, Ref +38, Will +41
AbilitiesStrength 60 , Dexterity 22, Constitution 54, Intelligence 26, Wisdom 28, Charisma 33
SkillsClimb +88, Concentration +85, Escape Artist +69, Handle Animal +77, Intimidate +74, Jump +110, Knowledge (Arcana) +71, Knowledge (nature) +71, Knowledge (the planes) +71, Listen +72, Ride +71, Search +71, Spot +72, Survival +72 (74 when tracking), Swim +88, Tumble +69,
FeatsAwesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dark Speech, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Weapon Focus (maul), Greater Weapon Specialization (maul), Improved Critical (maul), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-By Attack, Skill Focus (Handle Animal), Skill Focus (Ride), Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus (maul), Weapon Specialization (maul),
Epic FeatsDire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus (maul), Epic Weapon Specialization (maul), Terrifying Rage
EnvironmentIron Wastes (Abyss)
OrganizationSolitary (unique) or group (Kostchtchie, Svafnir (advanced great white wyrm dragon with 45 HD), 2 Hounds of Kostchtchie (Leucotta 18 HD), 2 Abyss
and 5 Frost Giants (Barbarian 15)
TreasureFrost Plate, Maul of the Iron Wastes
AlignmentChaotic Evil


Kostchtchie almost always enters a battle while invoking his Wrath ability to crush his foes. If out numbered, he won’t hesitate to summon Svafnir, along with other creatures, to aid him. Every chance he gets, he’ll use his icy breath to gain the upper hand. Against foes who use fire-based attacks and spells, he targets them first while relying on his armor to greatly reduce the fire damage he may take. Against strong foes he relies on his massive bulk to reduce the physical damage.

Breath Weapon (Su): Once every minute, Kostchtchie can spew forth a 100 ft. cone of abyssal fury and ice. It deals 30d10 points of cold damage plus 4d6 Dexterity. Ref save DC 67 halves. If this attack reduces a creature’s Dexterity to 0, it is frozen. Kostchtchie can smash it to pieces with a successful attack from his maul. The remaining pieces of ice remain on the ground and melt away in 3 rounds. At this point the creature can be raised and healed normally after a miracle or wish spell has been cast on the remaining pieces. If the ice melts, the soul is destroyed. Nothing less than a greater deity, can restore the creature. The DC is Constitution-based.

Prince of Wrath: Kostchtchie’s rages can incite rage within his foes, which
causes them to attack anyone close to them. Range: 100 ft. radius of a raging
Kostchtchie. Will save DC 56 or continuously attack the nearest creature, until you or the creature dies. The raging character, rages like a barbarian of 20th level. The DC is Charisma-based.

  • Ravaged Form (Massive Bulk): Kostchtchie is impossibly muscled. These rippling muscles grant him with the following:
  • – DR 25/-
  • – +10 bonus on Strength checks.
  • – Speed + 20 ft.
  • – +10 bonus on Jump skill

Rock Catching (Ex): Kostchtchie can catch Large size or smaller rocks (or other projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, if he would normally be hit by a rock, he can make a Reflex save to catch a rock as a free action. The DC is 25 for a Small rock, DC 35 for a Medium rock, and DC 45 for a Large rock. (If the projectile provides a magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount). He must be ready and aware of the attack in order to make a rock catching attempt.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Kostchtchie can hurl rocks of 80 to 100 pounds (Large objects) up to five range increments of 300 ft.

Spikes of the Iron Wastes (Su): 20/day, Kostchtchie slam his maul against the ground, as a standard action, causing blue-black ice to erupt from the ground in a 60 ft. radius. It deals 15d8 cold damage and 10d8 piercing damage. Ref save DC 70 halves (Strength-based). If Large or smaller creatures fail their saves, they are launched into the air. They crash into the ground and are stunned for 2d6 rounds. The blue-black ice shatters, in the following round, creating a blizzard of blue-black ice in a 100 ft. radius. Those within range take 15d10 points of cold and unholy damage. Ref save DC 56 halves (Charisma-based). Since the blizzard is infused with unholy energy, it ignores the creatures’ cold resistance and immunity.

Spell-like Abilities: CL 60th; DC 30 + spell level

Stunning Blow (Su): Kostchchie’s powerful attacks can leave even the greatest of warriors stunned.

Fortitude save DC 70 or be stunned for 1 round. If Kotschtchie successfully attacks a foe with a critical, they are automatically stunned for 1 round (no save). The DC is Strength-based.

  • Summon Dragon (Sp): 1/day Kostchtchie can summon Svafnir
  • Summon Giants (Sp): 10/day Kostchtchie can summon 3d6 frost giants (barbarian 15)
  • Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): 5/day Kostchtchie can summon 1d6 advanced goristros (50 HD) or 2d6 bulezaus (barbarian 15)

Wrath (Ex): Kostchtchie’s rage is like no other. 3/day he can rage like a barbarian for 1 hour. He gains a +10 bonus to Strength and Constitution, + 6 bonus to Will saves, and takes a -4 penalty to AC. At the beginning of his wrath, Kostchtchie lets out a terrifying roar (free action). Any creature, within 100 ft., must make a Will save DC 61 or become panicked for 1 round. Kostchtchie roars, as a free action, every minute of his wrath. He cannot stop his rage and is not fatigued afterwards. The DC is Charisma-based.

Possessions: Kostchtchie is never without his black-blue maul. Recently he created the Frost Plate, which protects him from fire.

Frost Plate: This armor is crudely made of ice. It covers Kostchtchie back, front, and shoulders. Jagged spikes cover the armor. It functions as a +10 fire warding, heavy fortification, breastplate. Anyone grappling with Kostchtchie takes 40 points of cold damage and 8d6 piercing damage from the spikes.

Maul of the Iron Wastes: Kostchtchie wields this blackish-blue shiny maul, covered in bloody ice, whenever he enters combat. Sounds of rage erupt from the maul constantly.

It functions as a +8 icy blast, sonic blast, vile, huge maul. A successful hit with the maul fills the target with numbing cold. The creature is slowed as the spell for 10 rounds. Fort save DC 70 negates (Strength-based). On a successful critical hit the creature takes an extra 10d10 points of cold damage, as it is filled with intense cold, in the following round. Fort save DC 70 halves (Strength-based). In the round following that, the ice turns into a foul liquid which causes the creature’s insides to waste away dealing 5d6 Constitution damage. Fort save DC 56 halves (Charisma-based). Whether the save is successful or not the creature’s are too cold causing terrible pain. They can take no actions in that round. Only a greater restoration of at least 35th level can cure the Constitution damage.

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