Paladin Spells
Paladin Spells – They are the chosen warriors of their gods. Leading the charge against all that is evil and unjust. However, paladin spell lists tell players a story of more than a fiend-purging knight. Paladins also have access to restorative, divinatory, and supplemental magic.

Saint George and the Dragon
circa 1869
1st Level Paladin Spells
1st-Level Paladin Spells | |
Analyze Fertility | Gives the caster an insight into the reproductive capabilities of the target. |
Athena’s Battle Guidance, | grants you temporary, intuitive insight into your opponent’s actions during your next two attacks. |
Athena’s Blessing | fills your allies with battle insight and the wisdom to perform tasks better. |
Axiomatic Water | Imbues a flask (1 pint) of water with the order of law, turning it into axiomatic water. |
Bless | Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and +1 on saves against fear. |
Bless Water | Makes Holy Water. |
Bless Weapon | Weapon strikes true against evil foes. |
Blinding Strike | On a successful hit in combat, the opponent must make a Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round per caster level. |
Clear Mind | You gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws made against mind-affecting spells and effects. |
Create Water | Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. |
Cure Light Wounds | Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). |
Deafening Clang | The weapon deals 1d6 points of sonic damage with each successful hit. |
Detect Disease | You can sense the presence of disease. |
Detect Heretic | |
Detect Poison | Detects poison in one creature or small object. |
Detect Pregnancy | You can tell if the creature touched is pregnant or is hosting another creature’s implanted young. |
Detect Undead | Reveals undead within 60 ft. |
Divine Favor | You gain +1 per three levels on attack and damage rolls. |
Divine Sacrifice | Giving up some of your life force to win the battle, you empower your next blow against your foe. |
Endure Elements | Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. |
Energized Shield, Lesser | When this spell is cast, the shield touched appears to be made entirely out of one type of energy (fire, cold, electricity, acid, or sonic). |
Find Temple | With this spell, you can easily find a place to worship and possible aid or shelter from the priests within. |
Ghostbane Dirge | The target coalesces into a semi-physical form for a short period of time. |
Golden Barding | You create a suit of barding for your mount to wear. |
Know Greatest Enemy | Your eyes flash green, turning golden as your survey your opponents. The most powerful is wrapped in a brilliant, shimmering green aura. |
Grave Strike | Golden motes of light dance before your eyes. They converge on undead you look at, hovering about them and forming wedges of positive energy. |
Lionheart | The subject gains immunity to fear effects. |
Magic Weapon | Weapon gains +1 bonus. |
Merciful Weapon | The caster causes one weapon to loose its sharpness or hardness so that it deals subdual damage instead of normal damage. |
Moment of Clarity | You feel a dark, oppressive weight pressing against your mind. When you touch your target, the weight lifts. |
One Mind, Lesser | You temporarily strengthen the mental bond with your special mount when you cast this spell. |
Protection from Chaos/Evil | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. |
Read Magic | Read scrolls and spellbooks. |
Resistance | Subject gains +1 on saving throws. |
Restoration, Lesser | Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage. |
Resurgence | By laying hands on your ally and saying a prayer, you convince a higher power to grant him a second chance. |
Rhino’s Rush | A violent fury consumes you. You seek nothing more than to charge at your enemies and bash in their heads. |
Second Wind | You feel slightly winded but energized, as if having just run a long distance but knowing you could run farther. |
Sense Heretic | If an evil creature that has the ability to cast divine spells comes within 100 feet of the holy item, it glows. |
Silvered Weapon | A single weapon or projectile you are holding into a silvered weapon. |
Sticky Saddle | This spell “glues” you to your mount. |
Strategic Charge | A red nimbus surrounds you as you move smoothly across the crowded battlefield. |
Summon Armour | The caster summons a dedicated suit of armour to him. |
Traveler’s Mount | You make the creature better able to handle the rigors of overland travel, at the expense of its ability to fight. |
Virtue | Subject gains 1 temporary hp. |
Warning Shout | You shout a few words imbued with power by your faith, and your next words ring out clear and far despite other noise or intervening barriers. |
Vision of Glory | You touch your ally, and her eyes mist over momentarily. You know she is seeing an image of her deity, imploring her to battle in his name. |
2nd Level Paladin Spells
2nd-Level Paladin Spells | |
Analyze Ancestry | This spell provides a complete genealogy back ten generations. |
Athena’s Protective Shield | An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject. |
Aura of Glory | You invoke the holy words and a soft golden light radiates from you. You feel surer of yourself, bolstered by the power of your beliefs. |
Bull’s Strength | Subject gains +4 to Strength for 1 min./level. |
Cloak of Bravery | Summoning up your courage, you throw out your arm, cloaking all your allies in a glittering mantle of magic that bolsters their bravery. |
Delay Poison | Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. |
Eagle’s Splendor | Subject gains +4 to Charisma for 1 min./level. |
Energized Shield | This spell functions like lesser energized shield, except that the energy resistance is 10 and damage dealt is 2d6. |
Fell the Greatest Foe | The subject gains the ability to deal greater damage against larger creatures. |
Flame of Faith | Using your faith as a guide for your magic, you touch the weapon and it bursts into flame. |
Hand of Divinity | You call upon your beliefs and a great pair of hands appears around your target, cradling it in its power. |
Haste Mount | This spell enables the character to enhance his special mount’s movement. |
Hero’s Visage | The caster emanates an aura of greatness, appearing like a hero of ancient legend, who only the bravest dare to approach, let alone fight. |
Hold Evil | The target freezes in place, standing helpless. |
Improved Create Water | You create 4 gallons/per level of drinkable liquid. |
Karma | You become more charismatic, more intelligent, and wiser. |
Knight’s Move | The ground before you appears overlaid with a chessboard pattern, with certain squares of the chessboard glowing softly red. |
Loyal Vassal | Upon invoking the divine words, glowing silver runes encircle your allies’ heads. The runes quickly fade, but the resolve they instilled remain. |
Mantle of Love | You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects her from harm, granting her a +4 morale bonus on all saves. |
One Mind | This spell functions like lesser one mind, except as noted her. |
Owl’s Wisdom | Subject gains +4 to Wisdom for 1 min./level. |
Physique | You become more agile, more resilient, and stronger. |
Remove Paralysis | Frees one or more creatures from Paralysis or slow effect. |
Resist Energy | Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. |
Resist Temptation | The caster becomes hardened to sexual advances and magical effects that entice him. |
Retribution | If the target fails their Will save, the next time they deal damage, they suffer an equal number of points of damage of the same type. |
Shield of Warding | You press your palm against the shield and speak the words of power. A silver radiance, in the shape of your holy symbol spreads over the shield. |
Shield Other | You take half of subject’s damage. |
Spiritual Chariot | You cast this spell, and a large and ornate chariot made of transparent, faintly glowing azure energy forms behind your special mount. |
Stabilize | This spell, designed to work on the battlefield, allows you to stabilize the dying all around you. |
Strength of Stone | You call upon the fortitude of the powers of good, and your flesh turns an ivory-gray hue as you draw power up through the earth itself. |
Summon Mount | The paladin is able to make his mount appear next to him. |
Undetectable Alignment | Conceals alignment for 24 hours. |
Zeal | You invoke a divine shield to protect you as you close with a chosen opponent. |
Zone of Truth | Subjects within range cannot lie. |
3rd Level Paladin Spells
3rd-Level Paladin Spells | |
Athena’s Grace | You are able to grant the target a measure of wisdom in defense. |
Combat Blessing | By invoking the favour of the gods, the caster augments the combat prowess of himself and his allies. |
Cure Moderate Wounds | Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10). |
Daylight | 60-ft. radius of bright light. |
Diamondsteel | enhances the strength of one suit of metal armor. |
Discern Lies | Reveals deliberate falsehoods. |
Dispel Magic | Cancels spells and magical effects. |
Ghostbane Dirge, Mass | This spell functions as ghostbane dirge, except that it affects multiple targets. |
Grasp of the Endless War | Touch attack, 1d10 damage for each alignment step target is from you. |
Heal Mount | As heal on warhorse or other special mount. |
Magic Circle against Chaos | As protection from chaos, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. |
Magic Circle against Evil | As protection from evil, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. |
Magic Weapon, Greater | +1 bonus/four levels (max +5). |
Prayer | Allies +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies -1 penalty. |
Regal Procession | You toss a bit of horsehair into the air, and as it drifts toward the ground, an array of finely adorned mounts appears. |
Remove Blindness/Deafness | Cures normal or magical conditions. |
Remove Curse | Frees object or person from curse. |
Saving Grace | For the duration of the spell, if the target creature falls to 0 hp or below, but does not die immediately, he will gain a number of temporary hp. |
Summon Holy Weapon | The paladin creates a Blessed Weapon in his hand. |
Word of Binding | You create masterwork steel manacles that attempt to bind your target. |
4th Level Paladin Spells
4th-Level Paladin Spells | |
Blessed Seed | This spell infuses you with celestial energy that infuses your sperm or womb with power. |
Break Enchantment | Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification. |
Castigate | Shouting your deity’s teachings, you rebuke your foes with the magic of your sacred words. |
Cure Serious Wounds | Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15). |
Death Ward | Grants immunity to death spells and negative energy effects. |
Dispel Chaos | +4 bonus against attacks by chaotic creatures. |
Dispel Evil | +4 bonus against attacks by evil creatures. |
Draconic Might | Upon casting this spell, your ally’s face is covered briefly with a fine pattern of yellow scales, the scales, fade, but the golden radiance remains. |
Eagle’s splendor, Greater | This spell functions like eagle’s splendor, except as noted above. |
Holy Sword | Weapon becomes +5, deals +2d6 damage against evil. |
Improved eagle’s splendor | As eagle’s splendor , but with a longer duration. |
Improved Karma | This spell functions like Karma, except as noted above. |
Improved Physique | As physique, but with a longer duration. |
Mark of Athena | You draw an indelible mark on the subject worthy of Athenas blessings. |
Mark of Justice | Designates action that will trigger curse on subject. |
Neutralize Poison | Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject. |
Resplendent Presence | The paladin surrounds himself with holy light, emanating bright illumination up to 30 feet away. |
Restoration | Restores level and ability score drains. |
Retribution, Greater | This spell functions as retribution, except that the target will suffer double the damage. |
Succor | The spell prevents 1 negative energy level or level drain per 5 caster levels (maximum 4 levels). |
Visage of the Deity, Lesser | When you cast this spell, your body changes into a form more like your deity’s (in a very limited fashion, of course). |
Winged Mount | You touch your special mount and it sprouts giant, feathery white wings. |