Oriental Prestige Classes
Janggimboo / chin. Zhanyinbao (zhan yin bao), was an officer of the Qing Army Date late 1700s
The Quintessential Samurai
Author Sam Witt
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
All samurai are warriors and all are sworn to die at the command of their lord. The bodyguard, however, takes this fatalistic outlook one step further he is a walking sacrifice, an expert martial artist trained as a living shield. Most often assigned to this duty by his lord, the samurai who takes up the bodyguard prestige class undergoes a rigorous indoctrination training that lasts several weeks. During this time, the samurai is introduced to his sworn charge (see below) and learns to fully sublimate his own fear of death. When the training is complete, the bodyguard is fully prepared to throw himself between his charge and death, regardless of the consequences.
The bodyguard is a highly prized member of any daimyos court and samurai who excel in this prestige class are richly rewarded though only the greatest among their number live long enough to enjoy the fruits of their labour.
Hit Die: d10.
To qualify as a bodyguard, the samurai must fulfil all the following criteria: Base Attack Bonus: +10 or higher.
Alignment: Any Lawful.
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative.
Class Skills
The bodyguards class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Strength), Handle Animal (Charisma), Intimidate (Charisma), Jump (Strength),Ride (Dexterity), Sense Motive (Wisdom), Swim (Strength).
Skill points at each level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
The Bodyguard | |||||
Class Level | Base Attack | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special |
1 | +1 | +2 | +2 | +0 | Sworn Charge |
2 | +2 | +3 | +3 | +0 | Reflexive Defense |
3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +1 | Screening Defense |
4 | +4 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Undying Defence |
5 | +5 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Acceptance of Pain |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the bodyguard prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The bodyguard gains no proficiency in any weapons or armour. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.
Sworn Charge: When you take your first level in the bodyguard prestige class, you are given a Sworn Charge whom it is your duty to protect at all costs.
The majority of Sworn Charges are in no danger on a day-to-day basis, but are regarded as extremely important by the daimyo. Heirs to the throne, favoured mistresses, spy masters, influential merchants and other notable individuals who are important to the domain or its lord may all be assigned bodyguards. When a sworn charge must move or a threat to their lives is discovered, the bodyguard is called in to protect them. The most common duties involved in the bodyguard business involve transporting the charge across the wilderness, providing protection during tense negotiations and safeguarding the charge from assassins.
A daimyo may change the Sworn Charge for a samurai at any time. Most bodyguards receive a new charge every year, which prevents them from gaining too much information about the charge and, more importantly, is meant to thwart any burgeoning romantic feelings between bodyguard and charge.
Reflexive Defence: As long as the bodyguard is within 10 feet of the charge, he may voluntarily lower his own Reflex save bonus by up to one-half in order to provide a circumstance bonus to the Reflex save of his charge. This ability may be used at any time in response to danger posed to the samurai’s charge when the samurai is within range and aware of what is happening. The samurai lunges into his charge, throwing himself over the target in an attempt to protect him. Use of this ability requires the expenditure of 10 ki, but may be used as often as the samurai can pay the cost.
Screening Defence: When fighting defensively, the samurai is able to protect five feet to his left and five feet to his right with a series of spinning moves and the wild flashing of his katana. Any attacks that must pass through these two protected areas, or targeted spells if their lines of sight must pass through these areas, are considered to have passed through 50% cover, +5% for every level of the bodyguard prestige class the character possesses. Use of this ability requires the expenditure of 1 ki point for every round during which it is active. If this ability is used to protect a Sworn Charge, it provides 50% cover plus +10% for every level of the bodyguard prestige class the character possesses.
Undying Defence: This special ability is identical to the feat of the same name. The bodyguard gains this ability regardless of whether or not he otherwise fulfils the prerequisites of the feat.
Acceptance of Pain: The samurai is able to take any physical damage caused by melee attacks, targeted missile attacks (including targeted spells), or traps to his charge onto himself. The samurai is assumed to have interposed some portion of his body between the target and the attack which means that any touch attacks or other spell-like effects triggered by a touch will affect the samurai instead of the charge. This
ability requires 5 ki to activate and a single activation will persist for the duration of a combat. The samurai must be adjacent to the charge in order to use this ability, though the ability may be activated as a free action at any distance.
Katakura Kagetsuna.
The Quintessential Samurai
Author Sam Witt
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
In addition to their training as combatants, some samurai are chosen to represent their lord’s interests to outsiders. These delegates travel far and wide to deliver messages, check in on business interests, inspect holdings and otherwise serve as the lord’s presence away from court. The most trusted delegates are given the authority to deal with foreign or rival governments, speaking for the daimyo in crucial matters of state. Trusted and well trained, the delegates make excellent diplomats and are shrewd politicians in their own right.
Often seen as too valuable to squander on the field of battle, delegates spend a great deal of time at the court, discussing the state of the domain with their lord. As they grow in experience, many delegates return to the warrior lifestyle, pursuing a more visceral, physically challenging Profession. Others remain within the confines of the lords estate, building up a powerbase of their own and learning the secrets of effective rulership.
Hit Die: d8.
To qualify as a delegate, the samurai must fulfil all the following criteria:
Base Attack Bonus: +5 or higher.
Alignment: Any Lawful.
Skills: Diplomacy 10 ranks.
Feats: Socially Graceful.
Class Skills
The delegate’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Intelligence), Bluff (Charisma), Diplomacy (Charisma), Forgery (Intelligence), Innuendo (Wisdom), Intimidate (Charisma), Listen (Wisdom), Read Lips (Intelligence), Sense Motive (Wisdom), Speak Language (Only
languages spoken in the lord’s domain or surrounding lands).
Skill points at each level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
The Delegate | |||||
Class Level | Base Attack | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special |
1 | +1 | +0 | +2 | +2 | Social Authority |
2 | +2 | +0 | +3 | +3 | Command |
3 | +3 | +1 | +3 | +3 | Perceptive Spirit |
4 | +4 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Inscrutable Liar |
5 | +5 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Estate |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the delegate prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The delegate gains no proficiency in any weapons or armour. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.
Social Authority: The delegate carries himself with an unmistakable aura of authority; confidence exudes from his every word and he appears noble even if he is not. When conducting a social challenge, the delegates social rank is considered to be equal to his daimyos rank 2.
Command: No daimyo can control all of the samurai and other staff under his control. Delegates are often placed in charge of a small contingent of the daimyo’s staff, which the delegate may use as he sees fit. Provided the staff are never required to do anything that would endanger their service to the daimyo, the delegate’s commands are followed to the letter. If a delegate does place his charges in danger, the lord will certainly be incensed over the situation and the delegate will lose this special ability and must perform a duty for the daimyo in order to continue advancing in this prestige class.
A command contains a number of Non-Player Characters equal to one-half the delegate’s total characters levels. The command is composed of 1d3 samurai with levels equal to the samurai’s character level 2 and 1d2 experts (most likely merchants, though scribes are common as well) with levels equal to the samurai’s character level. The remaining members of the command are made up of loyal warrior Non-Player Characters with 1d3 levels each.
Members of a command will accompany a delegate on adventures if he gives the order. This type of dangerous activity must be monitored carefully however, as a delegate who loses his command through accident or negligence suffers the penalties as noted above. More typically, the delegate is instructed to use the members of his command to assist him in fulfilling his duties to his daimyo.
Spirit: The delegates eye for detail and knowledge of human nature provides
him with a +2 competence bonus to any use of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy,
Innuendo and Sense
Inscrutable Liar: After learning how others lie, the samurai is better able to hide his own lies. When using the Bluff or Intimidate skill, the samurai receives a +4 competence bonus. If this skill is used against a loyal member of the delegate’s domain, this bonus increases to +6.
Estate: After proving himself, the samurai is given a small estate within his lord’s domain. The estate is not particularly large (it may not cost more than 5,000 gp) and has a very small staff (see Chapter 12: Strongholds) for more information about building sizes and staff) but it lies near an important trade route or hostile border. The samurai is expected to protect his land and ensure it operates efficiently. For his trouble, the samurai gains +1 honour every three months and is well-known in the estate of the daimyo.
emperor of China Qin Shi Huang, from zh wikipedia
Posted by
Draconis V of the Wizards Community forums.
The Emperor is a natural ruler, perhaps by right of birth, divine decree or sheer force of will. In any case, he is destined to rule over mortals in one way or another, for whatever reasons or cause that he decides to follow. To an Emperor, all others are below him. They are mere pawns to move as he chooses. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as Emperors can sometimes be benevolent. However, this attitude is often ill-received by those who are not the Emperor’s followers.
An Emperor uses force of will to solve his problems. While he makes for a competent warrior, direct combat is often better left to his underlings.
Hit Die: d8
To qualify to become an Emperor, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any lawful.
Skills: Diplomacy 8 ranks,
Motive 8 ranks.
Feats: Leadership.
The Emperor’s class skills (and the key ability for
each) are Bluff (Charisma), Diplomacy (Charisma), Gather Information (Intelligence), Handle Animal
(Charisma), Intimidate (Charisma), Perform (Charisma), Knowledge(any)(Intelligence), Ride (Dexterity)(Dexterity) Sense
Motive (Wisdom), and Spot (Wisdom).
Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier.
Level | BAB | F | R | W | Special |
1st | +0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | Willpower |
2nd | +1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | Daunting Presence |
3rd | +2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | Improved Willpower |
4th | +3 | 1 | 1 | 3 | Rallying Charge |
5th | +3 | 1 | 1 | 4 | Uncanny Willpower |
6th | +4 | 2 | 2 | 4 | Regal Bearing |
7th | +5 | 2 | 2 | 5 | Lead From the Front |
8th | +6/+1 | 2 | 2 | 5 | Greater Willpower |
9th | +6/+1 | 3 | 3 | 6 | Iron Crown |
10th | +7/+2 | 3 | 3 | 6 | Eternal Legacy |
Class Features
The following are class features of the Emperor.
Weapon Proficiency: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as all types of armor.
Willpower: As a full round action, an Emperor may make one attack, on which he adds his Charisma modifier to his attack roll.
Daunting Presence: The Emperor may add one point of his Charisma modifier to his armor class. He may add one additional point for every two levels after the second (2 at 4th, 3 at 6th, etc.).
Regal Bearing: At 3rd level, an Emperor has acquired an air of confidence and power. He gains +5 to Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate and Sense Motive checks.
Rallying Charge: When an Emperor charges, he may make a Rallying Charge attempt. If the charge attack hits, then each ally of the Emperor’s within eyesight or earshot gains a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage for 1 round for each 10 points of damage that the Emperor deals with the charge.
Improved Willpower: When using Willpower, the Emperor may add his Charisma modifier to damage as well as attack. This bonus damage is multiplied by critical hits.
Uncanny Willpower: An Emperor may use Willpower as a standard action, or as part of the Rallying Charge ability.
Lead From the Front: At 7th level, the Emperor has become accustomed to leading charges, and has become a symbol of hope for his allies. Once a round, when an attack against an Emperor hits, any adjacent allies gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage per 10 points of damage dealt to him that lasts for 1 round.
Greater Willpower: When using Willpower, the Emperor adds 4 to the threat range of his weapon and cannot critically miss.
Iron Crown: The Emperor gains a +5 bonus to all Will saves vs. mind-affecting spells and abilities.
Eternal Legacy: At 10th level, an Emperor has become one with his destiny and will cling to life as long as he can to ensure the triumph of his cause. He automatically gains the Diehard feat even if he does not meet the prerequisites. When his hit points would be brought to -10 or below, he may make a Will save (DC damage dealt) to bring his hit points back up to 0. The save DC increases by 4 for one day for each time he uses this ability in that day.
Monkey Fighter
Donnavin Snowolf of the Wizards Community forums.
. Guurin roared in fury. “Stay still! The little man grinned and bounced inplace. “Damnit!” Guurin’s halberd thundered down and cracked the tile. The little man grasped it just below the head with both hands and both feet, grinning like an idiot. “Who the hell do you think you are!” The little man screamed and bounced up and down some more. Guurin loosed the knife in his belt and let it fly. The howling man swivled on Guurin’s polearm and scrambled up it to headbutt the enraged warrior in the face. “GAAAAARRHHHHHH” Guurin swiped at the man with his hand, but he felt something strange. The little man disappeared from view. He was crawling on Guurin! Guurin released the halberd and reached around to his back, grasping at the little monk only to recieve a bite on the hand. The little man sprang off and rolled a distance away. Sitting dumbly by a broken wall. Guurin seethed. He could only see red. He spun, jerking the battle axe from his belt and charged the little monk, who pointed at him, “ooking” and “aaking”.
. Guurin raised the mighty blow and the monk tumbled forward clambering onto Gurin’s massive frame and onto his back. He wrapped his little legs around Guurin’s chest and began pounding on the frothing warrior’s head. Slowly, everything faded from red to black, and Guurin collapsed.
. Monkey Fighters [Mky] are martial artists who, upon studying the akward nature of monkies, fashioned a fighting style similar to their reckless habits.
Most Monkey Fighters are monks of a more flexible ethic. Some are fighters or
Rogues, looking to improve their unarmed skill, fewer still are rangers, who’ve
probably been out in the woods too long. Dexterity is omniportent to a Monkey
Fighter, strength is also of advantage.
*Feats: Dodge, Mobility,
Improved Unarmed Attack, Improved
*BAB +3
5 ranks
*Tumble: 5 ranks
*Special: Must have either studied under a Monkey Master or lived among monkies for a full year.
class skills
Balance (Dexterity), Climb.(Strength), Escape Artist (Dexterity), Handle Animal (Charisma), Jump (Strength), Perform (Charisma), Search (Intelligence), Spot (Wisdom), Survival (Wisdom), Tumble (Dexterity)
Skill pts/level: 2+Intelligence
BAB: As monk
HD: d8
lvl | Frt | Ref | Wil | Class Features |
1 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Monk Skills Progression, Monkey Fighting Stance |
2 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Monkey Skills |
3 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Body Crawl (MFS) |
4 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Monkey-Like (MFS) |
5 | +2 | +4 | +2 | Yowl (MFS) |
6 | +2 | +5 | +2 | Monkey Skills II |
7 | +2 | +5 | +2 | Closed Fist (MFS) |
8 | +3 | +6 | +3 | Monkey-Like II (MFS) |
9 | +3 | +6 | +3 | Bobblehead (MFS) |
10 | +3 | +7 | +3 | Monkey Master |
class features
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: None new.
monk Skills Progression: The monkey fighter follows much of the same principle of a monk. Add Monkey Fighter levels to monk levels for the purposes of Flurry of Blows (only when unarmed), monk AC Bonus, and Unarmed Damage. If the character does not already have these benefits they gain Flurry of Blows when unarmed, monk unarmored AC Bonus (But not Wisdom to AC), and monk Unarmed Damage progression all as a monk of equal level to their Monkey Fighter Levels.
Monkey Fighting Stance: Standing on all fours, legs bent out to the sides, bobbing up and down and leaping everywhere. The Monkey Fighting stance is a special but draining combat stance which the Monkey Fighter is recognized by. They may use it a number of rounds per day equal to their Monkey Fighter level times 2 + Constitution modifier, these rounds need not be used consecutively. In this stance the Monkey Fighter gains +1 Dodge to AC, +2 Dodge
against attacks of opportunity, +3 to Balance,
Jump, Tumble,
and Climb. More importantly,
in their Monkey Fighting Stance the Monkey Fighter may use Monkey Fightings
Skills, denoted in the skill’s name as (MFS). Only Unarmed attacks may be used
in Monkey Fighting Stance.
Skills: Practicing fighting like a monkey grants inherent knowledge into
their life styles. The Monkey Fighter gains a +5 to Balance, Jump, Tumble, and
Climb checks.
Body Crawl: Monkeys are agile Climbers. They Climb trees, vines, buildings, bigger monkies, etc etc. The Monkey Fighter can now clamber onto another opponent. As long as the opponent is at least 1 size larger than the Monkey Fighter, the Monkey Fighter may Climb on them by making a special Dexterity based grapple check. Success indicates the Monkey Fighter is Climbing on the opponent (this may be used even if the two are already grappling). This grapple is special in a number of ways. The opponent cannot be pinned by the Monkey Fighter, can move normally, still threatens surrounding squares, and can attack opponents in those squares. He cannot attack the Monkey Fighter, nor deal damage on an opposed grapple check. A successful opposed Dexterity based grapple check allows the victim to remove the Monkey Fighter or initiate normal grappling. However the victim suffers the Monkey Fighter’s strength modifier as a penalty to attack rolls and AC, and does not recieve his
Dexterity to AC against the Monkey Fighter.
Monkey-Like (MFS): The Monkey Fighter is becoming more like a real monkey every day. He gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity, this increases to a +3 when in Monkey Fighting Stance. At 8th level this increases to a +4 to Dexterity and +6 in Monkey Fighting Stance.
Yowl: The Monkey Fighter may spend a round hooting, hollaring, howling, yowling, and shouting “Ooh ook Ack!” These abrasive sounds and gestures target one creature, who must make a Will save DC 10+ Monkey Fighter level + Charisma mod or charge the Monkey Fighter.
Monkey Skills II: More and more the line between Monkey Fighter and monkey is becoming blurred. The Monkey Fighter’s bonus to Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble increases to +8. The Monkey Fighter gains a +6 to Handle Animal checks with monkies and may Wild Empathy as a druid of twice the Monkey Fighter’s level with monkies and apes.
Closed Fist: How do you trap a monkey? Put a shiney coin in a box with a small opening. The monkey will reach in, grab the coin, and pull out. Only he can’t pull out because the fist won’t fit. Does he let go? Hell no. The Monkey Fighter gains a +2 to all grapple checks, and as a full round action make a grapple attempt on a melee weapon opposed to the opponent’s attack bonus. Success stops the attack from attacking with the weapon until he wins an opposed strength check. The round immediately following this grapple the Monkey Fighter may initiate Body Crawl without making a melee touch attack.
Bobblehead: Essentially if someone gets a good grip on you, the last thing you feel is *WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM*. The Monkey Fighter may make a regular grapple check as a free action against an opponent which they are Body Crawling on. Success allows them to perform a full attack against that opponent (an no other). This grapple check must be made at the beginning of each round. Failure indicates the Monkey Fighter is thrown off or drawn into a normal grapple, targets choice.
Monkey Master: The pinnacle of monkey-hood. The Monkey Master is a true master of monkey-martial-arts. He may use his Monkey Fighting Stance for a full hour each day. The hour need not be used consecutively. The Monkey Fighter may also take on a student.
No-Dachi Specialist
Some samurai train themselves in using a powerful sword, larger than their katana; the no-dachi.
This long, curved sword lets fighters make ultimate use of their strenght and fighting abilities. But a no-dachi specialist not only trains his physical abilities, through meditation and Concentration he masters strange ki powers, wich make the no-dachi specialist a deadly adversary in combat. High level no-dachi specialists can literally slice and cut their way through hordes of opponents, and rumours tell of a samurai who killed half of his opponent’s army in a single, swift motion. For this reason, no-dachi specialist are feared on the battlefield, and respected by other samurai. No-dachi specialists meditate before most battles, wich helps them clear their minds and focus their spirits.
Originally Posted by Akutsukai of the Wizards Community forums.
Hit Die: d10.
To qualify to become a no-dachi specialist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any lawful
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Skills: Concentration 3 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks.
Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus (no-dachi).
Special: Must have a Wisdom score of at least 13.
Class Skills
The no-dachi specialist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
are Concentration (Constitution), Craft (Intelligence), Diplomacy (Charisma), Intimidate (Charisma), Jump (Strength), Listen (Wisdom), Profession (Wisdom), Ride (Dexterity)(Dexterity), Sense Motive (Wisdom), Spot (Wisdom), and Tumble (Dexterity).
Points at Each Level: 4+ Intelligence modifier.
of the following are class features of the no-dachi specialist prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The no-dachi specialist gains no proficiency in armor or weapons. The no-dachi specialist can only use any of his abilities while fighting with a no-dachi (not any other weapon), and wielding the no-dachi two-handed.
Great Cleave: At 1st level, the no-dachi specialist gains the Great Cleave
feat as a bonus feat.
Cleave (Ex): A no-dachi specialist of 2nd level or higher can take a
5-foot step between attacks when using the Cleave or Great Cleave feat.
Ki Cleave (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, the no-dachi specialist gains the ability to Cleave through multiple enemies at a high rate. Whenever the no-dachi specialist uses his supreme Cleave ability, he may continue to attack and take 5-foot steps (even if he normally wouldn’t be allowed to), as long as he is allowed to make another Cleave attack. The no-dachi specialist can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, and one more time per day for every two levels after this level. Whenver the no-dachi specialist uses this ability after the first in the same round of combat, he must make a DC 10 Concentration check, or lose his extra attack, the DC increases by 4 every time he uses this ability again that round.
No-Dachi Strike (Ex): When a no-dachi specialist of at least 4th level, makes a successful hit on an opponent, he can use his ki to land an extremely powerful blow. Once per day, the no-dachi specialist can transfer a successful hit into a critical hit. The no-dachi specialist can use this ability an additional time per day for every two levels hereafter. To use this ability, the no-dachi specialist must make a successful Concentration check, with DC 10. Each time the no-dachi specialist uses this ability another time that round, the DC increases by 5 (so if a 10th level no-dachi specialist wants to use this ability four times in a round, the last DC is 25. If he fails the Concentration check, it still counts as his allowed uses per day.
Strength of Ki (Ex): A no-dachi specialist of at least 10th level, learns to let his ki flow through his movements, and his blade. From now on, the no-dachi specialist adds his Wisdom modifier (if positive) to all of his damage rolls.
Ex-No-Dachi Specialists
A no-dachi specialist who no longer meets the required Wisdom score loses all special ki abilities, but retains all other class features. He can no longer level in the no-dachi specialist class. If at any moment he meets the required Wisdom score again, he is no longer considered an ex-no-dachi specialist (and regains all ki abilities).
No-Dachi Specialist | |||||
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special |
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Great Cleave |
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Supreme Cleave |
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Ki cleave 1/day |
4th | +4 | +4 | +1 | +4 | No-dachi strike 1/day |
5th | +5 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Ki cleave 2/day |
6th | +6 | +5 | +2 | +5 | No-dachi strike 2/day |
7th | +7 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Ki cleave 3/day |
8th | +8 | +6 | +2 | +6 | No-dachi strike 3/day |
9th | +9 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Ki cleave 4/day |
10th | +10 | +7 | +3 | +7 | No-dachi strike 4/day, strength of ki |
Originally Posted by SeijiTataki of the Wizards Community forums.
Background Information
When one dies, their Spirit is released unto the world, and must find it’sway to a peaceful rest in the afterlife. Those who are charged with maintaining this progression from life to after life are known as the Shinigami, the Gods of Death.
While they were once humans in life, Shinigami stand apart from the normal souls of the afterlife through their possession of heightened spiritual powers and awareness. This awareness can be slight or overwhelming, but it is the very fact of having this potential that allows a spirit to undergo the training to become a Shinigami.
As well as being able to usher passing spirits, the Shinigami are expected to fight off demons and corrupted human spirits, known as Hollows, in order to maintain the flow of the natural death cycle. While training to become Shinigami a soul gains knowledge in using Demonic Magic in addition to physical combat training.
Most prominent of all the abilities granted to a Shinigami is that of their zanpakuto-, a special spiritually enhanced sword which allows them to combat and purify lost souls, the Hollows. Each zanpakuto- is unique and irreplaceable, and comes with it amazing powers and abilities that are unrivaled by any traditional magic.
Adventures: A Shinigami is a keeper of the peace. They traverse freely through their home in the afterlife, known as Soul Society, but are fiercely forbidden to be allowed to wander in the living world. A Shinigami who ventures out in the real world does so as an outcast or criminal, or is under orders. Legitimate reasons for a Shinigami to be present in the living world vary, but generally are involved in maintaining spiritual peace. This includes training from the academy, dealing with Hollows or other demonic entities, or overseeing an area of high threat potential.
Characteristics: As in life, so too are the Shinigami vastly varying in characteristics and personalities in their death. Origin of spirits who find themselves in Soul Society come from all walks of the mortal coil, and as result, are wildly different in their mannerisms.
A Shinigami has no unifying personality trait, no unifying origin and no unifying look. Outside of a standardized uniform, a Shinigami can be of any ethnicity, time period, age, gender or type. Though the Shinigami are expected to keep the peace, their actual reasons for doing so are never entirely benevolent. Many Shinigami, including their highest ranking officers and commanders, are cruel and merciless people, while many others are gentle and kind caring souls.
Alignment: A Shinigami must be of any neutral or good alignment. Any Shinigami who drops to an evil alignment may no longer gain levels in Shinigami until they raise their alignment. Self or inflicted banishment from Soul Society does not immediately cause alignment loss, but purposely attacking a human or spirit without justification is an immediate jump to Evil alignment.
Religion: Shinigami tend to no longer be religious in their afterlife. However, it is not uncommon for some spirits to hold some personal significance to religions of their former lives. While Religion is not a barrier to becoming or staying a Shinigami, religions which may conflict with the tenants of the Shinigami life will most certainly prevent a soul from properly training to become a full Shinigami.
Background: The Shinigami as a group is an army, and as such, has strict regimental structure and command. Ruling over the Soul Society from Seireitei, a large castle complex which sits in the dead center of Soul Society, the bulk of Shinigami are part of the Gotei 13, an army divided into 13 divisions, broken up with a commanding Captain supported by a Lieutenant and a seat of 18 other officer positions. A Single Commander-General oversees the 13 divisions, and holds the position of 1st Division Commander. Additionally, certain Shinigami may also find themselves in the employ of the Special Forces, also known as the Secret Mobile Unit or Covert Ops. The Special Forces have their own unique divisional structure, but it remains shrouded heavily in mystery to outsiders. The Gotei 13 and the Secret Mobile Unit all follow the orders of the Central 46, a Chamber of Judiciary and Legislative members which oversee the day to day operations of Seireitei. Governing over the entirety of Soul Society is a royal family however, the Royal family keeps itself free of the affairs of Seireitei, instead living in a separate dimensional
space located in the dead center of Soul Society. Races: Shinigami are mostly human. However, it is not unheard of for non-human humanoid species to become Shinigami.
Other Classes: Shinigami suffer no penalties for cross-classing, and may cross-class freely with any other class provided that they would normally qualify for gaining levels in another class.
Game Rule Information
Shinigami have the following game statistics.
Abilities: All spiritual entities have Reiatsu, which is their spiritual aura. The Reiatsu, in turn, is representative of their awareness of the spiritual world, and influences their strength in spiritual abilities and the power of their magical abilities, or Kido-. Reiatsu is tied directly to ones Wisdom, and therefore having a higher Wisdom will greatly benefit a Shinigamis abilities.
Zanjutsu, the method of combat using ones zanpakuto-, is a combat technique. This skill is tied directly to ones strength. A Shinigami who wishes to have a high combat prowess would do well to have a high level of strength.
Alignment: Any Neutral or Good
Hit Die: d8
Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Weapon Proficiency: Must be proficient with simple weapons.
Special: The candidate must either have died, and been sent to the spirit world, or have a high enough spiritual awareness to become aware of the spirit world (Wisdom of 18 or greater). Shinigami who have not yet died require the aid of a Shinigami (generally illegal and unknown by Soul Society) to begin their training.
Class Skills
The Shinigamis class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are Reiatsu (Wisdom), Kido- (Wisdom), and Zanjutsu (Strength).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Intelligence. Modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Intelligence. Modifier
All the following are class features of the Shinigami.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Shinigami is proficient with simple weapons, but not armor. Because of the spiritual nature of Shinigami, their relative appearance is superficial at best. Their looks and appearances are based on personal preference, and any armor they wear generally has no actual substance. In spirit form, Shinigami are almost always in a standard uniform called a shihakusho-, which consists of a white undershirt and a black kimono and hakama pants. Note that while armor check penalties do not apply to a Shinigami while in spirit form, any Shinigami which finds itself in a physical form for whatever reason suffers penalty for armor heavier than leather that applies to the skills Balance,
Climb, Escape
Artist, Hide, Jump,
Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.
Also, Swim checks suffer a -1 penalty for every
5 pounds of armor and equipment carried.
Reiatsu is a tangible representation of a living or magical beings spiritual
power. Reiatsu represents the energy available to a Shinigami, and also provides
a Shinigami with a passive set of bonuses as a side effect of their spiritual
prowess. Each rank of Reiatsu grants the Shinigami 1 AC, but only when in spirit
form. A Shinigami may apply his Wisdom bonus directly to damage rolls done by
his zanpakuto- a number of times per day equivalent to his current Reiatsu level,
once per attack.
Kido-: Also known as Demon Magic, Kido- is the Shinigamis equivalent to spell casting. Rather than summoning primal forces or working traditional magic, Kido- works by focusing a Shinigamis Reiatsu through use of a verbal incantation. Not all Kido- have verbal components, but all Kido- are cast from the hand as the spells point of origin. Casting a Kido- is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Spells with verbal components can be cast as a move-equivalent action for twice the cost. A Shinigami gets a number of freeKido- slots equivalent to their Kido- level per day. A Shinigami may attempt to cast additional Kido- at a cost of one wound point her casting.
Zanjutsu: Zanjutsu represents a Shinigamis physical combat abilities. Their relative levels in Zanjutsu have an effect on their ability to learn and perform certain techniques, as well as granting an enhancement bonus to his zanpakuto- equivalent to half Zanjutsu level (rounded down).
Zanpakuto-: Starting from first level, a Shinigami gains access to his zanpakuto-. The zanpakuto- is considered a simple weapon which may be used either two-handed or one-handed. Both versions of the zanpakuto- permanently have the Defending and ghost touch traits. A two-handed zanpakuto- deals 2d4/x3 slashing damage, while a one-handed zanpakuto- deals 1d10/18-20 x2 slashing damage. In rare occurrences,
a Shinigami may gain two one-handed zanpakuto-. Normal penalties and abilities which affect this off-hand weapon apply. Zanpakuto- may not be further enchanted. Additionally, a zanpakuto- does not get destroyed under most circumstances. A damaged zanpakuto- will regenerate over time, preventing the Shinigami from ever truly losing their weapon. However, a zanpakuto- which had had its blade completely
destroyed, either vaporized or displaced in another plane of existence, can not regenerate this damage, rendering the blade useless, and the Shinigami defenseless.
(Shikai): As a Shinigami progresses in his training, he becomes much stronger and gradually more spiritually aware. The first step in advancing a Shinigamis powers to true Death God status is the unlocking of their zanpakuto-s shikai. While already inherently powerful, a zanpakuto- in its original state is nothing
more than a mere sword. Advancing to Shikai greatly increases the damage and power
of the zanpakuto-, as well as unlocking a special power which is generally unique
to the user. A Shinigami earns the right to unlock their Shikai zanpakuto- when
they have learned the true name of their zanpakuto-s spirit. Each zanpakuto-
has an inhabiting spirit, which represents the will of the weapon itself. Calling
out the name of the zanpakuto- spirit transforms the weapon from its sealed
state to its Shikai state. Sealing a sword is a move-equivalent action
which provokes an attack of opportunity, while calling out a zanpakuto-s
name to unleash its Shikai is a move-equivalent action which does not.
(Bankai): Where the Shikai represents a step forward above a standard
zanpakuto-, the Bankai represents ten steps forward. Bankai vary in looks and
abilities as radically as a Shikai does from a sealed zanpakuto-. A Shinigami
accesses their Bankai zanpakuto- form when they have defeated their zanpakuto-
spirit in trial. Changing between Shikai and Bankai is a full round action that
provokes an attack of opportunity.
The Shinigami | |||||
Level | B.A.B | Fort | Ref | Will | Special |
1 | +1 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Zanpakuto-, Spirit Form, Combat Art, Spirit Sense |
2 | +2 | +0 | +1 | +3 | Combat Art |
3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | +3 | Combat Art, Bonus Feat |
4 | +4 | +1 | +2 | +4 | Combat Art |
5 | +5 | +1 | +2 | +4 | Zanpakuto- (Shikai), Combat Art |
6 | +6 | +2 | +3 | +5 | Combat Art |
7 | +7 | +2 | +3 | +5 | Combat Art, Bonus Feat |
8 | +8 | +2 | +4 | +6 | Combat Art |
9 | +9 | +3 | +4 | +6 | Zanpakuto- (Bankai), Combat Art |
10 | +10 | +3 | +5 | +7 | Combat Art |
Form: A Shinigami is always in Spirit Form unless inhabiting a corporeal
being. This can either be their living body (in the case of a non-dead Shinigami),
a possessed being, or an artificial body (known as a gigai). A Shinigami may enter
or exit any corporeal entity as a move-equivalent action, provoking an attack
of opportunity. Attempting to possess an intelligent being requires a Will check
on the part of the intended target, opposing a DC equivalent to half the Shinigamis
Reiatsu level. An inhabited being may attempt this check again once every other
turn in an attempt to oust the controlling Shinigami. While in Spirit form, the
Shinigami is treated as though he were ethereal, with the exception that he is
unable to pass unhindered through objects.
Sense: A Shinigami is spiritually attuned, and as such, is able to sense
spirits and ethereal beings. A Shinigami will automatically sense any being with
a Reiatsu higher than 5, allows him to see and combat any such being regardless
of lightning or the Shinigamis own ability to see. Any being with Reiatsu
may purposely suppress their Reiatsu to level 4 or below in order to escape Spirit
Sense but doing so causes any benefits from the Reiatsu skill to apply
equivalent to the suppressed level. Spirit Sense allows a Shinigami to see beings
that are in the Ethereal
Rather than gaining individual additional skills and abilities
as they progress, a Shinigami is able to hone his skills into specific abilities,
creating a style of combat completely unique to his individual styles and choices.
Arts that may be chosen are as follows:
Combat Arts
Requirements: Zanjutsu 20, Reiatsu 10
Re-trainable: No Also known as Flash Step, Shunpo is a combat technique which allows the users to move nearly instantaneously from one location to another. While not entirely uncommon among Shinigami, true mastery of Shunpo is something that is incredibly hard to come by. Shunpo is a move-equivalent action that moves a Shinigami to any legal location within his normal movement range. Shunpo may be executed twice in succession, and using Shunpo to enter or exit melee combat does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A Shinigami may use Shunpo a number of times per day equivalent to half his Reiatsu level (rounded down).
Reiatsu Training
Requirements: Reiatsu 4
Re-trainable: Yes
With focus, dedication and training, a Shinigami may increase his Reiatsu, raising his spiritual power and awareness. The first time a Shinigami gains Reiatsu training, he gains a +2 bonus to his Reiatsu skill. Further Reiatsu Training confers only an additional +1 bonus.
Reiatsu Charge
Requirements: Reiatsu 15
Re-trainable: No
As a move-equivalent action (provoking an attack of opportunity) a Shinigami may focus his Reiatsu and gather additional spiritual energy from his surroundings. Reiatsu charge doubles the Shinigamis effective Reiatsu level, decaying at a rate of 1 point of Reiatsu per round until it stabilizes to his original Reiatsu level. Reiatsu Charge may not be used while under the effect of a Reiatsu Charge, and may only be used a number of times per day equivalent to the Shinigamis levels in Shinigami. While active, the Shinigami creates a Reiatsu aura which generates light in a 30-foot radius.
Deadly Reiatsu
Requirements: Reiatsu 25
Re-trainable: No
A focusing of a Shinigamis Reiatsu within a 50-foot radius, with the intent to disable or kill enemies, Deadly Reiatsu may be attempted any number of times per day, but the Shinigami is unable to attack or use abilities while maintaining the effect. Enemies caught inside the area of effect must make a Will save opposing the Shinigamis level of Reiatsu. A natural 20 will negate the effect of Deadly Reiatsu. Depending on the degree of failure, Deadly Reiatsu
has the following effects:
5 or less: Effected character
loses 10 speed.
6-10: Effected character loses half
their speed.
11-15: Effected character flees in terror
at half speed.
16-20: Effected character is disabled
and may not act.
21+: Effected character is disabled,
taking d4 damage for each they remain under the effect of Deadly Reiatsu.
Deadly Reiatsu is canceled when the Shinigami willing chooses so, does any action
other than moving, talking or simple interaction, or is dealt damage. Any character
under the effect of Deadly Reiatsu may make another attempt to break free from
Deadly Reiatsu once per turn.
Requirements: Zanjutsu 1, Reiatsu 5
The Secret Mobile Unit has the unique distinction in that it
is a group of Shinigami who excel at unarmed and melee combat as opposed to their
zanpakuto-. Training in the Unarmed Combat art grants the Shinigami the Weapon
Proficiency (Unarmed) feat, and allows the Shinigami to use their zanpakuto-s
touch ability while fighting unarmed. Additional ranks in Unarmed Combat
grant a +1 bonus to all attack rolls made while fighting unarmed.
Requirements: Unarmed Combat 3
Unarmed Expert grants the Shinigami a +2 bonus to all attack rolls made
while fighting unarmed. Additionally, the Shinigami gains his zanpakuto-s
Defender trait Zanjutsu bonus while fighting unarmed.
Requirements: Unarmed Expert, Reiatsu 20
Re-trainable: No
Shunko, also known as the Flash Release, is a combination Reiatsu and melee attack,
which involves focusing ones spiritual energy in such a way that it greatly
enhances ones fighting ability. Shunko can be maintained indefinitely, and
is activated/deactivated as a move-equivalent action that does not provoke an
attack of opportunity. While under the effects of Shunko, the Shinigamis unarmed attack is upgraded to doing 2d8 damage, and gains bonus damage equivalent to his Wisdom bonus. A Shinigami using Shunko may not use his zanpakuto- or Kido-
Requirements: Zanjutsu 4
Re-trainable: Yes
A Shinigami can choose to dedicate himself to training his sword arts, and as a result, gains unparalleled skill in using his zanpakuto-. Zanjutsu Training grants a +2 bonus to a Shinigamis Zanjutsu skill and each subsequent Zanjutsu Training learned increases this bonus by an additional +1.
Zanjutsu Mastery
Requirements: Zanjutsu Training 5
Re-Trainable: No
Zanjutsu Mastery grants the Shinigami +2 to all attack rolls made while using their zanpakuto-, in any form.
Requirements: Zanjutsu Mastery, Reiatsu 25
Masters of Zanjutsu have unparalleled ability to the point that specialization in their Reiatsu or Kido- skills are unlikely if not impossible. Rather than letting their tremendous spiritual power go to waste, a Shinigami may instead learn to give their weapons the Reiatsu Empowered feat. Reiatsu Empowered permanently grants the Shinigamis zanpakuto- a damage bonus equivalent to their Wisdom bonus. Additional, once per day the Shinigami may attempt to make an Empowered Strike. If the strike is successful, the Shinigami deals damage equivalent to their zanpakuto-s damage plus their Reiatsu level minus the target’s AC or Reiatsu level, whichever is highest.
Requirements: Kido- 3
Re-trainable: Yes
Kido- is a delicate art, and careful training can turn these spells into ones
of unparalleled power. Kido- Training grants a +2 bonus to a Shinigamis
Kido- skill. Additional Kido- Training confers a +1 bonus.
Requirements: Kido- Training 4, Reiatsu 15
A Kido- specialist gets an additional number of Kido- slots equivalent
to half their Reiatsu level (rounded down).
Requirements: Kido- Specialist, Kido- 30
Kido- Mastery removes the penalty of wound damage associated with
casting additional Kido- spells, effectively giving a Shinigami an unlimited number
of Kido- casts.
Spirit Training
Requirements: Wisdom 15
Re-Trainable: Yes
Each rank of Spirit Training increases the Shinigamis Wisdom by 1.
Combat Training
Requirements: Strength 15
Re-Trainable: Yes
Each rank of Combat Training increases the Shinigamis strength by 1.
Kido- Demonic Magic
Shinigami work their magicby chanting an incantation or focusing their Reiatsu, and channeling it to produce an intended effect. Kido- with verbal components are always more powerful when
the full incantation is spoken, but casting a verbal Kido- is a full round action
that provokes an attack of opportunity. As a result, many Shinigami use the non-verbal
alternative to their Kido-. A non-verbal Kido- costs twice the number of spell
slots of their verbal counterparts, but gain the advantage of being a move-equivalentaction
which does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The spell level of a Shinigamis
Kido- is equivalent to their Kido- skill level.
Kido- level:
Verbal: None
Restrain forces the targets arms
behind their back, binding them in place and preventing them from using their
hands/arms. A successful Will saving throw against the spells level negates
the effect.
Kido- level: 3
Verbal: None
A magical
energy rope which attempts to bind the targets arms, preventing the use
of their arms and hands. The effect is similar to Restrain except it can be resisted
with a Reflex Save against the spells level. While under the effects of
Crawling Rope, the effected can attempt a Strength Check against the spells
level to break the effect.
Kido- level: 10
Verbal: Disintegrate, you black
dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!
The Shinigami unleashes a blast of red energy which engulfs the target, paralyzing
them for d6 turns, preventing any action.
of the Tracking Sparrows
Kido- level: 8
Heart of the south, eye of the north, finger of the west, foot of the east, arrive
with the wind and depart with the rain.
This is a tracking Kido- which allows
a Shinigami to track any spirit, ethereal or being with a Reiatsu level of 1 or
higher. The range is effectively unlimited, but limited to only one plane of existence
at a time.
Six Rods Prison of Light
Kido- level: 15
Verbal: Carriage of thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into
Target is retrained by six rods of holy energy which encase the targets
midsection. This holds the target in place, preventing any physical movement,
but does not prevent spell casting or attacking or defending.
of 1 Kan Iron Pillars
Kido- level: 15
Verbal: Walls
of ironsand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright,
silent to the end.
This spells surrounds the target in a cage composing of
five thick pillars, preventing them from escaping. The pillars can be destroyed,
having 20 hit points each, or escaped by magical means. One can not pass between
the bars, and it is impossible to escape by moving vertically through most traditional
Rickshaws in Silken Air
Kido- level: 20
Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints,
distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds,
blue line. Form a circle and fly through the heavens.
Special: Additionally,
the Shinigami must have some method of marking their arms with symbols, one symbol
for each person. These markings are animated by the spell and used to transmit
the message.
This spell allows the Shinigami to transmit messages to anyone
located within Soul Society.
Kido- level: 20
Verbal: None
This spells binds
the arms of a target with spiritual fabric and iron shafts. The effect is similar
to Restrain except it can be resisted with a Reflex Save against the spells
level. While under the effects of Seal, the effected can attempt a Strength Check
against the spells level to break the effect.
Kido- level: 30
(1st) Halting
(2nd) Hundred linked bolts
(3rd ) Great seal of 10,000 forbidding
Special: This spell is broken up into three verbal components,
each activating a different spell effect. The three spells are not autonomous,
and for second and third incantations to have effect, the first incantation must
be in effect.
1st: This spell covers a target from head to
toe with spiritual fabric, paralyzing them. The effect is similar to Geiki except
it can be resisted with a Reflex Save against the spells level. While under
the effects of Greater Seal, the effected can attempt a Strength Check against
the spells level to break the effect.
2nd: If affected
by the first stage of Greater Seal, the second incantation thrusts a number of
metal blades into the targets body, dealing 2d6 piercing damage.
If the third incantation for Greater Seal is spoken, the spell ends with the target
being smashed by a massive metallic cube, dealing 2d10 crushing damage.
Kido- level: 6
Verbal: None
This spell fires a bolt of lightning from the caster’s fingertips, dealing 2d6 damage.
Shot of Red Fire
Kido- level: 7
Verbal: Ye Lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, The sea barrier surges, March on to the south!
This spell fires off a ball of red energy, dealing 1d6 damage to the target. Every 10 levels of Kido- skill adds another d6 to the damage, doing up to 3d6 damage.
Blue Fire, Crash Down
Kido- level: 10
Verbal: Ye Lord! Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, Upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws!
A surge of spiritual energy which strikes everything within 5-feet of its flight path to the intended target, dealing 2d4 damage. Every 10 levels of Kido- skill adds an addition d4 to the damage, doing up to 4d4 per target.
Waste Flame
Kido- level: 10
Verbal: None
Ignites the target in magical flames, dealing 1d4 damage every round for 2d6 rounds.
Roar Cannon
Kido- level: 25
Verbal: Sprinkled
on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become
the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty
A surge of yellow energy which deals damage equivalent to the Shinigamis
Kido- level minus their targets Reiatsu level or Armor class (whichever
is higher).
Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down
Kido- level: 30
Verbal: Mask
of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man!
On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration,
wait at the far heavens.
This spell mimics Blue Fire, Crash Down, except that
now deals 2d8 damage base, and only upgrades to 3d8 damage.
Kido- level: 35
Verbal: None
An extremely
deadly high level spell, which entombs the target in a coffin made of black energy.
The target is allowed an attempt to escape by making a Strength check against
the Spell level, before they are impaled by spears of energy, dealing 3d10 piercing
Kido- level: 10
Verbal: None
spell disperses spiritual energy within a 20 foot radius around the Shinigami.
This causes living and spiritual beings to pass out (resisted by a Will save against
the spells level), and destroy objects made of soul energy (such as the
buildings in Soul Society). Additionally, energy beings, ghosts and Shinigami
in Spirit Form suffer 1d4 damage as a result of the effect. The Shinigami casting
this ability is immune to these effects.
Kido- level: 10
Verbal: None
the doorways of a room with a glass-like barrier. The barrier has only 15 hit points and 0 AC, but all damage dealt to the barrier is reduced to 1damage from damage sources located outside of the protected room. The barrier makes the walls, floor and ceiling of the room impassable under any circumstance, and ignores damage less than 8. However, attacks done to the barrier from the inside of the room do double damage.
wrestler Somagahana Fuchiemon. Woodcut print shows sumo wrestler Somagahana Fuchiemon,
full-length portrait, standing, facing slightly left, wearing robes with two swords.
Format: Vertical Oban Nishikie.
prestige class by drakin769 on wizards message boards.This version available at
The Wu Jen.
any sword was forged, before any arrow was fletched, the sumotori turned their
bodies into the only weapon that they would ever need. They are the masters of
grappling, able to take down opponents that are much larger than they without
trouble. There was once legend of a sumotori that bet a dragon he could take him
down. After a test of strength that could move mountains… the man managed to
pin the dragon… The dragon then took flight and rained fire down upon the sumotori
who was helpless to stop him… Sumotori are good… but not that good.
Hit die: d12
attack bonus: +5 or higher
Close-Quarters Fighting, Improved Unarmed
Strike, Power
Attack, Improved Bull
Any Lawful
6 ranks
Skills & Proficiencies
Balance (Dexterity), Bluff (Charisma), Intimidate (Charisma), Perform (Charisma), Tumble (Dexterity).
Skill points: (2 + Intelligence modifier)/level
Sumotori gain no proficiency with any weapons or armor. Wearing armor
actually inhibits their capabilities.
Class Features
Sumotori who wear armor function as if they were of 4 (sumotori) levels
lower (minimum having no levels of this class). They also may not add their attack
bonus gained while a sumotori to melee or ranged combat while using a weapon (i.e.,
they function as if they hadn’t taken the sumotori prestige class).
Of the Sumo (Su): While grappling or tripping (or being grappled or tripped)
your opponents are considered to be a number of sizes smaller equal to the number
on the chart. They may be no more reduced then 1 size below your size. Your new
opponents’ size also effects your other Sumo special attacks.
(Su): You may on the first round of combat gaze into the eyes of one
opponent and try to unsettle him. The subject must make a will save of 5 + 1/sumotori
level + your Intimidation skill modifier or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. Shikiri
can be performed as a free action, but you need to be within 10 feet of your opponent.
Any creature immune to fear or unable to see is not affected by this ability.
It also doesn’t work on opponents who are statedly not facing you.
(Ex): When dealing damage to a grappled opponent you deal the given amount
of extra damage.
(Ex): At the start of combat if you delay attacking until you are attacked
first you gain +2 to attack and damage to all opponents that attack you before
you make your first attack until the end of combat.
Grab (Ex): When ever you successfully hit with an unarmed attack you
may attempt a grapple for free. If you succeed you get to immediately attack him
(as a constrict attack.)
(Ex): You must declare using the Tsuki attack before rolling the attack.
A miss ruins the attempt. If you are successful in a tsuki attack you deal damage
as normal. You also make a grapple check against a DC of 25. For every 2 above
the DC you push the target back 5 feet. You may do this 1/day/sumotori level.
You must have both hands free to do this. If you do this to an opponent that is
more then 1 size larger then you, then the DC is 45.
Hatakikomi (Ex): You must declare using the hatakikomi attack before rolling the attack. A miss ruins the attempt. Make a trip attack against a your opponent. If you are successful, he is tripped and may not stand up (or otherwise move) for 1d6 rounds. You may do this 1/day/sumotori level. You can do this to any creature that is no more then 1 size larger then you.
The 48 Hands (Ex): You have become extremely dangerous while grappling by learning the techniques called the 48 hands. You may take 10 on all grapple and trip checks.
Multiclass note: monks may freely multiclass with the sumotori.
The Sumotori | |||||
1 | +1 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Restrictions, Might of the Sumo +1, Shikiri |
2 | +2 | +3 | +0 | +0 | Constrict +1d6 |
3 | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Tachi-ai |
4 | +4 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Improved Grab |
5 | +5 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Might of the Sumo -2, Constrict +2d6 |
6 | +6 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Tsuki |
7 | +7 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Hatakikomi |
8 | +8 | +6 | +2 | +2 | Constrict +3d6 |
9 | +9 | +6 | +3 | +3 | Might of the Sumo -3 |
10 | +10 | +7 | +3 | +3 | The 48 Hands |
of the Two Heavens
Miyamoto with two Bokken (wooden Sticks)
Posted by
Deladrion Garthin of the Wizards Community forums.
Miyamoto Musashi was perhaps the greatest swordsman to ever live. In his lifetime he fought in at least sixty individual matches and was never defeated. Early on in his life and training as a martial artist, he began to develop what he would call the Two Heavens, or Two Sword style. The style’s emphasis was unusual in that it truly lacked one. Musashi found that by not narrowing his focus on using particular postures and techniques, by having no preference over which weapon he used, he could strike down an enemy with whatever weapon suited the purpose; whether it was his katana, wakazashi, or fist did not matter. I wrote this prestige class up based on what I’ve read in The Book of Five Rings, a book which details Musashi’s style as well as his general strategies and techniques for gaining victory.
Feats- Two
Weapon Fighting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (katana), Karmic
Strike, Dodge, Combat
Expertise, Improved Unarmed
10 Ranks
Motive– 10 Ranks
BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Abilities | |
1. | +1 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Two Heavens Sword Style |
2. | +2 | +3 | +0 | +0 | +1d6 Sneak Attack |
3. | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Body Blow |
4. | +4 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Know The Victor |
5. | +5 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Strike of Running Water 1/day |
6. | +6 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Improved Karmic Strike |
7. | +7 | +5 | +2 | +2 | +2d6 Sneak Attack |
8. | +8 | +6 | +2 | +2 | Know the Enemy |
9. | +9 | +6 | +3 | +3 | |
10. | +10 | +7 | +3 | +3 | No Thought-No Concept Strike, Strike of Running Water 2/day |
The following are class skills of the Swordsman
of the Two Heavens; Concentration (Constitution), Craft (Intelligence), Diplomacy (Charisma), Intimidate
(Charisma), Knowledge
(history)(Intelligence), Knowledge (nobility
and royalty) (Intelligence), Perfrom
(Charisma), Ride (Dexterity)(Dexterity), Sense
Motive (Wisdom).
points per level = 2 + Intelligence modifier.
and Weapons:
The Swordsman of the Two Heavens gains no new armor
or weapon proficiencies.
Two Heavens Sword Style:
Two Heavens sword style involves using all
weapons available to the practitioner, and using only the one most suitable to
the situation. Preference of one weapon or technique over another leads to failure
and defeat, as the opportunity to strike your opponent down may present itself
but is overlooked when one is focusing on bringing a particular weapon to bear.
Whenever the Swordsman of the Two Heavens successfully strikes a single opponent
with both his katana and wakazashi, he may immediately make a free unarmed strike
against that opponent. This ability may only be used once per round.
By striking when his opponent is not prepared to evade, either phiscally
or mentally, the Swordsman of the Two Heavens may deal additional damage. At second
level, and every five levels afterward, the Swordsman of the Two Heavens gains
+1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This damage is identical to and stacks with the Rogue’s
Sneak Attack ability.
By rushing in with all the strength in his body, the Swordsman
of the Two Heavens may make an Unarmed Strike that throws his opponent off balance.
If the Swordsman of the Two Heavens successfully deals damage with an unarmed
strike, he may choose to knock his opponent off balance, forcing them to make
a reflex save (DC = 10 + ½ character level + strength modifier). Failure
causes the opponent to lose his Dexterity bonus to AC against the Swordsman’s
attacks until his next action. This ability may be used a number of times per
day equal to the Swordsman’s class level + his Wisdom modifier, and no more
than once per round.
Know The Victor: The Swordsman of the Two Heavens is completely confident in his abilities, and his victory is thusly assured. This strict mindset is plainly expressed by the Swordsman, allowing him to cow lesser men. The Swordsman of the
Two Heavens now receives a +4 bonus to Intimidate checks.
Strike of Running Water: When he and his opponent are equally matched, and neither is gaining ground, the Swordsman of the Two Heavens may inflate his body and mind, gaining strength from the nothingness, and strike with all of the strength of momentarily restrained water bursting forth from a running river. Once per day for every five class levels, the Swordsman of the Two Heavens may draw strength
from within, from nothing, to strike his opponent down. For a single round of combat, the Swordsman of the Two Heavens may add his Wisdom modifier to all attack and damage rolls. This is an extraordinary agility.
Improved Karmic Strike
When using the Karmic Strike feat, the penalty taken to AC is reduced by two, resulting in a -2 penalty to AC instead of a -4.
Know The Enemy: The Swordsman of the Two Heavens understands how to defeat one man, and knows how to use his skills to fight many. If one man can defeat ten, then ten may defeat one hundred, and one hundred may defeat one thousand. The Swordsman has now developed techniques for fighting multiple foes at once, and cannot be flanked.
No Thought-No Concept Strike: When making an attack of opportunity via Karmic Strike, you actually strike out just before your opponent’s blow lands, catching him completely unable to defend himself. An opponent attacked in this way is denied his Dexterity modifier to his armor class. Additionally, the Swordsman of the Two Heaven’s attack of opportunity is resolved before damage is rolled for the opponent’s attack, potentially dropping the opponent before he is able to strike.
Swordsman of the Two Heavens
The epic-level Swordsman of the Two
Heavens continues to gain Hit Dice, skill points, Sneak Attack, and Strike of
Running Water. He also gains a bonus feat at 13th level and every third level
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TheThan of the Giant in the Playground Forums.
Yakuza are made men and women. They are the foundation of the underground. Basically they control organized crime in the cities and towns of the world. They often work under the noses of the government, smirking at their vain attempts to catch them. Others rule small towns with an iron fist. They are outlaws, thieves, gamblers and other sorts of scoundrels. Some Yakuza are beneficial to the town or city they work in, but most just leach off of society. The Yakuza can be many things, but one thing is for sure, leaving the Yakuza means death. Not all members of a Yakuza gang gain this class. Most are thugs and thieves looking to leach some semblance of power off of the true Yakuza. Only the best and brightest are
admitted into the Yakuza brotherhood.
Most members of the Yakuza adventure to perform some service to their gang. Whether that be assassination, courier work or something else. It is vital for a member of the Yakuza to keep their true affiliation secret, capture by the authorities means a certain gruesome death. Capture by their enemies means death or ransom, bringing shame and dishonor on the Yakuza and his gang. Most people who enter this class are Rogues or Socialites though other paths are possible.
Yakuza need quick wits, deft hands and a silver tongue to survive. High Charisma helps with smooth-talking officials and intimidating those weaker than themselves. A high Dexterity is needed for when you need to get your hands dirty and perform some sneaky task. A high Intelligence grants you more skills for you to practice.
Base attack bonus +6
Bluff 10 ranks
Diplomacy 10 ranks
feat in any one of the following skills: Appraise, Bluff, Gather Information,
Knowledge (local) or Intimidate
dice: d6
The following are the Yakuza’s class skills: Appraise (Intelligence), Bluff (Charisma),
Decipher Script
(Intelligence), Diplomacy (Charisma), Disguise (Charisma), Escape Artist (Dexterity), Forgery
(Intelligence) Gather Information (Charisma), Hide (Dexterity), Intimidate (Charisma), Knowledge (local)
(Intelligence), Listen (Wisdom), Sense
Motive (Wisdom), Sleight of Hand (Dexterity), and Speak Language
points: 4+Intelligence modifier per level
Weapons and armor proficiencies:
Yakuza gain no weapons or armor proficiencies.
Beginning at 1st level A Yakuza learns how to sell, and buy illegal
items better. He gains a +5 competence bonus on any Diplomacy check made to buy
or sell Illicit or illegal goods.
the Dice
At second level a Yakuza realizes he’s as lucky as he is good,
he gains the ability to re-roll one failed ability check, skill check, attack
roll or saving throw. The second result must be used, regardless whether it’s
better or worse than the original dice roll. The Yakuza can use this ability a
number of times per day depending on his level.
Beginning at third level the Yakuza gains access to a wide array of
resources. Once per day a Yakuza can make a Charisma check to use those resources.
The value of the resources gained is equal to the result of the Yakuza’s Charisma
check x 20. Thus a Yakuza with a Charisma check of 16 would gain 320 gold: 16
These resources can take any form the player wishes (within
reason). The Yakuza may spend his resources any way he chooses. The resources
are delivered to the Yakuza after 1d8 hours after the Charisma check takes place.
The resources must be reasonably available when and where he makes the check.
If a character with resource access already has this ability when he reaches level
three in the Yakuza class, then he gains a +1 bonus to his Charisma check when
making a resource access attempt.
At 5th level a Yakuza becomes skilled at resisting mind affecting spells
and powers. He may add his Charisma modifier (if positive) to any will save he
is forced to make to resist mind affecting spells or abilities.
Beginning at 7th level the Yakuza’s presence becomes unsettling
to foes. A number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier, A Yakuza can
instill fear in another. The target of the Yakuza’s inspire fear ability
must succeed a will saving throw (dc = 10+ ½ Yakuza class levels (round
down) + Charisma modifier). A character that succeeds the will save becomes shaken,
if the save succeeds by 10 or more, the character is unaffected by the Yakuza’s
ability, and cannot be affected by Inspire Fear for 24 hours. If a character fails
the save, he becomes Frightened for 5d6 rounds.
Yakuza must make threatening action of some sort. Such as a verbal threat or drawing
a weapon (the required action is not limited to these).
A frightened creature flees from the source of its fear as best it can. If unable to flee, it may fight. A frightened creature takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. A frightened creature can use special abilities, including spells, to flee; indeed, the creature must use such means if they are the only way to escape.
Frightened is like shaken, except that the creature must flee if possible. Panicked is a more extreme state of fear.
A shaken character takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.