Ptah, God of Knowledge and Secrets, the Creator and Craftsman
Ptah is an ancient Egyptian creator god who is associated with craftsmanship and fertility.

- Pantheon: Egyptian Pantheon
- Deity Title: Ptah, the Creator and Craftsman
- Deity Symbol: A mummified figure with a skullcap and holding an ankh and a scepter
- Home Plane: Celestia, the Seven Heavens
- Deity Level: Greater Deity
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Aliases: Ta-tenen, Hephaestus, Vulcan
- Superior: None
- Traditional Allies: Sekhmet, the goddess of war and healing, and Nefertum, the god of beauty and perfume
- Traditional Foes: Apep, the serpent god of chaos and Set, the god of disorder
- Divine Artifact: The Wheel of Creation, a magical potter’s wheel that can bring anything to life
- Servants: Divine craftsmen, builders, and architects
- Servitor Creatures: None specified
- Sacred Animal: The Apis Bull
- Manifestations: Ptah can manifest as a mummified figure with a skullcap, holding an ankh and a scepter. He is also associated with the bull and the ram.
- Signs of Favor: Successful craftsmanship and building, prosperity, and fertility.
- Worshipers: Craftsmen, architects, builders, and those involved in creative work.
- Cleric Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, True Neutral
- Specialty Priests: Craftsmen, architects, builders, and those involved in creative work
- Holy Days: The festival of Ptah was celebrated on the first day of the new year.
- Portfolio: Creation, craftsmanship, building, and fertility
- Domains: Artifice, Earth, Creation, Protection
- Favored Weapon: Heavy Mace
- Favored Class: Cleric
- Favored Race: Humans
- Duties of the Priesthood: The priesthood of Ptah is responsible for the maintenance and repair of temples, as well as the promotion and development of creative work and craftsmanship.
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: The Temple of Ptah in Memphis was the most important center of his worship.
- Benefits: The priesthood of Ptah receives divine aid in their craftwork and building, as well as the power to bless and consecrate new structures and buildings.
Ptah is a striking figure with broad shoulders and a powerful build, standing tall at over seven feet in height. His skin is a deep, rich shade of ebony, with sharp, angular features that convey both wisdom and strength. His eyes are piercing and intense, the color of molten gold, and they seem to take in everything around him with an almost otherworldly awareness. His bald head is adorned with a golden diadem, and a thick, bushy beard cascades down his chest.
Ptah’s persona is one of deep contemplation and measured action. He speaks in a low, rumbling voice that commands attention and respect, and his movements are graceful and deliberate. He exudes an air of calm authority, and his presence seems to fill the space around him.
As a deity, Ptah is known as the creator of the world and the patron of craftsmen and artisans. He is revered for his skill in craftsmanship, particularly in the creation of beautiful and intricate jewelry, and is often depicted holding a staff and wearing a long, flowing robe. He is also associated with the power of speech and is said to have created the spoken word itself.
Ptah’s actions are motivated by a desire to create and bring order to the world. He is particularly concerned with the creation of beautiful objects and the development of new technologies and techniques. He is also dedicated to maintaining the balance between chaos and order in the world, and is willing to take action to protect this delicate balance when necessary.
Overall, Ptah is a wise and powerful figure, revered by craftsmen and artisans across the world. His dedication to the creation of beautiful objects and the maintenance of order has made him a beloved and respected deity among many cultures, and his presence is felt across the world of the divine.
Role-playing Notes
Ptah is a clever and dynamic god with a great love of art and beauty. He smiles upon craftsmen who produce works of great quality and will sometimes (5%) assure that such persons receive the recognition they deserve.
Duties of the Priesthood
Priests of Ptah are expected to be artists and scholars. As such, they must always take the artistic ability non-weapon proficiency. Individual Dungeon Masters may allow players to substitute skills like dancing or pottery for this slot if the character is clearly an artist and not just “another potter”. In the eyes of many of his faithful, Ptah is considered to be the creator of the universe
Deities & Demigods
Rich Redman, Skip Williams, James Wyatt
Ptah is a mysterious creator deity, related to the rest of the Pharaonic pantheon only by marriage (to Re-Horakhty’s daughter Bast), not by birth. He appears as a small man with black skin like polished marble and large black eyes filled with stars. Legends suggest that Ptah existed before even Re and Apep, and that he may have created them and even other gods in other pantheons. Despite his marriage to Bast, he remains aloof from the struggles and rivalries of the Pharaonic pantheon, spending his time wandering the vast expanses of the planes.
Ptah’s law is the order of the universe. Everything has a place in the cosmic scheme, and everything fits together to work for a purpose that is beyond mortal understanding. Ptah may have set this intricate cosmic machinery in motion, and it seems quite likely that he is the only one who knows its purpose or eventual result. His followers generally act as though they’re in on the secret, but certainly none of them know as much as Ptah himself. Mortals can simply do their best to fill the part they’re supposed to play, not overstepping their place or spreading disorder in the well-ordered world.
Clergy and Temples
Ptah has few clerics, and he is not widely worshiped even among the pantheon as a whole. His priests defy common Pharaonic practice by wearing black vestments adorned with glittering white stars, though males still shave their heads in accordance with tradition. They emulate their deity by exercising their god-given creativity in arts or crafts, traveling widely, and striving to maintain order. Ptah has both male and female clerics.
Ptah’s temples tend to be small but elaborate structures, usually built in remote locations. Their ceilings are commonly decorated with images of the night sky full of stars.
Ptah | |
Cleric20/Transmuter 20 | |
Medium-Size outsider | |
Divine Rank | 15 |
Hit Dice | 20d8+200 (outsider) plus 20d8+200 (Clr) plus 20d4+200 (Tra) (1,000 hp) |
Initiative | +13 (+9 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative) |
Speed | 60 ft. |
AC | 71 (+9 Dexterity, +15 divine, +28 natural, +9 deflection) |
Attacks | +5 ghost touch lawful spell storing heavy mace +69/+64/+59/+54 melee; or spell +64 melee touch or +64 ranged touch |
Damage | +5 ghost touch lawful spell storing heavy mace 1d8+18/×2 or by spell |
Face/Reach | 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, turn undead 16/day. |
Special Qualities | Divine immunities, fire immunity, DR 50/+4, spontaneous casting of divine spells, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 15 miles, remote communication, godly realm, teleport without error at will, plane shift at will, familiar (bats and owls), SR 47, divine aura (1,500 ft., DC 34). |
Saves | Fort +57, Ref +56, Will +62. |
Abilities | Strength 28, Dexterity 29, Constitution 30, Intelligence 36, Wisdom 40, Charisma 28. |
Skills* | Appraise +48, Balance +36, Concentration +85, Craft (painting) +88, Craft (pottery) +88, Craft (sculpture) +88, Diplomacy +66, Heal +70, Intuit Direction +70, Jump +46, Knowledge (arcana) +88, Knowledge (geography) +88, Knowledge (local) +88, Knowledge (the planes) +88, Knowledge (religion) +88, move silently +54, Scry +88, Search +48, Sense Motive +50, Spellcraft +88, Spot +50, Tumble +46, Wilderness Lore +70. *Always receives a 20 on checks. |
Feats | Craft Wondrous Item, Divine Vengeance, Dodge, Empower Spell, Endurance, Enlarge Spell, Combat Expertise, Extend Spell, Extra Turning, Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation), Greater Spell Penetration, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Persistent spell, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Transmutation), Spell Mastery, Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Still Spell, Superior Expertise, Whirlwind Attack. |
Divine Immunities | Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment. |
Salient Divine Abilities | Arcane Mastery, Automatic Metamagic (quicken wizard spells), Banishing Gaze, Clearsight, Create Greater Object, Create Object, Divine Celerity, Divine Spellcasting, Extra Domain (Law), Extra Sense Enhancement (see ethereal), Extra Energy Immunity (fire), Extra Energy Immunity (sonic), Free Move, Increased Energy Resistance (sonic), Instant Move, Know Secrets, Power of Truth, Stride. *Unique ability, described below. |
Domain Powers | Cast conjuration (creation) spells at +2 caster level; cast divination spells at +1 caster level; cast law spells at +1 caster level; 20 rounds/day freedom of movement. |
Spell-Like Abilities | Ptah uses these abilities as a 25th-level caster, except for divination spells and law spells, which he uses as a 26th-level caster, and conjuration (creation) spells, which he uses as a 27th-level caster. The save DCs are 34 + spell level. astral projection, calm emotions, clairaudience/clairvoyance, create food and water, create water, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, dictum, dimension door, discern location, dispel chaos, divination, expeditious retreat, find the path, fly, foresight, genesis, heroes’ feast, hold monster, legend lore, locate object, magic circle against chaos, major creation, minor creation, minor image, order’s wrath, permanent image, phase door, protection from chaos, shield of law, summon monster IX (as law spell only), teleport without error, true creation, true seeing. |
Cleric Spells/Day (Levels 0-15): 6/10/10/10/ 9/9/8/8/7/7/3/3/2/2/2/2; base DC = 27 + spell level, 31 + spell level for transmutation spells.
Wizard Spells/Day (Levels 0-13): 5/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/2/ 2/2/2; base DC = 25 + spell level, 29 + spell level for transmutation spells. Prohibited schools: Enchantment and Illusion.
Banishing Gaze (unique salient divine ability): Ptah can force a creature onto another plane (as with the spell plane shift) with a gaze attack. The attack has a range of 30 feet and counts as an attack action. A Will save (DC 29) negates the effect.
Other Divine Powers
As an intermediate deity, Ptah automatically receives a die result of 20 on any check. He treats a 1 on a saving throw or attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal.
Senses: Ptah can touch, smell, see, and hear at a distance of fifteen miles. His vision extends into the Ethereal Plane as well. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within fifteen miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to ten locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Sense: Ptah is aware of any acts of craft or creation the instant they begin and fifteen weeks into the past.
Automatic Actions: Ptah can use any Craft skill, even those he has no ranks in, as a free action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower. He can perform up to ten such free actions each round.
Create Magic Items: Ptah can create any magic item, as long as the items market price does not exceed 200,000 gp.
Currently in the World

Ptah, the creator god of Memphis, has existed since the very beginning of time, his essence woven into the fabric of creation itself. Throughout the centuries, he has watched the rise and fall of civilizations, always maintaining a watchful eye over the mortals and the gods alike.
In the 1450s, Ptah remains a powerful force in the world of the gods, his influence stretching far and wide. He spends much of his time in the company of other deities, discussing the fate of the universe and strategizing their next moves. His goals are simple – to maintain balance and order in the world, and to protect the mortals from the chaos that threatens to consume them.
Ptah’s unique traits include his mastery over creation and his ability to craft anything he desires with a mere thought. He is also known for his unwavering loyalty to his fellow gods, and his willingness to do whatever it takes to protect them and their creations.
Despite his strengths, Ptah is not without his weaknesses. His deep sense of compassion can sometimes blind him to the harsh realities of the world, leading him to make decisions that ultimately do more harm than good. Additionally, his intense focus on maintaining balance can sometimes cause him to become detached from the world around him, leading him to miss important events and developments.
Ptah’s relationships with other gods are complex and varied. He has a deep respect for his fellow creator gods, such as Atum and Amun, and often works closely with them to shape the universe. He also has a close bond with the goddess Ma’at, whose principles of order and balance closely align with his own. However, his relationships with other gods can be strained, particularly those who seek to upset the delicate balance of the universe.
As the centuries pass and the world continues to change, Ptah remains a constant force, always watching, always protecting. His motivations are simple – to maintain balance and order in the world, and to ensure that the mortals continue to thrive and prosper. And for as long as he exists, he will continue to be a guiding force, watching over the universe with his ever-vigilant eye.