Diana, Wonder Woman

Art by Doug Braithwaite and Alex Ross
Wonder Woman is a fictional DC Comics superheroine co-created by William Moulton Marston and wife Elizabeth Holloway Marston. Wonder Woman first appeared in All Star Comics #8 (Dec. 1941). She is among the first ‘and most famous’ comic book superheroines, and is written as a founding member of the Justice League.
In most adaptations, Wonder Woman is Princess Diana of the Amazon warrior tribe of Greek mythology, “Diana” being the Roman name for the Greek goddess Artemis on whom the character is based. The Amazon ambassador to the larger world, Diana was awarded several gifts by the Olympian gods, including the Lasso of Truth (created from the Golden Girdle of Gaea) and indestructible bracelets/gauntlets (formed from the shield Aegis).
For several years she was described in the splash page of each story, as “beautiful as Aphrodite, wise as Athena, swifter than Mercury, and stronger than Hercules.”
Marston designed Wonder Woman to reflect his conception of an empowered independent female character, with several subsequent writers also working this idea into the character.
In addition to comic books, the character was featured in the popular 1975-79 television adaptation starring Lynda Carter, as well as the Super Friends and Justice League animated series. Plans for a motion picture adaptation are also underway.
Originally Posted by Kain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks forums.
Diana, Wonder Woman | |
Medium outsider (Good, Proxy) | |
Wounds | 120 WP, 750 VP (30d8+510) |
Initiative | +16 |
Speed | 300 ft., fly 900 ft. (good) |
AC | 42 (+16 defense, +6 Dexterity, +10 speed) touch 38, flat footed 38 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +30/+72 |
Attack | Unarmed strike +65 melee (2d10 + 33) or lasso +48 ranged touch or Blade of Hesphaestus +71 melee (1d8 + 39 /17-20) |
Full Attack | Unarmed strike +65/+60/+55/+50 melee (2d10 + 33) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft. /5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Counterattack, lasso of truth, overwhelming blow |
Special Qualities | Amazon trained, Athena‘s champion, Blindsight 100 feet., damage reduction 40/slashing or piercing, fast healing 5, resistance to energy (cold, fire) 40, resistance to energy (acid, electricity, sonic) 20, Spell Resistance 20, superspeed level 10, super strength |
Saves | Fort +42, Ref +41, Will +34 |
Abilities | Strength 55, Dexterity 22, Constitution 45, Intelligence 19, Wisdom 29, Charisma 26 |
Skills | Balance +20, Bluff +22, Climb +32, Diplomacy +49, Gather Information +22, Handle Animal +48, Intimidate +27, Jump +134, Knowledge (history) +30, Knowledge (nobility) +28, Knowledge (tactics) +37, Knowledge (theology) +36, Listen +35, Move Silently +35, Ride +19, Sense Motive +54, Spot +35, Survival +19, Swim +32, Treat Injury +14, Tumble +35, Rope Use+25 |
Feats | Animal Affinity, Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Combat Focus, Combat Reflexes, Combat Stability, Combat Tactician, Defensive Sweep, Deflect Arrows*, Fly by Attack, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Lunging Strike, Mounted Combat, Negotiator, Power Attack, Shield Specialization (heavy), Shield Ward, Short Haft, Track |
Epic Feats | Epic Reflexes, Epic Skill Focus (Handle Animal), Epic Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Epic Will, Exceptional Deflection*, Infinite Deflection*, Reflect Arrows* |
Climate/Terrain | Boston |
Organization | Solitary (unique) |
Challenge Rating | 44 |
Treasure | Equipment |
Alignment | Neutral Good |
Amazon Trained
Raised from birth to be a fierce warrior, Diana gains the bonus feats and unarmed strike of a fighter and monk of her hit dice. She also possesses a +3 bonus to attack and damage while using a sword, staff, spear, axe, bow or when fighting unarmed.
Athena‘s Champion
As Athena‘s personal champion and proxy, Diana enjoys several benefits. She gains her Charisma bonus as a divine bonus to saves, and is immune to all nonmagical diseases and poisons.
Superspeed Level 10 (Ex)
The following benefits are provided from Superspeed level 10
- +10 speed bonus to AC, reflex saves and initiative
- +10 speed bonus to attacks
- +5 speed bonus to melee damage rolls.
- Diana reduces the amount of time to complete an action by 2 steps, allowing her to take full round actions as move actions and move actions as immediate actions.
- Characters with less than Superspeed level 5 are considered flat-footed for the purposes of Diana’s attacks. Characters with Uncanny Dodge have an effective Superspeed Level equal to their Dexterity modifier for this purpose.
- When using the run action, Diana moves at 20x her normal speed.
Superstrength Level 3 (Ex)
- +6 melee damage bonus.
- +3 bonus on grapple and bull rush checks.
- Lift capacity x8.
Wonder Woman has a +10 divine bonus on Sense Motive checks.
Wonder Woman wields many magical items, most divine gifts.
Magic Bracelets
These bracelets, forged from the remenants of Aegis, grant Diana the entire
Deflect Arrows feat chain as bonus feats. If Diana can make a Reflex save (DC=attacker’s attack roll) against a melee attack, she can block it as well. However, Diana suffers a -5 penalty for each successive attack she blocks in a round in this manner.
When crossed, the bracelets create a forcefield in front of Diana. The barrier has a 15 foot square area, damage reduction 15/- and 200 hit points. No attack form can penetrate the barrier without destroying it. If Diana uncrosses her bracelets, the effect immediately ends. If the barrier is destroyed through damage, Diana is stunned (no save) for 1d4 rounds. Crossing her bracelets is a full round action, uncrossing them is a swift action.
Lasso of Truth
Diana’s most potent weapon, any creature caught in the coils or touching the lasso must make a Will save (DC 80) or be forced to speak the utter truth, without any deceptions. Even on a successful save, the victim suffers a -30 penalty to all Bluff checks. The Lasso automatically entangles creatures struck by it similar to a net, but the Lasso never needs folding. Creatures normally immune to mind-affecting effects are not immune to the Lasso, although mindless creatures are.
The Lasso has a range of 30 feet. The Lasso has a break DC of 40 and an Escape Artist DC equal to 10+the attack roll that entangled the foe. It has damage reduction 50/epic, Spell Resistance 50 and 400 hit points. The Lasso is immune to energy damage.
The tiara deals 1d10 points of damage and 2 points of Constitution damage. It threatens a critical on a roll of 18-20. It has a range increment of 60 feet. Diana can take a -30 penalty on her attack roll and automatically activate a vorpal function, a -10 penalty and sever a non-vital limb such as a hand, arm or leg, or a -5 penalty and have the tiara deal a bleeding wound, which causes the victim to take the damage dealt by the tiara every round until a Treat Injury (DC 25) check is successfully made.
The tiara possesses a +6 magical enhancement to attack and damage and penetrates damage reduction as an epic weapon. It returns to her hand in a manner identical to a boomerang.
Diana also has access to other artifacts.
Armor of Hesphaestus
adamantine full plate mail of heavy fortification. Diana only gains ½ of her defense, Dexterity and speed bonuses to AC while wearing the armor, however she gains damage reduction 20/- which stacks (rather than overlaps) with her normal damage reduction.
Blade of Hesphaestus
+6 keen adamantine longsword of ruin
Gauntlet of Atlas
+12 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution. Increases the effective size of the wearer by two categories for the purposes of base damage, bull rushes and grapple checks. However, all damage dealt while wearing the Gauntlet is considered lethal.