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Malefircarim (Hellspawn)

Franz von Stuck, Lucifer Date: 1890, Malefircarim
Franz von Stuck, Lucifer Date: 1890

The hell-fire red creature before you rises to a full 15 feet, it’s great, bat-like wings spreading to fill the altar room.

The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)

Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.

Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.

Full netbook can be found on the following website

Dicefreaks d20 Community

A look of utter contempt fills the handsome, yet diabolical face as the blazing red eyes burn into your soul. A pair of ebon horns crowns the bald head, while black talons adorn the slender fingers. A serpentine tail, tipped with a scaly tassel, dances behind the creature.

An aura of divine might suddenly radiates from its form, joining the stench of brimstone and sulfur. Adjusting its black robes with a regal gesture, the creature raises an outstretched hand at you before a ball of flame bursts from its palm. The creature laughs – a sound from the depths of The Pit – and you glimpse fang-like teeth and acrid smoke within the mouth before the fire melts your eyes.

There are only a scant few in the Realities Beyond who have encountered a malefircarim and lived to tell the tale. One of the most powerful creatures in Creation, the malefircarim (the singular form of “malefircareim”) is cloaked in mystery and fear. Countless cults and demagogues seeking to overthrow established governments can be traced back to one of these terrors. These monstrosities are the stuff of legends and this should come as no surprise as they are the direct spawn of The Overlord of Hell.

Malefircareim, more commonly known as hellspawn, are the offspring of The Overlord. When the tyrannical member of the Circle of Three plummeted into the Depths Below, his fall not only created the Nine Hells of Perdition, but his blood merged with the young plane. From the foul, hissing liquid and the essence of the newly formed Hell rose the first malefircareim, the Children of The Devil. Most of these creatures would be destroyed by their father and each other well before the Dawn of the Gods and the Days of Antiquity. A few did survive, though. The eight strongest became the original Lords of the Nine. The balance was either locked away in Stygia or Cania, or fled into hiding deep within the recesses of Hell. Their true goals unknown, these few remaining maleficareim are individuals at war with their father, their siblings, and the rest of Creation as they seek nothing less that total and complete domination of the entire Cosmos.

Malefircareim who reveal themselves to others tend to flee Hell, relocating in Acheron and sometimes Gehenna. Their vast Intelligence and great Charisma draws even the typically loyal pit fiend to their sides. Such malefircareim become terrible patrons of various tyrannical vices for those foolish mortals in the Prime, seeking to ascend into true divinity.

Kain’s 5e Monstrous Manual – Page 28 – Dicefreaks (

Malefircarim (Infernal)
Large fiend, lawful evil
Armor Class 20 (natural)
Hit Points 504 (28d10 + 224)
Speed 50 ft., fly 100 ft.
STR 28 (+9) DEX 20 (+5) CON 26 (+8) INT 24 (+7) WIS 22 (+6) CHA 28 (+9)
Saving Throws Str +16, Dex +12, Con +15, Wis +13, Cha +16
Skills Deception +23
Damage Resistances acid, cold, lightning
Damage Immunities fire, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Abyssal, Draconic, Infernal, telepathy 500 ft.
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP)
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If the infernal fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. The infernal has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The infernal’s weapon attacks are magical.

Spell Reflection If both of an infernal’s saving throws against magic (due to its resistance) are successful, the spell is reflected upon the caster.

Innate Spellcasting. The infernal’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 24). The infernal can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
Constant – nondetection
At will: detect magic, disguise self, dispel magic, fireball, power word stun, telekinesis, teleport
3/day each: animate dead, dominate monster, hold monster, implosion, wall of fire

Multiattack. The infernal makes four attacks: one with its bite, two with its claws, and one with its tail.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (4d8 + 9) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a DC 25 Intelligence saving throw or lose its highest available spell slot and the infernal recharges an expended innate spell of that level or lower.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (3d8 + 9) slashing damage and 22 (4d10) necrotic damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 31 (4d10 + 9) bludgeoning damage.

Hellball (Recharge: 6) The infernal hurls a magical ball of black flames that explodes at a point it can see within 300 feet of it. Each creature in a 40-foot radius sphere centered on that point must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw. The sphere spreads around corners. A creature takes 35 (10d6) acid damage, 35 (10d6) fire damage, 35 (10d6) poison damage and 35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

An infernal can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The infernal regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Call Fiends. The infernal summons two pit fiends. If it uses this ability multiple times, the previous fiends return from whence they came.

Constrict. The infernal makes a tail attack against one foe in reach. If successful, the creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw DC 25 or become restrained. The infernal’s tail attack can only target the restrained creature, but it can end the effect at any time.

Blasphemy. (Costs 3 actions) The infernal speaks a word of black power. All good aligned creatures within 60 ft. must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw DC 24 or take 35 (10d6) thunder damage and be stunned for one round. They take half damage on a successful save.

Malefircarim (Hellspawn)

Large outsider (Abomination, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Hit Dice45d8+405 (765 hp)
Initiative+16 (+8 Dexterity, +8 Improved Initiative)
Speed80 ft., Fly 240 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class51 (+8 Dexterity, +34 natural, -1 size) touch 17, flat-footed 43
Base Attack/Grapple+45/+62
AttackClaw +57 melee (4d6+13)
Full Attack2 claws +57 melee (4d6+13), bite +55 melee (4d8+6), 2 wings +55 melee (2d6+6), tail +55 melee (4d8+6)
Space/reach10 ft./10 ft
Special AttacksFear aura, improved grab, Infernal Heir, spell-like abilities, summon devils
Special QualitiesAbomination traits, Blindsight 500 ft., damage reduction 20/epic, good, silver, Darkvision 60 ft., divine immunities, immunity to fire and poison, Infernal Might, resistance to acid 25 and cold 25, regeneration 15, see in darkness, Spell Resistance 45, telepathy 1,000 ft.
SavesFort +33, Ref +31, Will +34
AbilitiesStrength 37, Dexterity 26, Constitution 28, Intelligence 35, Wisdom 26, Charisma 29
SkillsBalance +14, Bluff +57, Concentration +57, Diplomacy +69, Disguise +57 (+63 when acting in character), Escape Artist +56, Gather Information +11, Hide +52, Intimidate +63, Jump +62, Knowledge (Arcana) +60, Knowledge (history) +36, Knowledge (local – Hell) +36, Knowledge (nature) +18, Knowledge (the planes) +60, Knowledge (religion) +60, Listen +56, Move Silently +56, Search +60, Sense Motive +57, Spellcraft +66, Spot +56, Survival +56 (+62 on other planes, +62 when tracking), Tumble +62, Rope Use+8 (+14 with bindings)
FeatsAwesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Corrupt Spell-like Ability, Dark Speech, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (mass hold monster)
Epic FeatsBlinding Speed, Epic Devotion (chaotic), Spell Stowaway (wish), Superior Initiative, Tenacious Magic (unhallow)
EnvironmentThe Nine Hells of Perdition
OrganizationSolitary or pair
Challenge Rating33
AlignmentAlways Lawful Evil
Advancement46-60HD (Large), 61-75 HD (Huge), 76-90HD (Gargantuan)


Each malefircarim is unique and fights in its own way. While some relish melee, others prefer to work from behind the walls of lackeys and servants, casting spell-like abilities on their distant foes. However, almost all malefircareim will call on their fear auras, and cast unholy aura and mass hold monster immediately upon initiating combat. Most are not afraid to use their wish ability if they find themselves risking defeat and few are so brave as to remain fighting when fleeing will ensure their Survival.

A malefircarim’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, is treated as epic, evil, and lawful for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Abomination Traits: Malefircareim are treated as having Divine Rank 0. This gives them divine immunity to ability damage, ability drain, death from massive damage, energy drain, mind affecting effects, polymorphing, petrification and other form altering attacks. They are not subject to death from massive damage, and have maximum hit points per Hit Die. A malefircarim is immortal and cannot die from natural causes. It does not age, and does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. The only way for a malefircarim to die is through special circumstances. Malefircareim are also immune to fire, and have resistance to acid 25 and cold 25. They are affected as by a nondetection spell with a caster level equal to their Hit Dice. A malefircarim can communicate with any creature using telepathy within a range of 1,000 ft, and it benefits from Blindsight out to 500 feet.

Fear Aura (Su): A malefircarim can radiate a 30- foot radius fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 41 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 45th ). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same malefircarim’s aura for 24 hours. Other malefircareim are immune to this affect, although a malefircarim may select which creatures within the radius are affected. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Improved Grab (Ex): If a malefircarim hits with its claw, it deals normal damage and may immediately attempt to start a grapple as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A malefircarim can use this ability on any creature of its size or smaller. Each round, the malefircarim
may choose to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its claw to hold its opponent (-20 on the grapple check, but the maleficarim is not considered grappled). Every round the hold is maintained, the malefircarim deals automatic claw damage to its victim.

Infernal Heir: As a direct offspring of The Overlord of Hell, the malefircarim has inherited some of The Overlord’s divine might. The malefircarim possesses a special ability known to it alone. The Infernal Heir power of a malefircarim is typically on par with salient divine abilities available to demigods. An example of Infernal Heir would be the Spell Suck as possessed by the standard infernal.

Infernal Might: As a true devil, a malefircarim is unique and possesses a singular special quality. This power can be anything from a permanent spell-like ability to Increased Damage Reduction or regeneration, or even similar to certain salient divine abilities available to demigods. An example of Infernal Might would be the Learned spell immunity that a standard infernal possesses. Furthermore, a malefircarim is treated as a unique creature with regards to summoning attempts like the spell gate.

Regeneration (Ex): A malefircarim takes normal damage from good aligned silvered weapons and from spells and effects with the good descriptor.

Spell-like Abilities: At will – animate dead, baleful polymorph, blasphemy, blur, charm monster, create greater undead, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, desecrate, detect chaos, detect good, Detect Magic, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport (self plus 1,000 pounds only), hallucinatory terrain, hold monster, Magic Circle Against Chaos, magic circle against good, mass hold monster, persistent image, produce flame, polymorph, pyrotechnics, read magic, scrying, suggestion, symbol of pain, true seeing, unholy aura, unholy blight, unhallow, wall of fire;

Caster level 45th ; DC 19+ spell level.

Summon Devils (Sp): A malefircarim can automatically summon 8d6 nupperibos or imps, 2d6 barregons or 4 renegade pit fiends thrice per day. These devils may have double their standard Hit Dice (treat renegade pit fiends as Nessian with standard hit points, i.e. 536 hp).

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