Angel Merkabah Cherubim

Originally Posted by Selah of the Dicefreaks forums.
Merkabah Cherubim | |
Huge outsider (Extraplanar, Good, Transcendent) | |
Hit Dice | 43d8 + 430 + 3 (777 hp) |
Initiative | +19 (+9 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative, +2 Quick Reconnoiter); +26 when in Face of Perception |
Speed | 70 ft, Fly 250 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 61 (+9 Dexterity, +34 natural, -2 size, +10 deflection), touch 27, flat-footed 52 |
Base Attack Bonus/Grapple | +43/+67 |
Attack | Face of Glory +50 ranged touch (21d6 plus Death (DC 41 negates)); or slam + 57 melee (6d8+16) |
Full Attack | Face of Glory +50 ranged touch (21d6 plus Death (DC 41 negates)); or 2 slams + 57 melee (6d8+16 plus 3d6 holy plus 1 negative level (holy)/x2 plus 6d6+16 plus 2 negative levels (holy)) and 2 wing buffets (3d8+8 plus 3d6 holy plus 1 negative level (holy)/ x2 plus 6d6+16 plus 2 negative levels (holy))* *Full Attack (Face of Strength): 2 slams + 60 melee (8d8+19 plus 3d6 holy plus 1 negative level (holy)/x2 plus 6d6+16 plus 2 negative levels (holy)) and 2 wing buffets (4d8+9 plus 3d6 holy plus 1 negative level (holy)/ x2 plus 6d6+16 plus 2 negative levels (holy))* |
Space/Reach | 15 ft./ 15 ft. |
Special Attacks | Face of Glory, pounce, roar, Spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities | Blindsight 500 ft., change shape, damage reduction 35/epic and evil and mithral, divine rank 0, Face of Courage, Face of Perception, Face of Strength, fast healing 20, immunity to petrification, polymorph, form-altering attacks, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage and mind-influencing effects, immunity to two energy types (unique to each merkabah, but generally fire and sonic), not subject to death from massive damage, regeneration 20, resistance to acid 20, fire 20, and electricity 20, Spell Resistance 48, telepathy 1,000 ft |
Saves | Fort +33, Ref +32, Will +36 |
Abilities | Strength 42, Dexterity 28, Constitution 31, Intelligence 26, Wisdom 37, Charisma 30 |
Skills | Bluff +35, Concentration +56, Diplomacy +72, Disguise +10 (+14 when acting in character), Gather Information +62, Handle Animal +33, Heal +34, Intimidate +60, Jump +32, Knowledge +31 (history), Knowledge (local – Elysium) +54, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +54, Knowledge (religion) +54, Knowledge +54 (the planes), Listen +59, Perform (Sing) +56, Search +54, Sense Motive +69, Spellcraft +54, Spot +59, Survival +13 (+19 when on other planes or when following tracks) |
Feats | Close-Quarters Combat, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quick Reconnoiter, Toughness B, Words of Creation B |
Epic Feats | Epic Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Epic Will, Epic Devotion (Evil), Polyglot, Spellcasting Harrier, Spell Stowaway (heal), Superior Initiative, Tenacious Magic (hallow), Tenacious Magic (Prismatic sphere) |
Environment | Good aligned outer planes |
Organization | Solitary |
Challenge Rating | 34 |
Treasure | Standard |
Alignment | Always Neutral Good |
Advancement | 44-86 HD (Huge) |
Level Adjustment | N/A |
Change Shape (Su): A merkabah can change shape into any large or smaller humanoid or animal, or any large or smaller non-transcendent angel.
Face of Courage (Su): Should the merkabah present its leonine face (a swift action for the merkabah if changing from another Face), the transcendent becomes a representation of courage, shining like burnished brass. All allies within 70 feet that can see the merkabah are immune to fear effects, and gain a +4 morale bonus on attacks, damage, saves and checks. The merkabah itself does not gain the bonuses, but can use its roar attack while in this Face, and its slam attacks become claw attacks. Finally, a merkabah can pounce while in its Face of Courage.
While in its Face of Courage, a merkabah gains a +4 bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks.
Face of Glory (Su): With its humanoid face presented (a swift action for the merkabah if changing from another Face), a merkabah is able to appear in its glory. Light flows ceaselessly from its form in a 70-foot radius, so powerful the good that it exudes that evil is swiftly consumed, dealing 7d6 points of holy damage each round to any non-good creature with no save. The intense light also grants the merkabah concealment; creatures particularly susceptible to light or sunlight instead treat this as total concealment. As a standard action, the merkabah can focus its glory into a beam; if it hits a creature within 140 feet with a ranged touch attack, that creature takes 21d6 divine damage and must make a Fortitude save (DC 41) or die. A creature killed by a merkabah’s face of glory appears to be transformed into a pillar of salt that immediately begins to crumble and disperse. A merkabah can only focus its Face of Glory power into an attack 7/day.
While in its Face of Glory, a merkabah gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy, Handle Animal, and Intimidate checks with good or transfigured creatures.
Face of Perception (Su): With its noble eagle-esque face presented (a swift action for the merkabah if changing from another Face), a merkabah enhances its powers of perception. In this face, it appears like a many-faceted, glowing jewel; within each facet can be seen a piercingly bright eye. The merkabah gains true seeing, x-ray vision (as per the ring of x-ray vision in the Dungeon Master’s Guide) and Blindsight out to 700 feet, a +7 sacred bonus on Initiative, Spot, Listen, and Search checks, and a +4 sacred bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks with good or transfigured creatures. While presenting its Face of Perception, a merkabah cherubim cannot be flanked.
Face of Strength (Su): With its ox-like face presented (a swift action for the merkabah if changing from another Face), a merkabah comes to embody strength. It gains a +7 sacred bonus to Strength, and is treated as if it were one size larger (thus Gargantuan for the base creature presented) whenever this increase of size would prove advantageous (e.g. grapple checks, damage from natural weapons). 7/day as an immediate action whilst in its Face of Strength, a merkabah can immediately reroll a failed saving throw or a missed attack with a +7 bonus (although it must take the second roll; a merkabah cannot continue to use its Face of Strength for the same situation after the first reroll).
While in its Face of Strength, a merkabah gains a +4 bonus on Concentration and Intimidate checks.
Guardian of Good (Co): Each merkabah possesses a single unique salient cosmic ability, approximately equal in power to a salient divine ability as possessed by a demigod. This ability is always related to the particular aspect of Good that the merkabah cherub in question watches over.
Note: The most recent playtest had a merkabah that had Divine Shield per a DvR 5 deity as its Guardian of Good ability, to help you understand the sort of power level this ability should mimic. Also, sorry to those who were part of that playtest and which were desperately trying to understand why they didn’t appear to be damaging the creature!
Holy Power (Ex): A merkabah’s natural weapons are treated as having the holy power enhancement as found in the Epic Level Handbook.
Pounce (Ex): When showing its Face of Courage, a merkabah can make a full attack on a foe it charges.
Regeneration (Ex): A merkabah takes normal damage from evil-aligned, epic mithral weapons, and from spells and effects with the evil descriptor.
Roar (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds whilst in the guise of its Face of Courage, a merkabah can roar as a standard action. This roar duplicates the effects of a Holy word spell (Caster level 34th) in a 70 foot cone, and deals an additional 21d6 points of damage (half sonic, half divine).
Spell-like Abilities:
- Always active – detect evil, detect magic, detect snares and pits, discern lies, magic circle against evil, nondetection, see invisibility, true seeing.
- At will – aid, blade barrier, bless weapon, bolt of glory, consecrate, crown of glory SC, cure light wounds, curtain of light BE, dimensional anchor, dispel evil, greater dispel magic, greater status SC, greater teleport (self plus 1,000 pounds), hallow, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, imprisonment, greater invisibility, mass cure critical wounds, neutralize poison, protection from energy, remove curse, remove disease, restoration, scrying, searing light, speak with dead, sunbeam, telekinesis, telepathy tap BE;
- 7/day – ghost trap SC, heal, interposing hand, permanency, prismatic sphere, quickshift SC, resurrection;
- 3/day –greater restoration, miracle, power word blind, power word stun, Righteous
Wrath of the Faithful SC; - 1/day – end to strife BE.
Caster level 34th, save DC 20 + spell level.
Transfigure (Su): A merkabah can transfigure any number of creatures within 70 feet of itself as a free action. When a creature is transfigured, it is excluded from the damaging affects of any of the merkabah’s special abilities. For example, even if a transfigured creature is evil, it is temporarily immune to that merkabah’s Holy word spell-like ability. Transfiguration lasts 7 rounds, unless ended earlier by the merkabah (a free action).