Kui Xing

Kui Xing is a character in Chinese mythology, the god of examinations, and an associate or servant of the god of literature, Wen Chang.
Kui Xing was an ugly but clever dwarf, who became the patron deity of those taking imperial examinations. He is often depicted standing on a turtle’s head holding up a writing brush.
Originally Posted by Green Giant of the Wizards Community forums.
The Ugly Scholar
Intermediate Diety
Symbol: Ruler and writing brush
Home Plane: the Ministry of Virtue
Portfolio: Truth and testing
Worshipers: Bureaucrats, scholars, investigators
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law
Favored Weapon: quarterstaff
Also known as Kuei Hsing and Kui Xing, Chung Kuel was a brilliant mortal who finished first in all of his examinations. However, he was so ugly that the Emperor would not affirm his success. When the despondent Chung Kuel threw himself into the sea, a turtle saved his life. The Emperor took this as a divine sign and acknowledged the examination result. Chung Kuel served so efficiently and honestly that Shang-ti granted him immortality, making him assistant to Wen Chang Ti, god of literature. Eventually, as the need for bureaucrats increased, Shang-ti created a ministry to watch over truth and the examination process, placing Chung Kuel in charge of it. In his true form, Chung Kuel is a finely dressed man with a magnificent potbelly, a hairy nose of grotesque proportions, red-rimmed eyes, and a tiny chin completely lost beneath the folds of his bulging cheeks.
Clergy and Temples
Priests dedicated to Chung Kuel must be honest, scholarly and ugly. Their primary duty consists of administering imperial examinations, though they are often employed as investigators in cases of official corruption.
Chung Kuel | |
Shaman 20/Loremaster 10/monk 10 | |
Medium-Size outsider (Good, Law, Spirit) | |
Divine Rank | 11 |
Hit Dice | 20d6+140 (Shaman) plus 10d4+70 (Loremaster) plus 10d8+70 (monk) (520 hp) |
Initiative | +14 (+10 Dexterity, +4 Improved Iniative) |
Speed | 90 ft. |
AC | 66 (+10 Dexterity, +14 monk, +11 divine, +11 natural, +9 deflection, +1 Dodge) touch 55, flat-footed 55 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +25/+43 |
Attack | +5 impact soul of honor sweeping ki focus quarterstaff +49 melee; unarmed strike +43 melee; or spell +43 melee touch or +46 ranged touch |
Full Attack | +5 impact soul of honor sweeping ki focus quarterstaff +49/+44/+39 melee; unarmed strike +43/+38/+33 melee; or spell +43 melee touch or +46 ranged touch |
Damage | +5 impact soul of honor sweeping ki focus quarterstaff 1d6+12/19-20; unarmed strike 2d6+7, or by spell. |
Face/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Turn undead 16/day (effective cleric level 18th, +4 to turning checks), domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, bypass damage reduction (good, law). |
Special Qualities | Divine immunities, DR 25/epic, fire resistance 16, spontaneous casting of divine spells, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 11 miles, remote communication, godly realm, greater teleport at will, plane shift at will, animal companion as druid, spirit sight, spirits favor, lore +29, secret (secrets of inner strength, the lore of true stamina, secret knowledge of avoidance, applicable knowledge, Dodge trick), greater lore, true lore, flurry of blows (+43/+43/+38/+33), still mind, ki strike (lawful, magic), slow fall 50 ft., purity of body, wholeness of body, improved evasion, SR 43, divine aura (1,100 ft., DC 30). |
Saves | Fort +45, Ref +48, Will +56 |
Abilities | Strength 24, Dexterity 30, Constitution 24, Intelligence 40, Wisdom 35, Charisma 29 |
Skills* | Balance +43, Climb +33, Concentration +48, Craft (alchemy) +46, Craft (bookbinding) +46, Craft (calligraphy) +56, Decipher Script +56, Diplomacy +41, Gather Information +42, Handle Animal +40, Heal +43, Jump +35, Knowledge (Arcana) +56, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +46, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +46, Knowledge (Geography) +46, Knowledge (history) +56, Knowledge (local) +46, Knowledge (nature) +46, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +46, Knowledge (religion) +69, Knowledge (spirits) +66, Listen +43, Perform (Noh/kabuki) +40, Perform (oratory) +40, Perform (percussion instruments) +40, Perform (tea ceremony) +40, Profession (bookkeeper) +53, Profession (scribe) +63, Sense Motive +63, Spellcraft +70 (+72 with deciphering scrolls), Spot +43, Swim +33, Tumble +43, Use Magic Device +40 (+48 with scrolls). *Always receives a 20 on checks. |
Feats | Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Consecrate Spell, Craft Talisman, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Earth’s Embrace, Eschew Materials, Extra Turning, Forge Ring, Improved Grapple, Improved Iniative, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Shout, Pain Touch, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Skill Focus [Knowledge (religion)], Spell Penetration, Still Spell, Stunning Fist, Unbalancing Strike, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff). |
Divine Immunities | Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment. |
Salient Divine Abilities | Alter Reality, Alter Size, Area Divine Shield, Avatar, Divine Blast, Divine Horror, Divine Recall (exams), Divine Shield, Gift of Life, Know Secrets, Lay Quest, Life and Death, Power of Truth, True Knowledge |
Domain Powers | Cast good spells at +1 caster level; cast divination spells at +1 caster level; cast law spells at +1 caster level. |
Spell-like Abilities: Chung-Kuel uses these abilities as a 21th-level caster, except for divination spells, good spells and law spells, which he uses as a 22th-level caster. The save DCs are 30 + spell level. Aid, blade barrier, calm emotions, clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, dictum, discern location, dispel chaos, Dispel Evil, divination, find the path, Foresight, Hold monster, holy aura, holy smite, Holy word, Legend Lore, Magic Circle Against Chaos, magic circle against evil, orders wrath, protection from chaos, protection from evil, Shield of law, summon monster IX (as good or law spell only), true seeing.
Shaman Spells/Day: 6/9/9/9/9/8/7/7/7/6; base DC = 22 + spell level.
Divine Horror (unique salient ability): Chung-Kuel is physically horrifying to look at by any mortal. Those gazing at his face must make a Fort save (DC 30 = 10 + divine rank + Charisma bonus) or be turned into stone.
Possessions: Chung-Kuel carries a +5 quarterstaff (one head only) with the impact, soul of honor, sweeping, and ki focus ability for combat
Other Divine Powers
As an intermediate deity, Chung-Kuel automatically receives a die result of 20 on any check. He treats a 1 on a saving throw or attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal.
Senses: Chung-Kuel can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of eleven miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within eleven miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend her senses to up to ten locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 11 hours.
Portfolio sense: Chung-Kuel knows when there is an examination being taken, and when anyone is is trying to cheat at a test or lie the instant it happens and retains the sensation for eleven weeks after the event occurs.
Automatic actions: Chung-Kuel can use Profession (scribe) and Sense Motive check as a free action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower. He can perform up to ten such free actions each round.
Create Magic Items: Chung-Kuel can create any kind of magic item dealing with finding the truth or keeping true to oneself, as long as the items market price does not exceed 200,000 gp.
Chung Kuels primary duty is to oversee the imperial examinations. There is a chance that he will notice any cheating. This chance increases if magic is used. When a cheater is noticed, his test paper bursts into flames in his hand, inflicting 2d6 points of fire damage (no save allowed).
Avatar of Chung-Kuel: As Chung-Kuel except divine rank 5; Spd 90 ft.; AC 54 (touch 49, flat-footed 43); Base Atk +25; Grp +37; Atk +45 melee (1d6+12/19-20, +5 impact ki focus soul of honor sweeping quarterstaff); or +37 melee (2d6+7/x2, unarmed strike), or spell +37 melee touch or +40 ranged touch; Full Atk +45/+40/+35 melee (1d6+12/19-20, +5 impact ki focus soul of honor sweeping quarterstaff); or +37/+32/+27 melee (2d6+7/x2, unarmed strike), or spell +37 melee touch or +40 ranged touch; SQ DR 20/epic, fire resistance 10, SR 37, divine aura (500 ft., DC 24); SV Fort +30, Ref +33, Will +41; all skill modifiers reduced by 6.
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Reality, Divine Blast, Divine Horror, Divine Recall (exams), Divine Shield, Gift of Life, Power of Truth.
Spell-like Abilities: Caster level 15th; saving throw DC 24 + spell level.
Sources: Legends & Lore (2E), PHB 3.5, DMG 3.5, MM 3.5, Deities and Demigods (3E), Oriental Adventures (3E), Complete Warrior (3.5E), Complete Divine (3.5E), and Dragon Magazine #318.