Spider Woman, Jessica Drew
![By [1], Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=62742397, Spider Woman](https://spiralworlds.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Spider-Woman_Jessica_Drew_-_original_costume_-_circa_2020.png)
Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman, is a superheroine, a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe. The character first appeared in Marvel Spotlight #32 (February 1977). While briefly popular in the 1970s (she has had a regular series named Spider-Woman of fifty issues), she was depowered and fell into disuse for years, supplanted by other Spider-Women, but has recently been revived as a member of the New Avengers.
Originally Posted by Bane of the Dicefreaks forums.
Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman | |
Medium Altered Human | |
Wounds | 34 WP Vitality 335 VP (19d8+228) |
Initiative | +27 |
Speed | 60 ft., Climb 60 ft., flight 150 ft. (good) |
AC | 37 (+2 speed, +15 Dexterity, +10 defense) touch 37, flat footed 10 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +19/+34 |
Attack | Unarmed strike +40 melee (1d10+22/19-20) or venom blast +36 ranged touch (8d6 electricity) |
Full Attack | Unarmed strike +40/+35/+30/+25 melee (1d10+22/19-20) or 2 venom blast +36 ranged touch (8d6 electricity) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | death attack (DC 22), sneak attack +2d6, sudden strike +4d6 |
Special Qualities | Adhesion, defensive roll, immune to poison and radiation, secret agent, superhuman agility, super speed, superhuman strength |
Saves | Fort +23, Ref +36, Will +11 |
Abilities | Strength 34, Dexterity 40, Constitution 34, Intelligence 17, Wisdom 17, Charisma 20 |
Skills | Balance +42, Bluff +20, Climb +42, Computer Use +13, Craft (chemistry) +8, Diplomacy +19, Escape Artist +30, Gather Information +25, Hide +30, Intimidate +17, Jump +42, Knowledge (behavorial sciences) +11, Knowledge (streetwise) +23, Listen +10, Move Silently+30, Repair +12, Search +13, Sense Motive +18, Spot +13, Survival +18, Swim +22, Treat Injury +13, Tumble +47 |
Feats | Acrobatic Strike, Bounding Assault, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike, Leap Attack, Mobility, Power Attack, Rapid Blitz, Spring Attack, Telling Blow, Track, Weapon Focus (unarmed) |
Climate/Terrain | New York, New York |
Organization | Solitary (Unique) or Avengers (Group) |
Challenge Rating | 19 |
Alignment | Neutral Good |
Through unknown means Spider-Woman is able to Climb walls as easily as she walks on the floor. She receives a +12 bonus to all Climb checks.
Pheromones (Ex)
Jessica’s body can generate powerful pheromones, usually when she is nervous (she has no control over this power). This grants her a +10 circumstance bonus on Charisma-based checks with those that are attracted by the pheromones (most men), and a -10 circumstance
bonus on Charisma-based checks with those that are repulsed by them (most women). Those attracted by the pheromones are also subject to a calm emotions effect (Will DC 24 negates) for as many rounds as Jessica spends speaking with them.
Secret Agent
Jessica has received intensive training within the espionage community. She has been a HYDRA assassin, trained by Taskmaster, and is presently a longtime S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. She receives fighter feats as a fighter of her HD and unarmed damage as a monk of one half her HD, in addition to the following benefits.
- Jessica gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls when fighting unarmed.
- Jessica’s unarmed strikes deal bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage, as she sees fit. It is a free action to change the type of damage she deals
- Jessica can hide in any surrounding, even if she is being observed by another.
Super Reflexes
Jessica has reflexes far beyond those of mortal men, allowing her to react instantly to threats:
- Jessica cannot be flanked.
- If Jessica is the subject of any attack that allows a reflex save for half damage and is successful she suffers no damage. If she fails his save she takes half damage.
- +10 bonus on all Dexterity based skills (and she uses his Dexterity modifier for Climb and Jump checks)
- Jessica uses her Dexterity modifier for attack rolls.
- +6 bonus on all Reflex saves
- +6 initiative bonus
Super Speed Level 2
The following benefits are provided from Superspeed Level 2:
- +2 speed bonus to AC, attack, initiative, and Reflex saves
- +1 speed bonus to damage rolls
- Spider-Woman may make 2 swift actions in a round.
- Spider-Woman reduces the amount of time to complete an action by 1 step, allowing her to take full round actions a standard actions.
- Characters with less than Superspeed level 1 are considered flat-footed for the purposes of Spider-Woman’s attacks. Characters with Uncanny Dodge have an effective Superspeed Level equal to their Dexterity modifier for this purpose.
- When using the run action, Spider-Woman moves x10 her movement rate.
Superhuman Strength Level 3
Superhuman Strength level 3 provides the following benefits:.
- +6 bonus on melee damage.
- +3 bonus on grapple and bull rush attempts.
- X8 lifting modifier
Venom Blasts
Jessica can store bioelectric energy in her body which she can release at will in discharges from her hands. Jessica can inflict up to 8d6 electricity damage at a range of 250ft. Anyone struck by her venom blast must make a Fort save (DC 31) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.