
This oppressive construct rumbles forth on deadly rollers, crushing everything in its path.
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 162
Orginally posted in Archives of Nethys
Juggernauts protect locations dedicated to a particular faith, their massive forms infused with divine energy that animates them and infuses them with their deitys power. Some faiths use a juggernaut as a mobile shrine, anointing it with sacred materials and offering prayers to the divine.
Juggernaut CR 11 |
XP 12,800 N Gargantuan construct Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Low-Light Vision; Perception +4 |
AC 26, touch 6, flat-footed 26 (+20 natural, 4 size) hp 142 (15d10+60); fast healing 5 Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +9 DR 10/adamantine; Immune construct traits; SR 22 Weaknesses faith-bound |
Speed 30 ft. Melee slam +24 (4d6+19 plus wounding) Space 20 ft., Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks soul-powered, vicious trample (8d6+38 plus wounding, DC 30) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +10) 3/dayenervation |
Strength 36, Dexterity 11, Constitution , Intelligence , Wisdom 18, Charisma 1 Base Atk +15; CMB +32; CMD 42 (cant be tripped) SQ keyed domains (Death, War), shrine |
Faith-Bound (Su) A juggernaut cannot attack any creature that openly wears or displays the holy symbol or unholy symbol of the deity to which the juggernaut is dedicated unless that creature first attacks the juggernaut.
Shrine (Ex) A juggernaut counts as a movable shrine for the deity or religion it is dedicated to. Soul-Powered (Su) When a juggernaut kills a creature with at least 5 Hit Dice and an alignment two or more steps away from the juggernauts alignment, it gains a kill point. Add its current total kill points as a bonus on its attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, caster level checks, and skill checks. Add half its current total kill points as a bonus to its natural armor Vicious Trample |
Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none |
Keyed Domains
A juggernaut gain special abilities from two domains granted by the deity to which the juggernaut is dedicated. If an ability requires a saving throw, the save DC is Wisdom-based (DC 19 for most juggernauts). The caster level is equal to the juggernauts Hit Dice (CL 15th for most juggernauts).
The sample juggernaut is keyed to the domains of Death and Wara juggernaut dedicated to some other deity has abilities based on that deitys
Air: Whirlwind (Sp)The juggernaut can cast whirlwind once per day.
Animal: Friendly Pack (Sp)The juggernaut can cast summon natures ally IV (animals only) three times per day.
Artifice: Repair (Ex)The juggernauts fast healing increases to 10.
Chaos: Chaotic Attacks (Su)The juggernauts slam and vicious trample attacks are treated as chaotic-aligned. Its vicious trample deals an additional 2d6 points of damage to lawful targets.
Charm: Friendship (Sp)The juggernaut can cast charm monster three times per day. A charmed creature follows the juggernaut and attacks what it attacks.
Community: Powerful Allies (Su)All creatures within 60 feet of the juggernaut that share the juggernauts alignment gain a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls and to AC, and a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws (these are profane bonuses if the juggernaut is evil).
Darkness: Deeper Darkness (Sp)The juggernaut can cast deeper darkness three times per day.
Death: Lifesapper (Sp)The juggernaut can cast enervation three times per day.
Destruction: Destructive Aura (Su)The juggernaut can emit a 30-foot aura of destruction for 10 rounds per day. All attacks made against targets in the aura (including the juggernaut) gain a +2 morale bonus on damage rolls and all critical threats are automatically confirmed.
Earth: Tremorsense (Su)The juggernaut gains tremorsense 60 feet.
Evil: Evil Attacks (Su)The juggernauts slam and vicious trample attacks are treated as evil-aligned. Its vicious trample deals an additional 2d6 points of damage to good targets.
Fire: Flaming Burst (Su)The juggernauts slam attack gains the flaming burst weapon special ability. Its vicious trample attack deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage.
Glory: Grandeur (Su)The juggernaut inspires
all allies within 30 feet, granting them a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls,
saving throws, and skill checks.
Good: Good Attacks (Su)The juggernauts
slam and vicious trample attacks are treated as good-aligned. Its vicious trample
deals an additional 2d6 points of damage to evil targets.
Healing: Resurgence (Su)Five times
per day, the juggernaut can remove the dazed, fatigued, shaken, sickened, or
staggered condition from an ally within 30 feet.
Knowledge: Absorb Thoughts (Su)When
the juggernaut confirms a critical hit with its slam, the target must succeed
at a Will save or take 1d8 points of Intelligence
Law: Lawful Attacks (Su)The juggernauts
slam and vicious trample are treated as lawful-aligned. Its vicious trample
deals an additional 2d6 points of damage to chaotic targets.
Liberation: Broken Bonds (Su)10
times per day a standard action, the juggernaut can affect one its allies within
20 feet with freedom of movement
for 1 round.
Luck: Lucky (Su)Twice per day, the juggernaut
may reroll any d20 roll that it has just made before the results of the roll
are revealed. The juggernaut must take the result of the reroll, even if its
worse than the original roll.
Madness: Confusion (Sp)The juggernaut
can cast confusion three times per day.
Magic: Resistant (Su)The juggernauts
SR increases by 5.
Nobility: Inspirational (Sp)The juggernaut
can cast good hope three times per day.
Plant: Hedge (Sp)The juggernaut can
cast wall of thorns three times per day.
Protection: Guardian (Su)The juggernaut
and all allies within 30 feet gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws and a +2
deflection bonus to AC.
Repose: Rest Eternal (Su)Damage dealt
by the juggernaut resists magical healing. Attempting to use such healing to
cure this damage requires a successful caster level check against a DC = 11
+ the juggernauts caster level. This ability does not affect natural healing
or healing provided by extraordinary abilities.
Rune: Rune-Carved (Su)Runes cover the
juggernaut. Whenever the juggernaut takes energy damage or energy damage fails
to overcome its SR, for the next round, its attacks deal 2d6 points of damage
of that energy type. If more than one type of energy attack occurs in a round,
roll randomly to determine what kind of extra energy damage it deals.
Strength: Vigorous (Sp)The juggernaut
can cast mass bulls
strength once per day.
Sun: Sunstrike (Sp)The juggernaut can
cast daylight and searing
light three times per day.
Travel: Unstoppable (Su)The juggernaut
ignores penalties for difficult terrain. Its movement increases by 10 feet.
Trickery: Doubles (Sp)The juggernaut
can cast mirror image three times
per day.
War: Bloody (Su)The juggernauts
slam and vicious trample attacks have the wounding
weapon special ability.
Water: Surge (Sp)The juggernaut can
cast Hydraulic Torrent five times
per day.Weather: Weathermaker (Sp)The juggernaut
can cast control weather once per day.
A juggernauts body must be created from 20,000 gp worth of clay, crystal, metal, stone, wood, or bone.
CL 13th; Price 140,000 gp
Construction Requirements Craft Construct, greater
magic weapon, imbue with spell ability, make whole,
stone shape, creator must be caster level 10th; Skill Craft (carpentry, sculptures,
or stonemasonry); Cost 80,000 gp