Barbarian, Abandoned
In a world of goblinoids, undead and monsters, there is an infinite palate of threats from which one can paint a portrait of danger. While adventurers seek out these nemeses, simple common folk eke an existence wherever they may. Unfortunately, they find they rank rather highly on the menus of these creatures. Whether the threat comes from orcs, ogres, trolls, a random dragon of any hue to even a band of ravenous kobolds, most commoners do not have the capability to defend against a well organized threat. Many homesteaders, consequently, fall prey to the countless hordes of iniquitous and unconscionable villains leaving behind merely a shell of their former lives.
The Quintessential Barbarian
Author Robert Schwalb
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
Sometimes in the aftermath of these raids a baby might be left, frightened, alone and terribly afraid. In most cases, exposure to the elements claims these poor, abandoned children, their fragile forms too weak to stand against nature. Any number of carrion animals seeking an easy meal devour others. However, in some rare cases, a wandering or curious animal such as a Wolf, ape or other semi-intelligent species will care for these abandoned babes. By adulthood, these unusual individuals adopt the traits and mannerisms of their foster family and are capable, if unsettling, warriors.
Adventuring: An abandoned character will leave his foster family usually at such a time when he realises he is entirely different from his adopted kin. Sometimes, the abandoned will see more if his kind while venturing through the trackless wilds of the wilderness. Abandoned may be discovered by an adventuring party, though communication is difficult, involving much in the way of pantomime. Perhaps these heroes feel sympathy for this lost soul and welcome him into their fold. In any event, once the trigger occurs, the insatiable need to find out who and what he is consumes him. This desire colours all of his actions until he discovers the truth about his past.
Roleplaying: Being raised by wolves can prove to be an interesting role-playing experience. As the character may not use spoken language to communicate, conversation is nearly impossible. Beyond the barriers of communication, the abandoned fears technology such as wagons, boats and most harmless things people that are more ‘modern’ take for granted. On the other hand, the abandoned will likely ignore such things as weapons, scrolls, books, gold and other valuables as they are merely part of the scenery.
Benefits: All abandoned barbarians must choose the type of animal that raised them. Possible animals include: Ape, Baboon, Bear (black), Boar, Cheetah, Leopard, Lion, Monkey, Tiger or Wolf.
At will, the character may speak to any animal of his chosen type as if under the influence of speak with animals.
Furthermore, the abandoned gains a special ability determined by their fosterage.
- Ape, Baboon or Monkey: Characters so raised receive a +4 racial bonus to Climb checks, Scent and a Climb speed equal to their base movement.
- Black Bear: These characters gain Scent, a +2 inherent bonus to Strength and a +4 racial bonus to Swim checks.
- Cheetah: Characters raised by the cheetah, unlike those fostered by any other great cat, gain a limited ability to sprint, allowing these characters to take a charge action to move up to 5 times their normal speed once per day. These characters also enjoy an improved Fast Movement conferring +20 feet to their base speed instead of the standard +10.
- Leopard, Lion or Tiger: These characters enjoy a +2 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently and a +4 racial bonus to Balance checks. While in areas of tall grass, the Hide bonus increases to +4. Characters so raised may also Pounce. Thus, if the character leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, he may make a full attack routine even if he has already moved.
- Wolf: Characters raised by wolves gain the Improved Trip feat as if they met all the requirements. In addition, these characters also gain the Scent ability.
In addition to the above benefits, the abandoned gains Animal Empathy as a class skill.
Penalties: Where abandoned have a wide array of abilities depending on their fosterage, they all have the same drawbacks. Abandoned characters do not have a language. They must spend skill points to gain Speak Language and Literacy, separately as cross-class skills. Even if the character takes a level in another class, the penalty extends to the new class as well. Due to their upbringing and outré natures, abandoned do not have the damage resistance special ability of other barbarians.
Finally, only the following are class skills for this character: Climb (Strength), Handle Animal (Charisma), Intimidate (Charisma), Jump (Strength), Listen (Wisdom), Swim (Strength) and Survival (Wisdom).