Scaly Devil (Squamugon)

As the wizard prepares another feat of arcane might beyond your expectations, you notice a diabolical figure standing behind him. Tall and lithe, the being is covered in scales and spines like black enameled plate armor. A pair of bat-like wings is folded against its back and a serpentine tail with a nasty stinger waves menacingly. The horned head is somewhat draconic. The creature’s lips stretch into a sinister grin as it notices your attention. Waving a taloned hand, a small ball of flames races from the being’s finger simultaneously with the bead of flame cast by the wizard, both headed in your direction.
The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
The squamugon is one of the most commonly encountered devils outside of Hell. Roughly ranking with a barbazu, the squamugon captures the physical image of all things diabolical. Unlike most devils, the squamugon enjoys loyally serving pitiful mortals for as long as possible. While erinyes seek out mortals who seek power over others, squamugons pursue those lacking in Wisdom and common sense in their pursuit for more personal power. The overwhelming numbers of victims taken by squamugons are counted among bards, sorcerers, and wizards. Each of these classes benefit greatly from the presence of a squamugon until, eventually, the power they have gained from their diabolical ‘servant’ proves too much for them.
Until recently, it was believed that there were five different varieties of squamugons. In reality, there is only one squamugon type that has five different subranks. These ranks, based upon colors, have typically identified squamugons with chromatic dragons and their mistress, Tiamat. While there is certainly some kind of connection between dragons and squamugons, these scaly devils are slaves of Hell like all other devils and owe no special fealty to the Queen of Dragons.
A squamugon stands about 6′ and weighs about 250 pounds.
A squamugon speaks Infernal, Common, and Draconic.
Squamugon (Scaly Devil) | |
Medium outsider (Devil, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) | |
Hit Dice | 8d8+32 (68 hp) |
Initiative | +3 |
Speed | 30 ft., Fly 60 ft. (good) |
Armor Class | 22 (+3 Dexterity, +9 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 19 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +8/+14 |
Attack | Tail +14 melee (1d6+6+1d4 elemental damage) |
Full Attack | Tail +14 melee (1d6+6+1d4 elemental damage) and 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+3) and 2 wings +12 (1d4+3) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with tail) |
Special Attacks | Elemental affinity, spell-like abilities, summon devils |
Special Qualities | Damage reduction 5/good, Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire and poison (see below), infernal channeling, regeneration 2, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10 (see below), see in darkness, Spell Resistance 19, subdue, telepathy 100 ft. |
Saves | Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +6 |
Abilities | Strength 22, Dexterity 16, Constitution 18, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 10, Charisma 12 |
Skills | Balance +8, Bluff +12, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +7 (+9 acting), Hide +14, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (the planes) +6, Listen +11, Move Silently+8, Search +5, Spellcraft +15, Spot +11, Survival +5 (+7 on other planes, +7 tracking), Use Magic Device +8 |
Feats | Magical Aptitude, Multiattack, Power Attack |
Environment | The Nine Hells of Perdition |
Organization | Solitary, team (2-6), or troupe (1-2 squamugons, 2-12 lemures) |
Challenge Rating | 7 |
Treasure | Standard goods, double items |
Alignment | Always Lawful Evil |
Advancement | 9 – 16 HD (Medium); 17 – 24 HD (Large) |
A squamugon prefers to fight alongside its ‘master,’ knowing that it is not only more likely to defeat its foes, but that its master is more likely to come to a nasty end by utilizing the squamugon’s bolstering powers. A squamugon will often pull its punches against weaker foes, ensuring that its master casts more spells. In such situations, the squamugon will remain in the background, casting produce flame or pyrotechnics. If given the opportunity, it will offer suggestions to its master to take advantage of its presence and cast stronger magic. In situations in which it is battling worthy adversaries, the squamugon will take to the air and will attempt to summon reinforcements. It will then attack with its tail and dispel magic.
Most adversaries of wizards approached by a lowly peasant chafing under an evil mage never know that they were approached by an altered squamugon who believed that the time had come for its master to fall into Perdition.
Elemental Affinity (Su): A squamugon promoted from spinagon rank is accorded the rank of White. Essentially, the squamugon is perceived as starting out with a ‘clean slate’ both in terms of record and in terms of its descent into true depravity. In order to be promoted to the next station, the White squamugon must successfully lead nine mortal spellcasters into Perdition. While most such accomplishments are due to the squamugons unique powers, this need not be the case. Once the squamugon achieves its duty, it is promoted to the rank of Red during which time it must again lead nine mortal spellcasters into Hell. Beyond Red are the Blue, Green, and Black ranks.
Each rank is associated with elemental power and travel restrictions within Hell as follows (unless otherwise noted, the squamugon retains the immunities and resistances
listed above):
- White: Deals cold damage and gains cold sub-type (suffers fire damage when beyond Hell). Restricted to Stygia and Cania.
- Red: Deals fire damage and gains fire sub-type and loses cold resistance 10. Restricted to Avernus, Dis, Minauros, Phlegethon (Phlegethos), Malbolge, and Cocytus
(Maladomini). - Blue: Deals electrical damage and is immune to electricity. Free range in Hell.
- Green: Deals acid damage and is immune to acid. Free range in Hell.
- Black: Deals corrupt damage and may select any one elemental immunity. Free range in Hell.
Infernal Channeling (Ex): A squamugon can select to grant this boon to any arcane spellcaster possessing fewer caster levels than its HD. When within 20 feet of the selected spellcaster, a squamugon bolsters the beneficiary’s casting power by three levels. In most cases, the beneficiary only sees a bonus in his caster power; i.e. while a 6th level sorcerer would have an unmodified spells per day spread of 6/6/5/3, he would cast such spells as a 9th level caster. This boost may be used up to three times per day at no penalty and may be activated as a free action by the caster.
After three spells have been cast at the enhanced level in a day, the squamugon’s threat begins to impose itself. For each additional spell cast after the third, the caster suffers a 10% chance of the spell backfiring. If the spell is intended to cause damage or adversely affect another being, the spell instead affects the caster or else another individual of the squamugon’s choosing. Thus, if a fireball is cast by a 6th level sorcerer, but is enhanced to 9th level in terms of its variable effects and range, the sorcerer would suffer a 10% chance of the spell backfiring, either causing harm to himself or to another nearby ally if the sorcerer‘s squamugon ‘servant’ so desired.
Whenever the caster uses spell completion devices, he suffers a -3 penalty to checks for magic beyond his capacity. When using spell trigger devices, the caster must be at least the same level as that necessary to create the item. Any time a backfire occurs, there is a flat 10% chance that the caster dies immediately even if he did not suffer enough damage. If the caster dies by this 10% chance or due to the damage caused by a backfire, his soul is trapped within his body for a few precious moments during which time his bonded squamugon will offer him a bargain. The caster may return to life immediately at that moment and permanently retain a +2 bonus to his Intelligence or continue into the afterlife. If the caster accepts, he returns as irredeemably Lawful Evil and a slave to Hell; he is usually contacted by a devil with a challenge rating equal to his character level +3 or more and given instructions as to his new role in the Material Plane. If the caster declines the offer, his soul progresses to its final destination in the Realities Beyond.
Regeneration (Ex): A squamugon takes normal damage from good-aligned silver weapons and from spells or effects with the good descriptor. A squamugon also suffers maximum damage from Holy Water, which ignores its regeneration.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will – alter self, charm person, command, desecrate, detect good, dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds only), produce flame (or acid or electricity or cold or corruption depending on the elemental affinity), pyrotechnics, scare, suggestion.
Caster level 8th; DC 11 + spell level.
Subdue (Ex): If defeated in battle or confronted in a hostile manner by an arcane spellcaster, a squamugon may be subdued and forced into servitude. The spellcaster must make an Intimidate check, receiving a +1 bonus per caster level, against the squamugon. A successful Intimidate check results in the squamugon behaving under the effects of planar binding as cast by a 12th level caster (or the character’s caster level, which ever is higher). The binding lasts for one day per point by which the squamugon failed the check. Squamugons often intentionally lose these contests in order to lure arrogant spellcasters into Perdition.
Summon Devils (Sp): Once per day, a squamugon can attempt to summon 2d6 lemures with a 50% chance of success, or 1d4 squamugons of the same elemental affinity with a 35% chance of success. This ability is equivalent to a 4th level spell.