Demon Prince of Gluttony Behemoth

This creature resembles nothing else than a titanic, grossly obese toad with a dozen mouths protruding all over its body, each chewing on some unknowable lump of food. The ground shakes beneath its ponderous tread as it wallows amidst the filth of a million meals, staining its greenish-pink skin a horrific mélange of various colors. A fiery Balor flies up to it, shouting in Abyssal in an attempt to get its attention, and the monster’s tongue snaps out and devours the Demon whole. As the Balor vanishes into its gaping maw, the colossal creature lets out a noxious belch; strong enough to knock you over even from this distance and causing uncontrollable vomiting from anyone with a sense of smell.
Originally Posted by Iamyourking of the Giant in the Playground Forums.
The 220th layer of the Infinite Layers of Abyss is a blasted swamp known as The Rotting Marsh, bordering the lands of Jubilex and Zuggtmoy. As far as layers go there isn’t really anything special about it; it is far enough into the Abyss to not be part of the Blood War and doesn’t have any unique terrain features. However it is one of the relatively few layers to be ruled by a Demon Prince, the second highest level of the demonic hierarchy. In this case the Demon Prince is the bloated demon known as Behemoth; the Prince of Gluttony. Behemoth rules his dominion with an iron fist and has achieved multiple victories against his neighbors to hold onto it, but like all gluttons doesn’t have the drive to actually do much of anything unless sorely pressed. Mostly he is content to wallow in the filth of millennia, shouting orders at the lesser demons who are supposed to handle the day to day running of his fief. Of course, being demons, they don’t actually do anything even remotely similar to his demands as soon as they are out of earshot but Behemoth isn’t motivated enough to actually try and get them to do it. The only thing that can get Behemoth to actually do anything is the threat of his archenemy Leviathan, the Prince of Stygia. The two have been mortal enemies since the day, countless millions of years in the past, that Lucifer the First Overlord of Hell ordered his eight chosen children to prove their worth in the opening stages of the Blood War. Leviathan, hardly one for fighting himself and not particularly loyal to his master, decided to try to get out of the fighting by defeating a Demon Prince; eventually deciding on a little known one that the Prince felt was infringing on his portfolio of gluttony. Superior Baatezu planning and Intelligence, along with powerful psychic powers, saw Leviathan easily victorious, allowing him to seize a portion of his foe’s essence that would forever more render Behemoth vulnerable to Leviathan‘s blows and mind. Behemoth has understandably held a grudge ever since and greatly desires to destroy Leviathan and become the unchallenged master of gluttony. Behemoth appears an obese toad the size of a small castle, studded in warts and pressure sores from his immense bulk and covered in gaping maws. His legs are atrophied from disuse but are somehow still able to carry him, if slowly. Each of his dozen mouths is lined with grinding teeth and contains a tongue the length of a field, perfectly suited for grabbing food without moving. Anything that vanishes down his ravenous throats feeds into the infinite volume of his stomach, where they inevitably decay to nothing in the violated acid.
Behemoth, Demon Prince of Gluttony | |
Colossal outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar’ri) | |
Hit Dice | 42d8 +1176 (1365 hp) |
Initiative | +1 (-3 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative) |
Speed | 20 ft (4 squares), Swim 20 ft, Fly 100 ft (clumsy) |
Armor Class | 47 (-3 Dexterity, -8 size, +42 natural, +6 profane), touch 1, flat-footed 47 |
Base Attack/Grapple | 42/78 |
Attack | Bite +61 (24d8+20 19-20/x2 +1d6 and DC 51 or death) |
Full Attack | 6 bites +61 (24d8+20 +1d6 and DC 51 or death) |
Space/Reach | 40 ft./40 ft. |
Special Attacks | Abyssal presence, breath weapon, ground-shaking obesity, spell-like abilities, summon Tanar’ri, swallow whole, tongue attack, |
Special Qualities | Damage reduction 20/epic, good, and cold iron, Darkvision 60 ft., Demon Prince, immunity to ability damage, electricity, instant death, mind-affecting, and polymorph, outsider traits, regeneration 30, resistance to acid, cold, and fire 25, Spell Resistance 48, Supreme Glutton, telepathy 500 ft |
Saves | Fort +58, Ref +23, Will +34 |
Abilities | Strength 50 (+20), Dexterity 4 (-3), Constitution 66 (+28), Intelligence 24 (+7), Wisdom 26 (+8), Charisma 30 (+10) |
Skills | Bluff +55, Concentration +73, Diplomacy +59, Gather Information +55, Intimidate +57, Knowledge (Arcana) +52, Knowledge (religion) +52, Knowledge (the planes) +52, Listen +53, Search +52, Sense Motive +53, Spellcraft +54 (+56 to decipher scrolls), Spot +53, Swim +73, Use Magic Device +52 (+54 with scrolls) |
Feats | Awesome Blow, Cleave, Clinging Breath Drac, Dark Speech, Hover, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (Bite), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Violate Spell-Like Ability, Weapon Focus (Bite) |
Epic Feats | Devastating Critical (Bite), Dire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Overwhelming Critical (Bite), Penetrate Damage Reduction (Adamantine), Penetrate Damage Reduction (cold iron), Penetrate Damage Reduction (Silver) |
Environment | The 220th level of the Infinite Layers of the Abyss |
Organization | Solitary (Unique) or with court (10 max HD balors) |
Challenge Rating | 38 |
Treasure | Triple standard |
Alignment | Chaotic Evil |
Behemoth does not overly enjoy fighting, considering it to be too strenuous for his tastes. If attacked he will Summon demons and continue with what he was doing before being attacked. If the demons are overcome he will start dedicating his mouths one by one to the fighting, contributing more the longer his foes hold out. He almost always tries to consume those he fights, particularly enjoying the taste of paladins or good outsiders although he is hardly picky with his meals. He does not hesitate to use his breath weapon if he can hit multiple enemies, savoring the opportunity to enjoy his last meal twice, and will even use it on enemies that are protected from acid. However, the fact that he fights rarely and his chaotic nature mean that he rarely has any sort of plan ahead of time and usually just does as he sees fit at any given moment.
Abyssal Presence (Su): The presence of a Demon Prince is so awful that lesser beings are driven mad with fear simply by being around it. Everyone within 600 feet of Behemoth must succeed in a DC 41 Will save or suffer from Insanity (The save DC is Charisma based). Anyone who is immune to fear receives a +10 bonus to their save and if they do save cannot be effected for another twenty-four hours. Behemoth can selectively choose who is effected by his Presence.
Breath Weapon (Su): As a standard action every 1d6 rounds, Behemoth can vomit forth a wave of filth that dissolves everything in its path. This does 36d6 damage in a 180 ft. line, of which one half is acid and the other is negative energy. Anyone killed by the acid is dissolved into it and can trigger Supreme Glutton when Behemoth sucks the contents up as a Swift Action the next turn. A DC 59 Reflex save is allowed for half damage.
Demon Prince (Ex): As the master of one of the layers of the Abyss and a member of the second highest tier of the Demonic hierarchy, Behemoth is possessed of multiple unique abilities. He receives a +6 profane bonus to AC, attack roles, and saves, and ability DCs, can Fly despite having no visible means of propulsion, and may promote and demote demons within his layer as he wishes. It also grants him the Abyssal Presence ability.
Ground-shaking obesity(Ex): Behemoth’s massive weight, untold thousands of tons, is sufficient to make the ground shake beneath his tread. Whenever he moves using his ground speed he causes an Earthquake effect (As per the spell) centered on his ending location. If on the 220th layer of the Abyss, the spongy ground makes the tremors travel further and it count as an Expanded Earthquake.
Regeneration (Ex): Behemoth’s regeneration can only be overcome by Epic, Holy cold iron weapons or by spells with the Good descriptor. It can also be overcome by any attack in any form from Leviathan.
Spell-Like Abilities (Su):
- At will – blasphemy, charm monster, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, Detect Magic, greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 1000 pounds), lightning bolt, magic circle against good, persistent image, power word stun, suggestion, unhallow, unholy aura
- 3/day – destruction, energy drain, meteor swarm, symbol of insanity;
- 1/week – wish
Caster Level 42th, save DC is 20+Spell Level
Supreme Glutton (Ex): Behemoth is as close to an embodiment of the sin of Gluttony is as possible to get, even the mighty Leviathan does not embody it as much in body and soul. As such, whenever Behemoth eats something he gains an amount of health equal to three times the Constitution score of whatever he devoured. This applies to anything killed by Swallow Whole or by his breath weapon. In the case of plants, constructs, undead, and other creatures without Constitution scores he gains an amount equal to their Hit Dice. These hit points can be used to take him over his maximum hit points, in which case they vanish after six hours. Once consumed, only a deity with the Gift of Life or Life and Death Salient Divine Ability can save the victim.
Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): 3/day Behemoth may summon 12 dretches, 8 babaus or vrocks, 6 bebliths or hezrous, 4 glabrezus or mariliths, or 2 balors.
Swallow Whole (Ex): If Behemoth strikes with his bite attack, he can immediately make a grapple check against a creature of any size without invoking an attack of opportunity. If he wins, the creature is considered grappled within his mouth. On the following round, Behemoth may make another grapple check; if he succeeds, the creature is considered swallowed. The swallowed creature takes 3d8+28 points of bludgeoning damage and 20 points of profane acidic damage per round from Behemoth’s stomach. Once swallowed, the only way out is a wish or miracle that beats Behemoth’s Spell Resistance. Behemoth’s stomach is a demiplane in its own right and is essentially infinite in volume. Creatures that fall victim to the hazards of Behemoth’s stomach have their souls completely consumed, as per the Supreme Glutton ability.
Tongue Attack (Ex): Behemoth’s great maws are not the only means he has of devouring his victims. Each of his dozen mouths possesses a long sticky tongue, like that of the toad he resembles only even longer in proportion to his body. Behemoth may make up to 12 ranged touch attacks that provoke Attacks of Opportunity with a range of 300 ft. to ensnare and consume any target that is size Huge or smaller. If he hits, he instigates a grapple with a total bonus of +70 (-8 from his regular check). If successful, the target is drawn back into Behemoth’s mouth and is treated it had been effected by his Swallow Whole ability.
Lore | |
DC | Knowledge (the planes) |
52 | This is Behemoth, master of the 220th layer of the Abyss. Reveal Ground-shaking Obesity, outsider Traits, Swallow Whole, and Tongue Attack |
57 | Behemoth possesses strange additional powers when he is on his home plane. Reveal Abyssal Presence, Demon Prince, and Spell-Like Abilities. |
62 | Behemoth is virtually immune to any but the most powerful weapons of Lawful Good. Reveal Regeneration except for weakness to Leviathan. |
67 | Behemoth’s gut is a demiplane in and of itself and has seemingly infinite capacity. Reveal Breath Weapon and Supreme Glutton. |
72 | Behemoth has been mortal enemies with Leviathan, the Prince of Stygia, for millions of years and is particular vulnerable to the fiend-whales touch. Reveals that Regeneration can be overcome by Leviathan. |
Plot Hooks
- Leviathan has been temporarily freed from his icy prison to do battle with Behemoth. The two of them have chosen the players home nation to be the site of their conflict and now must be diverted elsewhere or somehow stopped to prevent them from destroying everything.
- A mishap with a plane shift spell leaves the players stranded inside Behemoth’s stomach. They have no hope of making it out unassisted and must find the Pit Fiend who has been stranded in there for centuries and get his help.