Lobo is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. The Lobo character was created by Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen, and first appeared in Omega Men #3 (June 1983). Lobo is an alien born on the utopian planet of Czarnia, and works as an interstellar mercenary and bounty hunter.
Lobo was first introduced as a hardened villain in the 1980s, but soon fell out of use with writers. He remained in limbo until his revival as a bounty hunter with his own comic in the early 1990s. Writers attempted to use Lobo as a parody of the 1990s trend towards “grim and gritty” superhero stories, epitomized by such Marvel Comics characters as Cable, Wolverine, and Punisher, but he was instead enthusiastically accepted by fans of the trend. This popularity led to the character having a much higher profile in DC Comics stories from then on, as well as starring roles in various series in the decades since.
Lobo made his live-action debut in the 2019 premiere episode of the second season of the television series Krypton, portrayed by Emmett J. Scanlan.
Originally Posted by Kain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks forums.
Lobo, The Main Man | |
Medium humanoid | |
Wounds | 153 WP, 663 VP (24d8+552) |
Initiative | +4 |
Speed | 40 ft. |
Armor Class | 28 (+6 defense, +4 Dexterity, +8 natural) touch 20, flat footed 24 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +24/+47 |
Attack | Chain +50 melee (1d10+26 /19-20) or BFG +30 ranged (6d6 and explosion /19-20) or slam +47 melee (4d6+23) |
Full Attack | Chain +50/+45/+40/+35 melee (1d10+26 /19-20) or 2 slams +47 melee (4d6+23) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft. /5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Entangle |
Special Qualities | Damage reduction 30/-, fast healing 30, regeneration 20, resistance to acid 20, cold 50, disintegration 50, fire 50, force 50, radiation 20 and sonic 20, Scent |
Saves | Fort +37, Ref +18, Will +27 |
Abilities | Strength 56, Dexterity 18, Constitution 57, Intelligence 19, Wisdom 24, Charisma 20 |
Skills | Balance +6, Bluff +32, Craft (chemical) +14, Craft (mechanical) +23, Craft (pharmaceutical) +14, Demolitions +31, Diplomacy +9, Drive +25, Gamble +22, Gather Information +25, Handle Animal +20, Intimidate+36, Jump +29, Knowledge (civics) +11, Knowledge (popular culture) +13, Knowledge (streetwise) +29, Listen +32, Pilot +35, Repair +33, Spot +33, Survival +17, Tumble +12 |
Feats | Burst Fire, Combat Reflexes, Drive-by Attack, Force Stop, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Focus (firearms), Improved Bullrush, Improved Critical (chain), Improved Critical (firearms), Improved Two Weapon fighting, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quick Reload, Strafe, Track, Two weapon fighting, Vehicle Expert, Weapon Focus (firearms) |
Epic Feats | Epic Toughness (x2), Epic Will, Legendary Tracker |
Climate/Terrain | Space |
Organization | Solitary (Unique) |
Challenge Rating | 35 |
Treasure | Weapons and bike |
Alignment | Chaotic Evil |
Entangle: Lobo’s chain entangles foes that he strikes like a net, only it doesn’t need no fraggin’ foldin’. An’ if da Main Man succeeds on an opposed Strength check with da bastich, he can yank dem right off deir feet and into da ever-lovin and tender fist o’ da Main Man hisself! Treat dis as a free slam attack that automatically connects.
Regeneration: No stinkin’ type o’ damage deals letal damage to da Main Man! Feetal’s Gizz, you must be a real spaz-fragger ta tink differently!
Scent: Like a fraggin’ wolf, Lobo can track yer bastich arse through highly developed nasal senses. This ability gives da Main Man a +20 bonus on all Survival checks to Track by Scent and eliminates da feeb-butt dweeb range penalty for any tracking DC. That’s right, da Main Man can follow yer gimpo sad-butt right across the chuzzlewit galaxy if he wants!
Chain and Hook: This weapon has a +3 enhancement to attacks and damage. It is crafted from adamantine, has 200 hit points and has a break DC of 45.
Big Fraggin Gun: Fires explosive rounds. Projectile deals 6d6 piercing damage and explosion deals 10d6 fire or force damage in a 30 foot radius. Full and semi automatic settings.
Also boasts a disintegration setting. Ranged touch attack, 30d6 disintegration damage, Fort DC 25 for half.
SpaceFrag 666:
Large construct
Hit Points: 250
Initiative: +10
Top Speed: .4c
Defense: 15
Hardness: 30
Crew: 1
Passengers: 2
Cargo: 3 tons
Maneuver: -5
Attack: +25 ranged touch / DC 27
Laser: 8d12 force / 200 foot range increment
EMP Cannon: 8d12 electricity and stunning effect on electric equipment / 60 foot range
Frag-Grenade: 8d8 piercing /60 foot radius (Reflex half) / 100 foot range increment
Armor Piercing Adamantine Rounds: (+38 ranged) 6d10 / 150 foot range increment