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Witch, Mystical Paths

"Faust" (1650-1652). Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Witch, Mystical Paths
“Faust” (1650-1652). Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

On to the Brocken the witches are flocking-

Merry meet-merry part- how they gallop and drive,

Yellow stubble and stalk are rocking,

And green corn is merry alive,

With the shapes and shadows swimming by,

To the highest heights they fly,

Where Sir Urian sits on high–

Throughout and about,

With clamor and shout;

Drives the maddening rout,

Over stock, over stone;

Shriek, laughter, and moan,

Before them are blown.

Chorus of Witches from Goethe’s Faust (1808)

Liber Mysterium

The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team

The witch rarely walks her paths alone. While hers may be a singular journey, there are always others that wish to take up the road with her. During their adventuring careers the witch may find it necessary, advantageous or even nothing more than interesting, to take up another class.

Witches follow the same multiclass rules as other character classes. One thing remains constant, the witch considers herself to be a witch, first and foremost. Given that witches typically begin their training very early in life, all multiclass options are assumed to have taken the witch first and some other class second. Obvious exceptions would be any class that has innate abilities associated with it; the sorceress for example is born with her powers.


Liber Mysterium


The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks


By Timothy S. Brannan
and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team


Full netbook can be found
on the followng website

of D20 / D&D 3e Netbooks and Downloads.

In each of these multiclassed arrangements it is assumed that the character was a witch first and then added another class. In every case the player and the Game Master are encouraged to detail a compelling story about the witch’s new class. Did her patron want her to take this extra road? Is there some tome of knowledge that requires another class to understand properly? Has the persecutions of other witches or the innocent demanded that the witch drops her wand and takes up the sword? The possibilities are endless. Specific combinations are dealt with in Multiclass Practices below.

  • Witch/Barbarian – Those who are both strong of body and mind usually lead uncivilized cultures. A witch barbarian fits this description to the letter. Witch/Barbarians have no preference to traditions, but obviously the various pagan, or classical traditions are the best suited.
  • Witch/Bard – While those that are found are graceful and pleasant, bardic witches are very rare. The wanderlust of the bard usually does not mix well with most covens. Bardic witches are mostly solitary travelers. Some Lorelei witches begin their adventuring careers as bards and eventually convert to the Lorelei tradition.
  • Witch/Cleric – Witches and clerics historically have come into conflict, therefore those who can call themselves both witch and cleric are extremely rare. As with druids and sorcerers, more often than not they began their adventuring careers as clerics, and then heard the Call of the Goddess. The Witch/Cleric holds no preference to tradition. In the case where the character starts out as a cleric and then switches to a witch it might be assumed in this case the cleric is worshipping a Goddess and then finds a better way to serve as a witch.
  • Witch/Druid – Witches and druids naturally have many similarities, and thus druidic witches are rare. When this occurs the person was most often a druid before hearing the call of the Goddess. Faerie witches and Classical witches are most likely to become Witch/druids.
  • Witch/Fighter – Witches often face persecution, and many witches find it necessary to study up on hand to hand combat skills, for should her own mystical power fail, it can’t hurt to know how to hit people where it hurts. Witch fighters take no real preference to particular Witch Traditions.
  • Witch/Monk – Balanced and highly disciplined, a witch/monk usually seeks true enlightenment and knowledge. Most often, their covens will focus on goddesses of knowledge or purity. The Tantric Witch – seeking to unite body and spirit – are the most likely to become Witch/monks.
  • Witch/Paladin – The ultimate purifier, a witch paladin serves her goddess with ultimate faith. Wise and skilled, they are not ones to be underestimated. Often other paladins, who sometimes view the witches· beliefs as blasphemous, will look down upon them. This multiclass has no preference with regards to traditions.
  • Witch/Ranger – Many witches hold an intimate connection with the wilderness. As such, some witches find it necessary to take up arms to protect their beloved wilderness. Faerie witches are the most likely to become Witch/rangers
  • Witch/Rogue – Some witches tend to be more devious and cunning than others are, and have a nasty habit of landing themselves in trouble. These witches end up with a fair amount of streetwise knowledge. The Lorelei has a natural tendency for the road, so they have a predilection towards this multiclass. Malefic witches also frequently become Witch/Rogues.
  • Witch/sorcerer– Few people with the ·touch· will bother to train both their innate magic and the magic their goddess grants them. Therefore, most witch/sorcerers often began adventuring as sorcerers before hearing the call of the goddess. The Tempestarii and sometimes the voodoo witches are most likely to become a witch/sorcerers.
  • Witch/Wizard – Rare but not unheard of, Witch/Wizards have a keen understanding of magic and often an absolute obsession with the arcane. The often have patrons that are Gods or Goddesses of magic. The Tempestarii, Venefica, and Craft of the Wise are most likely to become Witch/Wizards.
  • Witch/Psychic – Psychics and witches share an interesting relationship. They are often confused with each other by an unknowing population. Nevertheless, the demands of both classes are very high and it is difficult to do either class justice. Some witches can develop a random psychic skill, something unrelated to their magic. In most cases this is considered a gift from the patron. Psychic characters may also develop an interest in witchcraft.

Witches and Basic Prestige Classes The witch can gain many benefits from the various prestige classes found in Core Rulebook II. The witch should not feel limited to these classes alone, and these are presented here as suggestions and guidelines rather than hard rules.

  • Arcane Archer – Witches find little use for this prestige class. Those that do are usually dual classed ranger/witches, or an obscure coven taking a philosophical view of the bow.
  • Assassin – Most witches have little use for this class, except for the Malefica who delights in pain and murder. A witch assassin could arguably be considered the deadliest combination, for many of the witches spells allow for perfect subterfuge.
  • Blackguard – As with the assassin, Malefica are most likely to become blackguards. Those that do often desire to have a better knowledge of combat than standard witch training allows.
  • Dwarven Defender – The combination of a witch and dwarven defender is nearly absurd. Dwarves naturally have a strong disliking of magical things, with a special disregard to witches. The exceptionally rare witch/dwarven defenders that are found often guard a dwarven community without the knowledge of local government, protecting the community with both brute strength and magic.
  • Loremaster – Witches make ideal loremasters, especially those following goddesses of knowledge and reasoning. Witches following the Craft of the Wise tradition are most likely to become loremasters.
  • Shadowdancer – Some witches have a strong connection to darkness and shadows; those who do make very good shadowdancers. The Lorelei
    is most likely to become shadowdancers. Some Malefica also will become shadowdancers.

Witches and Other Classes

There are a variety of new core, variant and prestige classes from many other sources that would be appropriate for the witch.

Multiclass Practices

A multiclass practice is a specific combination of classes, usually core classes, to produce a particular type of character. In this section we will be most interested in the multiclass practices of the witch.

Presented here are likely combinations. Of course other combinations may be tried, both with the classes taken and the number of levels taken in each class. The players and Game Masters are encouraged to experiment with these and try new combinations.

In some cultures there are those who have powers, which are not mundane, divine or magical in nature. These few are known as Psychics, Psionic or simply, the Others. Their powers are mental in nature and come from within. Some of these few are also very in tune with the elements of the supernatural and their journey to discover themselves and their. These are the Psychic witches.

A Psychic witch is sometimes erroneously called a “Natural” witch. There are many possible combinations of the Psychic witch.

This path assumes that the character is able to balance the needs of both callings. Being a witch is a full time commitment, to add psychic powers on top of that is often more punishment than reward. Psychic witches often belong to covens of nothing but other psychic witches.

Other Witches

The combinations should be endless. There can be witches that take on more magical studies as wizards, others that focus on the religious aspects of witchcraft as witch/clerics, and others still that focus on a particular type of magic, say divination. There are scores, if not hundreds, of names that witches have been called over the course of human history. Each one can be a different type of witch. Here are but a few examples.

  • Ban Drui – a female druid similar to a witch.
  • Befana – a beneficial witch from Italy.
  • Didouri – protective witch from Malaysia.
  • Fascinatrix – witches that use the Evil Eye.
  • Goetia – Greek for witchcraft or sorcery. Adept at summoning spirits, jinn, and elementals.
  • Kapame – witches of African traditions.
  • Poudouès – In the Pyrenees region an evil witch known for her foul smell
  • Praecantrix – A practitioner of magic.
  • Sadhus – A wise man/woman from India.
  • Sortilega/Sortiariae Mulier – a witch who also was a diviner. (Witch/Wizard)
  • Sybil – a priestess that predicts the future.
  • Ved’ma – Russian for witch, from “to know”.
  • Wu – witches and wizards of China.
  • Yama Uba – a redheaded Japanese witch.

Prestige Classes

There are many classes that have associations with the witch. These Prestige Classes are ones that have been associated, for good or ill, with the witch. Any class, witch or Cowan, can take these prestige classes if they meet the requirements.

Game Masters should review the section on prestige classes in Core Rulebook II if they wish to add these classes. In every case the game master is invited and encouraged to alter the classes for their own needs.

Spells and the Prestige Classes

All of the prestige classes listed here have some association, good or ill, with the witch. Therefore GMs should allow these classes to choose spells from the witch’s spell set. In each case justification needs to be made as to why and how the character gained access to the spell. Hermetic Mages have extensive libraries, Warlocks and Imbolc Mages come from witch backgrounds for the most part and Witch Knights and Witch Finders learn spells to aid their battles.

Skills and Feats

O well done! I commend your pains;

And every one shall share i the gains;

And now about the cauldron sing,

Live elves and fairies in a ring,

Enchanting all that you put in.



Act 4, Scene 1

No witch lives by magic alone. The witch, while embroiled in many supernatural elements, is firmly a creature of this world. To get along in this world the witch, just like everyone else, learns a few skills and feats.


The witch may learn a variety of skills as she progresses in level. Some of the skills have been designed with the witch in mind and work best exclusive to that class (Tantra). Others are more general (Seduction, Yoga).

For more information on choosing skills and other skills please refer to Core Rulebook I. New skills are marked with an asterisk (*) and are detailed below.

Game Master’s may choose to open up which skills can be used by other classes, but care should be taken. As the rogue class has many skills that are unique and special to it, so does the witch.

New Uses for Old Skills

The following skills are listed in Core Rulebook I, the witch my opt to use these skills in new ways. Some of these skills are cross-class skills for the witch.

witch’s class skills and the key ability for each skill are

Alchemy 5
Craft (Alchemy)


Knowledge (Arcana)IntelligenceNo
Knowledge (Demonology)*IntelligenceNo






(Fortune Telling)*


Scry 5xxxxxxIntelligenceYes

New Skill † Class Skills ‡ Cross Class Skill x You can’t buy this
in italics are updated for Core Rulebook 3.5

Witch Feats


of the Faerie


Spell Capacity




Sleep Resistance



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