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The Devils You Know

The Devils You Know
Saint Michael parish church in Untergriesbach. Baroque
high altar: Saint Michael and the fall of angels – painting by Johann
Georg Unruhe ( 1793 ) – detail: Fallen angel.

The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks) Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.

Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.

Full netbook can be found on the following website

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In many worlds, the question often arises as to where the spirits of the dead go when a mortal passes away. Most worlds accept the premise that the spirits depart for an eternal afterlife in the appropriate reality where they are either awarded or damned for their actions as mortals. Those mortals that engaged in tyranny, strife, and other forms of organized and rationalized evil find themselves reborn in the Fourth Perdition, Phlegethon (Phlegethos), where they are guaranteed centuries of torment in the form of the lemure, the lowest form of devil. (This is the norm; there are but a few mortals who find themselves taken directly into the realm of a particular deity. In such situations, the mortal was often a priest or very dedicated worshipper of said deity). Thus, the many worlds that believe that Hell is a punishment for those who committed acts of evil during life do hold a bit of the truth.

There is a little confusion regarding exactly where the lemures emerge. Some sources suggest that they come from the Maggot Pit, a multi-mile “river” comprised entirely of maggots located on the First, Avernus. This misconception stems from the fact that relatively new lemures do indeed emerge from the Maggot Pit by the billions each day. In order to ensure that Avernus is always under the maximum amount of protection in the event of a successful demonic or angelic invasion, newly arrived souls, upon crawling from the Lake of Fire in Phlegethon (Phlegethos), instinctively seek out nearby portals that transport them to Avernus. Since relatively few scholars and sages can withstand the supernaturally evil heat of Phlegethon (Phlegethos) (assuming they could even make it to this vicious layer), most do their research on the first two layers and many witness the horrible sight of lemures dragging themselves from the Maggot Pit. Thus, their studies result in erroneous conclusions.

Mortal souls who find themselves in Phlegethon (Phlegethos) are there for two reasons. First, this is here the Lake of Fire (also known as the Pit of Flames) is located, and it is from here that the souls crawl. The exact nature of this Lake is unknown, but it is here that both punishment and purification for devils takes place. It is natural, therefore, to expect new arrivals to Hell to appear here. Secondly, the misery and torment that is Phlegethon (Phlegethos) is usually, in the minds of recent petitioners, the most direct and immediate means to purge what humanity remains in the spirits of the dead mortals. The pain and suffering they will experience here will be unlike anything they went through during their mortal lives, preparing them for ascendancy into devil hood.

Like many petitioners on other Realities, lemures suffer from a severe case of amnesia. They recall nothing of their former lives. This amnesia allows the lemures to be molded into what their diabolical lords wish for them without having to deal with offended egos and such, not that an offended ego concerns the devils. Stripping newly arrived petitioners of their memories simply accelerates the ability for the lemure to take part in the great mechanism of Hell (however, unlike the rest of Creation, this memory loss is not permanent. Somehow, Asmodeus has found a method to maintain the memories of all new arrivals in Hell. In a few, remote cases, the Dark Lord of Nessus will return the memories to the spirits as they rise in power within the hierarchy of Hell, but this rarely occurs. What happens to all other souls is discussed within Asmodeus’s section. Additionally, all lemures appear identical. It is known that devils can tell one lemure from another, but most other beings seem incapable of doing so.

For untold centuries, there has been debate as to the nature of the next level of devils, the nupperibo. These wretched creatures are barely distinguishable from lemures. Like their lesser brethren, nupperibo are almost shapeless masses of drooping flesh with writhing appendages for arms and elongated bulbs for heads. Also, like lemures, these creatures are the rank and file infantries of Hell, virtually unintelligent with no sense of individuality. Yet, despite their higher ranking in the grand structure compared to lemures, in order to advance into a higher station, a nupperibo must be demoted back into a lemure.

Frans Francken the Younger The Damned being cast into Hell 1605/1610
Frans Francken the Younger The Damned being cast into Hell 1605/1610

This “demotion” is not truly a demotion because a lemure is never “promoted” into a nupperibo. This is because nupperibos are not normal devils. These creatures are the progeny of mysterious entities that once dominated Perdition when devils as they are now known were young. These were the first devils, the result of The Overlord’s fall after the sundering of the Circle of Three. As Asmodeus’s passing created each level in turn, his essence merged with Hell’s. His blood created the malefircareim, the earliest devils. Immensely powerful, these creatures each had powers similar to that of quasi gods. It is from these creatures that the original Lords of the Nine emerged. These original devils, although still considered Asmodeus’s children, were imbued with aspects of Hell itself, making them less likely to obey Asmodeus than their younger, underdeveloped common kin. Also known as “hellspawn”, the malefircareim fought among their number, each seeking to impose its brand of diabolical order upon the other with the ultimate goal of ruling all of Hell. Many of the hellspawn were destroyed during these internecine wars. However, those that remained grew ever more powerful. Asmodeus, finally aware of his situation for the first time after his fall, decided to deal with his wayward offspring. Asmodeus destroyed scores of hellspawn, although at least the eight most powerful are known to have survived. The remaining eight, far easier to control than legions of similar beings, were ground under the immense might of Asmodeus and became the original Lords of the eight uppermost layers. Those that were destroyed by Asmodeus, as well as by their siblings, were not annihilated, but merged with Hell. Yet, because of their divine status, these hellspawn are always reborn in portions as nupperibos. Unlike the lemures that crawl from the Lake of Fire, nupperibos may emerge anywhere across Hell. These creatures then seek out other nupperibos who are actually fragments of their former being as a hellspawn. Over time, these nupperibos “mature” and merge, becoming once again one of the mighty hellspawn. Uninterested in dealing with any more conflict than necessary, Asmodeus taught the other Lords the means to reform all nupperibos into lemures before they transform into hellspawn. This ensures that Asmodeus only has to deal with a few powerful, treacherous beings in his land rather than legions. Still, it is likely that a few hellspawn have managed to reform. It is known that in the tunnels and caverns of Malbolge the Sixth, a creature powerful enough to give even pit fiends pause exists, a being rumored to predate devils. Additionally, there are frozen creatures in a few icebergs in Stygia the Fifth. These creatures are almost certainly members of the hellspawn race. Do not think, however, that Asmodeus is unaware of their existence. It is likely that he has allowed a few of these creatures to “re-awaken” for some reason. If and how these creatures interact with the hierarchy of Hell is unknown.

At any rate, this is the reason for the bizarre relationship between lemures and nupperibos and the reason why both spirits are extremely similar. The nupperibos, however, in no way stem from petitioner souls and lemures are never “promoted” to nupperibos. It is unclear how many devils know the truth regarding the nupperibos. It is likely that most if not all pit fiends know and it is probable that all of the Courtiers of Perdition know as well.

Beyond these two pitiful creatures is the next class of devils, the spinagon. Small and impish, these cowardly creatures are weak compared to all other devils. However, it is here in the form of the spinagon that devils begin the practice of misinformation and lies. Progression to the next level is typically based upon two things: how the relatively weak spinagon manages to keep alive and how it manages to avoid appearing weak and cowardly despite the truth of this nature. Those that succeed typically exhibit a certain level of craftiness and/or patience with their status and a willingness to take risks are generally promoted to the status of white squamugon. Those who fail are often either left as spinagons, demoted to a bezekiras (hellcat) for those who show craftiness but no willingness to take risks, or promoted to a barbazu for those willing to take risks but are too stupid to realize the danger to their immortal lives.

The time in which a devil exists as a squamugon is when it firsts begins to test its capacity to tempt mortals. The squamugon caste is composed of five distinct sub-ranks. The few spinagons promoted to squamugon rank begin as white squamugons, the lowest rank. From here, as a squamugon proves its ability to tempt the most intelligent and charismatic mortals into Perdition, it receives promotions through four additional colors: red, blue, green, and black. As the ranks change, so too does the squamugons actual color. It is obvious that the ranks are some kind of inversion of the five major chromatic dragon species. Indeed, for centuries, it was assumed that the so-called “scaly devils” were related to dragons and to the Queen of Dragons, Tiamat. So far as the research completed for this text could uncover, any such relationship is no different from that currently enjoyed by lesser devils and Tiamat: nothing. Of course, if there is some kind of an association, it is so well obscured as to be invisible to most scholars. Another matter to note about squamugons is that they are typically limited to certain Perditions due to their rank; however, in order to progress, they must spend time in each Hell, becoming intimately aware of all the opportunities that await them should they prove successful in their endeavors (or the horrors that are around the corner should they fail to meet Hell’s objectives). Upon reaching the status of black, the squamugon has successfully damned almost two score mortals to Perdition. Many black squamugon serve the will of Princess Glasya and Arch Duke Dispater and are assigned a certain quota of souls to corrupt in order to hope to move to one of the next ranks. An equal number enter the Legions of Hell wherein they serve in minor leadership roles.

The rank of barbazu is considered a dead-end to any spinagon hoping to reach the level of pit fiend some day. barbazu are the shock-troops of the Legions and are known for their reckless, almost chaotic combat behavior. They are extremely vile and dangerous, often killing simply for sport. However, barbazu often serve as bodyguards to cornugons and barregon, giving some of the more intelligent and enterprising creatures an opportunity to gain their infernal master’s attention.

The ranks of erinyes, hamatula, and osyluth are roughly equal in Hell although each plays a different role. The erinyes are the chief soul gatherers for Hell after the Courtiers of Perdition. The hamatulas are the scouts and patrols of Hell, spending their existence tracking lost petitioners and mortals. The osyluths are the police and agents of Hell, often wielding great personal authority to punish other devils for infractions. These three ranks are all extremely significant to most devils for a number of reasons. Although sages have related specific powers and abilities to these ranks, it is known that devils in these ranks often develop the ability to learn new powers specific to their roles. Thus, it is not unusual to find an erinyes with additional enchantment powers or even the ability to cast such spells as an enchanter. Furthermore, these entities find that they are given the opportunity to function on their own without constant and direct supervision. Although hamatula are restricted to a certain level unless given official leave to move elsewhere, osyluths may travel to any level except Nessus as they please in pursuit of their goals while the envious erinyes may travel to the material plane or Endless Boundary at will so long as they have pre-existing clearance to do so. In addition, it is during their time in these ranks that definitive personalities take root. Prior to these ranks, the personality of devils is heavily dependant upon their rank rather than on their past deeds; all barbazu are generally vicious brutes. In these ranks, devils regain many of their mortal talents and interests, although few of their mortal memories. It is from one of these three ranks that most greater devils emerge.

The cornugons are the lowest ranked of the greater devils despite the fact that they are physically more powerful than the barregon. The cornugons are best compared to mayors or low ranking army officers, often commanding battalions of devils and other diabolical creatures while in turn answering to either a gelugon or a pit fiend. These terrifying beasts are often sent out to the Mortal Coil to punish powerful mortals who have slighted hell in some fashion.

The barregons are strange devils in every sense of the word. Like the nupperibos, the barregons follow a bizarre promotion track. It is not possible for a barregon to be promoted to a gelugon without first being demoted to a cornugon. Parallels between barregons and nupperibos are to be expected and a few scholars suspect that barregon are a higher level form of matured malefircareim who have not united completely. It is known that these creatures hate pitfiends and that they are almost more loyal to the Lord of the Fifth, His Infernal Highness Prince Leviathan, than they are to the other Lords of the Nine. The true nature of the barregon is unknown and, until Asmodeus decides to reveal his goals with these creatures, their nature will probably remain elusive.

The gelugons are the equivalent in power to colonels and governors in the Mortal Coil while serving as mighty guards to the Courtiers of Perdition. These frigid, alien creatures typically keep to Cania, rarely venturing beyond. They are also very likely to become engaged in “extracurricular” pursuits like learned magic or thieving abilities. While all the other greater devil ranks have internal rankings, gelugons do not. All gelugons are equal in rank and responsibility, at least superficially. This does not mean that all gelugons are equally talented, however. The rational for this arrangement allows the Dark Ministry and the Courtiers of Perdition to assess which gelugons within this apparently even power structure are able to assume leadership roles among their peers. For a gelugon, it is the power of persuasion, intellect, and Charisma that allows one to stand out from its peers; in addition, perfectly fulfilling orders, responsibilities, and revealing ingenuity increases a gelugon’s potential to be offered a promotion to pit fiend rank. Like cornugons, there appears to be relatively little betrayal within this rank, probably due to the fact that a gelugon is expected to behave as if it is equal in every way to its peers without actually being equal. If a gelugon serves in this capacity for 666 years (or 999 depending on who is asked), it is taken to the Lake of Fire in which it bathes for 1001 days. Upon emerging from the excruciating pain of the Lake of Fire, the spirit emerges as the dreaded pit fiend.

Pit fiends are among the most feared of underworld entities. Aside from squamugon and erinyes, pit fiends interact with mortals in a non-violent fashion (most times) more than any other devils. They are responsible for the steady supply of mortal souls to Hell, the mainte-nance of the workings of Hell as it pertains to mortals, and representing Hell when interacting with other entities of similar power. pit fiends are comparable to generals on the Prime, commanding vast armies of lesser fiends while at the same time beholden to the will of Hell’s nobility and royalty.

Like the erinyes, hamatula, osyluth, and all greater devils, pit fiends are very likely to concentrate in certain fields of interests during their immortal lives. Many are accomplished wizards and quite a few have honed their skills as fighters. Perhaps more than any other power associated with pit fiends, their ability to alter reality with their wish makes them a force to be reckoned with. The Intelligence exhibited by pit fiends, their eons of contemplating existence, and their direct link to the cosmic generally allows them to ask for and to provide wishes that suit their desires. Thus, many pit fiends have used their wishes to make themselves even more powerful. pit fiends like Gazra and Ariyan, and the members of the Dark Ministry are examples of pit fiends who have grown in might over the duration of their long existence through “natural” means, like training, and the judicious use of wish. However, many scholars now suspect that the nature of the wish ability is not entirely tied to the pit fiend but may be directly related to Asmodeus himself. These scholars point to the fact that there are many extremely old pit fiends who have not gained any significant power over the course of their lives. These scholars suspect that the ability for a pit fiend to advance is dependent on how well they impress Asmodeus and that it is he who ultimately determines the success of the wish.

Among the pit fiends, some of the most powerful are the eight members of the Dark Ministry. While there are known to be pit fiends of comparable power, the Dark Ministry possesses a number of political components that sets its members above all other pit fiends. First, the Dark Ministry controls the Legions of Hell. They have the ability to strip any other Devil, lesser ranked pit fiends included, of their commands and their troops’ loyalty. Second, the Dark Ministry maintains close ties to the Courtiers of Perdition. Indeed, many Courtiers of Perdition were at one point in time in the Dark Ministry and continue to show an interest in that coven of pit fiends. Finally, the Dark Ministry answers directly to Asmodeus. This, perhaps more than anything, estab-lishes the Dark Ministry as the greatest of pit fiends. Asmodeus meets with the Dark Ministry four times a year, not so much to dictate to them how to gather more souls, but to ensure they believe he is supportive of their efforts in the Blood War.

There are many other kinds of devils in Hell. Recently, some scholars, in an effort to simplify the taxonomy related to the diabolical, have taken to calling the better known devils baatezu, Baatezu” is a term that usually, but not always, refers to those devils that are part of the general chain of command within the Legions of Hell. There are other devils (some still with the “baatezu” title) that exist beyond the traditional com-mand structure of Hell. At this date, so little is known of these devils that they are not included in this treatise… but they do exist and they are very dangerous. In the end, all common devils answer to the Dark Ministry.

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