Curse of Lycanthropy

By means of this spell, you may place a devastating curse on one other humanoid creature.
Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
Level: Witch 6, Cleric 6, Moon 6, Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One humanoid touched
Duration: Permanent
Save: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Curse of Lycanthropy changes the creature to a type of lycanthrope (were-creature) determined by the material component held. The GM applies the Lycanthrope monster template to the effected humanoids; non-humanoids and current lycanthropes are immune to the spells effects. The effected lycanthrope is a cursed or afflicted creature and may only be returned to normal by means described in the monster template entries.
The type of lycanthrope that the target creature becomes is determined by the material component used. In the case of a werewolf a bit of hair from a werewolf or a dire wolf is required. For a werebear a bit of werebear or Dire bear fur is needed, and so on. In every case the preferred component is that from a were-creature. GM’s may wish to give a +1 to +3 save bonus to the creature if a dire creature’s fur is used instead.
The arcane focus of this spell is a disk in the shape of the moon. Which phase of the moon depends on the creature changed. After that point the affected creature will not change till the next moon phase depicted.
Lycanthrope | Fur needed | Moon phase |
Werebear | Dire bear/werebear | Waxing Crescent |
Wereboar | Dire boar/wereboar | Half |
Wererat | Dire rat/wererat | New |
Weretiger | Dire tiger/weretiger | Waning Crescent |
Werewolf | Dire wolf/Worg/werewolf | Full |
Other animals maybe used. GM’s will need to work out the details. The spell is ineffectual against current lycanthropes, undead, any type of outsider, other shape shifters, or animals.
It is believed that this spell originated from the coven of the Witches of the Howling Moon. It is believed that the spell was then used to create a class of warrior witches that had the skill of the wolf to protect their lands. However something went wrong either with the spell or those affected by it. Now the spell can only curse those into assuming wolf shape, never gaining the ability of the wolf to protect.