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Faerie Tradition

To Witchcraft

Sophie Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903) Take the Fair Face of Woman, and Gently Suspending, With Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending, Thus Your Fairy is Made of Most Beautiful Things Technique Oil on canvas, Faerie Tradition
Sophie Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903) Take the Fair Face of Woman, and Gently Suspending, With Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending, Thus Your Fairy is Made of Most Beautiful Things Technique Oil on canvas

Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team

Full netbook can be found on the following website

Dom of D20 / D&D 3e Netbooks and Downloads.

Description: Faerie witches appear to be living in solitude, usually in a sylvan setting. In reality, they often live in large communities of fey, serving as an ambassador to travelers moving through the area.

Faerie witches are usually very attractive women, who have a very unnatural aura about them. Sometimes they will change their appearance to that of an old woman to trick passers-by. The Faerie witch’s clothing varies from witch to witch. Some of them choose to dress down, and others dress with a flair for the bizarre. Their homes appear welcoming, but also very unnatural in the forest setting. The homes are typically well kept with splendid gardens outside.

Faerie witches are usually elven or half elven, since elves are native to the same geographical locations as the Faerie tradition. Humans and Gnomes can also become Faerie witches, but Halflings and dwarves seldom do since neither can be found in purely sylvan settings. There is too much of a bias against half-orcs for them to become Faerie witches.

Role: Faerie witches spend much of their time conversing with the local fey. They take good care of the plants and animals near their home, building large gardens of flowers and vines in the surrounding area. As a witch their chief concerns are brewing helpful potions, studying the ways of nature, and using their divination magic to watch the forest area they protect.

Faerie witches easily form alliances with rangers and druids living in the same area. They will often inform these allies of local happenings and sometimes offer their magical services to them.

Joining this Tradition: Faerie Witches join their coven through various means. One common way is when a small child becomes lost in the wilderness, and an existing Faerie Witch finds the child. The Faerie Witch may then receive a vision from her patron to teach the Faerie Witch the traditions. Other times, a person may become divinely inspired, and attempt to seek out an existing Faerie Witch to train under.

On the Vernal Equinox, Faerie witch covens gather to celebrate the beginning of Spring. These celebrations vary by coven, but usually are extremely joyous gatherings. On the Autumnal Equinox, the Faerie witch covens are much more serious and gather to prepare for the oncoming winter.

Leaving this Tradition: A Faerie Witch who ceases to revere and respect their homeland, or betray the trust of the local fey will lose their powers, until an Atonement spell is cast.

Skills & Feats: Faerie Witches receive Knowledge (Nature) and Survival as Class Skills. Animal Empathy is a Cross Class skill, instead of restricted (Core Rulebook I, version 3.0 only).

Occult Powers: At 7th level, choose a type of fey from the table below. The Faerie Witch can assume another form once per day that lasts one minute per witch level. In that form, they receive the lesser power associated. At 13th level, they get a new fey form which they receive the lesser power,
and their previous one grants both the lesser and medial power. At 19th, their first fey form allows the Faerie witch to polymorph into the fey and receive all powers that the type of fey normally would have. Their second form grants lesser and medial power, and they receive one new form that grants the lesser power.

Typically the witch chooses a form that is complementary to her beliefs and surroundings. Male witches will almost always choose the satyr form. Any complete form transformation from the Greater Occult Power grants all special abilities that fey race would normally have, including spell like abilities and physical stat (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) adjustments (but not Intelligence, Wisdom Charisma).

"Fairies Looking Through A Gothic Arch" John Anster Fitzgerald (1823-1906)
“Fairies Looking Through A Gothic Arch” John Anster Fitzgerald (1823-1906)


  • Minor: 7th Level: The witch glows slightly, shrinks one size category, and sprouts vestigial gossamer wings. The witch does gain a +4 bonus to Handle Animal checks, and can use the wings to negate falling damage.
  • Medial: 13th Level: The witch shrinks two size categories, and can use the gossamer wings to fly at her base movement rate with Good Maneuverability.
  • Greater: 19th Level: The greater power of the Butterfae is not a transformation, but instead, the witch is accompanied by 2d3 adult butterfae at all times. These butterfae do their best to protect the witch. If all butterfae are killed, no more can be regained for 1 year. A witch can also choose to absorb the damage a butterfae receives as per the spell shield other.


The Dryad Evelyn De Morgan (British, 1850-1919)
The Dryad
  • Minor: 7th Level: The witch’s hair turns to an autumn color. In this form she can speak with plants at will.
  • Medial: 13th Level: The witch’s skin turns to a light green color. She can dimensional door once while in this form.
  • Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely turn into a Dryad (which includes changing sex, if the witch is male). In this form, the witch is not bound to a tree as a dryad normally would be.


  • Minor: 7th Level: The witch sprouts antennae. In this form she is granted a +6 to Listen skill checks.
  • Medial: 13th Level: The witch decreases one size category, and gains a +6 to her reflex save (along with the +1 bonus to armor class and to hit for being smaller)
  • Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely turn into a grig, and gains all special abilities a grig would normally have.

Leprechaun (any subtype)

  • Minor: 7th Level: The witch shrinks a little bit (but does not become size small). In this form, she gains a +6 bonus to Listen Checks.
  • Medial: 13th Level: The witch shrinks a whole size category. She receives a bonus to her Pick Pockets skill equal to her Faerie Witch level, and can use the skill even if she has no ranks.
  • Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely turn into a Leprechaun, and gains all special abilities a Leprechaun would normally have.


  • Minor: 7th Level: The witch develops gills just under her chin. With these, she is able to breathe under water.
  • Medial: 13th Level: The witch’s eyes and ears become wider and sharper. With these, she gains a +6 bonus to Listen and spot checks.
  • Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely turn into a Nixie, and gains all special abilities a nixie would
    normally have.

Nymph (any subtype)

Blonde Nymph Oil on canvas Dimensions 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.68 inches) Sao Paulo Museum of Art
Blonde Nymph Oil on canvas Dimensions 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.68 inches) Sao Paulo Museum of Art
The water nymph Herbert James Draper (1860-1920)
The water nymph Herbert James Draper (1860-1920)
  • Minor: 7th Level: The physical appearance of the witch is improved: hair is brushed, skin is smoothed over, etc. In this form the witch gains a +4 bonus to Charisma based skill checks.
  • Medial: 13th Level: The witch generally appears fit. A single time in this form, the witch can use the Nymphs Blinding Beauty ability.
  • Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely turn into a Nymphs (which includes changing sex, if the witch is male), and gains all special abilities a Nymph would normally have.


  • Minor: 7th Level: The witch’s hair radiates a slight hue of an odd color (blue, purple, etc.) and her ears become pointed. Once while in this form, the witch can become Invisible as per the spell.
  • Medial: 13th Level: In this form, the witch sprouts gossamer wings. These do not allow the witch to fly, but she can turn Invisible at will in this form.
  • Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely turn into a Pixie, and gains all special abilities a Pixie would normally have.


Nymphs and Satyr Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States
Nymphs and Satyr Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States
  • Minor: 7th Level: In this form, the witch grows a set of goat horns, which can be used as an extra melee attack, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage. This does not count as an off hand attack.
  • Medial: 13th Level: The witch’s legs bend backwards, like a goat’s. In this form, the witch adds +15 to her base speed.
  • Greater: 19th Level: The witch can completely turn into a satyr (which includes changing sex, if the witch is female), and gains all special abilities a satyr would normally have.

Other Fey Races

Other Fey races maybe chosen if the GM sees fit to include them. Stories and mythology are full of various Fey races such as Brownies (and Bwbachods and Fenoderee), Dame Vertes (Wind Nymphs) Hamadryads (dryads of Rowan and Willow trees), Naiads, Nereids, Rusalkas, and Sirens (all Water Nymphs). Use the closest type above for these other types.

Special Benefits: Faerie witches often have many allies in Sylvan settings. Her ability to speak with the other fey races is often very helpful.

Special Restrictions: Faerie Witches may not be of an evil alignment. They tend to lead toward neutral good, but no other alignment restrictions are clearly drawn.

Equipment: The traditional tool of this tradition is the wand. The wand is often made from branch from the oldest tree in the Faerie witch’s forest.

Coven Domains: Animal, Chaos, Good, Plant, Sun

Preferred/Barred Covens: Faerie witches tend to be a bit xenophobic, as such most covens that a faerie witch will belong to are made up of other faerie witches.

Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: The Faerie witch views the goddess as nature itself. As a Faerie witch takes care of the plants and animals around them, they are paying respect to the goddess.

Source/Views of Magic: Like most witches, the Faerie Witch views her magic as a manifestation of the Goddess. The source of her magic is the great forest. This obviously puts them on good terms with druids, who view their magic in a similar light.

White/Black Magic: As with most witches, Faerie witches do not make this distinction. In addition they tend to ignore or dismiss those that do.

Wealth: Faerie Witches tend not to hoard much wealth. However, their homes are well kept, and some are ornamented with works of art. The yards of the Faerie witches homes are usually filled with lavish gardens, which may give the appearance of wealth, but more often than not Faerie Witches will have little to no money in their homes.

Other: Faerie Witches multi-class best with the ranger. The rogue is also a good choice for her ability to Move Silently through the forest and hide among its greenery. The extremely rare Witch/druid combination is most likely to be found among faerie witches.

Typically Faerie witches do not take a prestige class, they devote their time and energies to be witches, first and foremost.

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