Son of Perdition

This gaunt, hairless humanoid has gray skin and the tattered wings of a raven. Instead of eyes, empty pits of blackness stare from wide eye sockets. Its fingertips are stained black and the air around it ripples with unseen energy.
The first sons of perdition came into being when a small group of angels were discovered consorting with temptresses from the Abyss, committing unspeakable carnal acts. Unrepentant of their lasciviousness and rebellious against the laws of the heavens, the angels were banished to the Abyss, their corrupted souls wrenched from their beautiful, perfect bodies. As fallen angels, the sons of perdition lost nearly all of the powers once granted in the heavens. They were embraced by the raw forces of corruption and evil in the Abyss, however, and endowed with new powers that would not only serve their covetous desire to regain physical bodies, but would promote the cause of evil and chaos as well.
Sons of perdition are drawn to beautiful physical specimens of morality and paragons of virtue and righteousness both qualities they once possessed but now covet and despise at the same time. Sons of perdition seek to corrupt the righteous and possess the bodies of attractive mortals, but when these qualities are lacking in their prey they make do with what they find.
Environment: The sons of perdition gain their power from the very essence of the Abyss, so they are often found wallowing there in their own corruption, seeking opportunities to force the misery of their damnation upon others. They are constantly on the lookout for a means of leaving the Abyss to slake their desire to possess physical bodies in the realm of mortals.
Typical Physical Characteristics: A son of perdition looks like a sickly humanoid with pallid gray skin, the black wings of a molting raven, and empty black pits in place of eyes. Contrary to their names, numerous ‘daughters’ of perdition exist as well. The average son of perdition stands approximately 6 feet tall.
Son of Perdition CR 13 |
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal) Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +18, Spot +18 |
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+3 deflection, +3 Dexterity) hp 126 (12d8+72) Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +11 DR 10/good; Immune acid, electricity, fire, incorporeal; Resist cold 10 |
Offense |
Speed Fly 90 ft. (perfect) Melee incorporeal touch +15 (1d12+3 plus touch of the damned) Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks possession, spawn son of perdition Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th) At will – darkness, detect good, disguise self 1/day – mind fog (DC 18) |
Statistics |
Strength -, Dexterity 17, Constitution 23, Intelligence 16, Wisdom 16, Charisma 16 Base Atk +12; Grapple – Feats Ability Focus (possession), Improved Initiative, Negotiator, Persuasive, Skill Focus (bluff) Skills Bluff +23, Concentration +21, Diplomacy +24, Disguise +8 (+10 acting), Gather Information +18, Hide +26, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (religion) +18, Listen +18, Move Silently +26, Sense Motive +20, Spot +18; Racial Modifiers +8 Hide, +8 Move Silently Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common; telepathy 100 ft. SQ armor of corruption, conceal alignment, natural invisibility, outsider traits |
Environment The Abyss Organization solitary or pair Treasure none |
Armor of Corruption (Ex) A son of perdition is surrounded by a field of force drawn from its own evil essence. This grants the son of perdition a deflection bonus to armor class equal to its current Charisma bonus. Conceal Alignment (Su) A son of perdition’s evil aura is undetectable by any means unless the demon wishes to reveal it. Doing so is a free action. It requires a standard action for the son of perdition to conceal its alignment again. Natural invisibility (Su) A son of perdition is naturally invisible but becomes visible when it attacks or if it chooses to reveal itself. It may resume its invisibility as a move action. Possession (Su) A son of perdition sinfully covets the physical bodies of other creatures. It may forcefully enter the body of any corporeal creature when the damage from the son of perdition’s touch of the damned ability equals or exceeds the creature’s Wisdom score, which it can sense with each successful touch of the damned attack. Doing so provokes an attack of opportunity from the creature it is trying to possess and the opponent is entitled to a Dc 21 Will save to resist it. If the save succeeds, the son of perdition may not make another possession attempt on that opponent for 24 hours. If the save fails, the son of perdition enters the victim’s body and can control its host in the same manner as a magic jar spell, with an unlimited duration and no receptacle required. Each day after the first, the possessed creature may attempt to regain control of its body by making an opposed Charisma check. If successful, the victim regains control for the next 24 hours, after which time another opposed roll is made to determine whether the son of perdition or the host asserts control. The possessed creature must repeat the opposed Charisma check every 24 hours until the son of perdition is exorcised from him. a son of perdition can be exorcised with a successful banishment, dismissal, dispel evil, or holy word. Spawn Son of Perdition (Su) Each day a host creature is possessed by a son of perdition and loses the opposed roll for control of its body, the host takes 1 point of Wisdom drain. If the host creature’s Wisdom score reaches 0, it dies and its soul becomes a son of perdition. The creature can only be returned to life by casting dispel evil on its body, followed by a true resurrection. Touch of the Damned (Su) A son of perdition’s incorporeal body is charged with pure evil. When it makes a successful incorporeal touch attack on a corporeal non-demon, the opponent’s flesh withers where touched and the son of perdition’s unholy taint corrupts the flesh. Each successful hit deals 1d12+3 points of damage and provides the demon with a sense of how vulnerable its opponent is to its possession ability. This damage does not heal normally, and the caster of any healing spell must make a Dc 20 caster level check in order to heal damage from touch of the damned. |