Giant, Gigantes
![Gigantes, Gustave Doré (1832 – 1883) - [From the Title Page:] Dante's Inferno translated by The Rev. Henry Francis Cary, MA, from the original of Dante Alighieri, and illustrated with the designs of M. Gustave Doré, New Edition, With Critical and Explanatory notes, Life of Dante, and Chronology. Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. New York, London and Paris The book was printed c. 1890 in America., Kamu Malı,](
This ebon-skinned monstrosity has a gaping maw with boar-like tusks and a wide nose beneath a furrowed brow that lacks any sort of eyes or visible visual organs. Its corded muscles twist and writhe beneath its smooth, hairless jet hide, giving its frame a gnarled, unbalanced asymmetry. It moves with a loping gait, however, and wears its armor, composed of thick, welded plates, effortlessly.
These giants were the children of Gaia, who was fertilized by the blood of Uranus, after Uranus was castrated by his son Cronus.
Gaia, incensed by the imprisonment of the Titans in Tartarus by the Olympians, incited the Giants to rise up in arms against them, end their reign, and restore the Titans’ rule. Led on by Alcyoneus, and Porphyrion, they tested the strength of the Olympians in what is known as the Gigantomachia or Gigantomachy. The Giants Otus and Ephialtes hoped to reach the top of Mount Olympus by stacking the mountain ranges of Thessaly, Pelion, and Ossa on top of each other.
The Olympians called upon the aid of Heracles after a prophecy warned them that he was required to defeat the Giants, for the aid of a mortal was needed. Athena, instructed by Zeus, sought out Heracles and requested his participation in the battle. Heracles responded to Athena‘s request by shooting an arrow dipped in the poisonous blood of the dreaded Hydra at Alcyoneus, which made the Giant fall to the earth. However, the Giant was immortal so long as he remained in Pallene.
Athena advised Heracles to drag Alcyoneus outside Pallene to make the Giant susceptible to death. Once outside Pallene, he was beaten to death by Heracles. Heracles slew not only Alcyoneus, but dealt the death blow to the Giants who had been wounded by the Olympians. The Giants who died by the hero’s hands were Alcyoneus, Ephialtes, Leon, Peloreus, Porphyrion and Theodamas, giving Heracles the most kills of the Gigantomachy.
The Olympians fought the Giants with the Moirai aiding them before the aforementioned prophecy was made, meaning the Giants would have overcome the combined efforts of both Olympus and the Sisters of Fate had Heracles not fought.
This battle occurred in the time when Heracles lived, so many events had already happened: the establishment of the Olympian gods, their progeny, the adventures of Perseus (forefather of Heracles) and so on. Thus in the Gigantomachy, the Moirai and Heracles, having joined the Olympians, defeated the Giants and quelled the rebellion, confirming their reign over the earth, sea, and heaven, and confining the Giants into Tartarus. The only Giant not slain in the conflict was Aristaios, who was turned into a dung beetle by Gaia so the Giant might be safe from the wrath of the Olympians.
Whether the Gigantomachy was interpreted in ancient times as a kind of indirect “revenge of the Titans” upon the Olympians as the Giants’ reign would have been in some fashion a restoration of the age of the Titans.
The Giants were buried by the gods beneath the earth, where their writhing caused volcanic activity and earthquakes.
Abyss Gigas CR 16 |
XP 76,800 CE Gargantuan humanoid (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, giant) Init +5; Senses Blindsight 100 ft.; Perception +27 |
AC 31, touch 7, flat-footed 30 (+9 armor, +1 Dexterity, +15 natural, -4 size) hp 283 (21d8+189) Fort +21, Ref +8, Will +10 Defensive Abilities rock catching; DR 3/-, 10/lawful; Immune electricity; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10, sonic 10 |
Speed 60 ft. (50 ft. in armor) Melee mwk adamantine warhammer +25/+20/+15 (4d6+19/19-20/x3), bite +19 (2d8+6 plus wrenching spasms) Ranged rock +13 (4d6+19) Space 20 ft., Reach 20 ft. Special Attacks rock throwing (160 ft.) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th; concentration +18) At will – deeper darkness, fear (DC 15), mirror image 3/day – dispel magic, dominate person (DC 17), telekinesis (DC 17), true seeing |
Strength 37, Dexterity 12, Constitution 28, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 17, Charisma 15 Base Atk +15; CMB +32 (+34 bull rush, +36 sunder); CMD 43 (45 vs. bull rush and sunder) Feats Awesome Blow, Catch Off-Guard, Combat Reflexes, Greater Sunder, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (warhammer), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Stand Still, Throw Anything Skills Climb +32, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (planes) +26, Perception +27, Sense Motive +24, Stealth +5, Survival +27 Languages Abyssal, Common, Giant SQ planar empowerment |
Environment any (Abyss) Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3-7) Treasure standard (adamantine full plate, adamantine warhammer, other treasure) |
Planar Empowerment (Su) While on the plane of the Abyss, an Abyss gigas gains access to blasphemy (DC 24), cloak of chaos (DC 25), and earthquake (DC 25) as spell-like abilities, each usable once per day. If the gigas ventures onto another plane, it cannot make use of these abilities (though its other spell-like abilities remain available). The save DC for the spell-like abilities is Charisma-based and includes a +5 racial bonus. Wrenching Spasms (Su) When an Abyss gigas hits an opponent with its bite attack, the opponent must make a DC 29 Fort save or be overcome by wrenching spasms that wrack its body. These spasms cause the victim to be nauseated and deal 1d6 points of damage to Strength and Dexterity due to the painful contortion of bones, muscles, and limbs. The spasms continue for 1d6 hours or until healed with heal, regenerate, or greater restoration. The effects of this ability do not stack, but once a creature has recovered from or been cured of the effect, it can be affected again. Once a creature has made successful saving throw against this effect, it cannot be affected by the wrenching spasms from that particular gigas for 24 hours. The save DC is Constitution-based. |
Abyss gigas are a race of giants created by the goddess Gaea when the blood of her mutilated husband Uranus fell upon her earthly form.
Abyss gigas are huge, man-like creatures that often have tattoos of serpents somehow integrated into their bodies. Their hatred of the Olympian gods who abandoned them runs deep, and they will never pass up a chance to do one of them harm.
Spawned from titans who took refuge in the rifts of the Abyss, the Abyss gigas roam the wastes between the once-mighty titan fortresses. These powerful beings do not typically dwell among their own kind, preferring instead to enslave lesser beingsdemons and captured planar travelersand rule over them as despotic tyrants. Many Abyss gigas serve more powerful demon lords in turn.
When more than one of the thankfully rare Abyss gigas live near each other, they exist in a state of perpetual warfare, sending forth wave after wave of their minions in battle. In these situations, only rarely do the gigas masters ever face each other and come to blows, and even then never to the death, as they are aware of the fragile existence of their nearly extinct race. When facing other opponents, however, an Abyss
gigas is a fearsome foe, battling to the death to prove the superiority of its ancient line.
When encountered on the Material Plane, Abyss gigas are fond of taking control of companies of giants and compelling them to do their bidding, feeling at once both a distant kinship and a sense of domineering superiority. Frost giant cults of Kostchtchie are frequent recipients of this sort of attention.
Abyss gigas stand over 50 feet tall and weigh 25 tons or more, not including the weight of their Abyss-forged armor and weapons of adamantine. Abyss gigas usually favor the weapons of their demonic patrons. For example, followers of Kostchtchie often wield giant warhammers in both hands, servants of Lamashtu carry falchions, and those serving Urxehl use spiked Greatclubs.
Abyss gigas are strictly individuals, but don’t truly have a society of their own. Abyss gigas don’t appear to procreate, and there are no known females; all would appear to be children of Gaea.
The above stats and description are only for typical Abyss gigas; each one is an individual and can vary wildly from this norm.They are led by Alcyoneus, Porphyrion and Enceladus