The Divine Shard

The Quintessential Cleric II
Author Patrick Younts
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2004
All clerics are touched by the divine in some fashion, their ability to cast spells and to destroy the undead given to them directly by the will of their god. Some go one step further, taking on aspects of their deity like alternative divine abilities, or greater Domains. Then there are those clerics who go one step beyond that. These clerics wrap themselves so completely in the warm embrace of their gods that they become suffused with divine power, to the point where they become divine themselves. These clerics are sometimes known as divine shards, for their souls are merely splinters of the jewel of divinity.
As the divine shard gains power, experience and Wisdom, his body and his mind begin to transform, changing him slowly into an extraplanar servant of his god. The exact nature of the transformation depends upon the cleric’s alignment and upon the nature of his god. If the cleric is basically good, then he ascends to walk with the angels, becoming a celestial being of unearthly beauty, grace and power. If the cleric’s heart is black, however, then his body twists, his spirit darkens and his soul sinks into the depths of the shadow ether, there to writhe and crawl across the white hot basalt and gorge itself upon the wretched phantoms of the wicked. In either case, when the divine shard reaches the end of his divine transformation, he has shed his earthly form completely and has no more in common with mortals than mortals have in common with field mice.
Non-Player Character divine shards are either phantoms of the mortal realm, lurking in the shadowy hidden corners of the world when they must and spending the majority of their days on their deity’s shining plane, or spiritual juggernauts who stride across the world like colossi, using their mighty powers to support or shatter the pillars of creation, while mortal armies break upon their faith like a wave.
Hit Die: d6.
To qualify to become a divine shard, a character must meet all the following criteria:
Base Will Save: +6 or higher.
Skills: Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks.
Feats: Augment Summoning, Extra Turning.
Alignment: Any non-neutral.
Spells: The ability to cast divine spells of 5th level or above and access to clerical Domains.
Special: Concurrent to selecting this prestige class, the character must select a Greater Domain appropriate to his god, sacrificing one of his other Domains in the usual fashion.
Class Skills
The divine shard’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Concentration (Constitution), Diplomacy (Charisma), Heal (Wisdom), Intimidate (Charisma), Knowledge (the planes) (Intelligence), Knowledge (religion) (Intelligence), Sense Motive (Wisdom) and Spellcraft (Intelligence).
Skill Points At Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.
The Divine Shard | ||||||
Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special | Spellcasting |
1st | +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Divine aura, maintain turn or rebuke undead | +1 cleric level |
2nd | +1 | +0 | +0 | +3 | Kindling of divinity | +1 cleric level |
3rd | +2 | +1 | +1 | +3 | Summon allies | |
4th | +3 | +1 | +1 | +4 | +1 cleric level | |
5th | +3 | +1 | +1 | +4 | Spiritual evolution | +1 cleric level |
6th | +4 | +2 | +2 | +5 | ||
7th | +5 | +2 | +2 | +5 | Soaring spirit | +1 cleric level |
8th | +6 | +2 | +2 | +6 | Extra Turning | +1 cleric level |
9th | +6 | +3 | +3 | +6 | ||
10th | +7 | +3 | +3 | +7 | Divine ascension | +1 cleric level |
Class Features
All the following are class features of the divine shard prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The divine shard gains no new proficiencies with weapons, or with armour or shields.
Spells: The divine shard continues to gain spell power, albeit more slowly than other clerics do. At every level except 3rd, 6th and 9th, the divine shard gains new spells as though he had also gained a level in the cleric class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. This means that he adds his divine shard levels (except 3rd, 6th and 9th) to his cleric levels to determine both how many spells he can cast and how powerful those spells are.
Divine Aura (Su): The divine shard’s inherent divinity shines forth from his flesh like a beacon in darkest night. Beginning at 1st level, the divine shard radiates a divine aura, the nature of which depends upon the cleric’s beliefs and those of his god. In essence, it is based on the character’s position along the good versus evil alignment axis.
- Good aligned divine shards can cause themselves to radiate an aura identical to Protection from Evil once a day per class level. The aura lasts for a number of minutes equal to the divine shard’s Charisma bonus.
- Evil aligned divine shards can cause themselves to radiate an aura identical to protection from good once a day per class level. The aura lasts for a number of minutes equal to the divine shard’s Charisma bonus.
The divine shard also gains another ability, the nature of which depends upon where he sits upon the chaos versus law axis.
- Chaotically aligned divine shards can cause themselves to radiate an aura identical to Entropic Shield, once a day per class level. The aura lasts a number of minutes equal to the divine shard’s Charisma bonus and takes effect concurrently with his protection aura.
- Lawfully aligned divine shards can cause themselves to radiate an aura of shield of faith, identical to that spell save for the fact that it does not increase in power as the shard’s level increases, once a day per class level. The aura lasts a number of minutes equal to the divine shard’s Charisma bonus and takes effect concurrently with his protection aura.
Divine aura is a supernatural ability which the divine shard can activate as a free action on his turn. When active, the divine shard is surrounded by an aura of light equivalent to that cast by a torch, to a radius of 5 feet per point of Charisma bonus. If the divine shard is good aligned, then the aura glows golden and if he is evil it is red like a fire’s light. The aura of a chaotically aligned divine shard snaps and pops like a wildfire, while that of a lawfully aligned shard is smooth, constant and unchanging.
Maintain Turn or Rebuke undead: The divine shards connection to his god is so strong that he retains the same ability to turn or rebuke undead that he possessed when he was a cleric. His divine shard and cleric levels stack for the purposes of determining the strength and number of undead which he can turn, rebuke, control or destroy.
If the divine shard has an alternative divine power (see the Divine Champion chapter for details), then his divine shard levels stack with his cleric levels for any relevant bonuses.
Kindling of Divinity: The divine shard carries within his soul a tiny blossom of his gods’ divine essence, a blossom which opens when he accepts his destiny. At 2nd level, the divine shard gains one of the following four aspects, depending on the nature of his divinity and his own inherent personality:
Angel (Chaotic Good): Divine shards who carry within them the glory of the angels are beautiful, both in spirit and in form. They are kind and wise but utterly fearless in the pursuit of evil and corruption. They gain the following benefits.
- Darkvision to a range equal to 10 feet per point of Charisma modifier.
- Resistance to acid and cold equal to their divine shard level + Charisma modifier.
- A sacred bonus to saves against petrification equal to their Charisma modifier.
- Resistance to electricity and fire equal to half their divine shard level.
Archon (Lawful Good): Divine shards who are blessed with kinship with the archons are stern warriors and teachers, who consider themselves guardians and shepherds to their god’s mortal flock. They are the devoted enemies of demons and devils of all sorts. They gain the following benefits.
- Darkvision to a range equal to 10 feet per point of Wisdom modifier.
- Resistance to electricity equal to their divine shard level + Charisma modifier.
- A sacred bonus to saves against petrification equal to their Charisma modifier.
- A sacred bonus to Intimidate checks equal to their divine shard level.
Demon (Chaotic Evil): Divine shards who are corrupted by the shards of dark, chaotic gods are brother to demons and carry within them the ravenous flame of the lower planes. They are devoted to destruction and the ruination of all that is good and holy. They gain the following benefits.
- Resistance to electricity equal to their divine shard level + Charisma bonus.
- Resistance to acid and fire equal to half their divine shard level.
- A profane bonus to saves against poison equal to their Charisma bonus.
- Darkvision to a range equal to 10 feet per point of Charisma bonus.
Devil (Lawful Evil): Divine shards who are poisoned by splinters of the essence of sinister, lawful gods are devils in spirit and in flesh, dedicated to the perversion of the innocent and the domination of the mortal plane. They gain the following benefits.
- Resistance to fire equal to their divine shard level + Charisma bonus.
- Resistance to acid and cold equal to half their divine shard level.
- A profane bonus to saves against poison equal to their Charisma modifier.
- Darkvision to a range equal to 10 feet per point of Charisma bonus.
Summon Allies: The divine shard enjoys the favour of other planar creatures of good or evil, for they consider him spiritual kin. As a result of this, when he summons them from the ether of beyond, they are eager to help him and emboldened by his divinity.
Beginning at 3rd level, when the divine shard uses a summon monster spell, the summoned creature remains for a number of extra rounds equal to the divine shard’s Charisma modifier. In addition, the summoned creature gains a +2 sacred or profane bonus to its Strength and Constitution, which stacks with the bonuses gained from the Augment Summoning feat.
This bonus only applies when the divine shard summons a creature with either the celestial or fiendish template, as appropriate for his alignment.
Spiritual Evolution: When the divine shard reaches this stage of his journey, he undergoes a chrysalis of sorts, his soul shedding its veneer of mortality and gaining increased divine strength. The divine shard is now a mortal champion of his god, an earthbound angel, archon, demon, or devil with spiritual power beyond comprehension. Upon reaching 5th level, the divine shard gains a number of abilities, some of which are universal to all divine shards and some of which are dependant upon the shard’s nature.
All divine shards who undergo spiritual evolution gain the following benefits:
- Each age category of their natural lifespan is increased by 10 x the divine shard’s Wisdom modifier in years. This greatly increases the natural vitality of the divine shard, allowing him to serve his god for many centuries.
- Damage reduction equal to their class level, which is overcome by chaotic, evil, good or lawful attacks, as appropriate for the shard’s alignment. So, for example, a 5th level lawful good divine shard would have damage reduction 5/chaotic, evil.
- A +2 sacred or profane bonus to caster level checks made to penetrate the Spell Resistance of beings whose alignment is opposed to the divine shard’s along both axis. So, for example, a 5th level lawful good shard would gains a +2 sacred bonus to caster checks to overcome the Spell
Resistance of chaotic evil beings but would not gain the bonus against chaotic good or lawful evil beings.
In addition to the above abilities, the divine shard gains other abilities appropriate to the nature of his shard, as shown below.
- Angel: The divine shard gains the ability to speak with any creature, as per the spell tongues. In addition, he gains a +1 per 2 divine shard levels deflection bonus to Armour Class against evil creatures.
- Archon: The divine shard gains the ability to speak with any creature, as per the spell tongues. He also gains an aura of menace; evil creatures who approach within 5 feet per point of Charisma bonus of the divine shard must save versus a DC equal to 10 + the divine shard’s Charisma bonus. Those who fail to save suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls, Armour Class and saving throws until they successfully strike the shard in combat, or a full day has passed.
- Demon: The divine shard gains the ability to see in absolute darkness with ease, even when in areas of deeper darkness and other, similar spells. In addition, he gains a +1 per 2 class levels deflection bonus to Armour Class against good creatures.
- Devil: The divine shard gains the ability to see in absolute darkness with ease, even when in areas of deeper darkness and other, similar spells. In addition, he gains fast healing equal to 1 per 2 divine shard levels, but only in areas of complete darkness (magical or otherwise).
Soaring Spirit (Su): When the divine shard reaches this level of transformation, he forever leaves the bonds of the mortal world behind, soaring through the skies with the easy grace of a swan or the sinister, silent power of a dire bat.
When the divine shard reaches 7th level, his soul aura erupts from his body, coalescing into enormous wings of pure spiritual energy. The nature of the wings depends on the alignment of the divine shard; if he is good, then the wings are swan’s wings formed of golden light and if he is evil, then the wings are black as starless night and carved in the shape of bat’s wings. If the divine shard is lawful, then the wings are pristine and perfectly formed, while the wings of a chaotic shard are tattered and frayed and subtly twist and distort their shape. In any case, the divine shard’s spiritual wings have a span equal to 10 feet.
The divine shard can fly using his wings, at a speed equal to 30 feet + 10 feet per point of Charisma bonus per round. He flies with good maneuverability.
The divine shard can, if he wishes, cause his wings to disappear into his body. This is a move action. Soaring spirit is a supernatural ability.
Extra Turning: The holy or unholy power of the divine shard is such that he can destroy or control undead with ease. At 8th level, he gains the Extra Turning feat as a bonus feat.
Divine Ascension: At the end of his journey, the divine shard throws off the shackles of fragile mortality and leaves the last vestiges of his earthly life behind. The divine shard is now one with his divine kin, an angel, archon, demon or devil in flesh, spirit and soul. He gains the following benefits.
- Each stage of his natural life span increases by 10 x his Wisdom bonus in years. This increase stacks with that gained from spiritual evolution.
- He becomes an outsider, meaning he is no longer affected by spells such as Charm Person. Unlike other outsiders, however, the divine shard can still be returned from the dead as if he were a member of his previous creature type.
- He gains Spell Resistance equal to 5 + his cleric and divine shard levels combined + his Charisma bonus. So, for example, a 10th level cleric, 10th level divine shard with a Charisma of 20 would have Spell Resistance 30.
Epic Divine Shard
Hit Die: d8.
Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.
Spellcasting: The epic divine shard gains new cleric caster levels every two out of three times he gains an epic level. This means that he gains new caster levels at 21st and 22nd levels, does not gain one at 23rd level and then gains them again at 24th and 25th levels. After 20th level, the divine shard gains only new caster levels, not new spells per day.
Bonus Feats: The epic divine shard gains an additional feat every three levels higher than 20th.