
The Quintessential Druid
Author Robin O. Duke
Series The Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
There is a world beyond the senses of normal men and women, a place fuelled and spun from the energy of life, where fairies fly, trees can talk and rivers of magical energy flow across and through the land. This is the place from whence many sprites, dryads, nymphs, nixies and pixies come, a place where the satyr‘s pipes still sound through the hills and where the druid can find true peace. In The Otherworld, the cities of men are but fragile shadows and the ancient groves are places of unrivalled power. This place is the source of the druid‘s power, a world where his magic has no rivals, from whence all druidic powers are spun.
Hit Dice: d6
To become a dreamer, a character must fulfil the following criteria:
Knowledge (nature): 8 ranks.
Languages: Sylvan, Ogham.
Spellcasting: The character must be able to cast divine spells.
Otherworld: The character must be able to immerse his senses in The Otherworld.
Class Skills
The class skills of the dreamer (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Strength), Concentration (Constitution), Craft (Intelligence), Diplomacy (Charisma), Intuit Direction (Wisdom), Jump (Strength), Knowledge (nature) (Intelligence), Knowledge (otherworld) (Intelligence), Profession (Wisdom), Scry (Intelligence, exclusive skill), Spellcraft (Intelligence), Tumble (Dexterity) and Swim (Strength).
Skill Points at each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier
Dreamer | ||||||
Class Level | Base Level | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special | Spells per day |
1 | + 0 | +0 | +2 | +2 | Otherworld Passage I, Otherworld Lore | +1 druid level |
2 | +1 | +0 | +3 | +3 | Spirit Guide, Swiftly Travelled | +1 druid level |
3 | +2 | +1 | +3 | +3 | Traceless Passage | +1 druid level |
4 | +3 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Resist Nature’s Lure | +1 druid level |
5 | +3 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Otherworld Passage II | +1 druid level |
Class Features
The following are all the class features of the dreamer prestige class:
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The dreamer gains no proficiency with any weapon or armour. The character must abide by the normal druid strictures against the use of certain weapons and armour once he takes this prestige class.
Spells Per Day: When a new dreamer level is gained, the player gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in the druid class. He does not, however, gain any other benefits a druid would have gained. This essentially means the player must add his dreamer level and druid level together before calculating spells per day and caster level. If the player was not a member of the druid class before becoming a dreamer, he may now cast spells as a druid of his dreamer class level.
- Otherworld Lore: The dreamer has a small chance of having heard of any realm or place in The Otherworld. The dreamer can make a Wisdom check using his levels in this class as a bonus (DC 25). The Games Master can make this check more difficult if he feels the place is particularly secret or elusive. If the dreamer makes the check, he knows where to find the place and can attempt to journey to the place though he suffers a -10 penalty to the Will saving throw.
- Otherworld Passage I: Once per day, the dreamer may cast the spell “otherworld passage” as a druid of his character level. This is a spell-like ability and requires
one full round to use. This ability follows all the normal restriction for the “otherworld gate” spell. - Spirit Guide: The dreamer attracts the attentions of a permanent spirit guide. This creature is identical to a normal spirit guide but it always comes to the dreamer when he
enters The Otherworld, though its form may change, and the dreamer always recognises the Guide for what it is. See Chapter 8: The Otherworld for more information on spirit guides. - Swiftly Travelled: The dreamer receives a competence bonus to the Will saving throw when making journeys in The Otherworld equal to his level in this class. When travelling in a group, the dreamer applies this competence bonus to the group’s saving throw. In a group with more than one dreamer, apply only the largest of the bonuses.
- Traceless Passage: Just as druid are all but impossible to Track in the real world, a dreamer that reaches 3rd level in the class leaves no spiritual or physical trail in The Otherworld. Dreamers of 3rd level or higher may be able to trace a dreamer with this ability.
- Resist Nature’s Lure: At 4th level, the dreamer gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey. If the dreamer already has this ability, the bonus increases to +6.
- Otherworld Passage II: The dreamer may now use his Otherworld Passage spell-like ability at will as often as he desires.