Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor is a fictional DC Comics supervillain. Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster as a Superman villain, Luthor first appeared in Action Comics #23 (1940).
Luthor has been Superman‘s archenemy for most of the superhero’s existence, having been envisioned as his dual opposite, devoid of morals and relying on intellect rather than strength. Rather than harnessing his genius for good, Luthor seizes power for his own benefit and is a threat at large. Though he was originally portrayed as a mad scientist, he was later rewritten as a Machiavellian industrialist and white-collar criminal (even briefly serving as President of the United States). Later characterizations have shown elements of both interpretations of the character.
Luthor is one of several Superman characters with the initials “LL” (others include Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Lori Lemaris). Luthor is also notable for having appeared in several adaptations of Superman adventures for other media.
Originally Posted byKain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks forums.
Lex Luthor | |
Medium humanoid | |
Wounds | 18 WP, 237 VP (25d8+100) |
Initiative | +2 |
Speed | 30 ft. |
AC | 19 (+6 defense, +2 Dexterity, +1 Dodge), touch 19, flatfooted 10 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +18/+20 |
Attack | Unarmed strike +20 melee (1d8 + 2) or gun +20 ranged (2d6) |
Full Attack | Unarmed strike +20/+15/+10 melee (1d8 + 2) or gun +20/+15/+10 ranged (2d6) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft. /5 ft. |
Special Qualities | Level 9 intellect, martial artist |
Saves | Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +32 |
Abilities | Strength 15, Dexterity 14, Constitution 18, Intelligence 25, Wisdom 16, Charisma 24 |
Skills | Balance +4, Bluff +32, Climb +7, Computer Use +30, Craft (chemical) +40, Craft (electrical) +40, Craft (mechanical) +40, Craft (pharmaceutical) +35, Demolitions +21, Diplomacy +23, Disable Device +21, Intimidate +39, Jump +9, Knowledge (business) +44, Knowledge (civics) +39, Knowledge (current events) +38, Knowledge (earth and life science) +48, Knowledge (history) +26, Knowledge (physical science) +53, Knowledge (streetwise) +32, Knowledge (tactics) +36, Knowledge (technology) +49, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +26, Listen +8, Repair +26, Research +41, Sense Motive +17, Spot +8, Treat Injury +8, Tumble +9 |
Feats | Combat Expertise, Defensive Martial Arts, Educated, Endurance, Iron Will, Leadership, Skill Focus (Knowledge physical science), Skill Focus (Knowledge technology) |
Epic Feats | Epic Reputation, Epic Will |
Climate/Terrain | Metropolis |
Organization | Solitary (unique) |
Challenge Rating | 20 |
Treasure | Quadruple standard |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |
Level 9 Intellect
Luthor gains a +9 bonus to Intelligence based rolls as well as Will saves.
Martial Artist
Luthor possesses the unarmed strike of a monk one quarter of his hit dice. Missing Luthor with an unarmed strike has a 50% chance of provoking an attack of opportunity from him.
Lex Luthor (Battlesuit) | |
Medium humanoid | |
Wounds | 13 WP, 132 VP (25d8+100) |
Initiative | +7 |
Speed | 30 ft., fly 300 ft. (average) |
AC | 29 (+10 armor, +6 defense, +2 Dexterity, +1 Dodge), touch 19, flatfooted 20 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +18/+20 |
Attack | Slam +40 melee (2d6 + 17 plus 3d6 energy) or Kryptonite spike +40 melee (1d10 + 25) or laser +25 ranged touch (15d8 fire) |
Full Attack | 2 slams +40 melee (2d6 + 17 plus 3d6 energy) or 3 energy blasts +25 ranged touch (12d6 electricity and force) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft. /5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Energy feedback, energy net, forcefield, hypersonics, Kryptonite blast |
Special Qualities | Combat computer, damage reduction 40/epic, Kryptonite ring, level 9 intellect, resistance to energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic) 30, sensors, teleport |
Saves | Fort +25, Ref +23, Will +32 |
Abilities | Strength 45, Dexterity 14, Constitution 18, Intelligence 25, Wisdom 16, Charisma 24 |
Skills | Balance +4, Bluff +32, Climb +7, Computer Use +30, Craft (chemical) +40, Craft (electrical) +40, Craft (mechanical) +40, Craft (pharmaceutical) +35, Demolitions +21, Diplomacy +23, Disable Device +21, Intimidate +39, Jump +9, Knowledge (business) +44, Knowledge (civics) +39, Knowledge (current events) +38, Knowledge (earth and life science) +48, Knowledge (history) +26, Knowledge (physical science) +53, Knowledge (streetwise) +32, Knowledge (tactics) +36, Knowledge (technology) +49, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +26, Listen +28, Repair +26, Research +41, Sense Motive +17, Spot +28, Treat Injury +8, Tumble +9 |
Feats | Combat Expertise, Defensive Martial Arts, Educated, Endurance, Iron Will, Leadership, Skill Focus (Knowledge -physical science), Skill Focus (Knowledge -technology) |
Epic Feats | Epic Reputation, Epic Will |
Climate/Terrain | Metropolis |
Organization | Solitary (unique) |
Challenge Rating | 35 |
Treasure | Quadruple standard |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |
Level 9 Intellect
Luthor gains a +9 bonus to Intelligence based rolls as well as Will saves.
Martial Artist
Luthor possesses the unarmed strike of a monk one quarter of his hit dice. Missing Luthor with an unarmed strike has a 50% chance of provoking an attack of opportunity from him.

Luthor’s battlesuit is a highly advanced piece of weaponry, incorporating both Apokolips and Kryptonian technology into its design.
The suit provides a +10 armor bonus to AC and +10 resistance bonus to Fortitude and Reflex saves. It takes all damage dealt to Luthor. On a critical hit, Lex takes 10% of the total damage (after damage reduction) as vitality point damage.
The suit possesses 500 hit points. It possesses damage reduction 40/epic, immunity to radiation and resistance to energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic) 30.
If the suit is reduced to 100 hit points, it is severely damaged. All special quality and attack values are reduced in half. Lex begins taking 10% of the total damage (after damage reduction) as vitality point damage on regular hits and as wound point damage
on critical hits.
If the suit is reduced to 0 hit points, it is completely destroyed and no longer provides any of its special qualities to Lex.
Combat Computer
The combat computer built into Lex’s suit allows him to compensate somewhat for super fast opponents. Those taking immediate actions against attacks dealt by the suit find that it costs them 5 swift actions rather than 1 to do so. The computer also grants Lex a +5 bonus to attacks.
Energy blast
As an attack action, the suit can fire an energy blast that deals 12d6 force and electricity damage. It requires a ranged touch attack to connect and has a range of 100 feet.
Energy feedback
Lex’s suit automatically deals 10d6 electricity damage per round to anyone grappling him. If Lex wins a grapple check, he can increase this damage to 20d6 on his turn.
Energy net
As a standard action, this net entangles those it strikes and deals 8d6 electricity damage per round. An Escape Artist check (DC 26) is required to get free of the net. The net requires a ranged touch attack to connect.
As an immediate action, Lex can activate a forcefield. This shield absorbs all incoming attacks. It has 50 hit points and energy resistance (all) 50. Once
deactivated, Lex must wait one round before reactivating it again. If the shield is completely breeched, it cannot be reactivated for 1d6 rounds. While active, the forcefield also provides a +5 deflection bonus to AC.
These give Lex a slam attack that deals 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage. They can be surrounded by an energy field, dealing an extra 3d6 points of force, electricity or radiation damage.
As a standard action, this attack deals 20d4 sonic damage, deafens (1d10 minutes) and stuns (1d4 rounds) victims in a 50 foot cone. A Fortitude save (DC 36) halves the damage and negates the deaf and stun effects.
Kryptonite blast
Lex can fire a beam of green Kryptonite energy as an attack action. The blast deals 2d6 radiation damage and is considered to be 20 foot range exposure to Kryptonite for the purposes of determining damage to Kryptonians.
Kryptonite rings
Lex possesses Kryptonite rings. While unshielded, the ring emits a small amount of Kryptonite radiation in the immediate area with a 5 foot radius. A
Kryptonian at that range suffers the usual effects of Kryptonite exposure. He possesses rings of green, red, blue and black Kryptonite.
Kryptonite spike
This melee weapon deals 1d10 piercing damage.
The suit is armed with a powerful laser beam that can be fired as a standard action. The blast deals 15d8 fire damage with a ranged touch attack. The beam has a range of 2000 feet.
Sensor Array
Lex’s suit allows him a range of scanning options. It provides a +20 bonus to Spot and Listen checks and a +5 bonus to Initiative checks. It allows a 100 foot cone of Darkvision and 20 foot radius of Blindsight, both of which can be activated or deactivated as a move action.
Strength enhancers
Lex’s suit gives him a +30 enhancement bonus to Strength.
As a standard action, Lex’s suit can teleport to a predetermined location, or it can utilize a short range matter transportation system to shift him 1d6 x 1000 feet away from his current location.