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Fantastic Beasts

Ultimate Equipment Guide II

Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005

Serving every purpose from mounts to guardian beasts to lifetime companions, fantastic beasts are a more powerful and more expensive alternative to such mundane creatures as a dog or an ox. Listed below are some of the beasts which can be purchased, followed by a list of the prices for purchasing the beast as an egg, as a young specimen and for training the beast to serve the purchaser.

Fantastic Beasts
ItemCost; EggCost; Young:Cost; Training:
Chimera5,000 gp10,000 gp3,500 gp
Dire boar2,500 gp1,500 gp
Black Dragon11,000 gp
Blue Dragon15,000 gp
Brass Dragon12,000 gp
Bronze Dragon16,000 gp
Copper Dragon14,000 gp
Gold Dragon22,000 gp
Green Dragon13,000 gp
Red Dragon18,000 gp
Silver Dragon20,000 gp
White Dragon8,000 gp
Giant Eagle2,500 gp4,000 gp1,000 gp
Giant falcon1,500 gp3,000 gp1,000 gp
Giant Owl2,500 gp4,000 gp1,000 gp
Griffon3,500 gp7,000 gp1,500 gp
Hippocampi1,500 gp2,500 gp1,000 gp
Hippogriff2,000 gp3,000 gp1,000 gp
Manticore7,000 gp2,500 gp
Pegasus2,000 gp3,000 gp1,000 gp
Roc7,500 gp15,000 gp5,500 gp
Sleipnirget2,000 gp1,500 gp
Worg1,500 gp1,500 gp
Wyvern4,000 gp8,000 gp3,000 gp


The most famous and sought-after mount, dragons are exceptionally expensive. Only available as eggs, a dragon cannot be trained. Rather, it must accept its rider either through friendship (in the case of good dragons) or intimidation and bribery (in the case of evil dragons).

Dragon Eggs

Having a dragon as a mount and companion is the dream of nearly every adventurer. The power and intellect of a dragon, not to mention the terror an adventurer’s enemies would feel seeing him descend from the skies atop a sinuous beast of such legendary might, cause many adventurers to make finding a dragon mount one of their great goals. However, dragons pose a number of problems, from actually coming into possession of the egg to how to accommodate the dragon when an adventurer enters a town or city.

Dragon eggs are exceedingly rare and difficult to come by. There are no guarantees given regarding when, or even if, the desired egg will be available. Nevertheless, it is only possible to buy a dragon when it is still in the egg, for two reasons. The first is that the buyer of the dragon must be present at the hatching for the wyrmling dragon to have any chance of bonding to the buyer. The second is that even wyrmling dragons are too powerful and dangerous to keep on hand.

  • Black Dragon Egg: 11,000 gp
  • Blue Dragon Egg: 15,000 gp
  • Brass Dragon Egg: 12,000 gp
  • Bronze Dragon Egg: 16,000 gp
  • Copper Dragon Egg: 14,000 gp
  • Gold Dragon Egg: 22,000 gp
  • Green Dragon Egg: 13,000 gp
  • Red Dragon Egg: 18,000 gp
  • Silver Dragon Egg: 20,000 gp
  • White Dragon Egg: 8,000 gp


Perhaps the greatest drawback to purchasing an egg is the possibility it will never hatch. No matter how mighty the creature may become, while it is in the egg it is a fragile thing. Taken from its nest and its mother, the egg might easily die, deprived of the exact conditions needed to bring it to maturity.

After a number of customers complained of eggs that never hatched, Tandos Ravenfoot decided to start offering incubation services at The Beast Within. These services are available only to those who purchase an egg from the shop, he will not incubate an egg brought in by a stranger. Tandos and several of his employees are extremely well-versed in Knowledge (nature), and know exactly what is needed for an egg to survive until hatching.

They have built a bank of incubators within the shop, designed to provide for the needs of any egg of any species sold through The Beast Within. If the egg fails to hatch, Tandos will refund the incubation fee and half the cost of the egg, something he has not yet needed to do. Though expensive, the incubation fee is well worth the cost. After all, spending 18,000 gp on an egg that never hatches is a pricey lesson.

Incubation: 25% of the cost of the egg

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