Angel, Throne

This creature has a generally humanoid body with two wings as other angels, but with five arms instead of two. Flames cover the body, with especially intense fire racing in a circle from arm to arm, as if they were spokes in a wheel.
Originally Posted by Kain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks forums.
Throne | |
Large outsider (Angel, Good) | |
Hit Dice | 21d8 + 189 (283 hp) |
Initiative | +12 |
Speed | 70 ft., Fly 170 ft. (good) |
Armor Class | 44 (+8 Dexterity, +9 insight, +18 natural, -1 size), touch 26, flat-footed 27 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +21/+37 |
Attack | Slam +32 melee (2d8 + 12) or flaming eyes +30 ranged touch (10d6 fire) |
Full Attack | 5 slams +32 melee (2d8 + 12) and 2 wings +27 melee (2d6 + 6) |
Space/Reach | 10 ft./10 ft. |
Special Attacks | Fiery strike, flaming eyes, spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities | Damage reduction 20/high magic and evil, Darkvision, fast healing 15, Low-Light Vision, immunity to fire, sonic, mind affecting effects and petrification, regeneration 5, resistance to acid 20, cold 20 and electricity 20, Spell Resistance 36 |
Saves | Fort +21, Ref +20, Will +21 |
Abilities | Strength 35, Dexterity 27, Constitution 28, Intelligence 26, Wisdom 28, Charisma 26 |
Skills | Concentration +28, Diplomacy +32, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (Arcana) +16, Knowledge (Geography) +17, Knowledge (history) +27, Knowledge (nature) +17, Knowledge (nobility) +16, Knowledge (the planes) +27, Knowledge (religion) +27, Listen +29, Perform (wind instruments) +28, Sense Motive +29, Spellcraft +29, Spot +29, Truespeak +27 |
Feats | Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Holy Tongue*, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Searing Spell-like Ability (x2), Whirlwind Attack * |
Environment | Upper Planes |
Organization | Solitary, pair or with escort (3-12 dominions) |
Challenge Rating | 22 |
Treasure | None |
Alignment | Always good (any) |
Advancement | 22-28 HD (Large) |
Fiery Strike (Ex): The natural attacks of a throne deal an equal amount of fire damage to the target. A creature within reach of a throne or attacking it with a natural weapon takes 5d6 fire damage every round. A creature taking fire damage from the throne must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 28) or catch fire. Creatures with the Evil subtype take half holy damage from the fire.
Flaming Eyes (Ex): A throne can shoot flames from its eyes as a standard action, requiring a ranged touch attack and dealing 10d6 fire damage. The flames have a range of 300 feet. Creatures with the Evil subtype take half holy damage.
Spell-Like Abilities:
- Always active –detect evil, tongues, true seeing;
- at will –bless, commune, daylight, greater dispel magic, fire storm (DC 26), fireball (DC 21), flame strike (DC 23), hallow, heal, holy aura, holy smite (DC 22), holy word (DC 25), incendiary cloud (DC 26), invisibility, panacea, planeshift, polymorph, telekinesis, greater teleport, true strike, wall of fire, wall of good;
- 3/day – commune, gate, meteor swarm (DC 27), miracle (DC 27), prismatic wall (DC 26), true resurrection.
Caster level 18th
Regeneration (Ex): A throne takes normal damage from evil weapons and spells.