Angel, Archangel

Originally Posted by Belial_the_Leveler of the Giant in the Playground Forums.
Archangel | |
Size/Type | Large outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good) |
Hit Dice | 70d8+1960 (2275 hp) |
Initiative | +14 Dexterity (never surprised or flat-footed) |
Speed | 50 ft. (10 squares), Fly 1 mile/1500 miles (perfect) |
Armor Class | 123 (-1 size, +14 Dexterity, +49 natural/deflection, +28 Wisdom, +14 armor, +7 shield, +2 insight), touch 102 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +70/+105 |
Attack | Sword of Judgement +111 melee touch (2d6+41 plus disintegration, ignores magical protections and damage reduction, 19-20/2x) |
Space/Reach | 10 ft./10 ft. |
Special Attacks | Spell-like abilities, spells, see below |
Special Qualities | damage reduction 21/evil artifact, Darkvision 60 ft., Low-Light Vision, immunity to all energy types, death effects, negative energy, energy drain, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, and form-altering attacks, protective aura, regeneration 21, Spell Resistance 77, auto-reflect targeted spells ranged touch attacks and ranged attacks, evasion, freedom of movement, see below |
Saves | Fort +68, Ref +54, Will +68 (rerolls 1s) |
Abilities | Strength 73, Dexterity 39, Constitution 66, Intelligence 54, Wisdom 66, Charisma 58 |
Skills | 23 skills maxed at 73 ranks (practically all of them) |
Feats | Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Improved Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Elusive Target, Bonus Words of Creation, Improved Counterspell, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Heighten Spell, Reactive Counterspell, Quicken Spell |
Epic Feats | Epic Spellcasting, Improved Heighten Spell, Epic Counterspell, ISC 5x, bonus ISC 7x, |
Innate Magic | quickened miracle, Multispell 2, Bonus Permanent Emanation: Blinding Glory |
Environment | Any good-aligned plane |
Organization | Solitary or Host [7 archangels and 343 (7x7x7) solars] |
Challenge Rating | 49 |
Alignment | Always awesome good (any) |
Items | Celestial Might; no items, double XP if slain |
An Archangel’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons he or she wields, are treated as good-aligned artifacts for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
An Archangel’s supernatural and spell-like abilities are considered Epic for all purposes. DCs are Wisdom-based for supernatural abilities and spells, Charisma-based for spell-like abilities. Caster level equal to HD for supernatural and spell-like, equal to CR-2 for spells.
Angelic Host (Su) : An archangel can infuse mortal, nonepic creatures with his or her might, empowering them to act as agents of good in places the Archangel herself may not venture. By spending seven rounds concentrating and speaking the name (or otherwise unambiguously designating) the host, the host’s strength, Dexterity and Charisma scores are replaced by the Archangel’s scores unless they are higher; this increase applies to final scores, not base scores. All derived stats increase accordingly. In addition, the mortal benefits from the Archangel’s protective aura and may employ the abilities under the Archangel’s “Light of Creation” ability as spell-like abilities at a caster level equal to his HD.
An Archangel can empower up to seven mortals in this way and can withhold the invested power at any time as a free action.
Aura of Warding (Su) : Like lesser angels, an Archangel radiates a powerful aura. This aura counts as a double-strength circle vs evil and a greater globe of invulnerability,
defending against up to 5th level spells. It extends up to 70 feet from the Archangel and it never benefits evil creatures.
Regeneration (Ex) : An Archangel takes normal damage from evil-aligned artifacts and the natural attacks of evil deities, and from epic spells with the evil descriptor.
Spells (Sp) : An Archangel casts as a 47th level spellcaster with the ISC feat as bonus feat seven times. Archangels usually cast as favored souls but other classes are not unheard of.
Sevenfold Gaze (Su) : Legends say that archangels have seven eyes-or seven pairs or eyes-usually one per wing and an additional one at the head. And while legends are not always right, they almost always contain a kernel or truth; archangels do have visual capabilities far exceeding that of most mortals;
Piercing Gaze: An archangel’s vision sees through material objects as per X-ray vision and shatters all illusions as per the purge illusions spell. The range of both vision types is 77 squares (385 feet)
Glimpse into the Future: An archangel benefits from Foresight at all times.
Gaze into the Past: Archangels can see and hear into the past as per a rapid Hindsight spell; to use this ability an Archangel must concentrate for 1 minute.
Farseer: An Archangel can observe creatures from afar as per the Metafaculty power; very few creatures can escape his gaze.
See the Supernatural: Archangel’s can see and automatically understand the nature and purpose of all spells and magical effects within 240 feet, as per a widened greater arcane sight.
Gaze to the Soul: Archangels can see the alignment of nearby creatures, whether said creatures are lying as well as what they are thinking as per Sacred Sight, Mass Discern Lies and Mass detect thoughts. Creatures are entitled to will saves to resist having their thoughts read or their lies detected.
Glimpse True Knowledge: Archangels can benefit from contact other plane, only they receive the answer to their question in a vision. The vision never lies; if you roll for a lie
in the CoP table, treat it as a don’t know result.
Light of Heaven (Sp) : Archangels radiate the power and glory of the Heavens and may employ that power to perform several effects:
They are continuously surrounded by a Blinding Glory effect with a radius of 7000 feet. Due to their Permanent Emanation feat, they can shut down or reactivate this effect as a free action.
They can create barriers of solid light to block or entrap creatures. These function as the Wall of Force and Forcecage spells only they have the light descriptor instead of the force descriptor.
They can attack their enemies with blasts of radiance or constructs of light as per the Radiant Assault, sunburst and crushing hand spells-all effects have the light descriptors instead of their normal descriptors.
Wings of Celestia (Ex): Archangels are often depicted as having three pairs of wings, one concealing their feet, one concealing their head and one with which they Fly. While archangels don’t necessarily have six wings-and some don’t have wings at all-they do have abilities that inspired those drawings;
- An archangel using one pair of “wings” for flying flies at a speed of 1 mile per round, as per cloud charriot and can shift to the ethereal as per Greater Blink.
- An archangel may use his/her other four “wings” to cover their body and protect it from attack as per the wings of cover spell.
- An archangel may use all six “wings” as a standard action to transport itself 1500 miles, similarly to a teleport spell. Unlike a teleport spell, the Archangel is still crossing the intervening distance at the speed of thought and while she can bypass physical barriers by going Ethereal, certain wards can still bar her passage.
Words of Creation (Su) : Archangels can speak the Words of Creation, as the feat. In addition, they can use those Words to create the following supernatural effects. They
don’t need to make truespeak checks;
Breath of Recovery, Greater Word of Nurturing, Ward of Peace, Thwart the Traveler, Anger of the Sleeping Earth, Conjunctive Gate, Deny Passage
Celestial Might (Su) : While Archangels don’t have treasure as mortal creatures do, their power does manifest as abilities that mimick magic items or spells; such powers are an extension of themselves, rather than actual items and can’t be stolen, sundered or otherwise removed-and they vanish should the Archangel be slain. DMs should give PCs double XP for defeating an Archangel instead of the normal treasure for that encounter.
While Archangels can and do have varying manifestations of their celestial powers and may alter those manifestations by meditating for seven days, the most typical set is detailed below:
- Sword of Judgement: Archangels typically wield a +10 speed longsword of ruin. The sword also functions similarly to a Black Blade of Disaster (including the “ignore protections” part), only it does light damage instead of disintegration damage. It appears as a seven-foot bolt of blinding light or holy fire they wield with their right hand.
- Shield of the Archons: Archangels typically wield a +3 tower shield of exceptional, infinite arrow deflection and great reflection. The shield usually appears as a halo of blinding light brighter than the sun instead of a physical object.
- Armor of the Heavens: Archangels are sheathed in a cloak of heavenly fire that functions like armor-and sometimes even appears as one; it functions as a +5 soulfire, transmutation proof, empyreal, heavenly impervious vestment, a monk’s belt and a starmantle cloak with the added benefit of a continuously active sheltered vitality effect.
- Power of the Illuminated Heaven: Archangels have a +5 inherent bonus to all ability scores plus a further +14 enhancement bonus to all ability scores. These bonuses are included in the stats above.
- Blessing of the Illuminated Heaven: Archangels are immune to all types of energy damage (as per a ring of universal energy immunity), have evasion and freedom of movement (as per the rings of those names), their natural armor counts as deflection (as per scinctillating scales) and benefit from a +14 resistance bonus to all saving throws. They automatically reroll all 1s as if benefiting from a luckblade at all times.