
A hairy, one-armed humanoid half as tall as a man hops on a single leg ending in a wide foot. Her snout is broad and porcine, and a single eye sits in the middle of her forehead.
Source Demiurge113
Originally posted on Probing the Membrane of Science
Hiderigami are fey creatures of the desert who maintain the delicate balance of that ecosystem and prevent it from being overtaken by climate change or mortals with an interest in reclamation. No rain falls within their arid auras, but in order to make sure that hardy desert plants can grow, hiderigami are frequently on the move in their large territories. A single hiderigami may maintain a number of lairs inside of caves, hollowed-out desert plants or canyons that it meanders between over the course of a year.
Hiderigami come into conflict with mortals when their wanderings bring them close to civilization, or when human beings attempt to dig irrigation systems into the desert. They rarely kill their opponents, preferring to leave them alive but dehydrated and exhausted in the desert, this is not out of cruelty towards their enemies so much as a kindness to the desert predators whose lives depend on scavenging and making easy kills. A hiderigami may have allies among mortal druids and nature oracles as easily as she may have enemies, depending on the priorities of the priests.
All hiderigami are female, but show little interest in bewitching and reproducing with humanoid males as dryads and nymphs do. How they reproduce is still unknown, some sages hypothesize that their males are among the various other ‘half-humanoid’ races such as fachen and yama-jijii. Their pelts come in a variety of colors but tend towards blonde and auburn tones.
Hiderigami CR 8 |
XP 4,800 LN Small fey (earth, fire) Init +5; Senses low-light vision, Perception +17, Scent Aura aridity (1 mile) |
AC 21, touch 19, flat-footed 13 (+1 size, +5 Dexterity, +2 natural, +3 Dodge) hp 103 (11d6+66) Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +10 DR 10/cold iron; Immune fire; SR 19 Defensive Abilities incredible balance Weakness vulnerable to cold, vulnerable to water |
Speed 40 ft., hopping stride Melee claw +11 (1d4+2 plus desiccating touch) Special Attacks sneak attack +4d6 Spell-like Abilities CL 11th, concentration +15 Constant – pass without trace At will – diminish plants, produce flame 3/day – dispel magic, invisibility 1/day – flame strike (DC 19), waves of fatigue |
Strength 15, Dexterity 21, Constitution 22, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 16, Charisma 19 Base Atk +5; CMB +10 (+12 disarm); CMD 27 (29 disarm, 30 trip) Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Defensive Combat Training, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +19 (+23 when jumping), Bluff +18, Climb +16, Escape Artist +19, Knowledge (nature) +16, Perception +17, Stealth +23, Survival +17 Languages Common, Ignan, Sylvan |
Environment warm deserts and mountains Organization solitary or pair Treasure standard |
Aura of Aridity (Su) The ambient air temperature for 1 mile around a hiderigami is raised one increment, from cold to temperate, from temperate to very hot and from very hot to severely hot. It cannot raise the temperature to extremely hot. No natural precipitation falls within the aura of aridity. Any creature that attempts to cast a spell with the water descriptor or to control the weather to create precipitation must succeed a DC 19 caster level check or the spell is lost. Desiccating Touch (Su) Any living creature struck by a hiderigami must succeed a DC 19 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of non-lethal damage and be fatigued. This damage and fatigue cannot be healed magically unless the creature drinks at least 1 gallon of water. Plant creatures and creatures with the water subtype take a -2 penalty on their save. The save DC is Charisma based. Hopping Stride (Ex) A hiderigami can ignore all difficult terrain created by earth or sand. Magically altered terrain, like a spike stones spell, affects a hiderigami normally. Incredible Balance (Ex) A hiderigami gains a +3 Dodge bonus to AC and to its CMD to avoid being tripped. Vulnerable to Water (Ex) The touch of water damages a hiderigami. A pint of water affects a hiderigami as a flask of acid, and being immersed in water or caught in a rainstorm deals 10d6 points of damage to a hiderigami each round. |