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Gambit (Remy LeBeau)

Character art by Jim Lee for X-Men Series 1 (1992) Impel Marketing trading cards,  Gambit
Character art by Jim Lee for X-Men Series 1 (1992) Impel Marketing trading cards

Gambit (Remy LeBeau) is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero who is a member of the X-Men. Created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Jim Lee, he first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #266 (August 1990).

A mutant, Gambit possesses the ability to charge objects, usually his trademark playing cards, with potential energy, causing them to explode. He is also skilled in breaking and entering, the use of a Bo staff and hand-to-hand combat, particularly the French kickboxing martial art Savate.

A mysterious and Charismatic former Professional thief, few X-Men trusted Gambit when he first joined the group, a source of stress between him and his longtime love interest Rogue. This was exacerbated when his connections to villain Mister Sinister were revealed, although some accept that Gambit honestly seeks redemption.

Gambit was on the X-Men animated series and video games. He also starred in two solo series, one lasting from 1998 through 2001 and the other 2004 though 2005. He also starred  in two miniseries of his own, the first having been released in 1993 and the other in 1998.

The X-Men’s self described ladies man, Gambit has shown a more vulnerable side of himself over the years, especially when it comes to Rogue, his love interest. Gambit remains fiercely proud of his Louisiana heritage, and speaks in a very thick New Orleans , Cajun accent. It remains worth saying that, despite his taste for cigarettes, Alcohol, and hedonistic pleasures, that he remains athletically thin. For a while, he flirted with every woman on the X-Men team, and his charm is so powerful that he even temped Jean Grey herself, leading her to comment in front of her longtime love interest Cyclops “I must admit, that as infuriating and arrogant as Gambit can be, those eyes, that grin, that body, it takes a girl’s breath away.”

Because he  wears it on his sleeve, he is often teased by fellow X-Men about his heritage. Some of his nicknames include Gumbo and Swamp Rat. The latter of the two was bestowed upon him by Rogue, a play on the fact that he hails from the bayou. Not to be outdone, Remy has teased her about her Mississippi roots, affectionately labeling her River Rat.

Originally  Posted by Bane  of the Dicefreaks D20 Discussion Board

On this Thread

Remy LeBeau, Gambit
Medium  Mutant
Wounds20 WP  Vitality 179 VP (17d8+85)
Speed30 ft
AC25 (+8 Dexterity, +7 defense) touch 25, flat footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple+12/+17
Attackquarterstaff  +23 melee (1d8+10/20) or playing card +21 ranged touch (2d6/20)
Full Attackquarterstaff +21/+16/+11 melee (1d8+10/20) and +21 melee (1d8+10/20) or playing card +19/+19/+14/+9 ranged touch (2d6/20)
Space/Reach5ft. /5ft.
Kinetic  Control
Acrobat,  Hypnotic Control, Master Thief
SavesFort +13 Ref +20 Will +10
AbilitiesStrength 21, Dexterity 27, Constitution 20, Intelligence 16, Wisdom 14, Charisma 22
SkillsAppraise +23, Balance +20, Bluff +31, Climb +15, Diplomacy +15, Disable Device +30, Gather Information +26, Hide +27, Intimidate +16, Jump +17, Knowledge (New Orleans) +11, Knowledge (streetwise) +11, Move Silently +32, Open Locks +36, Profession (thief) +10, Search +37, Sense Motive +22, Sleight of Hand +36, Spot +21, Swim +10, Treat Injury +7, Tumble +36
FeatsCombat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deft Opportunist, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Lighting Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff)
Climate/TerrainWestchester, New York
OrganizationSolitary (Unique) or X-Men (Group)
AlignmentChaotic Good (formerly Chaotic Neutral)


Gambit is an accomplished acrobat, he receives a +5 bonus to Balance, Jump, and Tumble  checks.

Hypnotic Control

Through unknown means Gambit has shown the ability to invoke limited control
over others. This counts as a suggestion spell at 18th level ability. He can normally make basic commands and a Will save DC: 19 can resist. This is not true hypnotism but is thought to be related to an empathic potential.

Kinetic Control

Kinetic Control Gambit possesses the ability to charge objects with kinetic energy that is constantly being generated within his own body. His powers were limited in his youth by Mr.Sinister but have recently begin to spike again after several resurgences and repressions. There seems to be no limit to the size of the object Gambit can charge. He prefers to charge smaller objects he can hurl with ease. The damage inflicted by the object is based on its size.

  • -Fine: 1d6
  • -Diminutive: 2d6/+1 DC
  • -Tiny: 3d6 damage/5 foot radius/+2 DC
  • -Small: 4d6 damage/10 foot radius/+3 DC
  • -Medium: 6d6 damage/10 foot radius/ +4 DC
  • -Large: 8d6 damage/20 foot radius/+5 DC
  • -Huge: 12d6 damage/30 foot radius/+8 DC
  • -Gargantuan: 18d6 damage/40 foot radius/ +10 DC
  • -Colossal: 24d6 damage/80 foot radius/ +20 DC

Creatures within the indicated blast radius of an object Gambit has charged with kinetic energy take the damage and are knocked prone. (Reflex save DC 23 plus size modifier for half damage and negates the prone)

Gambit may make a ranged touch attack to hit a target with an object he has charged. If this succeeds, the target suffers full damage, even on a successful Reflex save. Gambit is proficient in throwing all manner of objects, so he suffers no penalties when throwing items that are not meant to be thrown.

The massive energies constantly within his body give Gambit the Slippery Mind class ability.

Gambit’s power over kinetic energy has the potential to develop into control of motion and time. Several alternate future variants of Gambit, including a temporal clone have displayed powers along these lines. Gambit himself was able to control kinetic energy as a whole before he burned out these powers fighting the New Son.

Master Thief

Gambit was a master thief and fighter well before he joined the X-Men or even the Marauders. It gives him a number of skills.

8+skill points per HD +9 bonus to Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Open Locks , Sleight of Hand, Search, and Spot

  • Trapfinding and Trap Sense+4
  • Improved Uncanny Dodge
  • Improved Evasion
  • Improved Initiative
  • Defensive Roll

Moderate Defense fighter feats at 1/2 his level.

Master Thower

Gambit is extremely proficient with hurling small objects. When hurling any light object he is considered to have the following abilities:

  • Palm Throw
  • Sneaky Shot
  • Tumbling Toss
  • Two with One Blow


Adamantium Telescopic Staff

Treated as a +5 quarterstaff. Gambit commonly charges it with kinetic energy allowing him to inflict an additional  5d6 energy damage with an attack.

Unstable Molecule Armored Costume

Gambits costume is overlapping lightly armored plates. His trenchcoat is also armored to provide him with further protection. It provides Gambit with DR 5/-

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