Variant Rule: Called Devils
The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks) Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Full netbook can be found on the following website
When a common devil (any devil ranked from lemure to pit fiend status regardless of HD or class levels) is called to the Mortal Coil through planar ally and planar binding spells, gate, or other means, its presence upsets the balance of life. The area in which the devil was called in suffers a severe spiritual wound that can last months with the possibility of permanent scars. The symptoms of the wound radiate the point of the devil’s entry into the prime and remains in that place for a specified length of time. Once the devil leaves the area, it does not transport the malady (although some of the more powerful devils may cast spell-like abilities that mimic the following effects). When multiple devils are called, the highest ranking devil dictates the nature of the wound.
-Least Devil (devils with a base HD of 5 or less): A small amount of infernal energy constantly seeps from the wound, radiating in a ten foot diameter. Animals, magical beasts, and plants will not enter the area (trained mounts, animal companions, and the like are exempt from this). vermin, particularly roaches and rats, are 20% more likely to infest the area. All non-Lawful Evil fey, giants, humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and outsiders that enter the radius suffer the effects of doom, while all other non-Lawful Evil beings not previously listed suffer the effects of bane. Any unattended, inanimate material in the area suffers one point of hardness damage per week. The wound caused by the calling of a least devil lasts or nine days unless protection from evil is cast at the point of origin. Indeed, unless protection from evil or greater magic like consecrate or hallow is cast, the area is permanently soiled, radiating faint evil and stunting the growth of non-sentient plant-life even after the wound heals.
-Lesser Devil (devils with a base HD between 6 and 12.): A moderate amount of infernal energy constantly seeps from the wound, radiating out as a desecrate spell by a caster level equal to the devil’s HD. The desecrate lasts for nine days. Animals, magical beasts, and plants will not enter the area; trained mounts, animal companions, and similar creature with fewer HD than the called devil must succeed a Will save equal to 10 + ½ the devil’s HD + the devil’s Charisma modifier to enter the area. vermin, particularly roaches and rats, are 25% more likely to infest the area. In addition to the effects of the desecrate, all non-Lawful Evil fey, giants, humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and outsiders that enter the radius suffer the effects of doom, while all other non-Lawful Evil beings not previously listed suffer the effects of bane. These latter symptoms last for 18 days. Any unattended, inanimate material in the area suffers two points of hardness damage per week for 18 days. The air in the area is either uncomfortably hot or uncomfortably cold (for osyluths only), but not to the point of causing harm. desecrate spells cast in the area function at double area of effect, while the casting time for unhallow is halved. The wound caused by the calling of a lesser devil lasts for 18 days unless consecrate or hallow is cast at the point of origin by a good-aligned cleric with a caster level equal to the devil’s HD. Indeed, unless consecrate or hallow is cast, the area is permanently soiled, radiating moderate evil and stopping the growth of non-sentient plant-life even after the wound heals.
-Greater Devil (devils with a base HD greater than 13): A significant amount of infernal energy constantly seeps from the wound, radiating out as an unhallow spell by a caster level equal to the devil’s HD; the devil can determine upon its arrival the nature of the associated spell effect. The unhallow lasts for 27 days. Animals, magical beasts, and plants will not enter the area; trained mounts, animal companions, and similar creature with fewer HD than the called devil must succeed a Will save equal to 10 + ½ the devil’s HD + the devil’s Charisma modifier to enter the area. vermin, particularly roaches and rats, are guaranteed to infest the area. Any unattended, inanimate material in the area suffers two points of hard-ness damage per week for 27 days. It is not unusual to find the area in which a greater devil was called dilapidated and covered in cracks and other kinds of damage. The air in the area is either uncomfortably hot, humid (for barregons), or cold (for gelugons), but not to the point of causing harm. The wound caused by the calling of a greater devil can be purged by the casting of two hallow spells at the point of origin by a good-aligned cleric with a caster level equal to the devil’s HD. Indeed, unless consecrate or hallow is cast, the area is permanently scarred, radiating strong evil and killing any non-sentient plant-life that remains in the area for more than 30 minutes even after the wound heals.
Summoning and Calling
The differences between summoning and calling are extremely important where devils and other outsiders are concerned. Summoning is usually a temporary effect that brings an outsider to the Prime Material, but does not allow it to be truly harmed while serving whatever request made by the summoner. As a result, summoning a devil does not bring with it the same adverse effects as a call since a summoned devil is not entirely on the material plane. If a summoned devil is “killed”, it simply returns to Hell uninjured and capable of returning at a later time if another summon monster spell is cast.
Calls, however, bring the actual devil in its entirety to the Mortal Coil. This severe breach of divine decree severely warps the material plane. Fortunately, such a devil can be injured and its physical form even destroyed, causing its spirit to return to Hell in anguish and pain.