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Witch Tradition, Amazon

woman, warrior, elegant, Witch Tradition, Amazon

Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks

 By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team

Full netbook can be found on the following website

Dom of D20 / D&D 3e Netbooks and Downloads.

Description: Witches of the Amazon tradition are one of the most misunderstood witches. To begin, “Amazon” is a misnomer. These witches are only remotely related to the legendary female warriors of the same name. Also these witches are not a group of female warrior-witches, though they opt for fighting professions more often than members of other traditions.

Witches of the Amazon Tradition can only be female; no man may enter this Tradition. This attitude of superiority further extends beyond their own Traditions and covens. Amazon witches believe that no man should be allowed to be a witch regardless of Tradition. An Amazon witch will always refer to a male witch as a warlock.

These witches also share an honoring of the Goddess Artemis with their warrior cousins. They are associated so much with the Goddess Artemis that many call their Tradition The Cult of Artemis. Nonetheless, some small groups of Amazon witches do worship other Goddess, such as FreyaBrigit, or even Hecate.

Despite stereotypes, not all Amazon witches are man-haters. Some are happily married with children. This is not viewed as a problem for these witches as Artemis is also viewed as the Patron of children and of women in childbirth. They just believe that men should not be witches.

Humans make up the majority of the witches in the Amazon traditions. Elves, Gnomes and Halflings, from a racial standpoint, do not share the Amazon’s philosophy. Elves in particular gravitate more towards the Faerie tradition. For some reason half-orcs are nearly unheard of in this tradition. Dwarves have a special type of Amazon-like tradition that is embodied in the Xothia, the Dwarven witch.

Role: Amazon witches represent, what they believe, to be the righteous anger of the Goddess. It is believed that maybe these witches began as part of the Classical tradition. When witches began to be hunted and killed, mostly by the priesthoods, the Amazon rose up to fight this oppression.

This tradition overlaps, geographically at least, with areas that are common to Classical traditions and druids. Thus there have been successful attempts over the years to work for each group’s mutual benefit. The philosophical differences between the groups have always been the greatest hurdle.

Joining this Tradition: There are no special ability scores required to be an Amazon, although high Strength and Constitution are entirely desirable. The only requirement to becoming an Amazon Witch is the character must be female.

Amazon Witches usually meet in groups, called Meets, during the time of the waxing moon till the full moon. These meets are very secretive and there is a rumor that any man viewing one will be put to death.

Amazons for the most part are neutral, with some gravitating towards lawful.

Leaving this Tradition: The beliefs of an Amazon are deeply ingrained into her personality and culture and thus most never leave this Tradition. Generally, an Amazon who leaves the Tradition will be warmly welcomed into the arms of the Classical or Craft of the Wise Traditions.

Skills & Feats: Amazon Witches begin play with proficiency in a single martial weapon, in addition to standard Witch weapon proficiencies.

The Duel of Women (The Duel of Isabella de Carazzi and Diambra de Pettinella) Jusepe de Ribera
The Duel of Women (The Duel of Isabella de Carazzi and Diambra de Pettinella) Jusepe de Ribera

Occult Powers:

  • Lesser: 7th Level: Immune to Fear. The Amazon witch becomes so focused in purpose and drive that she becomes immune to the effects of mundane and fear. She also gains +4 to any checks versus magical induced fear.
  • Medial: 13th Level: Shape Change. The Amazon witch may shape change as per the druid ability Wild Shape and Polymorph Self. This may be done once per day at 13th level. The witch may only change shape to a natural animal that is within one size category of her normal size. So a Medium sized witch may only change to a Small, Medium or Large animal.
  • The number of times the witch may do this per day increases with every other level. So 2 times per day at 15th, 3 times per day at 17th and 4 times per day at 19th. The witch may opt to sacrifice one of these times to go outside of her normal range of sizes. So a 17th level Amazon witch could shift to Huge or Tiny once and her normal sizes the other two (total of 4 shape shifts per day).
  • Greater: 19th Level: Charge of the Goddess. The Amazon witch at this point is such a force for her Patron that she can summon the Goddess’ own power into herself. The witch radiates an aura of Fear at 15’ to all her enemies. She gains a bonus of +3 to all her saves and AC. She also gains +2 to all offensive attack forms, spells or weapons. This charge lasts for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Wisdom or Charisma score, which ever is better. It may be performed once per day and takes one full action to perform.

Special Benefits: None.

Special Restrictions: Only women may join this tradition.

Equipment: None required. Amazon witches are more likely to use martial weapons, such as a longbow or spear, than any other Tradition.

The ritual tool of the Amazon witch is the cauldron (representing the Goddess). If adventuring, the witch can or will use a staff, which can double as a weapon. Both items may also be used for more mundane purposes.

Coven Domains: Archery, Fur, Plant, Moon

Preferred/Barred Covens: This Tradition is suited mostly to all Amazon covens. Amazon Witches will join covens with other Traditions, but the coven must be exclusively female.

Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: Diana is the protector and guardian of the Amazon witches; they are Her children and heirs to Her world.

Source/Views of Magic: Magic comes from the powers of Creation. As the bearers of children, only women can be true receptacles of creative forces. Men can only destroy or pervert this pure and sacred power.

White/Black Magic: As most other witches, this distinction is not made. Most Amazon witches in fact resent that anyone should pass outside judgment on whether the magic they do is either “black” or “white”. Magic is pure, only humans can be good or evil.

Wealth: Amazon witches start with the amount of wealth allotted to any witch.

Other: Amazon witches generally get along well enough with other traditions, in particular Classical and Craft of the Wise. The Amazon’s views on male witches usually leads to the Amazon being seen with distrust by the other traditions. Amazon witches do not get along well with clerics of any type, even if they have the same alignment and similar world outlook. They view priests and paladins as patriarchal tyrants. They do not trust wizards or sorcerers.

Amazon witches tend to multiclass most into ranger or even barbarians. They are also not, as a general rule, interested in prestige classes. Hermetics tend to be a bit too urbane and male dominated and Warlocks are completely anathema to Amazons. Many Amazon witches are willing to become Witch Knights or Witch Guardians, classes they see with favor.

Amazons will always burn the body of a deceased witch as a proper funeral. It is also common that the coven will burn the witch’s Book of Shadows with the body.

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