Epic Spell, Accursed

The caster of accursed calls on the power of Hell to transform its victims into the lemures of Perdition.
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
Transmutation [Death, Evil]
Spellcraft DC: 162
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 300 ft.
Area: 100-foot radius
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see below)
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,152,000 gp; 23 days; 46,080 XP. Seeds: compel (DC 19), destroy (DC 29), reflect (DC 27), slay (DC 25), slay (DC 25), transform (DC 21), transport (DC 27). Factors: area increased 400% (+10), one-action casting time (+20), victims lose all abilities and memory (ad hoc +25), memories transported across planar boundaries (+4), target to area effect (+10), increase spell’s save DC by 13 (+26), bonus on caster level check to overcome Spell Resistance +9 (+18). Mitigating factors: burn 8,600 XP (-2), transforms only mortal, living humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and devils (ad hoc -10), destruction is of corpse only, and only if the slay seed is successful (ad hoc –2), reflect only prevents the soul from leaving the vicinity of the corpse (a la dimensional anchor) for one round (ad hoc –8), only memories are transported to Perdition (ad hoc –8), second slay seed only takes effect on failed save, and then only deals 1d4 negative levels, and only for 9 hours (ad hoc –10).
In casting accursed, a burning miasma of brimstone and smoke vomits from the center of the area of effect. This conflagration destroys the physical body of the victim. However, the disembodied soul momentarily hovers over its corpse, held in stasis. With a word and a curse in the infernal tongue, the caster lulls the victim’s soul into a trance in which it willingly swears allegiance to the Legions of Hell; the caster is treated as being 9 levels higher in terms of caster level checks to overcome Spell Resistance. Once completed, the victim’s soul is painfully condensed into a protoplasmic husk, becoming a lemure even as the sentience and individuality of the victim descends shrieking into the Pit of Darkness. Those that manage to save still reel from the attempted violation on their soul, suffering 1d4 negative levels for nine hours. The Fortitude save DC is 33 + the relevant spellcasting ability modifier.
Once the transformation takes place, the victim has no memory of his former life, abilities, or powers. These memories are stripped from him and cast into Nessus, the Ninth of the Nine Perditions. Furthermore, the victim is utterly reduced from whatever height he once had in terms of HD and/or class levels, starting over as a advanced lemure (for every 9 HD the victim possessed, he acquires 1 HD as a lemure to a maximum of 6 HD). The victim is now at the whim of the Lords of the Nine and the Peers of Perdition. Most accursed are sent to the front lines of Avernus where their destruction results in utter annihilation. Some are eventually promoted through the ranks as per normal.
This epic spell has always been identified with The Overlord of Hell, Asmodeus. This spell has two primary benefits to Asmodeus. Obviously, it allows Asmodeus to use the power of Hell on his foes, turning them into useful fodder for his interests. Second and more importantly, it allows him to ensure that any devil – but particularly nupperibos – can be immediately and permanently demoted to the lowest stature in Hell’s Hierarchy. All the Lords of the Nine have the ability to cast accursed nine times a day at triple the area of effect only on other devils or servants of Hell (those bearing the Devotee of Darkness or Soulsworn feats); this functions above and beyond their ability to cast accursed 3/day as a spell-like ability. Furthermore, the Lords of the Nine do not spend any experience when casting this spell, and the effect is treated as instantaneous rather than permanent. Asmodeus has the ability to temporarily confer the power of this ability to designees nine times per day. In these cases, the beneficiaries of this power may cast ac-cursed once per day for as long as Asmodeus sees fit to allow it, receiving a +45 Spellcraft bonus on casting attempts.
XP Cost: 8,600 XP.