
Magic, sometimes spelled magick, is the application of beliefs, rituals or actions employed to manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces. It is a category into which have been placed various beliefs and practices sometimes considered separate from both religion and science.
- Abjuration: Magic Spells that protect, block, or banish. An abjuration specialist is called an abjurer.
- Conjuration: Magic Spells that bring creatures or materials to the caster. A conjuration specialist is called a conjurer.
- Divination: Magic Spells that reveal information. A divination specialist is called a diviner. Unlike the other specialists, a diviner must give up only one other school.
- Enchantment: Magic Spells that imbue the recipient with some property or grant the caster power over another being. An enchantment specialist is called an enchanter.
- Evocation: Magic Spells that manipulate energy or create something from nothing. An evocation specialist is called an evoker.
- Illusion : Magic Spells that alter perception or create false images. An illusion specialist is called an illusionist.
- Necromancy : Magic Spells that manipulate, create, or destroy life or life force. A necromancy specialist is called a necromancer.
- Transmutation: Magic Spells that transform the recipient physically or change its properties in a more subtle way. A transmutation specialist is called a transmuter.
- Universal: Not a school, but a category for magic spells that all wizards can learn. A wizard cannot select universal as a specialty school or as a prohibited school. Only a limited number of spells fall into this category.
Spell Descriptions
Crime and Punishment
Author Keith Baker
Series Campaign Style
Publisher Atlas Games
Publish date 2003
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Inq 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Personal
Effect: One stone
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This ritual imprints a ruby with a record of a bloodtrace. You must first cast detect bloodtrace; once you have isolated a particular trace, you may cast this spell to store the trace within the stone. From that point on, you may use detect bloodtrace to gain information from the stone, just as if you still had access to a fresh bloodstain. This is typically used in conjunction with the Confirm Identity function of detect bloodtrace; an investigator will take a blood sample from a suspect and compare it to the aura of the stone. It is also required for follow the bloody trail, which allows an inquisitor to Track a creature using the stored trace.
Material Component: The material component of this spell is a small ruby with a minimum value of 25
gp. A ruby can only hold one imprint.
Crime and Punishment
Author Keith Baker
Series Campaign Style
Publisher Atlas Games
Publish date 2003
Level: Clr 4, Inq 3,
Justice 3, Pal 4
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Concentration, up to 3 rounds/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The trouble with most spells that reveal the truth like discern lies and detect thoughts is that only the spellcaster can perceive the information revealed by the spell. zone of truth has the opposite effect; if it works, the effects are apparent to all but as it is an area effect spell, you can’t
tell if the target has resisted the effect.
Discern lies allows you to spot falsehoods by noticing shifts in the target’s aura. Light of truth makes this aura visible to observers. If the spell is successful, the target is surrounded by a pale blue glow; if she lies while under the influence of the spell, this briefly shifts to an aura of red and black. If the target succeeds in the initial Will save, the aura never becomes visible. Light of truth has a longer duration than discern lies, but it has a shorter range and the drawback of being obvious to the victim as well as to onlookers. In addition, unlike discern lies, once the spell is cast the target cannot be altered. Another problem with light of truth is that the effect can be mimicked using silent image or any similar spell; as a result, the caster must still be known or trusted by her audience in order for the results of the spell to be trusted.
A god of Knowledge will offer both light of truth and discern lies to his followers. However, another deity may only offer one or the other, based on her nature; this decision is up to the GM. discern lies could be argued as being more appropriate to a goddess of Trickery or Chaos, while light of truth may be more appropriate for a god of Good or Protection.
See the Face
Crime and Punishment
Author Keith Baker
Series Campaign Style
Publisher Atlas Games
Publish date 2003
Level: Brd 2, Gods Eye 2, Inq 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Effect: One object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This useful divination allows you to study the aura of an object and pluck out images of the people who have handled it most recently. Receiving an image of the last person to hold the object requires a Spellcraft roll with a DC of 10. If you make the roll, you may continue back into the history of the object; each subsequent holder adds 3 to the DC of the check, so the second most recent holder requires a check at DC 13, the third a check at DC 16, and so on. You may continue until you fail a check, at which point the connection is lost. You do not receive any personal information about the people that you see, but you receive a clear visual image, sufficient to allow you to recognize the target should you cross paths with him. In addition, this image is strong enough that you could attempt to draw a picture (making a Craft check) or use Disguise, alter self, or similar effects to mimic the person you saw.
Epic Spells
- Accursed
- Asmodeus’ Heretical Infection
- Cold Anchor to the Soul
- Condemn
- Contingent
- Curse of Apostasy
- Dispater’s Iron Defense
- Dust in the Wind “Psychoportation”
- Epic Dimension Door
- Esoteric Aegis
- First Taste of Winter
- Greater Epic Mage Armor
- Leonard’s Thaumaturgic Boost
- Lilith’s Life Siphon
- Long Arm of the Treacher
- Lure of Loquacity
- Mephistopheles’s Frore Blast
- Miasma of Hatred
- Oppress
- The Serpent’s Sibilant Whisper
- Soul Hold
- Summoning Sanctuary
- Trojan Curse
- Tyranny