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Domain sea

Domain sea, Nattlig marin med brinnande fartyg Marcus Larson (1825-1864) Swedish painter.
Nattlig marin med brinnande fartyg Marcus Larson (1825-1864) Swedish painter.

The Lore of the Gods

Book One: The Greek Gods Lead Designers

Steven Creech and Kevin Ruesch Lead Editor Steven Schend Creative Director Jim Butler Art Director

Todd Morasch Artwork Aaron D. Siddal

Deities: Poseidon

Granted Power: Any trident, magical or otherwise, held by you can act as a trident of warning 3/day. However, only the warning power is granted, not the standard + 2 enchantment to hit and damage.

Sea Domain Spells:

  1. Dolphin Companion*. Summons a normal dolphin to aid you.
  2. Kelp Snare*. Causes seaweed to grow and entangle foes.
  3. Water Walking. Subject treads on water as if it were solid.
  4. Control Water. Raise, lower or part bodies of water.
  5. Tsunami*. Creates a giant wave directed by you.
  6. Saltspray*. Cone of salt mist showers your foes.
  7. Red Tide*. Poisonous red algae flood the area.
  8. Horrid Wilting. Deals 1d8 damage/level within 30ft.
  9. Releasing the Kraken*. Summons a kraken to perform a service.

-Spells marked with an asterisk (*) are new spells.

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