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Domain Satire

Domain Satire, Pieter Bruegel's 1568 satirical painting The Blind Leading the Blind.
Pieter Bruegel’s 1568 satirical painting The Blind Leading the Blind.

Celtic Druids and the Tuatha de Dannan

By Dominique Crouzet

Full netbook can be found on the followng website

Dom of D20 / D&D 3e Netbooks and Downloads.

An archetype of the Celtic mythology: the ability of bards to destroy one’s reputation with their satirical magical verses. The favorite domain of Cairbre.

Granted Power: Perform is a class skill, and you gets a +2 skill bonus to all your Perform checks.

Satire Domain Spells

  1. Honoring the Host. Subject praised or shamed, influencing reactions of witnesses accordingly.
  2. Irritating Sniveler. Subject appears to be continuously sniveling.
  3. Curse of the Suspicious Mind. Renders subject completely paranoid for 1 hour per level.
  4. Deceptive Object. Subject believes that an item is something else that it really is.
  5. False Success of the Fool. Subject believes that he completed the task at hand despite being not the case.
  6. Glam Dicinn. Subject’s appearance and reputation changed forever for the worst.
  7. Blind Love. Subject falls in love with any creature that you want him to.
  8. Grotesque Polymorph. Subjects get ugly deformities, resulting in impediments and aversion.
  9. Unveil the Truth. Subject’s true identity, personality, and deeds are revealed to witnesses.
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