Domain Flow

The flow domain is related to water, but as the streams of rivers and waves of the sea, rather than the element water. It is a favorite of Brighit and Manannan Mac Lir.
Celtic Druids and the Tuatha de Dannan
By Dominique Crouzet
Granted Power: Rebuke or command aquatic creatures as an evil cleric rebukes or commands undead. Use this ability a total number of times per day equal to 3+ your Charisma modifier.
Flow Domain Spells
- Bless Water. Makes Holy Water.
- Water Walk. Subject treads on water as if solid.
- Water Breathing. Subjects can breathe underwater.
- Freedom of Movement. Subject moves normally despite impediments.
- Polymorph Self. You assume a new form (aquatic creatures only).
- Control Water. Raises, lowers, or parts bodies of water.
- Animal Shapes. One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal (aquatic animals only).
- Horrid Wilting. Deals 1d8 damage/level within 30 ft.
- Shapechange. Transforms you into any creature, and change form once per round (aquatic creatures only).