Magic Items, Artifacts
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An artifact is a rare and powerful magic item. The means to create artifacts are either unavailable to mortal ken, or else long forgotten. Artifacts are often unique or finite in number, and cannot be destroyed except by specific means.
Minor Artifacts
Major Artifacts
- Aegis
- The Argo
- Baba Yaga’s Mortar and Pestle
- Baba Yaga’s Hut
- Cornicoppia
- Golden Apples of the Hesperides
- Golden Fleece
- The Last Trumpet
- The Sampo
- Trojan Horse

Book of Gates
It narrates the passage of a newly deceased soul into the next world, corresponding to the journey of the sun though the underworld during the hours of the night. The soul is required to pass though a series of ‘gates’ at different stages in the journey. Each gate is associated with a different goddess, and requires that the deceased recognise the particular character of that deity. The text implies that some people will pass through unharmed, but that others will suffer torment in a lake of fire.
Ink & Quill
Author Thomas Knauss
Series Dragonwing Games/Bastion Press
Publisher DWBP
Publish date 2002
While most magical books grant readers one or more beneficial effects without harm, a few extremely rare books bestow tremendous powers at a terrible price. Hushed whispers describing these dreadful tomes of ill-gotten knowledge circulate amongst an overly ambitious circle of nefarious beings seeking their power regardless of the cost. Between the covers of these unique written creations lie secrets preferably left undiscovered and sickening rituals utterly defying logic. Most were written countless centuries ago by long deceased authors whose names still conjure fear and terror. Despite the horrific risks and foreboding legends surrounding them, scores of foolhardy and arrogant individuals remain convinced that they possess the inner strength to master the books’ dreadful mysteries while taming its malevolent side effects. Yet without fail, they eventually succumb to its will irretrievably enslaved and corrupted by its enrapturing words and awesome magical potency.
Artifacts possess unusual properties that differentiate them from other magical books; consequently they are governed by a different set of rules. All artifacts are unique creations incapable of being duplicated. Although its cover and pages can be physically removed or destroyed, mortal magic proves unable to alter, copy, destroy or dispel the written contents of an artifact. Physical destruction is merely a temporary setback, because the book inexplicably repairs itself, replacing damaged pages and covers virtually instantaneously. In contrast to other magical books, reading an artifact does not erase its mystical writing or dissipate the magical energy bound to its words. Furthermore, the powers bestowed upon the reader remain in effect so long as she maintains actual possession of the artifact.
Losing possession of the artifact negates all of the abilities bestowed by the artifact. Of course, separation from an artifact proves hardly an amicable split. The books reader faces a constant internal struggle against its baneful, hypnotic control over her mind. The battle only ceases when she reacquires the artifact or meets her demise.
Acquiring an Artifact
Artifacts by their very nature are extremely rare and difficult to acquire. The artifact’s current and previous owners constantly vie for its possession, unwilling to cede it without a protracted and often fatal struggle. Unlike other magical items, artifacts possess a limited Intelligence that craves attention and revels in the jealous emotions stirred by its mere presence. Imbued with its author’s obsessive vanity and primordial lust, their creators flaunt the item’s tremendous power, crafting the artifact from only the finest and most exotic materials. Despite its lustrous or sinful exterior, only magical investigation reveals its true nature. Artifacts possess SR 30 against magical inspection; otherwise they remain unaffected by mortal magic.
The act of merely reading a single word triggers an artifact’s incredible magical powers as it attempts to bestow a powerful curse upon the reader. At that point, she must decide whether to stop reading the book or continue. If she chooses to stop reading the artifact, she must make a successful Will save against the artifact’s difficulty class. Success enables her to walk away from the artifact without any ill effects. On the other hand, failure compels her to continue reading the artefact to its conclusion. Any external attempt to prevent a willing or unwilling reader from reading the artifact book to its conclusion subjects them to the consequences of its potent curse described in much greater detail in the next sub heading. The artifact’s owner continuously reads the book without respite for food, water, sleep or other necessity, even though she still suffers the effects of deprivation. Because of her maniacal drive to acquire its secret and powers, she reads a number of pages per hour equal to her Intelligence score.
Completing the artifact book bestows its dreadful abilities upon the reader.
The Artifact’s Curse
As previously mentioned, artifacts never willingly release its readers from its dreadful curse. The curse manifests itself in a manner unique to each artifact, however the basic principles remain unchanged. Somehow the artifact entrenches itself within its reader’s mind, subconsciously attacking her beleaguered psyche without respite. It remains a constant presence, never relinquishing its suffocating grip irrespective of the passage of time. In fact, artifacts use time as a weapon, eventually wearing down the resistance of its quarry until it again succumbs to its venomous will.
While the act of separating oneself from an artifact remains a conscious decision, the actual abandonment of the artifact proves a subconscious battle of will. Each artifact possesses a unique difficulty class that measures the artifact’s grasp upon its subject. Once per month, a reader may attempt to escape the artifact’s control by rolling a Will save equaling or exceeding the artifact’s difficulty class. If successful, the reader relinquishes possession of the artifact and is temporarily free from its influence. Failure reaffirms the artifact’s control over the reader, preventing her from making another attempt until the following month.
Those that succeed initially experience a wave of euphoria falsely believing that she exercised the artifact’s presence from her body. However, a day later she senses the return of its ominous force. At first, its yearning seems passive and meek, however in time the potency of its calling increases, constantly beckoning her to join it.
Resisting the urge to heed its call becomes a daily struggle of wills. Every morning, the character must make a successful Will save where the difficulty class equals the number of days that she has been separated from the artifact. Regardless of the length of separation, the Will save’s difficulty class can never exceed the difficulty class required to initially separate oneself from the artifact. For instance, if a 10th level wizard abandoned the artifact ten days ago, she must make a successful Will save (DC 10) to resist its influence. Failing this saving throw overwhelmingly compels the reader to retrieve the artifact as if under the influence of a geas/quest. However, unlike the geas/quest spell, no mortal magic is potent enough to remove the artifact’s curse. The reader either rejoins the artifact or dies trying. Some readers attempt to circumvent the artifact’s curse through the use of spells such as magic circle against evil and protection from evil. Although these spells inhibit the exertion of mental control, they do not negate the necessity of a daily Will save or prevent the consequences from a failed Will save. The artifact’s influence is the result of a curse and not a charm or other mind affecting magic.
Destroying an Artifact
Despite their virtual omnipotence, all artifacts are vulnerable to at least one means of destruction. However, any attempt to destroy an artifact or obtain information to that end subjects its owner to the same effects as separation from the artifact. Likewise, the artifact’s owner reacts to external attempts to destroy or acquire knowledge of the artifact’s means of destruction in a violent and hostile manner. For instance, if Shuranda the wizard possesses the Book of Insatiable Avarice, and her colleague casts a Legend Lore spell on the artifact to determine its potential means of destruction, Shuranda immediately attacks her ally. Of course, this situation is not applicable if neither Shuranda nor the artifact has any actual knowledge of the effort, such as her ally obtaining the services of a renowned sage without consulting Shuranda.
There are several methods of acquiring the knowledge necessary to permanently destroy an artifact. Powerful spells such as Legend Lore, limited wish, miracle and wish reveals this information subject to the artifact’s Spell Resistance against magical probes. Furthermore, a successful Knowledge skill check provides the information as well. (Each artifact describes the difficulty class and field of study necessary to acquire the data.) Either way, destroying an artifact proves an arduous and dangerous undertaking.
All of the artifacts presented here share the same format. Each subheading describes and discusses the artifact’s particular feature in detail.
Title: Self-explanatory
DC: This is the difficulty class used for all Will saves related to the reading, separation or destruction of the artifact.
Physical Appearance: The artifact’s physical appearance as well as its number of pages and materials used is described here.
Background: The artifact’s origins, previous owners and current whereabouts are described in this section.
Powers: All of the abilities bestowed upon the reader are discussed here.
Curse: All of the artifact’s malevolent side effects are described in this section.
Destruction: This section describes the means of destroying the artifact.
Examples in myth
“Discover the cursed magic of Andvaranaut, the legendary ring that brings both fortune and doom!”
Andvaranaut, meaning “Andvari’s Gem,” is a legendary ring from Norse mythology, initially owned by the dwarf Andvari. This magical ring possessed the power to help its wearer find sources of gold. However, its story takes a dark turn when the mischievous god Loki steals Andvari’s treasure, including the ring. In retaliation, Andvari curses the ring, ensuring misfortune and destruction for whoever possesses it.
Loki, seeking to make amends for his actions, gives the cursed Andvaranaut to Hreidmar, King of the Dwarves, as compensation for the unintentional killing of Hreidmar’s son, Ótr. Fafnir, Ótr’s brother, murders Hreidmar and seizes the ring, transforming into a dragon to safeguard it. The ring’s curse continues to wreak havoc as Sigurd (Siegfried) slays Fafnir and presents Andvaranaut to Brynhildr (Brunhilde).
However, Queen Grimhild of the Nibelungs manipulates Sigurd and Brynhildr into marrying her children, entwining the curse of Andvaranaut with her family’s fate. Thus, Andvaranaut’s legacy becomes a tale of greed, betrayal, and tragic consequences throughout Norse mythology.
Ring, Cursed (requires attunement)
Andvaranaut, a legendary artifact rooted in Norse mythology, is a cursed ring of great power and peril. Crafted by the legendary dwarf Andvari, this ring was once a source of prosperity and wealth. However, its cursed nature has twisted its purpose, bringing misfortune to all who dare to possess it.
Description: Andvaranaut is a mysterious and foreboding ring with intricate designs of ancient dwarven craftsmanship adorning its band. Made of dark metal, it seems to shimmer with an otherworldly aura, hinting at the powerful curse that lies within. Despite its cursed nature, the ring emanates a subtle allure, drawing those who seek its legendary powers.
Curse of Misfortune: However, wielding Andvaranaut comes with a heavy price. The curse placed upon the ring by Andvari, its original creator, brings misfortune to the wearer and those around them. This curse manifests in various ways, such as:
- Accursed Influence: While attuned to Andvaranaut, the wearer and their allies suffer from a curse that brings misfortune. This curse manifests as disadvantage on all ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls.
- Wealth’s Toll: Any gold or treasure acquired with the aid of Andvaranaut is tainted by the curse, causing it to vanish or lose its value over time. For every 24 hours that the wearer remains attuned to the ring, they lose a percentage of their accumulated wealth equal to their character level.
- Strife and Discord: The curse fosters discord among allies, causing disputes and conflicts to escalate. Whenever allies interact or engage in prolonged discussions, the DM may call for a Wisdom saving throw (DC determined by the DM based on the severity of the situation). On a failed save, the conversation devolves into argument or hostility.
- Foreboding Aura: The cursed ring emits an aura of foreboding, instilling a sense of dread in those nearby. Creatures within 30 feet of the wearer have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and Charisma (Persuasion) checks due to the oppressive atmosphere created by the curse.
- Compulsion to Hoard: The curse amplifies the wearer’s greed, compelling them to hoard gold and treasure at any cost. Whenever the wearer encounters valuable items, they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC determined by the DM) or become obsessed with acquiring the items, risking life and limb in pursuit of wealth.
Special Abilities:
- Detection of Gold: While wearing Andvaranaut, the wearer gains the ability to sense the presence of gold within a 60-foot radius. This innate sense guides the wearer toward sources of gold, whether it be hidden treasures, underground mines, or other valuable caches.
- Dragon’s Bane: When facing creatures of draconic origin, the wearer gains advantage on attack rolls and saving throws against their abilities. Additionally, any damage dealt to dragons while wearing Andvaranaut is increased by 1d6.
- Greed Incarnate: The longer one wears Andvaranaut, the stronger the allure of wealth becomes. The wearer may find themselves increasingly obsessed with acquiring gold at any cost, even at the expense of their own well-being or the safety of others.
- Obsessive Pursuit: The wearer feels an irresistible urge to acquire gold at any cost, even if it means endangering themselves or others. They must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of each day while attuned to Andvaranaut. On a failed save, they are compelled to seek out opportunities for acquiring gold, prioritizing treasure over their own safety or the well-being of their allies.
- Single-minded Focus: The wearer’s thoughts become consumed by thoughts of wealth, leading to distraction and tunnel vision. They have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that are unrelated to acquiring gold or treasure.
- Risk-Taking Behavior: The wearer becomes increasingly reckless in their pursuit of wealth, taking unnecessary risks and making impulsive decisions to obtain gold. They have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws to avoid traps or hazards while actively seeking treasure.
- Compromised Morality: The wearer’s moral compass becomes skewed, and they may resort to deceit, theft, or even violence to acquire gold. They suffer disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and Wisdom (Insight) checks when interacting with others, as their actions and motivations are clouded by their obsession with wealth.
Escalating Obsession: Over time, the allure of gold intensifies, and the wearer’s obsession grows stronger. For each consecutive week spent attuned to Andvaranaut, the DC of the Wisdom saving throw to resist the compulsion to pursue gold increases by 1, reflecting the deepening hold of the curse.
Transformation: If the wearer succumbs completely to the curse of Andvaranaut and continues to wear the ring despite its detrimental effects, they may undergo a horrifying transformation into a lindworm, a creature embodying their insatiable greed. This transformation occurs gradually over time, beginning with physical changes such as the elongation of teeth and nails, the development of scales, and the distortion of facial features to resemble those of a serpent. Eventually, the wearer fully transforms into a lindworm, losing their humanoid form entirely and becoming a creature driven solely by the desire for gold. The transformation is irreversible, and the lindworm may roam the land in search of treasure, forever consumed by its greed.
Fortune’s Respite: Despite the overwhelming curse of Andvaranaut, the ring occasionally bestows fleeting moments of fortune upon its wearer, serving as a cruel reminder of the lure of wealth. These fortune abilities provide temporary respite from the curse’s effects but come with their own risks:
- Illusory Riches: Once per day, the wearer can activate Andvaranaut to create an illusory manifestation of wealth, fooling others into believing they possess great riches. This illusion lasts for up to 1 hour and can affect a radius of 30 feet around the wearer. However, the illusory wealth attracts the attention of thieves, bandits, and other nefarious individuals, leading to potential encounters or conflicts.
- Fateful Insight: While wearing Andvaranaut, the wearer gains sporadic insights into the location of hidden treasures or valuable artifacts. Once per week, they can receive a vision or intuition about the whereabouts of a significant cache of gold or a valuable item within a 10-mile radius. However, these insights often lead the wearer into dangerous or perilous situations, as the treasures are often guarded by traps, monsters, or other hazards.
- Twist of Fate: In moments of dire need or desperation, Andvaranaut may intervene to provide a stroke of luck to the wearer. Once per week, when the wearer is facing imminent danger or a critical situation, Andvaranaut may grant them advantage on a single ability check, saving throw, or attack roll. However, this stroke of luck comes at a price, as it further deepens the wearer’s connection to the curse, making it harder for them to resist its effects in the future.
Special Ability:
- Curse Transfer: Once per week, the wearer can attempt to transfer the curse of Andvaranaut to another individual within 30 feet. The target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become afflicted by the curse, while the wearer is temporarily freed from its effects for 24 hours.
Cleansing the Curse: Breaking the curse of Andvaranaut is no easy task. It requires a powerful ritual involving ancient magic and the intervention of divine forces. Only by seeking redemption for the misdeeds associated with the ring’s curse can one hope to lift its malevolent influence.
History: Andvaranaut’s dark legacy traces back to the treacherous actions of Loki, the mischievous god, who stole the ring from its rightful owner, Andvari. Enraged by the theft, Andvari placed a curse upon the ring, vowing to bring ruin upon whoever possessed it. Thus began a chain of tragedy and betrayal, as the cursed ring passed from one bearer to the next, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
Despite its dangers, Andvaranaut remains a coveted prize for those willing to risk its curse in pursuit of untold riches. But beware, for the true cost of wearing this cursed artifact may prove far greater than any wealth it promises.
Gram, the Legendary Sword
“Unsheath the Legendary Gram: The Sword of Heroes that Slew Dragons and Defined Destiny!”

In Norse mythology, Gram, also known as Balmung or Nothung, is a legendary sword with a rich and storied history. Crafted by the dwarven smiths, it was originally wielded by Sigmund, a heroic figure of the Völsunga Saga.
The sword was thrust into a great tree by the god Odin during a wedding feast, where only Sigmund was able to extract it, marking him as the chosen one. Passed down through generations, Gram played a pivotal role in slaying the dragon Fafnir and securing Sigurd’s legacy as a legendary dragon-slayer.
Its tale intertwines with destiny, honor, and the enduring legacy of heroism in Norse mythology.
Gram, the Legendary Sword
Artifact (requires attunement by a creature of noble or heroic lineage)
Description: Gram is a magnificent sword of unparalleled craftsmanship, its blade adorned with intricate Norse runes and symbols. Its hilt is wrapped in fine leather, and the pommel is embellished with a jewel of radiant brilliance.
- Legendary Weapon: Gram is a weapon of legendary renown, passed down through generations of heroic lineage. It is considered a magical weapon, and its attacks are treated as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.
- Dragon Slayer: Gram is especially effective against dragons. When wielded against a dragon, it deals an additional 2d6 radiant damage on a successful hit.
- Destined Wielder: Gram can only be wielded by a creature of noble or heroic lineage. It chooses its wielder and will not allow itself to be attuned by anyone it deems unworthy.
- Keen Edge: Gram’s edge is exceptionally sharp, granting it a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Divine Blessing: Gram is imbued with divine power, granting its wielder advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
Special Abilities:
- Dragon’s Bane: Once per long rest, Gram can unleash its full power against a dragon. When activated, the sword emits a brilliant burst of radiant energy, dealing 8d8 additional radiant damage to the target dragon. This ability automatically hits and ignores any resistances or immunities the dragon may possess.
- Fateful Strike: When wielded by a creature destined for greatness, Gram has the power to alter fate itself. Once per long rest, the wielder can make a Fateful Strike, allowing them to reroll any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, taking the better of the two results.
- Fate’s Burden: While Gram bestows great power upon its wielder, it also carries a heavy burden. The wielder is bound by fate to face great trials and challenges, often attracting the attention of powerful foes and drawing them into epic battles.
History: Gram’s origins are shrouded in myth and legend, with tales of its creation by the dwarven smiths and its journey through the hands of noble heroes. It is said to have been wielded by Sigmund, Sigurd, and other legendary figures of Norse mythology, shaping the course of destiny with each swing of its blade.
Note: Gram is intended for use in epic campaigns and high-level play, where its legendary status and formidable power can be fully realized. Its acquisition should be the culmination of a grand quest or adventure, befitting its status as a legendary artifact of immense significance.
Naglfar: Harbinger of Ragnarök
“Sail into Ragnarök on the legendary ship crafted from the dead—discover the chilling tale of Naglfar!”

In Norse mythology, Naglfar, a foreboding vessel, is crafted from the macabre remains of the dead. Assembled from untrimmed nails and other morbid materials, this sinister ship serves as a harbinger of chaos and destruction during Ragnarök, the apocalyptic battle between gods and monsters. Piloted by the jötunn Hrym, Naglfar sails forth from the realm of Muspell, carrying legions of fearsome creatures to join the final confrontation at Vígríðr. Its ghastly origins and ominous purpose make Naglfar a chilling symbol of impending doom in Norse cosmology.
Naglfar’s construction is a testament to the eerie customs surrounding death and burial among the Norse people. The ship’s creation from the nails of the deceased underscores the importance of proper burial rites, as failing to trim one’s nails before death contributes material to Naglfar’s construction. This macabre belief emphasizes the significance of respecting the dead and the consequences of neglecting funeral traditions.
Naglfar’s role in Ragnarök signifies not only the culmination of cosmic strife but also the culmination of mortal actions. As the ship sets sail with its monstrous crew, it represents the collective sins and failings of humanity, embodied in a vessel of death and destruction. The dread associated with Naglfar serves as a reminder of the inevitability of fate and the consequences of hubris in Norse mythology.
Naglfar’s appearance heralds the onset of Ragnarök, signaling the catastrophic events that will unfold during the end of the world. Its foreboding presence evokes fear and awe, underscoring the profound impact of death and destiny in Norse cosmology.
Naglfar, Ship of the Damned
Artifact Vehicle (Gargantuan)
Description: Naglfar is a colossal ship crafted from the untrimmed fingernails and toenails of the deceased. Its hull is a grotesque amalgamation of thousands of nails, giving it a sinister and ominous appearance. The ship’s design is ancient and mysterious, with intricate carvings depicting scenes of death and destruction along its sides. Dark energies swirl around Naglfar, giving off an aura of malevolence and foreboding.
- Doomsday Voyage: Naglfar is capable of sailing through the ethereal realm, traveling between the worlds of the living and the dead. It can navigate through the Astral Plane and other planar dimensions, allowing it to appear suddenly and without warning.
- Crew of the Damned: Naglfar is crewed by an army of undead warriors, spirits, and monstrous beings from the realms of death. These spectral sailors are eternally bound to the ship, serving as its guardians and enforcers.
- Unholy Resilience: Naglfar is immune to all forms of damage except for those inflicted by divine beings or artifacts. It regenerates any damage it sustains over time, slowly repairing itself through the power of dark magic.
- Ragnarök’s Arrival: Naglfar serves as a harbinger of Ragnarök, the Norse apocalypse. When summoned to the mortal realm, it brings with it a wave of chaos and destruction, signaling the beginning of the end times.
Summoning: Summoning Naglfar requires a powerful ritual performed at the onset of Ragnarök or during times of great upheaval and calamity. The ritual involves invoking ancient incantations and offering sacrifices to the forces of death and destruction. Only those with a deep understanding of dark magic and necromancy can successfully summon and control Naglfar.
Regional Effects:
- Aura of Doom: Within a one-mile radius of Naglfar, the air grows cold, and the sky darkens, as if foretelling the coming of a great calamity.
- Undead Prowess: Undead creatures within the vicinity of Naglfar gain increased strength and resilience, bolstered by the dark energies emanating from the ship.
- Eternal Night: Nightfall seems to linger longer in the area surrounding Naglfar, shrouding the land in darkness and filling the hearts of mortals with fear and despair.
Vehicle Stats:
- Size: Gargantuan
- Speed: 50 ft. (sailing)
- AC: 20
- HP: 500 (Immune to non-divine damage)
- Crew Capacity: Unlimited (crewed by undead)
- Cargo Capacity: 100 tons
- Weapons: Naglfar is armed with ethereal cannons that fire bolts of dark energy, dealing 6d10 necrotic damage on a hit.
- Control: Naglfar can be piloted by a skilled necromancer or a creature proficient in handling undead. Controlling Naglfar requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
- Special Maneuvers: Naglfar can phase in and out of the ethereal plane at will, allowing it to bypass obstacles and evade pursuit. It can also summon spectral allies to aid in boarding actions or defend against enemy vessels.
Usage: Naglfar can be used by adventurers seeking to harness its otherworldly powers for their own purposes. However, controlling such a malevolent artifact comes with great risk, as Naglfar is known to corrupt and consume the souls of those who dare to command it. Only the bravest and most cunning adventurers would dare to unleash the power of Naglfar upon the world.
“Unleash the Power of Invisibility and Shape-shifting with the Enigmatic Tarnhelm!”

The Tarnhelm, a legendary artifact steeped in mystique, traces its origins to the depths of Norse mythology. Crafted by the skilled hands of dwarven smiths, it was said to have been forged in the heart of the earth, where molten metal meets ancient magic.
Forged with intricate craftsmanship and imbued with potent enchantments, the Tarnhelm was created to serve as a tool of deception and transformation. Its purpose was to grant its wearer the ability to change their form at will, allowing them to assume different appearances and identities.
Legend has it that the Tarnhelm was commissioned by a powerful and enigmatic figure, whose desires for secrecy and subterfuge knew no bounds. Seeking to wield a weapon that could bend reality to their will, this mysterious patron tasked the dwarves with creating the ultimate instrument of disguise.
Meticulously crafted over countless days and nights, the Tarnhelm emerged from the fires of the forge, its surface shimmering with arcane energy. Infused with the essence of ancient runes and imbued with the power of illusion, it became a coveted treasure sought after by kings and conquerors alike.
However, the Tarnhelm’s creation came at a price. Legends speak of a dark pact made between the dwarven smiths and shadowy forces beyond mortal comprehension. Some whisper of a curse that lingers within the helm, twisting the minds of those who dare to wield its power.
Despite its allure, the Tarnhelm remained a relic of both wonder and dread, its true potential known only to those brave or foolish enough to unlock its secrets. Throughout the ages, it passed from hand to hand, leaving behind a trail of intrigue, deception, and untold consequences.
Tyrfing is a cursed magic sword.
Svafrlami was the king of Gardariki, and Odin‘s grandson. He managed to trap the Dwarves Dvalin and Durin when they had left the rock where they dwelt. Then he forced them to forge a sword with a golden hilt that would never miss a stroke, would never rust and would cut through stone and iron as easily as through clothes.
The Dwarves made the sword, and it shone and gleamed like fire. However, in revenge they cursed it so that it would kill a man every time it was drawn and that it would be the cause of three great evils. They finally cursed it so that it would also kill Svafrlami himself.
When Svafrlami heard the curses he tried to slay Dvalin, but the Dwarf disappeared into the rock and the sword was driven deep into the rock missing its victim.
Svafrlami was killed by the beserker Arngrim who took the sword in his turn. After Arngrim, it was worn by Angantyr and his eleven brothers. They were all slain at Samsø, by the Swedish champion Hjalmar, and his Norwegian sworn brother Orvar-Odd; but Hjalmar, being wounded by Tyrfing, has only time to sing his death-song before he dies, and asks Orvar-Odd to bring his body to Ingeborg at Uppsala.
Angantyr’s daughter, Hervor (by his wife Tofa) is brought up as a bond-maid, in ignorance of her parentage. When at last she learns it, she arms herself as a shieldmaiden, and goes to Munarvoe in Samsø, in quest of the dwarf-cursed weapon. She finds it and marries Hofund. They have two sons, Heidrek and Angantyr. Hervor secretly gave her son the sword Tyrfing. While Angantyr and Heidrek walked, Heidrek wanted to have a look at the sword. Since he had unsheathed it, the curse the Dwarves had put on the sword made Heidrek kill his brother Angantyr.
Heidrek became king of the Goths. During a voyage, Heidrek camped at the Carpathians (Harvaða fjöllum, cf. Grimm’s law). He was accompanied by eight mounted thralls, and when Heidrek slept at night, the thralls broke into his tent and took Tyrfing and slew Heidrek. This was the last one of Tyrfing’s three evil deeds. Heidrek’s son Angantyr caught the thralls, killed them and reclaimed the magic sword, and the curse had ceased.
Angantyr was the next king of the Goths, but his illegitimate half-Hun brother Hlod wanted half of the kingdom. Angantýr refused, and Gizur called Hlod a bastard and his mother a slave-girl. Hlod and 343,200 mounted Huns invade the Goths (See The Battle of the Goths and Huns). The Huns greatly outnumber the Goths. The Goths win because Angantyr uses Tyrfing. He kills his brother Hlod. The bodies of the numerous warriors choke the rivers, causing a flood which filled the valleys with dead men and horses.
Throne of Kai Kavus
The Flying Throne of Kai Kavus is an eagle-propelled craft built by the king Kai Kavus
The Cup of Jamshid
Five thousand years ago the World was at peace when Jamshid proclaimed himself both as a King and high priest he then reigned for seven hundred years when he died his essence formed
The Cup of Jamshid, it is a cup of divination long been possessed by rulers of Mesopotamia. It appears as a golden jewel encrusted chalice. It is filled with an elixir of immortality. The whole world is reflected in the liquid, and divinations made within the Cup reveal deep truths
Roleplaying notes
Anyone looking into into the elixir can instantly find any-living creature in the world upon request, their alignment is also shown as an unmistakable aura around the creature
The elixer is enough for one person to drink only once and grants immortality so that he/she never ages. Once it is drunk the cup will revert to an old wooden cup, never to be used
The Arthurian setting is famous for its magic artifacts. These unique and powerful items have helped shape this world, and its legends. Every person, from the highest lord to the lowest peasant, dreams of finding such a potent item, and either earning the gratitude of the High King by delivering it or gaining fame, power and wealth by using it. Of course, most of these artifacts are extremely selective about who can and cannot use them, and the price of hubris can be extreme.
Boat of Avalon:

Relics & Rituals: Excalibur
© 2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studios by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
By Evan Jamieson, Lizard, Aaron Rosenberg, Christina Stiles and Relics & Rituals: Excalibur team
This long, low craft resembles a longboat in form, though it is smaller. The front prow rises up 8 feet above the water and is carved in the shape of a dragon. The vessel does have a single square sail, and this fills with wind even on a still day. The Boat of Avalon can be given directions and follows them unerringly it can be told which direction to go, how far to travel, when to stop, where to turn, and other basic commands. Weather does not affect the boat and it has a top speed equal to that of a galloping horse. The Boat also shields its occupants from harm it has a globe of invulnerability upon it, as well as protection against normal arrows. The owner must know the command word to operate the Boat otherwise
it sits completely still, even if someone attempts to row it away. The ladies of Avalon own this magic craft, and it rarely appears unless they are aboard, or they have entrusted it to one of their closest allies. These three queens are said to be powerful fae, which would explain both how they could create such a boat and why no one has wrested it from their possession.
Cauldron of Valor:
Relics & Rituals: Excalibur
© 2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studios by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
By Evan Jamieson, Lizard, Aaron Rosenberg, Christina Stiles and Relics & Rituals: Excalibur team

This large iron cauldron, originally a creation of the god of the underworld, belonged to Diwrnach the giant. The High King owned it briefly, but now it has disappeared again. The Cauldron is a simple way to separate the meek from the bold, the cowardly from the courageous. When a fire is lit underneath and the water within brought to a boil, each warrior present may walk up with his haunch of mutton or leg of lamb or whatever hunk of meat he prefers and dip it into the Cauldron. For those who are brave, the cauldron cooks the meat instantly they pull out a perfect meal. For those without valor, the meat remains raw and cold.
Nor does the Cauldron only distinguish between the two types. It also rewards the brave. The meat boiled in the Cauldron is cooked and seasoned perfectly and tastes excellent. More importantly, the warrior who eats that meat gains +1 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, and 1d20+5 extra hit points. These bonuses last only a single day, which is why the Cauldron was traditionally used the night before a major battle the unfit would be found out and sent away, while the rest would enter combat the next day stronger and tougher than ever.
The Cauldron has other uses as well. Liquid boiled in it for an hour or more becomes a potion of heroism, and can be bottled and saved for up to three days before it loses its potency. Bandages soaked in the Cauldron and then applied to a warrior’s wounds act as a cure moderate wounds spell. And blades dipped in the Cauldron have the spell gain a keen edge, as if cast by an 18th-level caster (it lasts for three hours).
Although the Cauldron is an unfailing judge of courage, it does not consider alignment, religion, motives, or anything else. An utterly evil man who has deliberately tortured and slaughtered hundreds can still receive the Cauldron’s benefits if he has shown courage and strength in battle.
The Chalice of the Green:
Relics & Rituals: Excalibur
© 2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studios by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
By Evan Jamieson, Lizard, Aaron Rosenberg Christina Stiles and Relics & Rituals: Excalibur team
When a new green knight is initiated, every green knight in the area gathers for the ceremony, and all those who are able travel to the sacred glade to participate as well. Only the green knights themselves know the actual steps and words of the ceremony, and each one will gladly die before revealing a single detail. But the ritual does involve the knights drinking from a particular cup, each in turn, starting with the senior green knight and ending with the new initiate. This cup, the heart of their order, is the Chalice of the Green.
The Chalice is not made of metal, but carved from wood. It is impossible to identify its source, however, for the wood of the Chalice matches every known wood simultaneously. It is as if every tree in the world came together to form this one piece or as if the piece had been carved from the one original tree that every other tree descends from. The Chalice is large, almost 3 feet in diameter and half again as much in height, and although the inside of the bowl is perfectly smooth the outside still bears bark and leaves. No matter what season, the leaves of the Chalice are always healthy and green. Many believe that this cup was not carved, but instead grown by the god of nature, and given to his favorite servant
as a mark of favor.
The powers of the Chalice are many. To start, drinking from it after an already ordained green knight during the ceremony initiates the character into the prestige class and grants him the class abilities of a 1st-level green knight. The Chalice is also a thing of nature, and strips away any damaging spells cast upon the person. Cursed items fall away in its presence and can be handled without danger.
The undead cannot approach within 200 feet of the Chalice, or they are instantly destroyed (as if turned by a 30th-level cleric). The Chalice grants 2d8 points of healing to anyone who drinks from it, if they are not evil. Those of evil alignment take that same amount in damage instead. A drink from the Chalice also serves as food, drink and sleep for one week. And those who drink from it gain two inches to their height (max of six inches to a single character, and no more than one increase very six months). While standing within 100 feet of the Chalice, it increases the caster level of all nature spells cast in its presence by 1, and gives a +10 bonus on all wild empathy rolls. Also, after he drinks from the Chalice, any plant-based attacks against the character are at2 for to-hit and damage rolls , and +2 on the character’s saves and Spell Resistance. This is a permanent bonus.
The Chalice never leaves the sacred grove of the green knights. Anyone attempting to take it, or even to reach it uninvited, encounters the full fury of that order. Only rarely are non-members allowed even to see the Chalice, and those permitted to drink from it are considered honorary green knights, and lifelong friends of all who bear that name.
Excalibur, the Legendary Sword of King Arthur, is a powerful and mysterious artifact steeped in legends and lore. In both 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder, Excalibur is described as a symbol of rightful sovereignty and is believed to have been forged by a supernatural being to assist worthy kings in uniting the kingdoms and defending the land.
The sword itself is a magnificent and awe-inspiring weapon, with a blade that is said to be as bright as thirty torches and capable of blinding enemies upon being drawn. The words “Take me up” and “Cast me away” are engraved on opposite sides of the blade, prefiguring its eventual return to the water. The handle and pommel of the sword are made of gold and encrusted with gems, adding to its beauty and magnificence.
Excalibur is also a powerful tool in combat, with a +3 bonus to hit, a keen edge that pierces armor, and the ability to deal 2d6 damage as a greatsword. It can also cast “bless” and “true strike” once per day, providing its wielder with a significant advantage in battle. Additionally, the sword cuts through weather such as fog, providing secure footing for its wielder and allowing them to carve through clouds, mist, and even rain.
The scabbard of Excalibur is equally remarkable, providing its owner with protection from normal arrows and restoring their health. The scabbard is said to have been stolen by Morgan le Fay and thrown into a lake, never to be found again, but the true powers of the scabbard are still a mystery to this day.
In both 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder, it is said that Excalibur will break if stolen, taken by treachery, or lifted for an evil cause. It can only be mended by returning all of the pieces to the Lady of the Lake, who will only mend it for a worthy king, such as King Arthur. As such, Excalibur is not just a weapon, but also a symbol of the power and responsibility that comes with rightful sovereignty, a tool to be wielded only by those who are truly worthy of its power.
The Holy Grail:
Relics & Rituals: Excalibur
© 2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studios by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
By Evan Jamieson, Lizard, Aaron Rosenberg, Christina Stiles and Relics & Rituals: Excalibur team
It is said that this chalice was used by the gods themselves, or at least by one of them which god had possession of it varies from religion to religion, but everyone agrees that divine hands created the Grail. This object is a large drinking chalice, sized for a giant rather than a man, and made of some metal that resembles gold in its purity but silver in its color and diamond in its brilliance. Indeed, the Grail matches no known metal, but seems to display characteristics of gold, silver, mithral and diamond at times. Small settings, as if for gems are evenly spaced around the circumference of the cup but these settings radiate light as if miniature suns had been captured and used for decoration. The light is white rather than yellow and extremely soothing. The chalice has no other decoration, although some have claimed to see words of divine script etched into its surface.
The Grail is a potent religious symbol and can be used as a holy symbol by any priest of a non-evil religion. Evil creatures cannot approach within 100 feet of it, and the undead cannot approach within 200 feet any closer and they begin to take damage as if struck by fire or by a magic weapon (1d8 per round). For those of good or neutral alignment, however, the Grail has an opposite effect. It heals 1d4 points of damage every minute for all those within 50 feet of it.
Anyone within 20 feet no longer feels hunger, thirst or fatigue spellcasters can prepare their spells each day without the need for sleep and priests cast spells as if they were one level higher. The Grail instantly restores anyone drinking from it to full health, cures any disease, poison, or wound, and grants a permanent +1 inherent bonus to Wisdom and Charisma (this last benefit works only once per person). Any liquid poured into the Grail becomes a potion of cure moderate wounds and is also considered holy water.
No one knows where the Grail is now. Rumors have placed it all over the world, and people seek it everywhere. The wise believe that the Grail can only be found when it wishes to be found, and then only by those it deems worthy of its presence. They consider the Grail a symbol of faith for the entire world, the living emblem
of a person to trust his heart and risk all in the name of something he can’t
even prove exists. For these reasons, many wise folk feel the Grail does more
good with its occasional sightings than it ever would if it were housed in a
single known location.
“Unsheath the Dread: Kinslayer, the cursed blade forged in hatred, seeks blood ties for its master’s vengeance!”
In the realm of Camelot, amidst tales of honor and treachery, there exists the sinister legacy of Kinslayer. Crafted by Mordred, the illegitimate son of the High King, this black-bladed longsword bears the weight of a tragic prophecy.
As a child, Mordred narrowly escaped his father’s decree of death, harboring a deep-seated resentment that festered into a vow of vengeance against his kin. Forsaking noble pursuits, Mordred delved into forbidden arts and dark alliances, culminating in the creation of a weapon designed for familial slaughter.
Thus, Kinslayer was born, a testament to the depths of betrayal and the thirst for retribution in the heart of a fallen prince.
Artifact (requires attunement)
Description: Kinslayer is a foreboding longsword with a blade as dark as night, resembling black rock rather than metal. Its edge is keen and sharp, exuding an aura of malevolence. The hilt is adorned with intricate runes, hinting at the dark powers imbued within.
- Weapon Type: Longsword
- Damage: 1d8 slashing + 2 slashing (normal mode), 1d8 slashing + 3 slashing (against blood relatives)
- Magic Bonus: +2 (normal mode), +3 (against blood relatives)
- Keen: Kinslayer possesses the keen property, increasing its critical hit range.
- Armor Piercing: Against blood relatives, Kinslayer becomes an armor-piercing weapon, bypassing magical defenses and armor with ease.
- Discern Lineage: The wielder can cast the discern lineage spell at will, enabling them to identify blood relatives within their vicinity.
- Enhanced Vision: Grants the wielder 120 feet of darkvision, allowing them to see clearly even in complete darkness.
- Spellcasting: Kinslayer can cast darkness and fog cloud twice per day, allowing the wielder to shroud the battlefield in darkness or mist.
- Heightened Perception: Provides a +10 bonus on Spot or Search checks when attempting to locate known relatives.
- Hatred’s Embrace: Infused with Mordred’s malice, Kinslayer automatically targets the wielder’s blood relatives, compelling the wielder to attack them even if they are allies. Each round a blood relative is within 10 feet of the sword, the wielder must succeed on a DC 20 Strength check or be compelled to attack.
History: Forged in the crucible of familial betrayal, Kinslayer stands as a grim testament to Mordred’s vendetta against his kin. Its dark legacy continues to haunt those who dare to wield its cursed blade.
Prydwen, Legendary Warship of the High King
“Discover the Legendary Prydwen: Arthur’s Fabled Ship of Myth and Mystery!”

Prydwen, a majestic vessel of ancient legend, emerges from the mists of time as the cherished ship of King Arthur. Crafted with magic and wrought with purpose, Prydwen sails through the annals of Celtic mythology and medieval folklore, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of Arthurian legend.
Forged by skilled hands and imbued with enchantments, Prydwen becomes more than just a boat; it becomes a symbol of Arthur’s sovereignty and his quest for justice and unity in the land of Britain. Its creation is shrouded in mystery and wonder, as the whispers of the old gods mingle with the chants of skilled craftsmen, weaving magic into every timber and plank.
As Arthur’s kingdom flourishes and his knights embark on quests of valor and honor, Prydwen stands as a steadfast companion, carrying them across treacherous seas and uncharted lands. With its tall mast adorned with the image of a dragon, Prydwen strikes awe into the hearts of all who behold it, a beacon of hope and courage in troubled times.
Throughout the ages, Prydwen’s name echoes in tales of heroism and adventure, from the mythical voyage to the otherworldly realm of Annwn to daring expeditions to distant lands. Its hull bears the scars of battles won and lost, a testament to the resilience of Arthur’s knights and the enduring legacy of their quests.
Though the pages of history may fade and the tales of old may become faint whispers on the wind, Prydwen’s legend lives on, an eternal symbol of Arthur’s reign and the enduring spirit of Camelot.
Prydwen, Legendary Warship of the High King
Artifact (requires attunement)
Description: Prydwen is a magnificent warship of legendary proportions, steeped in the mystique of Arthurian lore. Crafted from enchanted timber and imbued with ancient magic, this vessel stands as a testament to the might and majesty of the High King’s reign. With its sleek design and dragon-adorned prow, Prydwen cuts through the waves with unparalleled grace and power.
- Legendary Warship: Prydwen is a legendary vessel capable of traversing both sea and sky with equal ease. It can accommodate a crew of up to thirty individuals, including rowers, fighters, and spellcasters.
- Calm Weather Aura: Prydwen emanates a constant sphere of calm weather within a 100-foot radius, ensuring smooth sailing and favorable conditions for its journey. This aura includes a steady wind that billows its sails, propelling the ship forward at remarkable speed.
- Protection Enchantment: The entire ship is enveloped in a protective barrier that grants it an Armor Class of 30. This barrier repels normal arrows and projectiles, rendering Prydwen impervious to conventional attacks.
- Perceived as a Dragon: Thanks to its magical aura, Prydwen is perceived as a fearsome dragon by other creatures, deterring marine animals and aquatic monsters from approaching too closely.
- Enhanced Speed: Prydwen travels at five times the normal speed of a longship, enabling swift and efficient navigation across vast expanses of water or through the skies.
- Darkvision: While aboard Prydwen, all occupants gain 120 feet of darkvision, allowing them to see clearly even in low-light conditions or complete darkness.
Vehicle Stats:
- Size: Gargantuan
- Speed: 90 ft. (hover)
- AC: 30 (natural armor)
- Hit Points: 500 (damage threshold 25)
- Crew: 30
- Passenger Capacity: 10
- Cargo Capacity: 10 tons
- Travel Pace: 5 times normal
- Weapons: Prydwen is armed with magical ballistae and cannons that can be operated by the crew. These weapons deal radiant damage and have a range of 300/1200 feet.
- Magical Ballistae: There are a total of six magical ballistae mounted along the sides of Prydwen. Each ballista is imbued with radiant magic, capable of launching enchanted bolts with deadly accuracy and force.
- Cannons: Prydwen is equipped with four powerful enchanted cannons positioned at key locations on its deck. These cannons fire radiant energy projectiles that explode upon impact, unleashing waves of magical energy that engulf their targets in divine wrath.
Curse: Prydwen bears no curse, for its purpose is one of honor and glory in service to the High King and the realm of Camelot. However, those who seek to wield its power must prove themselves worthy of its legacy and attune themselves to the noble ideals of Arthurian chivalry and righteousness.
History: Forged in the fires of myth and legend, Prydwen was crafted by the skilled hands of master shipwrights and enchanted by powerful wizards in service to King Arthur. Its creation marked a new era of maritime supremacy for Camelot, as the vessel became synonymous with the High King’s reign and his quest for justice and unity in the land.
Throughout the ages, Prydwen has sailed on countless quests and adventures, carrying Arthur’s knights to distant lands and mythical realms in pursuit of glory and honor. Its name has become synonymous with courage and valor, inspiring bards and storytellers to weave tales of its exploits for generations to come.
As long as the spirit of Camelot endures, Prydwen will continue to sail the seas of legend, a symbol of hope and heroism in a world filled with darkness and uncertainty.
Round Table
“Unlock the Mysteries of Arthur’s Legendary Round Table: Where Equality Reigns and Knights Unite!”
The Round Table has its origins deeply rooted in the legendary tales of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. According to Arthurian lore, the Round Table was not merely a piece of furniture but a symbol of unity, equality, and camaraderie among Arthur’s knights.
The story goes that King Arthur, recognizing the need for a forum where his knights could gather as equals without the trappings of hierarchy, commissioned the construction of the Round Table. The idea was to create a space where knights could come together to discuss matters of the realm, share stories of valor, and plan quests and adventures.
To bring his vision to life, Arthur enlisted the help of Merlin, the legendary wizard. With Merlin’s magical prowess, the Round Table was crafted to be an extraordinary masterpiece, unlike any other table of its time. Its circular design symbolized equality, as there was no head or foot of the table, and every knight seated around it was considered equal in status.
The Round Table became the centerpiece of Arthur’s court, a place where knights gathered to swear oaths of loyalty, embark on quests for the Holy Grail, and uphold the principles of chivalry. It was a symbol of Arthur’s vision for a united kingdom where justice, honor, and valor prevailed.
Over the centuries, the legend of the Round Table grew, inspiring countless tales of adventure and heroism. Though the physical table itself may have been lost to time, its legacy endured, serving as a timeless symbol of unity and fellowship among knights.
The Round Table
Artifact (Wondrous Item)
The Round Table is a legendary artifact steeped in the lore of King Arthur and his knights. Crafted by mystical means and imbued with powerful magic, it serves as a symbol of unity, equality, and camaraderie among those who gather around it.
Description: The Round Table appears as a magnificent circular table made of the finest materials, adorned with intricate carvings and symbols of chivalry. It is large enough to comfortably seat a significant number of individuals, with no designated head or foot, emphasizing the equality of all who sit around it.
- Unity and Equality: While seated at the Round Table, all individuals present are considered equals, regardless of rank or status. This equality imbues them with a sense of unity and camaraderie, fostering cooperation and mutual respect.
- Inspiration and Wisdom: The Round Table serves as a conduit for inspiration and wisdom. Those gathered around it gain advantage on Wisdom saving throws and ability checks related to diplomacy, leadership, and decision-making.
- Empowered Oaths: Swearing an oath while seated at the Round Table carries extraordinary weight and significance. Any oath made in the presence of the table is magically bound, enhancing the resolve of the oath-maker and ensuring its fulfillment to the best of their ability.
- Safe Haven: The area immediately surrounding the Round Table is sanctified ground, protected from hostile magic and malevolent forces. Enemies of justice and righteousness find it difficult to approach or harm those gathered around the table.
- Legacy of Legends: The Round Table resonates with the echoes of past heroes and legendary knights who once sat at its hallowed seats. Those who seek guidance or inspiration may commune with these spirits, drawing upon their wisdom and valor in times of need.
Game Mechanics:
- Inspiring Presence: While within 30 feet of the Round Table, allies gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws and ability checks. Additionally, they may reroll any 1s on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks once per turn, taking the second result.
- Oathbinding: Swearing an oath at the Round Table requires a solemn vow, spoken in the presence of witnesses. Once sworn, the oath is magically bound, and the individual gains advantage on all checks and saving throws related to fulfilling the oath. However, breaking the oath results in a curse, as determined by the DM.
- Sanctuary: The area within 60 feet of the Round Table is considered sacred ground. Enemies of the individuals seated at the table must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 18) to approach within this radius. On a failed save, they are compelled to flee the area for 1 minute or until they take damage.
- Communion with Legends: Once per day, a character seated at the Round Table may commune with the spirits of past heroes. This allows them to gain insight, guidance, or information relevant to their quest or current situation. The DM determines the specific benefits granted by this communion.
- Solemn Responsibilities: Those who sit at the Round Table are bound by a solemn duty to uphold the principles of chivalry, honor, and justice. Failure to do so may incur the wrath of the table’s magic, leading to dire consequences for the oath-breaker.
- Sacred Trust: The Round Table is a revered artifact, and its misuse or desecration is met with swift and severe punishment. Those who seek to exploit its power for selfish gain or nefarious purposes risk invoking the ire of ancient guardians and protectors.
- Price of Unity: Maintaining the unity and harmony of those gathered around the Round Table requires constant vigilance and sacrifice. Discord, betrayal, or greed among the knights may weaken the table’s magic, threatening the stability of the realm.
Siege Perilous
“The Deadly Throne: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Siege Perilous – Arthurian Legend’s Fateful Seat Revealed!”
Legend has it that the Siege Perilous, also known as the Perilous Seat, was crafted by Merlin, the enigmatic wizard of Arthurian lore, to serve as a seat at the famed Round Table. Reserved for the knight destined to find the Holy Grail, this vacant chair held a mystique that intrigued and daunted all who beheld it.
Its origins trace back to ancient Celtic kingship rituals, imbuing it with an aura of mystery and destiny. Throughout the ages, the Siege Perilous remained a symbol of both honor and peril, waiting for the chosen one to claim its fateful destiny.
Snowy Mantle of Cornwall:
Relics & Rituals: Excalibur
© 2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studios by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
By Evan Jamieson, Lizard, Aaron Rosenberg, Christina Stiles and Relics & Rituals: Excalibur team
Bards tell of the day that the High King rode into Cornwall and brought its ruler to task for his injustices. The king, so the stories say, knew every ill that the prince had wrought upon his people, every slight, every injustice. Many thought that the king must have hired spies to gain this information, while others claimed that his wizard had observed it all through a magic ball. Neither is true. The High King saw these things himself, with his own eyes. Yet no one saw him, for he wore a snow-white mantle that had been given to him in a dream by a mysterious maiden with lovely features and snow-white eyes. She told him that he might have need of it, and that it would shield him from sight while allowing him to see all. When the king awoke, the maiden was nowhere to be seen, but the mantle lay draped about his shoulders.
The Snowy Mantle grants its wearer the power of greater invisibility as long as he remains wrapped within its folds. It also grants nondetection as if cast by a 25th-level wizard. All Search, Spot and Listen checks directed toward the Mantle’s owner are at 20 while it is wrapped properly, and 10 even with it worn loosely. The Mantle also grants its owner a +5 bonus to AC.
Even as the character under the Mantle becomes invisible to others, he is able to see them far more clearly. He gains Darkvision 120ft., and can see invisible automatically. He can also see magical auras at will, and gains a +10 bonus on all Search,
Spot, and Read Lips checks. He makes any melee attacks at +1, and these are
always surprise attacks.
The Snowy
Mantle, true to its name, is pure white. It cannot be stained, dirtied or torn,
and no color of any sort sticks to it. Then Mantle is long enough to wrap securely
around the shoulders twice and to pull over the head as a hood on a tall man
it hangs to just above the ground.
“The Seer’s Gaze: Merlin’s Spectacles”
Unveil the Secrets of Merlin’s Spectacles: Enhance Your Vision Beyond Imagination!

Merlin’s Spectacles were crafted by the legendary wizard Merlin himself during the peak of his magical prowess. Born of his insatiable curiosity and profound understanding of the arcane, these spectacles were not merely tools for improved vision but conduits for unlocking the mysteries of the universe.
Legend has it that Merlin, after years of study and contemplation, embarked on a quest to create an artifact that would grant its wearer unparalleled insight into the workings of magic and the world. Drawing upon the ancient knowledge passed down through generations of druids and sorcerers, Merlin gathered rare materials from across the realm to fashion the spectacles.
The lenses, crafted from enchanted crystal found deep within the earth, were infused with the essence of celestial bodies, allowing the wearer to perceive magical auras and hidden energies with remarkable clarity. The frames, wrought from pure gold and inscribed with intricate runes of power, served as conduits for Merlin’s own magical abilities, amplifying the wearer’s connection to the mystical forces of the universe.
Throughout the process of creation, Merlin imbued the spectacles with his own wisdom and foresight, ensuring that they would serve as tools not only for seeing but for understanding. Each enchantment woven into the fabric of the spectacles was meticulously crafted to enhance the wearer’s perception, granting them insights into the past, present, and future that few mortals could comprehend.
Once completed, Merlin’s Spectacles became a symbol of the wizard’s unparalleled mastery over magic and his unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. Wearing them, Merlin could peer beyond the veil of reality, deciphering ancient prophecies, unraveling the secrets of lost civilizations, and guiding the destiny of kingdoms.
As the ages passed, the spectacles remained a treasured artifact, passed down through generations of wizards and sages who sought to follow in Merlin’s footsteps. Though their exact whereabouts became lost to history, whispers of their existence endured, a testament to the enduring legacy of the greatest wizard of them all.
Merlin’s Spectacles
Wondrous Item (artifact), requires attunement by a spellcaster
Description: Merlin’s Spectacles are a pair of small round lenses crafted from enchanted crystal and held within a finely crafted frame of pure gold. The frames are adorned with intricate runes of power, pulsating with magical energy. When worn, the spectacles emit a faint, comforting warmth and seem to adjust to fit the wearer’s face perfectly.
- Enhanced Vision: While wearing Merlin’s Spectacles, you gain the following benefits:
- You can see twice as far as normal in all lighting conditions.
- You have darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
- You can see magical auras at will, as if under the effects of the detect magic spell.
- You can see invisible creatures and objects automatically, as if under the effects of the see invisibility spell.
- You have advantage on saving throws against illusions.
- Heightened Insight: The spectacles grant you a deeper understanding of the world around you. You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill if you do not already have it, and you have advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
- Sight Beyond Sight: Four times per day, you can cast the identify spell without expending a spell slot. Additionally, three times per day, you can cast the legend lore spell without expending a spell slot.
- Foresight: Once per day, you can cast the foresight spell without expending a spell slot. This effect requires attunement and consumes one charge from the spectacles.
- Spell Resistance: You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects that rely on sight. In addition, you have resistance to radiant damage.
Curse: Merlin’s Spectacles come with a burden. While attuned to them, you feel a compelling urge to seek out knowledge and uncover secrets, often to the detriment of your own safety. Additionally, you become resistant to the effects of extreme heat and sunlight but vulnerable to effects that obscure or block sunlight, such as magical darkness.
History: Crafted by the legendary wizard Merlin during the height of his power, Merlin’s Spectacles have been passed down through generations of spellcasters who seek to unlock the mysteries of the universe. Their origins are shrouded in myth and legend, but their power is undeniable, offering unparalleled insight and wisdom to those who dare to wear them.
The Sword
in the Stone:
Relics & Rituals: Excalibur
© 2004 White Wolf Publishing,
Inc. Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studios by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
By Evan Jamieson, Lizard, Aaron Rosenberg,
Christina Stiles and Relics & Rituals:
Excalibur team
is the weapon of
the High King. However, the Sword in the Stone first demonstrated his right
to the throne. This longsword is extremely well made and has a leather-wrapped
handle and a pommeland guard of unadorned gold. No gems are to be found on the
weapon, and its blade is perfectly unmarred. The blade always appears stuck
through an iron anvil and through that into a block of solid marble. By speaking
the proper commands, a spellcaster can instruct the blade in its next task.
This task is always to identify a person intended to accomplish something important,
like the next High King or the man who will conquer the dragons
or the priest who will restore faith to the land. Once it receives
its task, the Sword is placed back into the anvil and the stone. A small brass
plaque is mounted on the marble front, and its inscription changes to reflect
the subject of the blades search. For example, when looking for the High
King, it read Whosoever draws forth this sword from this stone is right
wise King of all England. Only the right person can draw the Sword . For
everyone else, no method suffices to draw it forth, not strength nor skill nor
spell. The blade, anvil, and stone cannot be harmed in any way, and any destructive
spell targeting them is reflected upon the caster instead. The anvil and the
block cannot be separated in any way. Once drawn, the Sword in the Stone continues
to deflect dangerous spells. It is also a +1 keen longsword, and casts stamp
of nobility upon its wielder as long as it is worn or carried. But this blade
is not intended to stay with any one person, and after 1d4 months it mysteriously
vanishes, as does the anvil and the marble block. It is said that the mightiest
spellcasters know how to summon the Sword in the Stone again, or at least how
to locate it when it is between tasks.
Caladbolg: The Sword of Mythic Sundering
“Unleash the Lightning: Harness the Power of Caladbolg, the Legendary Sword of Lightning and Legends!”
Caladbolg, the legendary sword of Fergus mac Róich from Irish mythology, has a rich and storied history. Crafted by the elves from the mounds, its origins trace back to ancient times, where it was wielded by the mythical figure Leite. Passed down through generations, it found its way into the hands of renowned heroes like Cú Chulainn and even played a role in the tales of Julius Caesar.
Its journey through time and the hands of legendary figures imbued it with great power and significance, becoming a symbol of strength, honor, and the enduring legacy of those who wielded it. With each new owner, Caladbolg gained new stories and legends, cementing its place as one of the most renowned weapons in Irish mythology.
Weapon (Greatsword), artifact (requires attunement)
Description: Caladbolg is a magnificent two-handed greatsword with a blade that shimmers with an ethereal glow, reminiscent of a rainbow’s arc. Crafted by the elves from the mounds of ancient Ireland, its blade is infused with ancient magic and bears intricate runes along its edge.
- Legendary Weapon: Caladbolg is a legendary weapon of immense power, capable of slicing through the toughest of defenses and unleashing devastating attacks upon its foes.
- Rainbow Arc: When wielded in combat, Caladbolg creates an arc of shimmering light reminiscent of a rainbow, striking fear into the hearts of enemies and inspiring allies. This arc enhances the wielder’s attacks, granting a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Hill Sunderer: Caladbolg possesses the power to cleave through the earth itself. Once per long rest, you can use an action to strike the ground with Caladbolg, causing a shockwave that shatters the tops of nearby hills or rocky terrain within a 30-foot radius, creating difficult terrain and dealing 4d8 force damage to any creature in the area. Structures made of stone or similar materials may also be damaged or destroyed by this effect.
- Compelling Truth: When pointed at a target and invoked with its true name, Caladbolg compels the target to speak only the truth, rendering them unable to deceive or lie.
- Elven Craftsmanship: Caladbolg is indestructible and cannot be broken or damaged by any conventional means. It is immune to rust, corrosion, and the passage of time.
History: Caladbolg has passed through the hands of legendary heroes and rulers throughout history, from the mythical figure Leite to the great warrior Fergus mac Róich. Its legacy is intertwined with the fate of kingdoms and the triumphs of champions, making it a symbol of power and honor.
Curse: Despite its incredible power, Caladbolg carries a curse that binds it to fate. Those who seek to wield it must bear the burden of its legacy and face the consequences of their actions. The sword may choose to assert its will at critical moments, steering events towards its own mysterious ends.
Attunement: To attune to Caladbolg, a character must prove themselves worthy of wielding such a legendary artifact. This may involve completing a quest of great importance, demonstrating unwavering courage and resolve, or proving one’s commitment to justice and righteousness.
Destruction: Caladbolg, the legendary sword of immense power, cannot be destroyed by conventional means. However, its destruction is tied to a ritual of ancient magic, known only to a select few who have delved into the deepest mysteries of the arcane.
To destroy Caladbolg, one must undertake a perilous journey to the heart of the Feywild, the realm of the elves where the sword’s magic was first imbued. There, within the sacred groves guarded by the most powerful archfey, lies the Well of Eternal Light.
The ritual to destroy Caladbolg requires the following components:
- The Blade’s Convergence: The wielder must plunge Caladbolg into the waters of the Well of Eternal Light, where the essence of the Feywild flows strongest. This action will awaken the latent magic within the sword, causing it to resonate with the primal energies of the Fey.
- The Harmonic Chant: As Caladbolg begins to resonate, a specific incantation must be recited, invoking the ancient language of the elves. This chant serves to attune the sword to the natural rhythms of the Feywild and prepare it for the final phase of the ritual.
- The Sacrificial Offering: To complete the destruction of Caladbolg, a willing sacrifice must be made. This sacrifice must be a being of pure heart and noble spirit, willing to give their life to undo the legacy of the sword. Their essence will be consumed by the sword’s magic, severing its connection to the mortal realm and rendering it powerless.
Once these steps are completed, Caladbolg will be consumed by the primordial energies of the Feywild, its blade shattering into a thousand fragments that scatter across the planes. The sword’s legacy will be undone, and its power will be lost to the ages, forever sealed away in the depths of the Feywild’s mysteries.
Fragarach, the Whispering Sword.
“Uncover the Secrets of Fragarach: The Legendary Sword that Compels Truth and Commands the Winds!”
In the ancient annals of Irish mythology, amidst the stirring tales of gods and heroes, lies the enigmatic origin of Fragarach, the Whispering Sword. Forged by the divine hands of the Tuatha Dé Danann, it emerged from the fiery depths of the gods’ forge as one of the Four Treasures of Ireland, destined to shape the destiny of kingdoms and stir the hearts of mortals.
Crafted with unparalleled skill and imbued with potent magic, Fragarach was entrusted to Nuada, the revered first high king, whose silver arm and noble bearing symbolized the sovereignty of the land. Upon the sacred Lia Fáil, the Stone of Destiny, Fragarach whispered its secrets, roaring in harmony with the stone’s ancient song, affirming the rightful ruler of Tara and the high kingship of Ireland.
Yet, the winds of fate are fickle, and Nuada’s reign faced a bitter trial in the First Battle of Mag Tuired, where he sacrificed his arm for the sake of his people. Maimed but undaunted, Nuada yielded his throne, bestowing the mantle of leadership upon Lugh, the radiant Sun God, and champion of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
In the crucible of the Second Battle of Mag Tuired, where the fate of Ireland hung in the balance, Lugh wielded Fragarach with the mastery befitting a god, its whispers guiding his every strike. With the wind at his back and the truth at his side, Lugh vanquished the Fomorians and their dread king Balor, securing victory for the Tuatha Dé Danann.
Thus, Fragarach passed from the hands of kings to the champions of legend, from Lugh to Cú Chulainn, its blade carving a path through the annals of history. With each wielder, its legacy grew, its whispers shaping the fate of heroes and nations, as it awaited the next champion bold enough to claim its ancient power and command the winds of destiny.
Fragarach, the Whispering Sword
Artifact (Longsword), Legendary (Requires Attunement)
Description: Fragarach is an ornate longsword with a blade shimmering with ancient runes, emitting a faint, ethereal glow. Its hilt is adorned with intricate Celtic designs, and upon close inspection, one can hear faint whispers emanating from the blade.
- Truth-Seeker: When drawn, Fragarach compels truth from any creature it points toward. The creature must make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it cannot speak any deliberate falsehoods or withhold information. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until the creature succeeds on its saving throw.
- Wind’s Embrace: As an action, the wielder can command Fragarach to summon or calm the winds within a 300-foot radius centered on themselves, affecting weather conditions as desired. This ability can be used once per long rest.
- Armor Sunder: Fragarach’s strikes ignore resistance and immunity to slashing damage. Additionally, when making an attack with Fragarach, the wielder can choose to ignore any bonuses to Armor Class from the target’s armor, shields, or magical effects for that attack.
- Fatal Whisper: Any creature struck by Fragarach suffers from a curse. At the start of each of its turns, the cursed creature must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 4d10 necrotic damage. This curse persists until the creature receives a remove curse spell or similar magic.
History: Forged by the gods and bestowed upon Nuada, the first high king of Ireland, Fragarach has passed through the hands of legendary heroes and rulers. Its whispers have shaped the course of history and guided the fate of nations.
- Fragarach requires attunement by a creature of lawful alignment.
- The whispers of Fragarach are heard only by its wielder, and they cannot be recorded or reproduced by any means.
- Fragarach cannot be destroyed by conventional means and can only be willingly relinquished by its attuned wielder.
- The wielder gains proficiency with Fragarach if they do not already have it.
- If Fragarach is lost or stolen, it has a tendency to find its way back to its rightful owner through mysterious means.
Gáe Bolg, the Tidebreaker
“Discover the chilling power of the Gáe Bolg: the legendary spear of Cú Chulainn that strikes with unstoppable force, leaving a trail of mortal agony in its wake!”
In the depths of the Red Sea, amidst the tumultuous clash of titanic sea monsters, the Curruid and the Coinchenn, a fateful battle raged. As the waves churned and the roars of the beasts echoed across the waters, the mighty Curruid fell, its massive frame vanquished by the relentless fury of its foe. Yet, from the remains of this fallen leviathan, a lone warrior named Bolg mac Buain salvaged the bones, forging from them a weapon of unparalleled dread: the Gáe Bolg.
Crafted with skill honed by the fires of combat and imbued with the essence of the sea’s primal power, the Gáe Bolg became a symbol of both terror and destiny. Passed down through generations, its journey carried it from hand to hand, each owner adding to its legend until it found its ultimate wielder: Cú Chulainn, the Hound of Ulster.
Bestowed upon Cú Chulainn by the fierce warrior woman Scáthach, the Gáe Bolg became an extension of his very being, a weapon of last resort wielded only in the direst of circumstances. With each strike, it pierced the fabric of fate itself, carving a path of anguish and sorrow through the annals of Irish mythology.
But with great power came great tragedy, for the Gáe Bolg’s legacy was not one of triumph alone. Its barbed embrace brought not only death but also the bitter sting of regret, as Cú Chulainn grappled with the consequences of its use, forever haunted by the echoes of battles lost and lives undone.
Thus, the Gáe Bolg stands as a testament to the dual nature of power: a weapon of unmatched potency, tempered by the weight of its own legacy, forever bound to the hands of fate’s chosen champions.
Gáe Bolg, the Tidebreaker
Artifact (Spear), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of lawful alignment)
Description: Gáe Bolg is a fearsome spear crafted from the bones of a sea monster, imbued with ancient magic and etched with intricate runes that shimmer with an otherworldly light. It radiates an aura of power and dread, hinting at the legendary deeds it has witnessed and the destinies it has shaped.
- Unerring Strike: Gáe Bolg grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
- Barbed Assault: Upon a successful hit, Gáe Bolg lodges itself into the target’s body, dealing an additional 4d6 piercing damage and causing the target to make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is restrained as the barbs of the spear extend, embedding themselves deeper into the flesh. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
- Sea’s Fury: Once per day, as an action, the wielder can unleash the primal fury of the sea contained within Gáe Bolg. All enemies within a 30-foot radius must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be pushed back 20 feet and knocked prone. Additionally, they take 5d10 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The area becomes difficult terrain until the start of the wielder’s next turn.
- Tidecaller’s Resilience: While attuned to Gáe Bolg, the wielder gains resistance to thunder and lightning damage, and they can breathe underwater as easily as they breathe air.
Curse: Gáe Bolg is a weapon of immense power, but its use comes at a cost. Once attuned to the spear, the wielder becomes bound to its fate. They are compelled to seek out worthy foes and engage in honorable combat, often to the detriment of their own safety and well-being. Additionally, the wielder is plagued by haunting visions of the spear’s past wielders, reliving their triumphs and tragedies in vivid detail.
Destroying the Artifact: The only known way to destroy Gáe Bolg is to return it to the depths of the sea where it was forged and offer it as a tribute to the ocean’s primordial forces. This act requires a ritual conducted at a sacred underwater shrine, with the assistance of powerful sea deities or elemental beings. Once the ritual is completed, Gáe Bolg’s form dissolves into a swirling vortex of water and energy, returning the artifact to the depths from whence it came.
The Four Treasures, also known as The Hallows of Ireland
The Four Treasures, also known as The Hallows of Ireland, are legendary artifacts brought to Ireland by the mythological Tuatha Dé Danann from four cities on four islands: Murias, Falias, Gorias, and Findias. Here’s a brief overview of each treasure and its origin:
- From Falias: The Stone of Fal (Lia Fáil), also known as the Stone of Destiny. Located near the Hill of Tara in County Meath, this stone was used to determine the rightful King of Ireland by emitting a cry when the true king sat upon it. The druid Morfessa resided in Falias.
- From Gorias: The sword of Nuada (Claíomh Solais), also known as the Sword of Light. Once drawn from its sheath, no one could escape from it, and no one could resist it. The druid Esras (or Urias) lived in Gorias.
- From Findias: The Spear of Destiny (Spear Luin), forged by the unknown Smith of Falias for Lugh to use in his fight against Balor. No battle could be sustained against it or against its wielder. The druid Uscias (or Arias), the fair-haired poet, resided in Findias.
- From Murias: Dagda’s Cauldron, also known as the Coire Anseasc (“Undry Cauldron”). This bottomless cauldron was capable of feeding an army without leaving anyone unsatisfied. It also possessed the power to heal. The druid Senias lived in Murias, which was considered the most southerly of the Four Cities.
These treasures are imbued with mythical significance and were central to the legends and stories of ancient Ireland, symbolizing power, kingship, and otherworldly abilities.
The Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain
The Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain, as described in medieval Welsh tradition, are a collection of legendary and magical items, each with its own unique powers and attributes. Here’s a summary of each treasure:
- Dyrnwyn, gleddyf Rhydderch Hael (White-Hilt, the Sword of Rhydderch Hael): When drawn by a nobleman, it burst into flame. Despite its remarkable power, people would reject it due to this peculiarity, earning Rhydderch the nickname “the Generous.”
- Mwys Gwyddno Garanir (The Hamper of Gwyddno Long-Shank): A hamper that could contain food for one person, but when opened, it would reveal enough food to feed a hundred.
- Corn Brân Galed o’r Gogledd (The Horn of Bran the Niggard from the North): This horn provided any desired drink to those who possessed it.
- Car Morgan Mwynfawr (The Chariot of Morgan the Wealthy): This chariot granted the ability to travel swiftly to any desired location.
- Cebystr Clydno Eiddin (The Halter of Clydno Eiddyn): Attached to Clydno Eiddyn’s bed, this halter could conjure any desired horse for its owner.
- Cyllell Llawfrodedd Farchog (The Knife of Llawfrodedd the Horseman): A knife that could magically serve the dining needs of twenty-four men.
- Pair Dyrnwch Gawr (The Cauldron of Dyrnwch the Giant): When meat from a coward was boiled in it, it wouldn’t cook, but it would boil quickly if meat from a brave man was used, thus distinguishing bravery from cowardice.
- Hogalen Tudwal Tudclyd (The Whetstone of Tudwal Tudglyd): Sharpening a sword on this stone would ensure that if the sword drew blood, the wounded would die.
- Pais Badarn Beisrydd (The Coat of Padarn Red-Coat): This coat would only fit a nobleman; it would not fit a commoner.
- Gren a desgyl Rhygenydd Ysgolhaig (The Crock and the Dish of Rhygenydd the Cleric): Containers that provided any desired food placed within them.
- Gwyddbwyll Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio (The Chessboard of Gwenddolau son of Ceidio): The pieces on this golden board could play by themselves, with silver men.
- Llen Arthyr yng Nghernyw (The Mantle of Arthur in Cornwall): Whoever wore this mantle became invisible while being able to see others.
In some versions, two additional treasures are mentioned, namely, the Mantle of Tegau Eurfon and Eluned’s Stone and Ring, bringing the total count to fifteen treasures. However, in later versions, one item is dropped, and the Crock and the Dish are counted as one item, totaling thirteen treasures.
Arondight: The Blade of Radiance
Unveiling the Legendary Sword of Sir Lancelot: Arondight’s Secret Powers Revealed!

Arondight, the fabled sword of Sir Lancelot, traces its origins to the mystical depths of Avalon, where the Lady of the Lake bestowed upon Lancelot this enchanted blade, imbued with the power to cut through steel effortlessly and shine with blinding radiance in the presence of foes.
Legend has it that the sword’s creation was a secret closely guarded by the ethereal beings of the Otherworld, passed down through generations until it found its destined wielder in the valiant knight Lancelot. With Arondight in hand, Lancelot rose to become the epitome of chivalry and valor, carving his name into the annals of Arthurian legend.
Artifact (Greatsword), legendary (requires attunement by a creature with the alignment of lawful good)
Arondight is a legendary greatsword wielded by Sir Lancelot, one of King Arthur’s most trusted knights. Crafted by the mystical forces of Avalon, this blade embodies the ideals of honor, bravery, and chivalry.
- Weapon Type: Greatsword
- Damage: Slashing
- Magic Bonus: +3 to attack and damage rolls
- Alignment Requirement: Lawful Good
- Special Ability: When drawn in battle against evil creatures or foes, Arondight emits a radiant light, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. This light persists for 1 minute or until dismissed by the wielder as a bonus action.
- Enhanced Slicing: Arondight’s edge is so sharp that it can slice through steel armor as if it were cloth. It ignores resistance to slashing damage and treats any armor worn by the target as having a -3 penalty to AC.
- Blinding Radiance: Once per long rest, when striking a foe with Arondight, the wielder can choose to release a burst of blinding light. All creatures within a 15-foot cone in front of the wielder must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of their next turn.
- Obsessive Pursuit: Once attuned to Arondight, the wielder becomes consumed by the pursuit of justice and righteousness. They are unable to sheathe the sword until they have defeated a significant evil foe or completed a quest in the name of justice. Additionally, the wielder must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw whenever they witness an act of injustice or cruelty. On a failed save, they must take immediate action to rectify the situation, even if it puts them in danger.
Destroying Arondight: Arondight can only be destroyed by casting it into the heart of the purest flame, such as the Sacred Fire of Avalon, or by the will of the Lady of the Lake herself.
Galatine, Sword of Sir Gawain
“Unveiling Galatine: The Shadow to Excalibur’s Light, Sir Gawain’s Legendary Sword!”
In Arthurian legend, Galatine holds a significant place as a magical sword bestowed upon Sir Gawain, one of the esteemed Knights of the Round Table, by the Lady of the Lake. Unlike Excalibur, the famed sword of King Arthur, Galatine is often considered its counterpart, representing Gawain’s valor and commitment to chivalry. Gifted with this formidable weapon, Gawain embodied the virtues of courage, honor, and loyalty as he embarked on his quests and adventures.
The origins of Galatine are intertwined with the mystical powers of the Lady of the Lake, a figure of enchantment and mystery in Arthurian lore. According to legend, she presented Galatine to Gawain, entrusting him with its might to serve the cause of justice and righteousness in the realm. With Galatine in his possession, Gawain became a formidable force on the battlefield, wielding the sword with skill and determination against the enemies of Camelot.
Throughout Gawain’s illustrious career as a knight, Galatine remained a symbol of his noble character and unwavering resolve. Whether facing fierce adversaries or undertaking perilous quests, Gawain drew strength from the enchanted blade, channeling its power to uphold the ideals of knighthood and protect the realm from harm. As a cherished relic of Arthurian legend, Galatine continues to inspire tales of courage and heroism, immortalizing Sir Gawain as a legendary figure in the annals of chivalry.
Galatine, Sword of Sir Gawain
Artifact (requires attunement by a creature of good alignment)
Description: Galatine is a magnificent longsword with a shining blade that seems to glow with an inner radiance, reminiscent of the brilliance of the sun. The hilt is adorned with intricate patterns of swirling silver, and the pommel is embellished with a gemstone that reflects the colors of dawn. When wielded by a worthy champion, the sword emits a faint, comforting warmth, instilling a sense of courage and righteousness in its bearer.
- Legendary Weapon: Galatine is a legendary weapon of great power, capable of cleaving through armor and striking fear into the hearts of evildoers.
- Radiant Blade: The blade of Galatine shines with a radiant light, shedding bright illumination in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. This light cannot be extinguished by non-magical means.
- Sunlight’s Justice: When wielded in direct sunlight or in conditions of bright light, Galatine’s power is enhanced. Its attacks deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage.
- Champion’s Resolve: Galatine bolsters the resolve of its wielder, granting advantage on saving throws against fear effects and charm effects.
- Foe of Darkness: Galatine is particularly effective against creatures of darkness and evil. It deals an additional 2d6 radiant damage to undead and fiends.
Special Ability: Righteous Strike: Once per long rest, as an action, the wielder can channel the righteous power of Galatine to unleash a devastating strike against a single target within reach. The target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or suffer 8d8 radiant damage. If the target is an undead or fiend, it makes the saving throw with disadvantage.
Curse: Sun’s Burden: While attuned to Galatine, the wielder is burdened with the responsibility of upholding justice and protecting the innocent. They feel compelled to intervene in acts of injustice and wickedness, even at great personal risk. Additionally, they are resistant to the effects of extreme heat and sunlight but vulnerable to effects that obscure or block sunlight, such as magical darkness.
History: Galatine is said to have been crafted by the Lady of the Lake herself and bestowed upon Sir Gawain as a symbol of his valor and devotion to the code of chivalry. Throughout Gawain’s legendary exploits, Galatine served as his faithful companion, striking down evil wherever it lurked and inspiring tales of heroism for generations to come. Though Gawain has long passed into legend, Galatine endures as a beacon of hope and justice, awaiting a worthy champion to take up its cause once more.
Grail Sword
Unveiling the Mythical Grail Sword: A Weapon of Destiny and Redemption!
The Grail Sword, steeped in the mystical lore of Arthurian legend, has a rich and multifaceted backstory across various medieval romances and tales. Crafted by the enigmatic smith Trebuchet and bestowed upon knights by the Fisher King, this legendary blade carries both awe-inspiring power and profound symbolism.
In different versions of the legend, the Grail Sword is portrayed as a magnificent weapon with a hilt adorned in precious gems, embodying the ideals of chivalry and righteousness. Its origins are often shrouded in mystery, with some tales linking it to the beheading of St. John the Baptist or describing it as a weapon used in cataclysmic events that shaped the destiny of kingdoms.
Throughout its existence, the Grail Sword undergoes trials and transformations reflective of the moral and spiritual journeys of the knights who wield it. From warnings of its fragility in battle to narratives of its shattering and subsequent repair by worthy champions, the sword’s saga is intertwined with themes of redemption, sacrifice, and the quest for perfection.
As a central element in the quest for the Holy Grail, the Grail Sword serves as a symbol of the knight’s prowess and virtue, as well as a testament to the enduring legacy of King Arthur’s court. Its story is one of triumphs and setbacks, of heroic deeds and poignant failures, woven into the tapestry of Arthurian mythology for generations to come.
The Grail Sword
Artifact (requires attunement by a creature of lawful good alignment)
Weapon Type: Longsword
Damage: 1d8 slashing + 1d8 radiant
Magic Bonus: This weapon is considered a +3 magical weapon.
Description: The Grail Sword is a magnificent longsword with a blade forged from an otherworldly alloy that gleams with a radiant light. Its hilt is adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of valor and righteousness, and its pommel bears the emblem of the Holy Grail. When wielded by a worthy champion, the sword emits a soft, golden glow that fills the surrounding area with a sense of purity and divine presence.
- Radiant Blade: The blade of the Grail Sword is imbued with radiant energy, allowing it to deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage on a successful hit.
- Blessing of the Grail: The Grail Sword grants its wielder advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, reflecting the knightly virtues of courage and resolve.
- Heavenly Smite: Once per long rest, the wielder can channel the holy power of the Grail Sword to unleash a devastating smite against a fiend or undead creature. The target must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or suffer an additional 4d8 radiant damage.
Curse: The Grail Sword bears the burden of its sacred duty, and its wielder feels an unrelenting urge to seek out and confront evil wherever it may be found. This compulsion can sometimes lead to reckless actions and moral dilemmas, as the wielder becomes consumed by the quest for righteousness.
History: Forged in the fires of celestial realms and blessed by the divine power of the Holy Grail, the Grail Sword has been wielded by countless champions throughout the ages in their quest to uphold justice and vanquish darkness. Its origins are shrouded in myth and legend, with tales of its creation intertwined with the fabled quests for the Grail itself. Despite the passing of centuries, the Grail Sword endures as a symbol of hope and virtue, awaiting a worthy champion to take up its cause once more.