God of Wind and Learning, Creator God, Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent
Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican deity known as the Feathered Serpent, associated with fertility, creativity, and knowledge.

- Pantheon: Aztec
- Deity Title: God of Wind and Learning, Creator God, Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent
- Deity Symbol: A feathered serpent, a serpent with wings, the wind, Venus, the color white
- Home Plane: The 13th level of heaven, the heavens in general, the sky, the four cardinal directions
- Deity Level: Greater deity
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Aliases: Kukulkan (Mayan equivalent), Gucumatz (Quiche Maya equivalent)
- Superior: None
- Traditional Allies: Xolotl, Tlaloc, Ehecatl, Huitzilopochtli, Tonatiuh
- Traditional Foes: Tezcatlipoca, Mictlantecuhtli, Mixcoatl, Xipe Totec, Xiuhtecuhtli
- Divine Artifact: Xiuhcoatl, a flaming serpent made of fire and sacrifice that can be wielded as a weapon
- Servants: Feathered Serpents, Priests, Ocelotls, Jaguar Warriors, Eagle Warriors, Quetzal Warriors, Itzpapalotls, Coatl
- Servitor Creatures: Feathered Serpents, Coatl, Earth Monsters, Owls, Serpents, Xolotl
- Sacred Animal: The serpent, the quetzal bird
- Manifestations: A pale-skinned man with a beard, a serpent, a bird, a priest, a ruler, a god of knowledge, a god of creation, a god of the arts
- Signs of Favor: Feathers, jade, gold, turquoise, white shells, butterflies, rainbows, maize
- Worshipers: Priests, nobility, merchants, artisans, rulers, farmers, students, inventors, musicians, artists
- Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, N
- Specialty Priests: Jaguar Knights, Feathered Serpent Priests, Obsidian Warriors
- Holy Days: The 1st day of the month, the day Ce Acatl in the Aztec calendar, the day 9 Wind in the Maya calendar, the day 1 Snake in the Quiche Maya calendar
- Portfolio: Creation, wind, knowledge, arts, crafts, agriculture, fertility, rulership, priesthood
- Domains: Air, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature
- Favored Weapon: Xiuhcoatl (a unique weapon, stats described earlier)
- Favored Class: Cleric
- Favored Race: Humans, Aarakocra,
- Duties of the Priesthood: Maintaining and tending to temples, conducting rituals and sacrifices, keeping records, studying and preserving knowledge, providing education and guidance to the people, honoring and upholding the traditions and laws of the Aztec society
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: The Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan, the Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan, the Temple of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza
- Benefits: Depending on the level of devotion and favor, Quetzalcoatl’s followers may receive blessings of fertility, prosperity, health, wisdom, protection, or even the ability to call upon Quetzalcoatl’s power to perform miracles or shape reality. Priests and specialty priests have access to unique spells and abilities, and may also be granted magical items or divine guidance.
In his serpent form, Quetzalcoatl is a long, sleek creature with iridescent green and blue feathers covering his body, highlighted by splashes of gold and red. His body is muscular and lithe, with a long, powerful tail that he uses to move gracefully through the air. As a human, Quetzalcoatl is depicted with a noble countenance, a thick beard, and long hair. He is often adorned with feathers and wears a headdress made of quetzal plumes.
Quetzalcoatl is known as the creator of humanity, and is also revered as a god of knowledge, culture, and wisdom. His main goal is to bring prosperity and enlightenment to his people, and to promote the flourishing of civilization. He is also associated with agricultural fertility and the arts, and is often portrayed as a benevolent deity who seeks to help humans in their struggles.
According to legend, Quetzalcoatl was responsible for the creation of the world and of humanity. He was also the patron of the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan, and was seen as a protector of the people. However, his story is complex, and he is also associated with the destruction of the world in the form of the feathered serpent, which was believed to bring chaos and upheaval.
Despite his role as a protector and provider, Quetzalcoatl was eventually overthrown by his brother, Tezcatlipoca, and forced to leave the Aztec empire. Legend holds that he sailed away on a raft made of snakes, promising to return someday to bring peace and prosperity to his people once again.
Currently in the Word

As the world begins to take shape, Quetzalcoatl emerges as one of the most powerful beings in the universe. His divine powers allow him to manipulate the elements, command the forces of nature, and create entire worlds. He is revered by all living beings as a god of knowledge, wisdom, and creation.
As time marches on, Quetzalcoatl becomes more involved with the affairs of mortals. He takes on the role of a benevolent patron, teaching them the ways of agriculture, art, and civilization. He becomes their protector and their guide, always striving to ensure their well-being.
However, not all of Quetzalcoatl’s siblings share his benevolent nature. His brother Tezcatlipoca, the god of chaos and war, resents Quetzalcoatl’s influence over mortals and constantly seeks to undermine him. In one particular instance, Tezcatlipoca tricks Quetzalcoatl into committing a terrible act, causing him to become disillusioned and withdraw from the world.
Despite this setback, Quetzalcoatl remains committed to the betterment of mortals. He continues to teach them and guide them, always seeking to bring them closer to the divine. His greatest desire is to see them prosper and thrive, living in harmony with each other and the world around them.
In the 1450s, Quetzalcoatl remains active in the world, although his influence has waned somewhat in the face of the rise of the Aztec Empire. He continues to teach and guide those who seek his knowledge, but also begins to take a more active role in the affairs of mortals. He sees the growing conflict between the Aztecs and their enemies and seeks to bring about a peaceful resolution.
However, Tezcatlipoca’s influence remains strong, and Quetzalcoatl knows that a confrontation with his brother is inevitable. He seeks allies among the other gods and begins to gather his forces, preparing for the coming conflict. Despite the challenges ahead, he remains steadfast in his commitment to the mortals he has sworn to protect, and his faith in their ability to rise above the conflicts that threaten to tear them apart.