Domain, Metallurgy

Celtic Druids and the Tuatha de Dannan
By Dominique Crouzet
The working of metal (blacksmithing, etc.) was of prime importance to the Celts. In fact they had an highly evolved metallurgy, and their smith were especially valued and honored. Hence this domain, the favorite one of Goibhniu.
Granted Power: Three times per day you can strike an object of metal and ignore its hardness or damage reduction value. This can be against a steel spear, an iron golem, an iron door, etc.
Metallurgy Domain Spells
- Make whole. Repairs an object (but limited to metal items only).
- Heat Metal. Hot metal damages those who touch it.
- Keen Edge. Doubles normal weapon’s threat range.
- Rusting Grasp. Your touch corrodes iron and alloys.
- Wall of Iron. 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes.
- Blade Barrier. Blades encircling you deal 1d6 damage/level.
- Metal shape. (Identical to Stone-shape spell, but with metal items): Rearranges metal objects to suit you.
- Repel Metal or Stone. Pushes away metal and stone.
- Iron Body. Your body becomes living iron.