Oak Brother

Oak brothers are dedicated to the mastery of the quarterstaff. They form one of the most martial groups within the druid order and are widely believed to have originated the oakheart fighting style.
The Quintessential Druid
Author Robin O. Duke
Series The Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
They aim to be close to nature and to transcend the limitations of their mortal form like most druids, but have martial tendencies and aspire toward physical and martial perfection, becoming one with their quarterstaff. The oak brothers take only the uninitiated into their ranks. They form their own circles, though they are dedicated to supporting the druid order as a whole. They are secretive with their martial knowledge, even when dealing with other druids. Some druids have, as a result, look upon oak brothers as aloof and overly introspective.
Benefits: The oak brother receives extensive training in the use of the quarterstaff. When wearing light armour not prohibited by his druidic oaths and using a quarterstaff, the oak brother receives all the benefits of the Ambidexterity and Two Weapon Fighting feats.
Penalties: The oak brothers believe that the only weapon is the quarterstaff. Not only do oak brothers not receive proficiency in any other weapon but they also take oaths that prohibit them from using any other weapon. In addition, they are forbidden to use armour heavier than light and only receive the Light Armour Proficiency feat at 1st level.
The Oakheart Style
The rules for fighting styles are detailed in full in the Quintessential Fighter. The following only provides a basic outline so that players without that book might play oak brother characters.
To learn the oakheart fighting style, a druid must achieve all the list prerequisites and train for one week. The druid must purchase his training from other members of the oak brothers, usually in the form of services. A character using this style is restricted to using a quarterstaff and wearing light armour. Only medium size characters may learn the style, they must have a Constitution of 14+, a Wisdom of 12+, have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher and have access to the following feats; Ambidexterity, Expertise, Weapon Proficiency (quarterstaff), Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff).
Initiate: Defensive Whirl
The oakheart style teaches its initiates that just staying alive in battle is more important than winning and its basic lessons centre around blocking attacks, not striking. They learn to maximise their efforts when concentrating on defence, allowing them time to retreat or wear out their enemies.
- Benefit: When using the total defence action, the initiate gains an additional +2 bonus to his Armour Class.
Adept: Stunning Jab
Most strikes with a quarterstaff are done with the haft of the weapon but occasionally adepts of the oakheart style will use the ends of their
quarterstaffs in jab attacks, often catching their opponents completely off guard. The adepts are also trained to aim these jabs with great control, striking at specific locations to stun their opponents.
- Prerequisites: Power Attack, base attack bonus +2, Wisdom 14+. Training Time: 2 weeks.
- Benefit: As a standard action, the adept may make a Stunning Jab attack. This functions as the Stunning Fist attack described in Core Rulebook I with a 4 circumstance penalty to the roll.
Journeyman: Foot Sweep
The oakheart style dictates any advantage must be taken, even if it is considered a dirty trick. This stems from the fact that peasants are often
completely outclassed in terms of equipment when they give battle. Journeymen of the oakheart style learn that an enemy on his back is an easy target and the quarterstaff is an excellent tool to send a foe to the ground.
- Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Weapon Specialisation (quarterstaff), +4 base attack bonus, Wisdom 16+.
- Training Time: 2 weeks.
- Benefits: When making a trip attack, the journeyman gains a +4 bonus to the opposed Strength or Dexterity check to determine his success.
Champion: Vital Strike
A strike to the eyes or crotch is often an easy way to win a fight and champions of the oakheart style specialise in such dirty tactics.
- Prerequisites: Improved Critical (quarterstaff), base attack bonus +6 or higher, Wisdom 18+.
- Training Time: 1 month.
- Benefits: A champion may use this ability as a standard action. He makes an attack roll with a -4 penalty against his opponent. If this attack is successful, the victim suffers damage as normal and must also make a Fortitude check (DC 25) or suffer a -4 circumstantial penalty to all attack rolls and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to 10 minus his Constitution modifier. Vital Strike does not affect creatures immune to critical hits.
Master of the Staff: Blur of Oak
Those who master the oakheart style become whirling blurs of wood, striking at their enemies with amazing speed.
- Prerequisites: Improved Two Weapon fighting, base attack bonus +8, Wisdom 20+
- Training Time: 2 months.
- Benefit: The master of the staff gains a free attack whenever making a full attack action.