Devil Torturer

Monster Encyclopaedia II: The Dark Bestiary
Author J. C. Alvarez
Series Monster Encyclopaedia
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
This fiend seems half made of metal, so many iron implements and trappings surround its husky frame. The creature’s body is lined with iron belts, studs, spikes and chains. Its head is covered by a barbed faceplate. Its right hand wields a spiked shaft, in its left is a black iron gauntlet shaped like a set of serrated tongs. Ironshod boots appear nailed to its feet. A set of six straight, pointed horns protrude from its head in all directions. It is not clear whether they belong to its head or to the helmet covering it.
All devils have a bit of torturer in them; living and working in Hell tends to have that effect. Torturer devils, though, are true specialists in the art of inflicting immortal-scale, physical and spiritual pain. They know all imaginable manners of tormenting a mortal’s body and soul and they have ample opportunity to put them to use daily. A torturer devil appears as a burly, red-skinned Medium humanoid, naked but for an endless array of iron tools and implants, from spiked gauntlets to studded leather to metal belts to iron chains. Its demonic head is crowned by seven pointed horns. Torturer devils wear spiked faceplates to cover their monstrous heads; they also carry large, vicious metal weapons, specifically designed to inflict extra pain.
Torturer devils speak Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic and Infernal.
Torturer Devil | |
Medium outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) | |
Hit Dice | 10d8+56 (101 hp) |
Initiative | +5 |
Speed | 30 ft. (6 squares) |
AC | 33 (+3 Dexterity, +15 natural, +5 breastplate), touch 13, flat-footed 30 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +10/+15 |
Attack | masterwork Spiked Chain +16 melee (2d4+7/19-20/x3) or touch +15 melee (1d6 plus pain) or armour spikes +15 melee (1d6+5/19-20/x3) or spiked gauntlet +15 melee (1d4+5/19-20/x3) |
Full Attack | masterwork Spiked Chain +16/+11 melee (2d4+7/19-20/x3) or touch +13 melee (1d6 plus pain) and armour spikes +13 melee (1d6+5/19-20/x3) or two spiked gauntlets +13 melee (1d4+5/19-20/x3) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft. /5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Extra pain, fear aura, spell-like abilities, touch of pain |
Special Qualities | Damage reduction 10/magic or good, Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid, fire and poison, resistance to cold 10 and electrical 10, pitiless, telepathy 80 ft. |
Saves | Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +9 |
Abilities | Strength 21, Dexterity 21, Constitution 21, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 15, Charisma 15 |
Skills | Appraise +15 (+17 when appraising metallic items), Concentration +18, Craft (blacksmith) +15, Gather Information +19, Heal +19, Intimidate +25, Listen +15, Sense Motive +23, Spot +15, Use Magic Device +15 |
Feats | Great Fortitude, Improved GrappleB, Toughness (x2), Two- Weapon Fighting |
Environment | Lawful evil planes |
Organisation | Solitary, pair or team (3-6) |
Challenge Rating | 10 |
Treasure | masterwork Spiked Chain, spiked breastplate and spiked gauntlets |
Alignment | Always lawful evil |
Advancement | 11-20 HD (Medium), 21-30 HD (Large) |
Level Adjustment | – |
Torturer devils have an obvious preference for attack forms and methods that will cause as much pain and damage as possible to their victims. In combat, they wield spiky, unwieldy metal weapons such as Spiked Chains. The many barbed metal pieces they wear count as a suit of spiked breastplate armour.
The natural and weapon attacks of a torturer devil count as both lawful and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Extra Pain (Ex): A torturer devil is bred and trained to cause damage; therefore, it has the ability to make the most of the damaging abilities of the weapons it wields. Any weapon wielded by a torturer devil has its critical threat doubled (thus 20 becomes 19-20, 19-20 becomes 17-20 and 18-20 becomes 15-20), plus the weapon’s critical damage multiplier is increased by a factor of 1 (thus x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x4 and x4 becomes x5).
Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, a torturer devil can generate a fear aura extending 10 feet from its body in all directions. Any creature in the affected area must make a Will save (DC 17, Charisma based); if the save fails, the creature become frightened for 1d4 rounds. A creature that succeeds at this save cannot be affected by the same torturer devil’s fear aura for the next 24 hours.
Spell-Like Abilities:
- At will – crushing despair (DC 16), Cure serious wounds, false life, hideous laughter (DC 14), inflict serious wounds (DC 15), keen edge, ray of enfeeblement (DC 14), ray of exhaustion (DC 15), vampiric touch (DC 15).
- 1/day – Contagion (DC 16), cure critical wounds, inflict critical wounds (DC 17), nightmare (DC 17), phantasmal killer (DC 16), symbol of pain (DC 17).
Caster level 10th. Save DCs are Charisma based.
Touch of Pain (Su): A torturer devil’s touch is painful to the flesh, even that of other devils. Any living creature successfully hit by a torturer devil’s pain touch must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 20, Strength based) or be wracked with unimaginable pain for one full round. This imposes a 4 penalty on all skill checks and a 4 penalty on all attack and damage rolls made by the affected creature, as well as a 4 penalty to its Initiative and Armour Class.
In addition, the affected creature suffers 1 point of Strength and Constitution damage. A creature affected by a torturer devils touch of pain cannot make any skill checks based on an ability other than Strength, except for Intimidate checks.
Pitiless (Ex): A torturer devil is utterly remorseless and so its attitude cannot be affected by Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate checks. Furthermore, if the torturer devil fails a Will save against a mind-affecting spell or effect, it immediately gets an additional save to attempt to negate the effects. If the second save fails, the torturer devil is affected normally.
Skills: A torturer devils innate knowledge of interrogation tactics and physical pain gives it a +4 racial bonus on Gather Information and Heal checks. It also has a +8 racial bonus on Intimidate and Sense Motive checks.