Jotunheim Frost Giant
“Frozen Fury Unleashed: Encounter the Majestic Jotunheim Frost Giant – Mythic Beasts and Icy Feats Await!”
![Jotunheim Frost Giant](
Appearance: The Jotunheim Frost Giant, towering at a staggering 20 feet, is an imposing figure draped in frost-covered, intricately carved armor adorned with ancient runes. Its skin, an icy blue hue, shimmers with an otherworldly glow. Glacial spikes protrude from its massive shoulders, and piercing blue eyes emanate an aura of frigid power.
Behavior: Majestic and reserved, the Jotunheim Frost Giant roams the frozen tundras with a regal demeanor. It commands the respect of other ice creatures, and its presence alone can send shivers through even the hardiest adventurers. Despite its formidable appearance, the giant possesses an innate wisdom, carefully choosing its battles and valuing the delicate balance of its wintry domain.
Habitat: This colossal giant makes its home in the heart of the frozen wilderness, amidst glaciers and snow-covered peaks. It forges alliances with ice elementals and winter beasts, creating an icy kingdom where it reigns as the sovereign of the frosty realm.
Modus Operandi: With a massive glacial war club in hand, the Jotunheim Frost Giant strikes with calculated precision. It employs cunning tactics, utilizing the terrain to its advantage, summoning blizzards to disorient adversaries, and conjuring frosty illusions to confound would-be challengers. In battle, it harnesses the power of its frozen surroundings, encasing enemies in ice or summoning icicle storms.
Motivation: The Jotunheim Frost Giant’s primary motivation is the preservation of its wintry dominion. It seeks to maintain the harmony between the natural elements, ensuring the perpetuity of the frozen landscape. Intruders who threaten this delicate balance or disrupt the tranquility of the frost-laden realms invoke the giant’s icy wrath, making it a formidable guardian of the frigid north.
Jotunheim Frost Giant 5e
Jotunheim Frost Giant 3.5
Jotunheim Frost Giant:
Jotunheim Frost Giant
Huge Giant, Neutral
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 230 (20d12 + 100)
Speed 40 ft.
STR 25 (+7)
DEX 10 (+0)
CON 20 (+5)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Str +13, Con +10
Skills Perception +9
Damage Immunities Cold
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 19
Languages Giant
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
Frozen Fortitude. The frost giant has advantage on saving throws against being paralyzed or restrained.
Snowy Step. The giant can move through non-magical difficult terrain made of ice or snow without expending extra movement.
Innate Spellcasting. The giant’s spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
- At will: fog cloud, ray of frost
- 3/day each: sleet storm, ice storm
- 1/day: cone of cold
Multiattack. The giant makes two greataxe attacks.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (3d12 + 7) slashing damage plus 14 (4d6) cold damage.
Icy Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (4d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Blizzard Call (Recharge 5-6). The giant summons a fierce blizzard in a 60-foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, the area becomes heavily obscured for 1 minute.
Legendary Actions
The giant can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The giant regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
- Frosty Slam. The giant makes one Icy Slam attack.
- Icy Bellow (Costs 2 Actions). The giant releases a chilling roar. Creatures within 30 feet must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute.
- Chill Aura (Costs 3 Actions). The giant’s presence chills the air around it. Creatures within 20 feet must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 14 (4d6) cold damage and have their speed halved for 1 minute.
A hulking monstrosity lumbers towards you. It appears as a larger frost giant, only more barbaric. It wears little and is covered in many spikes of ice. In its hands it grips a giant maul covered in ice.
Used with Permission from RAGNAROKISCOMING2007 of the Wizards Community forums.
The Jotunheim Frost Giants are the bigger and meaner cousins of the frost giants. They prides themselves in being the direct descendents of the Primordial ice giant, Ymir. They look upon frost giants as giants who have fallen far from the pureblood stock of “true” frost giants. Jotun often rule the frost giants, but only after defeating the ruling Jarl. Most of the time they succeed.
Jotunheim Frost Giant stand 18 ft tall and weigh 6 tons. They speak Common and Giant.
Jotunheim Frost Giant | |
Huge Giant (chaotic, cold, evil) | |
HD | 20d8 + 180 ( 270 hp) |
Initiative | +1 |
Speed | 50 ft. |
AC | 32 (+1 Dexterity, +23 natural, -2 size) touch 8, flat-footed 31 |
BAB/ Grapple | +15/+36 |
Attack | +4 icy burst, impact, maul +30 (3d8 + 23 + 1d6 cold/19-20/x3), or slam +26 melee (1d8 + 13 + 1d6 cold), or rock +14 ranged (2d8 + 13) |
Full attack | +4 icy burst, impact, maul +30/+25/+20/+15 (3d8 + 23 + 1d6 cold/19-20/x3), or 2 slams +26 melee (1d8 + 13 + 1d6 cold), or rock +14 ranged (2d8 + 13) |
Space/reach | 15ft./ 15ft. |
Special attacks | Breath Weapon, Cold Aura, Freezing Grasp, Improved Grab, Rock Throwing |
Special qualities | DR 10/-, Immunity to cold, Low-Light Vision, Advanced Rock Catching, Spiked Body, Vulnerability to fire |
Saves | Fort +23, Ref +7, Will +8 |
Abilities | Strength 37, Dexterity 13, Constitution 28, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 14, Charisma 18 |
Skills | Climb +22, Intimidate +14, Jump +30, Spot +11, Survival +11 |
Feats | Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Power Attack |
Environment | Cold Mountainous Regions |
Organization | Solitary or group (1 jotun and 3-9 frost giants) |
CR | 18 |
Treasure | +4 icy burst, impact, maul and Standard |
Alignment | Chaotic Evil |
Advancement | 21- 40 HD (huge), 41 – 60 HD (gargantuan) or by character class |
Jotunheim Frost Giants love making good use of their breath weapons at the start of the battle. As the numbers of enemies begin to fall, it will rely more on its melee attacks and freezing grasp to deal with the remaining creatures.
Breath Weapon (Su): Ever 1d6 rounds, the jotun can spew forth an 80 ft. cone of icy coldness from its mouth dealing 10d10 cold damage. Reflex save DC 29 halves. DC is Constitution-based.
Cold Aura (Su): TheJotunheim Frost Giant is constantly surrounded is freezing winds. Any creature within 30 ft. of the jotun, takes 6d6 cold damage each round they are in the aura. Fortitude save DC 29 halves damage. The jotun can shut off (or turn back on) the aura as a free action. DC is Charisma– based.
Freezing Grasp (Su): The jotun’s grasp is freezing cold. The grappled creature takes 5d6 cold damage and must make a Fortitude save DC 33 or take an additional 2d6 Dexterity damage. If their Dexterity score reaches 0, the creature is frozen. At which point, the jotun can make an attack against the frozen creature to shatter it.
Improved Grab (Ex): When then jotun attacks successfully with its slam attack, it can grapple if successful, it establishes a hold and can use its Freezing Grasp ability (see above).
Rock Throwing (Ex): The range increment is 200 ft. for a jotun’s thrown rocks.
Advanced Rock Catching (Ex): The jotun can catch Medium or smaller rocks without making a reflex save. It still must be ready and aware of the thrown rock. It must, however make a Reflex save DC 10 to catch large rocks. Again, it still must be ready and aware of the thrown rock.
Spiked Body (Ex): Creatures grappling with the jotun take 5d6 piercing damage and 3d6 cold damage