Mutton Vindaloobeast
A vindaloobeast is a horror to behold. It’s body is a messy human-shaped collection of dribbling cow flesh and sauces, hanging with half-formed threads of organic matter. Its gruesome head is a large deformed bull skull.
Originally Posted by R.M.G.C.L.F. of the Wizards Community forums.
Vindaloobeasts where created in something describable as “a polymorph any object spell gone horribly wrong.” The half-complete transformation ignited twisted life in the beast. It roamed forth into the world, sowing carnage and destruction in its demented rage. Perhaps it fed upon the flesh of bison and chili peppers, or maybe some of the horrid magic that first created it continued to work making it grow and divide. Whatever the cause, the world is now plagued by more than a dozen dreaded vindaloobeasts.
The vindaloobeast has little goals in its warped mind. It smashes and tears at all it encounters, and unfortunately it is nearly indestructable. The secret to its destruction is still not well-known amongst adventuring circles, and requires a Knowledge (dungeoneering) check dc:26. Fortunately it is a well-known culinary fact, and a mere Profession(chef) check dc:16 or knowledge(cooking) check dc:14 will establish the one thing that can easily kill a vindaloo.
Large Aberration HD 5d8+25(47hp) Initiative +6 Speed 40ft AC 17(+2dex,-1size,+6 natural) BAB/Grapple +2/+12 Attacks 2 slams+7 melee or gore+8 melee Damage Slam 1d8+6, Gore 1d12+9 Face/Reach 5ft by 5ft/10ft Special Attacks Frightful Presence, Scent of Curry, Musical Tingle, Spicy Special Qualities DR20/+3, Cold, Fire, and Electric Resistance 20, SR15, PR19, Twisted Mind, Lager Vulnerability, Blindsight 60ft, Low-Light Vision Saves Fort+6,Ref+3,Will+5 Abilities Str23,Dex15,Con21,Int4,Wis14,Cha12 Skills Spot+3, Listen+3, Intimidate+6 (+4 racial bonus to Intimidate, -3 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information) Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus(Gore) Climate/Terrain Any land or underground Organization Solitary CR 9 Alignment Usually Chaotic Evil Treasure None Advancement 6-9 HD(Large), 10-13 HD(Huge)
Vindaloos clambor on relentlessly and unyeildingly, battering down anythign in their path. They show no fear even towards weapons or spells capable of bypassing its behemoth defenses. Only their primary weakness can evoke any sort of fear or retreat from them.
- Frightful Presence(ex) Range 30ft, creatures of 5hd or less are shaken, those of 2hd or less are frightened. Save dc:13.
- Scent Of Curry(ex) The powerful odor of of a vindaloobeast fills the air wherever it goes. Creatures within 40ft suffer a -3 morale penalty to fortitude saves and AC. Any creatures with the Scent feat must make a fortitude save dc:18 (Constitution-based) open entering the area or be stunned for two rounds and lose the use of the Scent feat for the rest of the day. Creatures with the fire subtype instead gain a +3 morale bonus to reflex saves and attack rolls.
- Musical Tingle(su) A vindalloobeast is constantly accompanied by a distant strain of Indian Resturant Music, granting it a -3 penalty to Move Silently checks.
- Spicy(ex) Any creature using a bite attack on a vindaloobeast takes 1d8 fire subdual damage. A creature foolish enough to swallow it whole takes 2d10 fire damage each round and suffers acid damage equal to the amount dealt by its own swallow whole attack for the first round.
- Twisted Mind(ex) Because of its maligned state, a vindaloobeast is severely deranged. Effects that would cause a vindalloobeast fear instead make it confused for 2 rounds. Everytime it encounters beef, it falls to Wisdom3 for 1d4 minutes.
- Lager Vulnerability(ex) The one thing that can kill a vindaloobeast is a strong lager. Due to restricitons on time-period availability, all ale counts as lager. A single mug of ale deals 1d12 acid damage to a vindaloobeast and forces it to make a fortitude save dc:10+damage dealt or be stunned for one round (treat it as a ranged touch attack with a 10ft range increment). An entire barrel forced it to make a fortitude save dc:25 or be killed instantly, exploding in a sloppy mess. Even if it succeeds the save it still takes 3d10 acid damage. (Treat barrels of ale as large-sized improvised thrown weapons dealing 1d8 base damage, or if rolled they require a reflex save dc:10+the strneght of thrower-1 per 5ft of distance to avoid).