Improved Whirlwind Attack (Epic)

You become a blurry whirlwind of attacks, striking out at all enemies near your position.
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- Prerequisites Intelligence 13, Dexterity 23, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack.
- Benefit As a standard action, you can make one melee attack for every five points of your base attack bonus (including epic attack bonus, round fractions down).
You cannot attack any one opponent more than once as part of this action. These attacks (as well as all other attacks made until the start of your next turn) suffer a -4 penalty.
When using the Improved Whirlwind feat, you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other spells or abilities (such as Cleave or the haste spell).
Since these attacks are made as part of a standard action, you can’t make a 5-foot step between any two of the attacks.
- Normal Without this feat, using the Whirlwind Attack feat requires a full attack action, and you can take a 5-foot step between any two of the attacks.