Trumpet of Healing

Book of Exalted Deeds
James Wyatt, Christopher Perkins, Darrin Drader
This finely wrought trumpet plays beautifully in the hands of any talented trumpeter. Invoking any of its magic, however, requires playing the horn uninterrupted for a full round and making a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check. The trumpeteer can employ the trumpet three times per day, selecting from the following powers for each use: remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, cure serious wounds, or neutralize poison.
These powers affect all creatures within 360 feet of the horn. In addition, the trumpet can heal a single creature within hearing range of the uplifting song once per day. Evil creatures cannot benefit from these effects; in fact, they hear nothing at all when the horn plays. The trumpeter cannot personally benefit from the trumpet’s healing powers.
Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, heal, neutralize poison, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, creator must be good; Price 115,440 gp; Weight 2 lb.