Axe Oar
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
From seas to streams to swamps, the waterways of the world can be hazardous, not merely for the dangers of tall seas, rushing rapids or sucking bogs, but also because of the creatures that make their homes in these places. Most men who have spent any appreciable amount of time in a boat or ship can recount at least one tale of a sudden and ferocious attack by hungry beasts or cruel, inhuman creatures from the depths, an attack that came so swiftly they had no time to draw weapons and were forced to do battle with oars and paddles. Amara Nacheres heard enough of these stories that she was moved to design the axe oar.
Essentially, the axe oar is a standard oar or paddle, which has been modified with the addition of a sharp metal edge riveted to one side of the oar’s blade. Though still clumsy and unwieldy, the axe oar allows seamen a better chance of Survival when pitted against a sudden attack. The axe oar has become a booming source of business for By Sail and Wain, as military ships relying on banks of oarsmen have begun using Amara’s invention and tales of axe oars being used to throw back a determined sahaugin boarding attempt, without a single casualty among the humans aboard the ship, have only increased sales. An axe oar is sold coated with a thick, tarry covering, which helps prevent rust. Still, after three months of use (two months in salt water), the axe oar must be replaced before rust renders it completely useless.
Axe Oar: Large Exotic Weapon; Price Varies (see below); Dmg (S) 1d6, Dmg (M) 1d8; Critical x3; Weight Varies (see below); Slashing
- Axe Paddle (canoe, kayak, rowboat): 5 gp; 8 lb.
- Axe Oar (longship): 10 gp; 15 lb.
- Axe Oar (galley, warship): 15 gp; 18 lb.