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House Wagon

Wagon, House, By Unknown early XXe - Scan book The gypsy, Public Domain,
By Unknown early XXe – Scan book The gypsy, Public Domain,

Extremely popular with nomadic peoples, the house wagon is, essentially, a house on wheels.

Ultimate Equipment Guide II

Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005

Longer, wider and certainly taller than a normal uncovered wagon, the house wagon is mounted on a sturdy frame with wide, thick wheels. Its sides are made of wood, pierced on one side by a small door and often several little windows. The roof is composed of wood as well, as thatch would not survive the constant rumbling and vibration of a moving wagon. A small chimney pokes through the roof at the back of the wagon. Though it is able to haul cargo as well as any wagon, the house wagon is more often used as a travelling shelter.

In desperate circumstances, the house wagon can also make an effective fort. The small windows of the house waggon can serve as makeshift arrow slits, granting the archers within nearly total cover, providing them with double the normal bonuses for cover (in other words, they receive an armour class bonus of +8 and a Reflex save bonus of +4). The thick wood of the house waggon grants it a hardness of five and 30 hit points.

Wagon, House: 250 gp; 1,000 lb.