Spell Lists

- Bard Spells
- Cleric Spells
- Cleric Domains
- Druid Spells
- Paladin Spells
- Ranger Spells
- Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
An M or F appearing at the end of a spell’s name in the spell lists denotes a spell with a material or focus component, respectively, that is not normally included in a spell component pouch. An X denotes a spell with an XP component paid by the caster.
Order of Presentation
In the spell lists and the spell descriptions that follow them, the spells are presented in alphabetical order by name except for those belonging to certain spell chains.
When a spell’s name begins with “lesser,” “greater,” or “mass,” the spell description is alphabetized under the second word of the spell name instead.
Hit Dice
The term “Hit Dice” is used synonymously with “character levels” for effects that affect a number of Hit Dice of creatures. Creatures with Hit Dice only from their race, not from classes, have character levels equal to their Hit Dice.
Caster Level
A spell’s power often depends on caster level, which is defined as the caster’s class level for the purpose of casting a particular spell. A creature with no classes has a caster level equal to its Hit Dice unless otherwise specified. The word “level” in the spell lists that follow always refers to caster level.
Creatures and Characters
The words “creature” and “character” are used anonymously in the spell descriptions.