Jacob Marley

Jacob Marley is Scrooge’s deceased business partner, now a perverted chained ghost, guarding Scrooges home forevermore as reward for his avaricious and uncaring attitude towards mankind.
- Gender – Male
- Race Human/Ghost
- Occupation –
- Religion –
- Allies –
- Enemies –
- Abode/ Base of operations – London, England
- Nationality – Kingdom of England
- Languages – English
- Alignment –
- Affiliation (s) –
- Significant others –
Jacob Marley |
Human Ghost CR 9 XP 6400 Any Medium Humanoid (Undead) Rogue level 8 (skill points 96) Bluffer (Charlatan) Init +3; Senses ; Perception +10 Aura Horrific appearance DC(18) 60ft range if viewed Fort save or lose 1d4 Strength, 1d4 Constitution and 1d4 Dexterity |
AC 17, Touch 17, flat footed 14 ( No Armour, Shield, none) (+3 Dexterity, +4 deflection) hp 79 (0d8+8d8+32+8); Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +1 |
Speed 30 Melee Single Attack(+2/+2) Chain, spiked +11 (2d4+2) (Corrupting Touch DC(18) 1d6 damage if hits, Draining Touch DC(18) Drain 1-4 points off any ability it chooses and heals 5pts to itself) Full Attack (+2/+2) Chain, spiked +11/6 (2d4+2)(Corrupting Touch DC(18) 1d6 damage if hits, Draining Touch DC(18) Drain 1-4 poins off any ability it chooses and heals 5pts to itself) Space 5ft.; Reach 5 |
Special Attacks |
Corrupting Gaze DC(18) 30ft blast. If meet gaze Fort save or 2d10 dam and 1d4 chr loss, Frightful Moan DC(18) 30ft range Will save or be panicked for 2d4 rounds, Malevolence DC(18) 1/round can merge its body acts as a magic jar CL10th Will save, Manifistation DC(18) All ghosts have this ability. Becomes incorporeal on the material plane, Other 0 May have 1-3 special attacks, Other 1 choose from Corrupting gaze, Corrupting touch, Frightful moan,, Other 2 Horrific appearance, Malevolence and Telekinesis, Telekinesis DC(18) CL 12th (or ghosts if higher) once every 1d4 rounds Sneak Attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 4 |
Strength 11, Dexterity 16, Constitution 0, Intelligence 16, Wisdom 8, Charisma 18 Base Attack 6 CMB 6 ; CMD 23 Coax Information (Ex), Hard to Fool (Ex), Honeyed Words (Ex), Improved Steal, Armour Prof Light, Deceitful, Evasion, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Weapon Finesse; Skills Acrobatics 14, Appraise 13, Bluff 20, Climb 0, Diplomacy 16, Disable Device 12, Disguise 15, Escape Artist 3, Fly 3, Intimidate 18, Know Dungeon 3, Know Local 12, Linguistics 14, Perception 10, Sense Motive 8, Sleight of Hand 11, Stealth 14, Swim 0, Use Magic Device 13 Languages Common |
Rejuvenation When destroyed will reform in 2d4 days unless reason for the haunting is found Evasion Reflex save no damage instead of 1/2 Grand Hoax (Ex) Gains the rumormonger advanced talent, Improved Uncanny Dodge Can no longer be flanked Natural Born Liar (Ex) If deceives with a Bluff, bluffed takes -2 penalty on Bluff checks for 24 hours Uncanny Dodge Retains Dexterity bonus if flat footed |
Environment Any Organization Company 10-20, Band 30-100, Squad 4-8 Treasure Standard |
MAGIC ITEMS (max value 10050) |
+2 Chain, spiked (8300gp) |