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Ywain “Knight of the Lion”

By Jean-Claude EVEN - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,, Ywain
By Jean-Claude EVEN – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Knight of the Round Table, son of King Urien and adoped son of Morgan le Fay he has a twin sister named Morvydd. He is half-brothers with Mordred and Ywain the Bastard.

  • Gender – Male
  • Race – Human
  • Occupation – Knight of the Round Table 
  • Religion – Celtic Pantheon
  • Allies – 
  • Enemies – 
  • Abode/ Base of operations –  
  • Nationality –
  • Languages – English
  • Alignment –
  • Affiliation (s) –
  • Significant others – 

His true mother is Modron, encountered by Urien at a mysterious ford. Travelling through Denbighshire, Urien comes across the Ford of Barking, where dogs congregate and bark for some unknown reason. Only Urien is brave enough to go near the place, and there he discovers Modron, endlessly washing clothes. He has his way with her, and she announces she had been destined to remain at the ford until she had conceived a son. She tells Urien to return at the end of the year to receive his children, these are the twins Owain and Morvydd.

When he grow up he sought to avenge his cousin Calogrenant who had been defeated by an otherworldly knight beside a magical storm-making fountain in the forest of Brocéliande. Yvain defeats the knight, Esclados, and falls in love with his widow Laudine. With the aid of Laudine’s servant Lunete, Yvain wins his lady and marries her, but Gawain convinces him to embark on chivalric adventure. His wife assents but demands he return after a set period of time, but he becomes so enthralled in his knightly exploits that he forgets his lady, and she bars him from returning. Yvain goes mad with grief, but eventually decides to win back his love. A lion he rescues from a serpent proves to be a loyal companion and a symbol of knightly virtue, and helps him complete his altruistic ventures. In the end, Laudine allows him and his lion to return to her fortress.

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